The Institute Advanced Systems terminal entries are a series of entries on terminals in Institute Advanced Systems in Fallout 4.
This Institute desk terminal is located in Doctor Madison Li's office.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Advanced Systems Terminal 1A
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Li.M
Notes: Review of Phase Three project status
Access: Local. Login: Li.M
Notes: update diagnostic tools for child synth project
Access: Remote. Login: DIRECTOR
Notes: --REDACTED--
Access: Local. Login: Li.M
Notes: Review of all BioScience projects
Project Status[]
Phase Three[]
Status: Behind Schedule
Latest Developments:
- Housing upgraded per specifications of Li.M
- Exhaust couplings replaced
- magnetic confinement field calculations refined
Synth Prototype[]
Status: In Progress
Latest Developments:
- New skin added per Director's specifications
- Motor control issues addressed
- Latest personality matrix from Robotics division installed
Laser Weapons[]
Misc. Projects[]
Status: N/A
Latest Developments:
- Ormand.R working on localized Relay focus
- All other prototypes/theoretical models delayed due to Phase Three
Personal Notes[]
The official explanation for the "accident" in the FEV lab remains unsatisfactory. Facilities has nothing; they simply refer me to the Director. And he's keeping something from me. I've been around long enough to see it.
I wonder if he ever considers the ramifications of what he's asked me to do? If he worries that having me build a synth that's supposed to approximate him as a child might give me some unintended insights into his character? Probably not. And to be honest, it probably won't.
This Institute desk terminal is located on the desk to the left (north) of the door to the Institute concourse.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Advanced Systems Terminal 2B
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Ormand.R
Notes: submitting research projects for approval
Access: Local. Login: Ormand.R
Notes: update diagnostic tools for child synth project
Access: Remote. Login: Ayo.J
Notes: --REDACTED--
Access: Local. Login: Watson.E
Notes: Rejection of project proposals
Research Proposals[]
Human Cybernetics[]
Build on existing Institute research into implants/cybernetics to augment human capabilities and lifespan. Previous program met with limited success in a single subject; using a broader array of subjects and new techniques could prove highly effective.
Rejected - Director
Notes: None given
Cold Fusion[]
Divert time/materials from current Phase Three research to exploring the possibility of sustainable nuclear reactions through electrochemical processes at or near room temperatures. Pre-war work on the subject yielded no concrete results; advances in technology could potentially make it possible.
Rejected - Li.M
Notes: Evidence suggests this is, and always will be, a pipe dream
Modification to Relay assembly allowing for extra parameters when re-materializing, specifically to explore recalibrating object size and density. Imagine if it were possible to use the Relay to shrink someone down to the size of an insect... or even smaller!
Rejected - Watson.E
Notes: Let's keep things out of the realm of science fiction, please.
Plasma Weaponry[]
Pre-war plasma weapons exist, albeit in a somewhat primitive state. Samples have been collected; with work from a dedicated research team said weapons could be improved upon dramatically.
Pending - Li.M
Notes: Something to consider, after Phase Three is complete
Personal Notes[]
Note: This entry version is available as default.
Dr. Li has been spending more and more time in her lab with the kid. Synth. Thing.
It's creepy, and I can't help but wonder if she's getting a little too attached.
Evan has rejected my last 12 proposals. I don't know how to get through to that man at all.
Note: This entry version replaces the above if From Within is completed by convincing Madison Li to leave the Institute.
I cannot believe Doctor Li would betray the Institute. Objectively, I recognize that she's gone, but... I just can't believe it.
Everyone is acting like it's business as usual. No one even wants to discuss it. It's maddening. I guess all we can do is move on, and be grateful for the work she did while she was here. That, and hope she doesn't give the Brotherhood enough of an edge to destroy us all.
This desk terminal is located on a desk near the door to the Institute atrium.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Advanced Systems Terminal 3B
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Watson.E
Notes: Reviewing research proposals
Access: Local. Login: Watson.E
Notes: Rejecting research proposals
Access: Remote. Login: Li.M
Notes: Reviewing synth progress updates
Access: Local. Login: Watson.E
Notes: Updating findings on child synth development
Access: Local. Login: Watson.E
Notes: Submitting regulation updates to Directorate
Regulation Updates[]
Submitted to Directorate for Approval
** Review permissions for assigning sidearms to personnel. SRB recommendations to increase security have over-ridden any normal procedures for allowing Institute scientists to carry firearms. Training for said firearms also needs to be updated.
** Reconsider inter-departmental network access. Certain divisions appear to be abusing this.
** Security systems need to be reviewed by Facilities Division ASAP. Given recent events it is extremely important that the Institute be prepared for any conceivable situation, no matter how unlikely. Dr. Ayo has requested this for some time, and I am now inclined to agree with him
Personal Notes[]
Note: This entry version is available as default.
I have, in the last 24 hours, observed no less than seven blatant violations of Institute protocol. The degree to which people appear to ignore the rules which have been put in place to keep us all safe is incredibly disappointing.
Madison insists that I continue the testing battery with the child synth, despite my reservations about the project as a whole. If this were any other situation, I would not have second thoughts about going straight to the Director, but given the circumstances, I shall simply wait it out.
Note: This entry version replaces the above if From Within is completed by convincing Madison Li to leave the Institute.
No one believed me. I warned them. I said that she couldn't really be trusted, that she wasn't honestly one of us. This is why we don't allow outsiders into the Institute.
Now she's gone, and has taken who knows how many secrets to the Brotherhood. I've scrubbed her terminal for any sign of data removal; there's nothing apparent but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. She was annoyingly clever.