The Hubris Comics terminal entries are a series of entries found on various terminals in Hubris Comics in Fallout 4.
Comic Store terminal[]
This [Advanced] locked terminal is located on the sales counter.
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Hubris Comics - Store Terminal
Order tracking[]
August Pre-orders[]
95% of pre-orders picked up last month.
Ran out of Grognak twice. Requesting additional copies of Grognak.
102 Grognak the Barbarian: Lost in the Snows of Lust!
86 Captain Cosmos: The Radioactive Space-Men from Space!
31 Tales from the Front: The Red Terror
18 Underground Life: Vault-Boy Special
2 Manta-Man: Voyages of the Deep
September Pre-orders[]
Both of the Manta Mans weren't picked up (no more pre-orders for Mr. Freely and Dover). The rest of the Mantas still in boxes. Putting them in the free bin tomorrow. Can we stop stocking these?
Got several inquiries about Silver Shroud comic book rumors.
110 Grognak the Barbarian: Heavy, the Oaken Crown
85 Captain Cosmos: Vs. the Moon-Men!
30 Tales from the Front: Someone Must Die
9 Underground Life: Timmy's Big Adventure
2 Manta-Man: The Shrimp of Doom
New Subscribers[]
Our in-store subscription numbers remain dangerously low. We need to start laying on the "hard sell." Just remind the customers - we do all the work. They just come in and pick up the issues. Oh, and it's 5% cheaper than doing it as a direct home mail order.
Fortunately, we have had some new subscribers.
- Steven Damianidis (Grognak the Barbarian)
- Markus Po (Tales from the Front)
- Furelise Pham (Underground Life)
- Joseph Lottier (Manta-Man)
- Jonah Hartman (Grognak the Barbarian)
- Kevin Pham (I, Dog)
Writer's terminal[]
This terminal is located in the writers
offices.Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Hubris Comics - Tina Hopkins' Terminal
From: Vivian O'Dell
To: Tina Hopkins
Subject: RE: Now an English Butler?!
I'll talk with Mr. Babowski, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. Pete brought him in because he gets television. We have to accept that there's going to be changes to get to the small screen. I agree our fans are important - but the Silver Shroud's numbers outside of Boston are... well, not ideal. A lot is riding on the success of the pilot. If Mr. Babowski thinks an English butler could help the show - please, hear him out.
I love the work you and Vince have done with the Shroud. We wouldn't be shooting this show without you. I know it's tough, but hang in there.
From: Vivian O'Dell
To: Tina Hopkins
Shannon is family. I promise you I will fight for this. This needs to be resolved before Sunday. I'm not cancelling my honeymoon (again) over this. Make sure Babowski doesn't sneak out before I can grab him.
From: Aaron Babowski
To: Tina Hopkins
Subject: Need lines
Tina, baby, we needed those new lines yesterday. I don't know how you do things in radio, but we got catering, foleys, best men, and actors sitting around on their tushes because of your most recent delay. We're not writing Shakespeare here. It's TV, right?
I know you don't like the new monkey, but focus loves him. He's testing better than Claire in that silly wig. Speaking of which, Claire's agent is really not loving the wig. Really, really not loving it. Claire's flying in Monday and by then I think it's best if we nix the wig. Am I right, or what? And Shannon's being a real peach standing in for her while Claire wraps up her film - but it may be best if she's not around when Claire flies in. Will you take care of that? Thanks.
Studio Control terminal[]
Hubris Comics - Studio Control Terminal
Audio Controls[]
Studio Mic: OFF
Studio Speakers: OFF/ON
All recording equipment is currently offline. Please contact a technician for assistance.
Please select an audio file to play:
(000): Static Test Pattern[]
Loading Audio File 0x000... done.
Accessing stage speakers... done.
Now playing "Test Pattern".
(001): Silver Shroud Theme[]
Loading Audio File 0x001... done.
Accessing stage speakers... done.
Now playing "Silver Shroud Theme".
Accessing stage speakers... done.
Speakers deactivated.
Video Controls[]
Connecting to Camera 1... failed.
Connecting to Camera 2... failed.
Connecting to Camera 3... failed.
Connection failed. Please contact a technician for assistance.
Lighting Control[]
Studio Lights: ON
Current Lighting Configuration: A/B/C/OFF
Please select the desired lighting configuration:
(A): Standard Two-Light[]
Accessing programmed lighting sequence... done.
Reconfiguring lights... done.
(B): Max Brightness[]
Accessing programmed lighting sequence... done.
Reconfiguring lights... done.
(C): Chroma Test[]
Accessing programmed lighting sequence... done.
Reconfiguring lights... done.
Shutting down studio lights... done.
Manager's terminal[]
Hubris Comics - Vivian O'Dell
From: Tina Hopkins
To: Vivian O'Dell
Subject: Now an English Butler?!
I came into work today and found another stealth revision to the shooting script. Now the Shroud has an English butler? I keep telling Babowski that we need our core fans to be our evangelists. So we can't keep making these stupid little changes. You have to talk to him before you go on vacation. Otherwise, I swear I'm bringing it up to Pete.
From: Tina Hopkins
To: Vivian O'Dell
I want to pull my hair out. Babowski has cast and signed a contract with Claire Redelle for the role of... the Mistress of Mystery. I don't care how much The Tomb of Amun-Ra grossed. The Mistress of Mystery is a brunette. Not blonde, brown, and definitely NOT A RED-HEAD!
And have you heard Claire's voice? The Mistress of Mystery is confident, a match for the Shroud at his best day, not some half-starved waif that's known for her shrill screaming. Shannon Rivers has worked for us for decades. She is THE voice of the Mistress of Mystery - end of story. She's even a natural brunette. She's not as young as Claire, but surely we can do something with lighting to help with that.
If we don't fix this, I swear I'm walking. I won't have my name in the credits for this train-wreck.
From: Aaron Babowski
To: Vivian O'Dell
Subject: RE: Mistress of Mystery Casting
Vivi, relax. If it's that important to you, maybe we can put Claire in a wig. But the contract is signed, so this is happening. What is it with you guys and Mrs. Rivers, anyway? Maybe 20 years ago. But now, she's got a face made for radio. Am I right? Claire's got star power and that's what we need. I talked with Petey-boy and he's agreed to a couple new scenes. We need romance. And Claire's got the goods.
If Tina can't roll with this then I can fly in one of my boys from Hollywood. He's a class act.
I got a full schedule today, dress rehearsals until 8. This can't wait until you're back from the Bahamas. So if we have to meet, 8's my only window.
Producer's terminal[]
Hubris Comics - Aaron Babowski's Terminal
From: Evans Richelli
To: Aaron Babowski
Subject: Claire can't wait
I tried stalling her, but things are spiraling over here. Her agent was having dinner with Maxwell over at the Derby. Not good. Claire's still on board. She loves the script. She especially loves the outfit, you got the shots of that, right? Yowza. So I don't care what's going on over there - we need to sign her before we lose her to the Wisemans... or someone else.
We looked into that Hopkins contract. It's ironclad. The only way she's out is if she walks. Her partner signed over his rights to Hubris, but she still has hers. If she even thinks of going to a lawyer, you gotta work your magic, Babo. Imagine if we needed her approval?
From: Vivian O'Dell
To: Aaron Babowski
Subject: Mistress of Mystery Casting
It has come to my attention you've hired Claire Redelle for the role of the Mistress of Mystery for the show. This is unacceptable. The Mistress of Mystery has an iconic look - she must be a brunette. The Mistress of Mystery is a strong female protagonist, not some damsel in distress. Shannon Rivers has voiced MoM for years and is beloved in the Shroud and every other radio drama she's been a part of.
I know we've had our differences, but this affects more than the Silver Shroud. The MoM and the Unstoppables are big brands. We absolutely must talk before I go on my vacation.
From: Peter Shiner
To: Aaron Babowski
Subject: MoM Casting
Vivi got ahold of me before she left. I got the photos of Claire and she's dynamite. Love the alterations on the costume, it still feels like the comic but more believable. So I'll back you there. But I'm with Vivi. MoM's a brunette. Period. And her voice needs to be strong. Claire's voice isn't. Can we have Shannon dub over Claire in post (that's the word, right?) That would be the best of both worlds.
From: Tina Hopkins
To: Aaron Babowski
Subject: I QUIT!
Effective immediately, I quit. You can explain to "Petey" how you lost the lead writer for the Silver Shroud. And after everything Shannon has put up with if you want to fire her, do it yourself. Manticore's been wanting to hire me for years. Looks like your loss is their gain.