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Jangles the Moon Monkey was a character in the pre-War TV show The Adventures of Captain Cosmos.


Jangles the Moon Monkey is Captain Cosmos' trusty sidekick. They travel through space together in The Adventures of Captain Cosmos.

Jangles the Moon Monkey was played by Jangles, the monkey, in October of 2077.


  • Jangles is the only monkey mentioned in the Fallout series, besides the clapping cymbal monkey trap.
  • Jangles' appearance on a poster and his plush toy appearance is significantly different.


Jangles the Moon Monkey is mentioned in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and its toy plush can be found in Fallout 4 and Fallout 76. Jangles the Moon Monkey is also mentioned in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Captain Cosmos."

Behind the scenes[]

The inclusion of the monkey, while a reference to the wacky plotlines of 1950s TV, is an homage to the first monkeys in space (Albert and Albert II). It is also a nod to Blip the Space Monkey from the 1960s cartoon Space Ghost.


Hubris Comics