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Fallout Wiki

Ivory is a Legion soldier in Denver, in 2253.


Ivory has been sent to Denver under the command of Vexillarius Terrence to see if the radioactive dust storms have subsided for the season. While there he will also keep an eye out for potential slaves and keep them captive until his group returns to Caesar.[2][3]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


  • Defeat the Legion Slavers: If the Prisoner decides dealing with the Legion is a good idea he can attempt to talk Terrence into leaving, which will always turn sour and result in a fight, or initiate hostilities by attacking first.[4]
  • Rescue the Legion's Slaves: If the Prisoner chooses not to purchase or sneak the slaves out the only option is to take out the Legionaries.[5]
  • Recover Daniel: There is 25% chance each month that Ivory, along with the rest of the Legion group, has returned to Caesar with their slaves, making recovering Daniel not possible.[6]


Ivory was to appear only in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.

Behind the scenes[]

According to the Denver design document there was a plan to have the Legionaries in Denver to give some hints about the direction of the next game in the series, which one can assume changed once Van Buren was canceled.[7]

