The Hubris Comics terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in the Hubris Comics building in Washington, D.C. in Fallout 3.
Hubris Comics receptionist terminal[]
Found on the lobby desk.
Hubris Comics Publishing -
Publishing Quality Prints at Quality Prices
Air Condition Controls[]
> System Inoperative
Release Schedule[]
Hubris Comics - Summer 2077 Schedule
A Glorious Summer for Hubris and America!
Captain Cosmos: Truth, Justice, and the Space-American Way
Kid Wacky's Zany Hi-Jinks
Grognak the Barbarian: Revenge of the Man-Saurian
Tales from the Front: Alaska Unbowed
Grognak's Salute to the Troops
Tales from the Front: Liberated Canada
Captain Cosmos: Invasion of the Black Planet
Drake Tungsten, Chrono Cowboy
Tales from the Front: the Red Terror
Underground Life: Vault-Boy Special
Grognak the Barbarian: An Axe For All Ages
Captain Cosmos: the Radioactive Space-Men from Space!
Letters to the Editor[]
"Requiem for an Antagonist"
Grognak the Barbarian is an excellent comic for many reasons, but one of the most widely-respected ones is the depth of its villains. From the cold-blooded manipulations of the Man-Saurian to the love-hate romance with Femme-Ra, the stories of Grognak's enemies are every bit as fascinating as his own tales.
But, for my money, no tale is more tragic and more fascinating than that of the AntAgonizer. While never developed as fully as major villains like Skullpocalypse or Mastadonald, the portrait of the orphaned girl raised by ants and instilled with a bitter hatred of humanity has tremendous potential for reader connection and possible redemption.
However, in "Grognak and the Ants of Agony," Mr. Neptura threw away all of that potential by simply treating the AntAgonizer as a two-dimensional villain with a futile and pointless grudge against mankind. His writing replaced her subtle undertones of lost humanity and tragically lost innocence with the worst sort of mustache-twirling cliched dialogue. It was an offense to a deep and tragic character.
How a hack like that continues to find work in comics is beyond my comprehension. Hubris Comics should fire him and return the series to the capable hands of Mr. Moorellis. Until that time, I REFUSE to buy another comic from what USED to be my favorite publisher!
Obsessed in Oakmont
Beta Testing Notice[]
***Beta Testing Notice***
Ms. Granier -
Beginning Monday, members of the Grognak's Lil' Heathens Fan Club will begin visiting the offices to participate in beta-testing our Reign of Grelok software. Participants must fill out our participation agreement, and should be directed to the testing station fifteen minutes prior to their scheduled appointment time. Just follow the main hallway all the way to the end and go through the door on your right. From there, the Beta Testing Area is just down the smaller hallway to your right.
Rebecca, a personal note - some members of the Fan Club may be a little... exuberant. We realize that you are not a baby-sitter, and appreciate the extra trouble you'll be going to this week. This beta test is very important to getting our Hubris Software venture off to a good start, so please do your best to keep things under control out front. You will be compensated at time-and-a-half for the week as a token of our gratitude for your trouble.
Press Release[]
For Immediate Release:
The very best in Invincible Entertainment and Inpenetrable Vaults team up to bring comic fans a gripping grimoire of greatness!
From their headquarters in Washington, DC, Hubris Comics announced today plans to bring a beloved American Icon into the Hubris Comics Universe - none other than the beloved Vault Boy Character.
"Vault Boy was the perfect choice for our new Hell's Chain gang series", says Hubris Comics Chief of Publishing Peter Shiner, "In which those Valiant Vigilantes take on Chairman Cheng's Commie Cyborg Corps - after all, Vault Boy knows a thing or two about going up against that Red Menace!"
The five-part miniseries will feature an alternate future in which Chinese Communists have invaded America. Vault Boy and Hell's Chain Gang are the last, best hope for America to break free from the shackles of Communism in this cautionary tale of vigilance.
"It has always been Vault-Tec's mission to educate and protect our Countrymen from the Communist threat", commented Vault-Tec Public Relations Executive Joanne Strausser, "This exciting project is a perfect opportunity to thrill young Americans while sending home an important message for us all: Every good American must help shoulder the burden of freedom, and always be wary of the Communist Threat".
The first issue of this miniseries will be available on newsstands everywhere this Holiday Season.
About Hubris Comics
Hubris Comics, a branch of Hubris Comics, headquartered in Washington, DC, has been producing printed entertainment since 2021. Hubris Comics are known for such popular properties as Grognak the Barbarian, Hell's Chain Gang, and The Inspector.
Reign of Grelok (beta)[]
Terminal is located in the downstairs office, east of the lobby.
Reign of Grelok (beta v.632)
(Plains) Look Around[]
You are standing in a wide plain. Foothills stretch to the north, where clouds gather around an ominous peak. A dirt path winds from a lonely chapel to the east, through the plains where you're standing, and south into a bustling town. Wispy mists gather over marshland in the west, where a thin tower stands alone in the bog.
> You examine your surroundings...
Go North[]
Grelok is here, spewing heresies.
(Mountainside) Look Around[]
You are on the craggy, windblasted face of a mountain. Stormclouds coil above the summit, pelting you and the sparse vegetation with torrential downpour. Far below, beyond the foothills, a wide plain stretches across the southern horizon.
Grelok is here, spewing heresies.
A glint between the rocks catches your eye.
> You examine your surroundings...
(Mountainside) Look Around[]
You are on the craggy, windblasted face of a mountain. Stormclouds coil above the summit, pelting you and the sparse vegetation with torrential downpour. Far below, beyond the foothills, a wide plain stretches across the southern horizon.
Grelok is here, spewing heresies.
> You examine your surroundings...
Investigate glinting object[]
> You take a rough gemstone from the rocks
Use Sword Grelok[]
> Your puny weapons are useless on Grelok.
Go South[]
> You retreat to the south....
Go South[]
(Town) Look Around[]
You're standing in the dusty market square of a quiet town. Many of the shops and homes lie abandoned, and the citzens that can be seen speak in hushed voices, casting furtive glances at the darkened skyline in the distant north. The ringing of an anvil breaks the silence regularly, where a mustachioed blacksmith bends over his work in a nearby tent.
The blacksmith is here, working.
A priest is here, drinking.
Speak with the blacksmith[]
Your eyes water from the smoke and smarmy heat inside the tent. The huge man swipes sweat from his bald head and looks up from his work.
"There's no shortage of work to be done with Grelok scarin' everyone witless. Leave me to filling my orders, stranger." With that, the blacksmith dismisses you from his tent and douses a hot blade in water, hissing with steam.
Speak with the priest[]
The priest notices your approach and looks up from his swilling.
"Grelok is come, and we are forsaken!", he cries. "Urp!", he continues.
As you recover from the stench of the priestly belch, you are told that the priest has fled from his nearby chapel. When Grelok arrived on the mountain, the dead in his cemetery began to rise, and his congregation scattered.
"If you could rid the place of the zombies", he tells you, "I'll give you the key, and you can help yourself to the apothecary"
Go North[]
> You walk to the north...
Go East[]
(Chapel) Look Around[]
You stand at the end of a dirt path, facing a small chapel. The stucco walls are faded, many roof tiles are missing. The great oaken doors are locked. The congregation is nowhere to be found. A small cemetery of crooked headstones lies in the shadow of the cracked steeple. The dirt path winds westward through a great, featureless plain.
A zombie totters aimlessly nearby.
There is an open grave nearby.
(Chapel) Look Around[]
You stand at the end of a dirt path, facing a small chapel. The stucco walls are faded, many roof tiles are missing. The great oaken doors are locked. The congregation is nowhere to be found. A small cemetery of crooked headstones lies in the shadow of the cracked steeple. The dirt path winds westward through a great, featureless plain.
There is an open grave nearby.
Use Sword Zombie[]
> Your blow knocks the zombie into a grave.
Examine the Grave[]
There is a deep, empty grave in the cemetery. Several bloated rats floating in a foot of filthy water at the bottom. Don't fall in!
Examine the Grave[]
There is a deep, empty grave in the cemetery. Several bloated rats and a zombie corpse float in a foot of filthy water at the bottom. Don't fall in!
A grotesque zombie head is stuck on a root near the top of the grave. You bag the horrific trophy as proof of your deed.
> You peer into the open grave...
Examine the Grave[]
There is a deep, empty grave in the cemetery. Several bloated rats and a zombie corpse float in a foot of filthy water at the bottom. Don't fall in!
Go West[]
> You walk to the west...
(Swamp) Look Around[]
You are standing on a narrow stone path in a dark marsh. Greasy bubbles float to the top of the bog-waters on either side and pop lazily, spattering your legs with muck and slime. A short, stone tower squats here. No door is visible, and the stones are smooth and polished. A balcony juts out midway up the tower's face. The heady smells of incense mix with the nauseating stench of the swamp. The stone path unfurls eastward, towards a broad plain beyond the marshes.
A wizard is here, gesticulating wildly from his balcony.
Talk to the wizard[]
The wizard beckons wildly at you from his balcony. "You're here, you've arrived!", he exclaims. After an awkward silence, he jabs an excited finger into a crystal ball, nearly knocking it into the bog.
"I've seen, you see. You're the one to defeat Grelok. Hoo-hoo!" The little man hops onto the railing, spinning a pirouette. "Now the time's come to play my part. Toss up the gem!"
The wizard's brow furrows. "Got things a bit out of order, have I? Come back when you've got a powerful gemstone. Soon - I've never got to fulfill a prophecy before!"
Talk to the wizard[]
"Hoo-hoo! The slayer of Grelok approaches, raw stone in hand, just as I've seen!" The wizard's pointy hat bobs excitedly as he points a finger at you. Suddenly, a pale orange arc of light extends from the knobby finger and draws the gemstone from your bag before you can react. The gemstone halts and hovers in the air before the wizard's nose.
"Essence be true, powers renew, Fatty-Hoo-Do!" With that, he slaps the hovering stone, smashing it against the smooth stone of the tower. In a burst of light, the stone splits into two, and one lands in each outstretched palm of the hopping little wizard.
"Shard for the sword. Wrap her in iron and she'll find Grelok's black heart for you. Take the chaff, too. You'll need payment for a smith to forge the weapon." He tosses the stones down which you leap forward to catch safely.
Talk to the wizard[]
"Get you to a smithy! Forge the shard with sword, and defeat Grelok!"
The wizard tosses some pebbles down to shoo you away and busies himself conjuring colored puffs of smoke.
> You acknowledge the wizard...
Talk to the wizard[]
The wizard is shooing you away, his sleeves flopping about.
"Go! Find the gemstone and return, so I can play my part!"
Go East[]
> You walk to the east...
Go South[]
Speak with the blacksmith[]
The blacksmith regards you gruffly and is about to dismiss you when you produce the polished gemstone from your bag. He sets his hammer aside and twirls his moustache.
"A right fine stone, that is." He says, admiring the faceted stone, "What would you be needin', then?"
Following your careful instructions, the smithy re-forges your rusty sword with the magical shard at the center of the blade.
Speak with the priest[]
The priest drunkenly curses the undead who have defiled his church. You present him with the decapitated zombie head from your bag.
"Praise you!", he hiccups. "Perhaps Grelok's influence isn't so strong!". With that, he turns his decanter over on the head and tosses into a fireplace, where it bursts into purple flame and burns up almost instantly.
"I must gather the faithful." He presses a brass key into your palm, "Please, help yourself to what little may be of use at my chapel."
Speak with the priest[]
The priest is drinking water, poring over a thick, leatherbound volume connected by a thick leather thong to his neck. He notices you only when you've come very close.
"Ah, good friend! Have you gone ahead to open the chapel? My body still aches with drink, I'm afraid, but soon I will gather the congregation and return myself."
Go North[]
> You walk to the north...
Go East[]
(Chapel) Look Around[]
You stand at the end of a dirt path, facing a small chapel. The stucco walls are faded, many roof tiles are missing. The great oaken doors are unlocked. The congregation is nowhere to be found. A small cemetery of crooked headstones lies in the shadow of the cracked steeple. The dirt path winds westward through a great, featureless plain.
The chapel doors are unlocked.
There is an open grave nearby.
> You examine your surroundings...
Examine the Chapel[]
Dust motes hang lazily in the shafts of colored light stretching across the chapel from peaked windows. The pews, pulpit, and everything else are covered in a fine mist. There is a very deep stone cistern near the entrance. It is full to the brim with blessed water.
There is more than enough water here to fill your tiny flask.
> You step into the empty chapel...
Go West[]
> You walk to the west...
Rusty Sword[]
> Your weapon. Rusty, but trusty.
Drinking Flask[]
> A very small flask to carry water.
Zombie Head[]
> The smell may make you unpopular...
Refined Gemstone[]
> A brilliant, faceted gemstone
Magical Shard[]
> The gem shard pulses with magical light...
Magic Sword[]
> An enchanted weapon to defeat Grelok
Brass Key[]
> Key given to you by the priest
Raw Gemstone[]
> This gemstone may be valuable...
A text note[]
When you draw your sword, Grelok lowers his great horned head and bellows laughter in your face. You grit your teeth and swing a mighty two-handed blow, the magical blade ringing clearly, even amid the tumult of throaty cackling.
You swing the sword so fiercely, it escapes your grip and hurtles into the open maw of the monstrosity, lost from sight in the arid darkness of Grelok's throat. You step back as Grelok jerks his mouth shut and stands upright. He is still for a moment, then starts clawing at his neck. Muffled, a ringing can be heard as if from a great distance.
Suddenly, Grelok's chest bursts in a fount of viscous, green blood. The Ringing can be heard clearly now, and as thick lifeblood oozes around the protruding tip of the magic sword, the stormclouds swirling the peak are already clearing. Grelok is defeated!
(Thanks for playing!)
Printing Press terminal[]
Terminal is located in Hubris Comics Printing, the center of the printing press area.
Hubris Comics Publishing Printing Press Terminal.
Remember to make sure no one is near the press while operating.
Turn On Printing Press[]
> !!! Warning - Machine Malfunctioning !!!
Shut Down Printing Press[]
> Printing Press Shutting Down...
Check Manuscript[]
> Grognak the Barbarian, #361 - LOADED
Check Ink Levels[]
> Red Ink Low
Check Paper Stock[]
> Low-Grade Pulp Available
Hubris Comics Publishing terminal[]
This wall terminal is located in Hubris Comics Printing, in the east corner of the Lower Floor Office.
Hubris Comics Publishing -
Publishing Quality Prints at Quality Prices
Air Conditioning Controls[]
> System Inoperative
Unlock Foreman Door[]
> Door Unlocked
Release Schedule[]
Hubris Comics - Summer 2077 Schedule
A Glorious Summer for Hubris and America!
Captain Cosmos: Truth, Justice, and the Space-American Way
Kid Wacky's Zany Hi-Jinks
Grognak the Barbarian: Revenge of the Man-Saurian
Tales from the Front: Alaska Unbowed
Grognak's Salute to the Troops
Tales from the Front: Liberated Canada
Captain Cosmos: Invasion of the Black Planet
Drake Tungsten, Chrono-Cowboy
Tales from the Front: the Red Terror
Underground Life: Vault-Boy Special
Grognak the Barbarian: An Axe For All Ages
Captain Cosmos: the Radioactive Space-Men from Space!
> Displaying Release Schedule
Letters to the Editor[]
"Requiem for an Antagonist"
Grognak the Barbarian is an excellent comic for many reasons, but one of the most widely-respected ones is the depth of its villains. From the cold-blooded manipulations of the Man-Saurian to the love-hate romance with Femme-Ra, the stories of Grognak's enemies are every bit as fascinating as his own tales.
But, for my money, no tale is more tragic and more fascinating than that of the AntAgonizer. While never developed as fully as major villains like Skullpocalypse or Mastadonald, the portrait of the orphaned girl raised by ants and instilled with a bitter hatred of humanity has tremendous potential for reader connection and possible redemption.
However, in "Grognak and the Ants of Agony," Mr. Neptura threw away all of that potential by simply treating the AntAgonizer as a two-dimensional villain with a futile and pointless grudge against mankind. His writing replaced her subtle undertones of lost humanity and tragically lost innocence with the worst sort of mustache-twirling cliched dialogue. It was an offense to a deep and tragic character.
How a hack like that continues to find work in comics is beyond my comprehension. Hubris Comics should fire him and return the series to the capable hands of Mr. Moorellis. Until that time, I REFUSE to buy another comic from what USED to be my favorite publisher!
Obsessed in Oakmont
> Displaying Inbox
Press Release[]
For Immediate Release:
The very best in Invincible Entertainment and Inpenetrable Vaults team up to bring comic fans a gripping grimoire of greatness!
From their headquarters in Washington, DC, Hubris Comics announced today plans to bring a beloved American Icon into the Hubris Comics Universe - none other than the beloved Vault Boy Character.
"Vault Boy was the perfect choice for our new Hell's Chain gang series", says Hubris Comics Chief of Publishing Peter Shiner, "In which those Valiant Vigilantes take on Chairman Cheng's Commie Cyborg Corps - after all, Vault Boy knows a thing or two about going up against that Red Menace!"
The five-part miniseries will feature an alternate future in which Chinese Communists have invaded America. Vault Boy and Hell's Chain Gang are the last, best hope for America to break free from the shackles of Communism in this cautionary tale of vigilance.
"It has always been Vault-Tec's mission to educate and protect our Countrymen from the Communist threat", commented Vault-Tec Public Relations Executive Joanne Strausser, "This exciting project is a perfect opportunity to thrill young Americans while sending home an important message for us all: Every good American must help shoulder the burden of freedom, and always be wary of the Communist Threat".
The first issue of this miniseries will be available on newsstands everywhere this Holiday Season.
About Hubris Comics
Hubris Comics, a branch of Hubris Publishing, headquartered in Washington, DC, has been producing printed entertainment since 2021. Hubris Comics are known for such popular properties as Grognak the Barbarian, Hell's Chain Gang, and The Inspector.
> Loading file....
Turret control system[]
Two terminals, one located in the Hubris Comics utility tunnels south room; the other in the Printing section near Mad Johnny Wes.
-RobCo Trespasser Management System-
Re-configure Targeting Parameters[]
> Target Data Cleared. Exercise Caution.
<!>WARNING: No Targeting Data<!>[]
> <!>Please Exercise Caution<!>
Deactivate Turret System[]
> Powering Down...
Activate Turret System[]
> Booting...