Huntersville memories is a holotape in the Fallout 76 update Steel Reign.
The tape can be found at Vault 96, in the overseer's office, on a kitchen counter. It only appears during A Satisfied Conscience.
Personal Log, Doctor Edgar Blackburn. Huntersville. I should never have allowed Dumont to convince me to stay with West Tek when they shuttered the Greenhouse Initiative. The Pan-Immunity Virion was intended to shield us from biological warfare and make the population safe from the horrors war could unleash. The Greenhouse Initiative turned the same work to feeding the ever-increasing starving masses. Noble goals and worthy science. The discovery of the FEV abandoned all that. The awesome potential of the virus, what it could do if harnessed to those same ends - ignored. Instead they saw a weapon. Super soldiers. Small-minded bureaucrats and their pet scientists had the keys to human evolution and saw profit and war. Dr. Khan - a disgrace to that title, in the end - took over, and even those miserable goals were cast aside in favor of the perverse. Infecting the water supply of Huntersville just to observe the effects - why? We knew the virus in its current state produced horrors. Had we been looking for a cure, perhaps it could have been justified. But Khan had no such interest. He did it because he could. Were I a better man, a better scientist, I would have left immediately. My belated resignation does me little credit. End log.