The Institute concourse terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in the Institute concourse in Fallout 4.
Computer terminal[]
Note: This console terminal is located just past the back door of the teleporter room.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Access Terminal 001-B
View Access Log[]
> Executing Mission Parameters...
Note: This desktop Institute terminal is located on the desk inside of Shaun's room, in the command apartment structure. It can either be accessed by bypassing a Novice encryption, or it can be accessed with Shaun's terminal password.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Director Terminal 1A
Note: This footer message is displayed when the terminal is accessed prior to The Nuclear Option.
Status: Normal
Note: This footer message is displayed when the terminal is accessed during The Nuclear Option.
Hostile Breach Detected
Security Compromised
Kellogg, Conrad - Enhanced Life Expectancy[]
Note: This entry is only available prior to The Nuclear Option.
July 16, 2285
Kellogg's occasional presence continues to unnerve the others. At first, I thought they were merely intimidated by his confidence and arrogance. Or perhaps even afraid of his general being. Kellogg is, after all, a killer. But as I've continued to witness their reactions, gauge their sidelong glances, I've detected something else, something I probably should have anticipated - jealousy.
Kellogg is a living memorial to a forgotten program. He is an augmented human being, a cyborg really, and the benefits he has received cannot be denied. But really, the scientists here could not care less about enhanced reflexes or greater combat efficiency. No, the cause of their envy is something more practical, more primal - his enhanced life expectancy.
Just how long will Kellogg live if he passes naturally (however unlikely that may be)? It's hard to say. He's already more than one hundred years old. Older, certainly, than any other human in the Commonwealth. His complete physiology has been altered. Perhaps he'll make it to 150. Maybe even 200.
Let the petty have their petty jealousies. Kellogg is a living testament to the ingenuity and superiority of the Institute. And I take no small pleasure in knowing that must irritate him to no end.
> Field Asset File
Status Reports[]
Note: This entry is only available prior to The Nuclear Option.
- Hydroponics Programs functional
- Synth output nominal
- Production materials fully stocked
Advanced Systems:
- Child synth project under quarterly review
- Weapons Diagnostics ongoing
- Phase Three behind schedule
- Director Zimmer still offline
- Aboveground operative terminated
- Retention programs functional
- Pattern recognition algorithms ineffective
- Power output maxed
- Air/water recycling systems functioning normally
> Division Status Reports
Personal Notes[]
Note: This entry is only available prior to The Nuclear Option.
The wait continues.
Ayo can only confirm sightings outside Vault 111, and again in Diamond City sometime later. What that means, I'm not sure. Will we actually meet? Was this all for nothing?
No, not nothing. I will have learned valuable things about myself, my past, either way. I cannot afford to let emotion get in the way. I must simply observe and record.
I'm told Kellogg has gone offline. Strangely, I find myself thinking of Dr. Walker. He had such high hopes for Kellogg. Such faith in the implants, and what they could mean. I still regret eliminating that project, but I know where it would have led us. Walker was never shy about his goals, and too many others were starting to listen. In the end, I believe I was justified. The Institute is about preserving humanity, not some bizarre amalgamation of biology and technology.
> My Private Musings
Engage Evacuation Protocol BD-2[]
Note: This command is only available during The Nuclear Option, after entering the Institute. It triggers the evacuation of the Institute, which is an optional objective in that quest.
> Protocol Engaged
Master Security Lockdown Override[]
Note: This command is only available during The Nuclear Option, after entering the Institute. It is required to progress the quest.
Lockdown Override in progress
Door Locks Disengaged
Emergency Alarms Sounded
Residential Locks Remain Active
> Override Initiated
Director Access: Synth Shutdown[]
Note: This response only occurs if the Sole Survivor is in possession of Shaun's terminal password during The Nuclear Option. It will shut down most hostile synths in the main areas of the Institute.
Access Code: 9003
Synth Reset Code Broadcast
Commencing Emergency Shutdown of Groups 1-14
> Access Granted
Note: Accessing this command by default produces this message.
> Unauthorized - Director Code Required
Ayo quarters private terminal[]
Note: This Institute desk terminal is located on the desk in Ayo's quarters. It is located in the cafeteria apartment structure.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Disable Security Safeguards[]
Note: This command appears by default but only has an effect if used during Plugging a Leak after agreeing to help frame Justin Ayo.
Security safeguards have been disabled.
Your terminal's private data might be at risk.
Binet quarters terminal[]
Note: This Institute desk terminal is located on the desk in the Binet quarters. It is located in the medical apartment structure.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Fancy Lads Snack Cakes[]
It just doesn't make any sense. I've run the diagnostics. Quadruple-checked the neural mappings. Done comparative analyses of taste buds. Tracked digestive patterns. Hell, I've even gone so far as to simply ASK several of them, and still, I'm no closer to answering the question:
Why do Gen 3 synths like to eat Fancy Lads Snack Cakes?
I mean, sure, they have the capacity to experience taste. Every Gen 3 possesses the synthetic equivalent of the requisite receptor cells. But why this? And why all of them?
Good thing it's physically impossible for a Gen 3 to actually gain weight and succumb to obesity. Wouldn't that be quite the Achilles' Heel? Humanity's most impressive technological achievement - laid low by junk food.
View Access Logs[]
Note: This entry is displayed by default.
Note: This entry version only appears during Plugging a Leak, when told to investigate the Binet quarters for evidence.
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Leisure program: Expert Chess
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Operation: Music Player "Trois Nocturnes"
Access: Remote (Synth Retention Main Control) Login: ERROR ID UNKNOWN
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Leisure program: Expert Chess
Access: Local. Login: Binet.L
Historical Text: The History of the Commonwealth
Note: This Institute desk terminal is located on the desk of the infirmary.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Infirmary Terminal 1A
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Volkert.D
Notes: Updating incident reports
Access: Local. Login: Volkert.D
Notes: Updating incident reports
Access: Remote. Login: Ayo.J
Notes: --REDACTED--
Access: Local. Login: Volkert.D
Notes: Review of hydroponics output
Incident Reports[]
****Incident Reports****
Incident IN2845t[]
Incident 2845
Patient: Thompson.E
Presenting symptom: First-degree burns, left hand
Notes: Patient placed his hand inside power relay without first disengaging. First aid applied.
Incident IN2677t[]
Incident 2677
Patient: Filmore.Q
Presenting symptom: abdominal distress
Notes: Patient ingested lubricant from Robotics Division "on a dare." Emetic dispensed.
Incident IN2433t[]
Incident 2433
Patient: Binet.L
Presenting symptom: wrist sprain, right hand
Notes: Patient declined to say how injury occurred; only indicated it was related to "using a terminal." Splint applied.
Incident IN2128t[]
Incident 2128
Patient: Loken.M
Presenting symptom: Dislocated shoulder, right side
Notes: Apparent malfunction of synth - handshake gesture applied with extreme force. Shoudler re-set and pain medication dispensed.
Incident IN2058t[]
Incident 2058
Presenting symptom: Severe blunt trauma to upper torso
Notes: Injuries received in FEV lab
Incident IN2049t[]
Incident 2049
Patient: Director
Presenting Symptom: Dizziness, shortness of breath
Notes: Test results revealed...
Personal Notes[]
Latest batch of food from hydroponics shows increased vitamin-D content; should help with the deficiencies I've been seeing lately.
Maintenance terminal 6[]
Note: This wall-mounted Institute terminal is in the back of the room leading to sublevel 21-D's elevator, behind the shelves to the south.
==== Institute Central Network ====
View Access Logs[]
Note: This entry version only appears during Plugging a Leak, when told to investigate the maintenance terminal.
Access: Local. Login: Thompson.E
Operation: Replaced primary display assembly (tube burned out)
Access: Local. Login: B7-67
Operation: Cleaning supply inventory.
Access: Local. Login: Filmore.A
Operation: Routine facilities inspection
Memory purge in progress, please stand by
Note: This is the default version of the entry.
Access: Local. Login: Thompson.E
Operation: Replaced primary display assembly (tube burned out)
Access: Local. Login: B7-67
Operation: Cleaning supply inventory.
Access: Local. Login: Filmore.A
Operation: Routine facilities inspection
Access: Local. Login: G9-21
Operation: Requisition additional supply of cleaning agent 7