![]() | The following is based on Van Buren design documents and is not canon. |
This is part 2 of the Hoover Dam design document for Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.
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The following is the original document or a transcript thereof. |
Emotional Porn
- Apathy – Battle fatigue is rampant throughout Hoover Dam, and part of the fatigue is apathy. Citizens and soldiers alike are so fed up with being on guard 24/7, that they turn to other things to take their mind off the situation. Some get so involved in their distractions that they no longer care what else goes on around them. The player can exacerbate the apathy by being a supplier of smooch, a soon to be new favorite distraction.
- Man of peace of Dr. Feelgood – The player can do wonders to boost morale by helping the Hoover Dam community towards a peace with the BOS. On that same token, the player can also boost morale by supplying smooch, but this will eventually cause the collapse of Hoover Dam. But hey, they were happy on the trip down, right?
- Things aren't always as they seem – The Crimson Caravan group initially comes across as the good guy company, doing all they can to help Hoover Dam survive the war and prosper. 3-Some comes across as desperate ex-felons who are only out for themselves. After the player gets involved with both caravan companies, it will become apparent that the opposite of each is true, and things really aren't always what they seem.
Other Role-Playing Tests and Epithets
Ties to Overall Game Themes
- Quick judgments will usually lead to a hazardous end. The whole Crimson caravan and 3-Some caravan drama.
- Evil is subjective:
- Deception. Not everything is as it seems, and not everyone is truthful about their motivations.
- Wisdom comes in strange places. The trogs come across as dumb hicks, but there is a wisdom to them that transcends their simpleton speech and questionable hygiene. A wise waste-walker could learn a thing or two from a trog.
NPC Companion Uses
Generic NPCs
Governor Joseph Dodge (Male –Human)
(The Rim – At first reluctant leader who eventually took an active and passionate interest in the Hoover Dam community. Now he either wants to die, or make peace with the BOS; depends on the day)
- Importance – Major
- Level – 15+
- Age – 52
- ST - 05
- PE - 05
- EN - 07
- CH - 06
- IN - 07
- AG - 06
- LK – 06
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
War, no matter the longevity, can rattle the feathers of the easiest going souls. As one of the founders of current Hoover Dam, there was a time when Governor Dodge was proud of what he and the community did with Hoover Dam. But then the war with the BOS hit and everything started to go downhill. Dodge tried to keep a stiff upper lip, but the constant state of alert, coupled with the infrequent attacks on the front gate, and then on the caravans, wore heavily on Dodge. When regular supplies ceased from NCR proper, almost all hope was lost.
However, Ailis McLafferty, of the Crimson Caravan, brought glimmers of hope. She found a good source of weapons and firearms to help Hoover Dam defend itself from BOS attacks. This put Crimson in a very favorable light with Dodge. However, even though the extra equipment would prove to help in the war effort, Dodge knew that he was living on borrowed time. The water filtration system was failing, and that had a far reaching impact on Hoover's crop growth. In addition, the crops that were growing were not enough to maintain the citizenry and trade. Dodge needed a larger area to grow crops. The area known as the Scum Pits was mentioned as a good location for a hydroponics farm, but Dodge knew that materials would be needed to construct such a thing, never mind the fact that the Scum Pits were filled with creatures that claimed the lives of several NCR troops. In addition, power from the two working power generators is slowly decreasing. Dodge has Pierre LaPoubelle and Otto Steed working on the problem, but a solution does not seem like it is in sight. Dodge is on the brink of giving up, not only because of the internal problems, but the war, too. Fighting a war when there is so much falling apart around just slinks Governor Dodge into deeper funks.
- Scripting stuff goes here
Major Jack Fleming (Male –Human)
(The Rim – Major Jack Fleming is the commander of the Hoover Dam NCR troops and Dodge's right hand man.)
- Importance: Intermediate
- Level: 15
- Age – 38
- ST - 06
- PE- 07
- EN - 06
- CH - 06
- IN - 05
- AG - 08
- LK - 05
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
Major Jack Fleming does not have a stellar military career with the NCR. He's a person who likes to question authority, and the military does not look kindly on such individuals, at least not in the NCR. So it really came as no surprise when Major Fleming was put in charge of the troops that would be sent to Hoover Dam, under the guidance and leadership of Councilman Joseph Dodge. At first, Fleming thought the assignment was a death sentence for insubordinate officers and the like. But after arriving at Hoover Dam and seeing Dodge diplomatically convince the settlers there that with cooperation they could build a powerful and prosperous community, Fleming found hope. Maybe this Dodge character isn't so bad, after all.
For the brief time before the war, when Hoover was very prosperous, Major Fleming grew to respect Governor Dodge more and more. He vowed to protect Dodge through thick and thin, and when the war with the BOS started, he reaffirmed his loyalty by suggesting Dodge stay in seclusion and only meet with people when absolutely necessary. Fleming thought Dodge was one of the wasteland's last hopes of civilized community and government, and he wanted to make certain that all of Dodge's hard work in the past would not be in vain.
- Scripting stuff goes here
Guido, Enzo, Vinnie Giordano (Males – Humans)
(The Rim – The owners and proprietors of the 3-Some Caravan Company.)
- Importance: Intermediate
- Level – 8-10
- Age - 120
- ST - 06
- PE - 07
- EN - 05
- CH - 05
- IN - 06
- AG - 06
- LK – 05
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
The Giordano triplets are tight knit brothers who are virtually inseparable. Originally from NCR proper, they served a small stint in the prison there for petty theft. After serving one year, they decided to use what money they had left over and open a caravan company, the 3-Some Caravan Company. Business did not take off all that well since word got around they were former inmates, but there was enough business to keep afloat. The Giordanos felt it was their lucky day when their company was recruited to accompany Joseph Dodge to Hoover Dam, carrying supplies to last the journey and set up shop. This was like a second chance for the triplets, a fresh start.
Business fared better for the 3-Some Caravan Company in Hoover Dam, particularly with the riff-raff who originally settled there. The Giordanos never did anything illegal, but the impression that they were part of a lower class carried over from NCR, mostly thanks to the suspicious nature of Joseph Dodge and Ailis McLafferty egging on his suspicions.
Enzo Giordano is the speaker of the company, and he is willing to deal with anyone as long as it does not involve hurting anyone else – much. Enzo is honorable and straight forward, and he always keeps his deals. Lately, however, he and the other brothers have been feeling the pinch since Crimson has been supplying arms and weapons to Dodge and his NCR troops. In addition, there are frequent caravan raids against 3-Some by BOS soldiers using some kind of cloaking device to hide their approach. Ailis of Crimson said she has been attacked by the same BOS, but strangely it has not affected her shipments or frequency of caravan runs. Enzo is very anxious to find out what Ailis is up to.
Dorris (Female – Human)
(The Rim – Receptionist in the NCR HQ)
- Importance: Minor
- Level – 5
- Age - 22
- ST - 05
- PE - 05
- EN - 05
- CH - 07
- IN - 06
- AG - 06
- LK – 05
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
There's not much to say about Dorris. She's pretty, perky, and has a foul mouth. She is a soldier in the NCR force, but she much prefers her post as the receptionist for the NCR HQ. She doesn't take too kindly to flirting from male suitors and is quick to shoot anyone down who does. Some even say she might prefer women to men, but that is just a rumor created by ego bruised men... or is it...?
- Scripting stuff goes here
Ailis McLafferty (Female, Human)
(The Rim – Owner and operator of the Crimson Caravan Company.)
- Importance: Intermediate
- Level – 11
- Age 44
- ST - 05
- PE - 05
- EN - 07
- CH - 06
- IN - 07
- AG - 05
- LK – 05
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
Ailis McLafferty doesn't take any shit and rules the Crimson Caravan Company with almost military strictness, but far more efficiently than the military. She saw the order to accompany Governor Dodge to Hoover Dam as an opportunity to expand her caravan empire. She puts on a great show of support for Dodge and his efforts, but she secretly wants to see him fall flat on his face. When she does, she will seize the opportunity to take over Hoover and shape it into a town that would be the envy of the wasteland.
Part of Ailis' master plan is to work both sides of the BOS/NCR war. She is currently supplying weapons and ammo to both BOS at Maxson's Bunker and the NCR at Hoover Dam. It is her hope that the war of attrition will eventually take its toll on Dodge and he will step down. Once this happens, Ailis will make a supply run to Maxson's Bunker, assassinate Devon Hill, blow up the entrance to Maxson's, therefore trapping any survivors inside, and come back to Hoover Dam as the hero who ended the war. Lofty plans, to be sure, but Ailis has full confidence in herself to pull it off.
- Scripting stuff goes here
Ralph Peoples (Male – Human)
(The Rim – Tough-as-nails Police Chief.)
- Importance: Intermediate
- Level – 15
- Age - 44
- ST - 07
- PE - 07
- EN - 07
- CH - 05
- IN - 05
- AG - 06
- LK – 06
- Traits – Gifted;
- Perks – Sharpshooter; More Criticals; Better Criticals; Living Anatomy; Gain Agility
Ralph Peoples spent most of his life wandering the wasteland. He would stop here and there to do the odd job, but never really stayed very long in one place. It was a stroke of luck when Governor Dodge came to Hoover Dam the same day that Ralph was there. Ralph took an immediate liking to Dodge, seeing that he could possibly make a difference at Hoover Dam, and make a home. So, when Dodge asked Ralph to be his police chief, Ralph did not hesitate to accept. Ralph had hoped he would eventually find a place to settle down, and it looked like Hoover Dam might be that place.
Ralph is a tall, somewhat lanky man with chiseled features and leathery, weather beaten skin. He has no fear of anyone and is only interested in upholding the law within Hoover Dam. The only thing that has him a bit concerned is the BOS/NCR war. Ralph can see a real possibility of the Hoover Dam community collapsing and his home disappearing. If that happens, Ralph will just go back to drifting and taking the odd job here and there, especially if has something to do with bringing scum to justice.
Mitch Stiller (Male - Human)
(Downtown – Wannabe tough-as-nails Police Captain)
- Importance: Minor
- Level – 10
- Age - 34
- ST - 05
- PE - 06
- EN - 06
- CH - 04
- IN - 06
- AG - 07
- LK – 06
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
Mitch Stiller is the Police captain of Hoover Dam and is stationed in Downtown. He's a fair man who tries to come across as tough, but everyone really knows he's mostly talk and pomp. When the going gets tough, he will step in, but it is obvious he is not quite as skilled as he thinks he is. It's a good thing Mitch has back-up, or situations would most certainly turn for the worse.
Candice Morris (Female - Human)
(The Rim – Teacher with the FOA and for the Rim's only school)
- Importance: Intermediate
- Level – 8
- ST - 04
- PE - 07
- EN - 06
- CH - 06
- IN - 07
- AG - 05
- LK – 06
- Traits – Skilled
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
Candice is the head of the Hoover Dam chapter of the Followers of the Apocalypse, and she is also the school teacher of the area. She is well versed in a lot of wasteland and recent Hoover history, including the war with Caesar's Legion, and is eager to teach anyone who will listen. She is also very interested in newly discovered history, so the player can always go back to Candice and give her updates on what he found in the wasteland that could be added to the Apocalypse history. A player with good Deception skill can tell all kinds of tall tales and lies about the wasteland to gain Candice's favor.
Lately, Candice has been is a huge funk because of the lack of attendance in her school. Since the BOS/NCR war started, all of her pupils either moved away or thought that showing up to school was too risky because of the BOS attacks. So, instead of teaching, Candice shoves her nose deep into her history books and rarely looks up.
Pierre LaPoubelle (Male – Human)
(The Rim – Chief Engineer of the three scribes in the Engineering Facility.)
- Importance: Intermediate
- Level – 15
- Age - 52
- ST - 06
- PE - 07
- EN - 05
- CH - 04
- IN - 08
- AG - 06
- LK – 05
- Perks – Living Anatomy; Medic; Gain Intelligence; Tag!
Pierre LaPoubelle is a former scribe from Maxson's Bunker, along with his other scribe buddy. He came to Hoover out of frustration with the direction the BOS was going and wanted to lend his peaceful services to the growing community of Hoover Dam, despite the fact the government was NCR based. It is due in large part to Governor Dodge's fair-handed and peace-seeking ways of ruling that Pierre et al stayed in Hoover Dam and volunteered their services. However, neither of the former scribes told the truth about where they came from because they did not want to jeopardize the lives of their remaining friends at Maxson's Bunker.
Pierre is a strong and hearty looking man in his early fifties. He is very smart and loves to dive wholly into his work. He is currently working on creating stronger and heartier wheat and corn that can grow in the wasteland's hard and dry soil. Also, he is working closely with Otto Steed to try and find a better water filtration process to turn the non-drinkable irrigation water into a fully drinkable version.
Dr. Yuri Polivich (Male – Human)
(The Rim – Chief and only doctor in Hoover Dam)
- Importance: Intermediate
- Level – 10
- ST - 05
- PE - 07
- EN - 05
- CH - 05
- IN - 07
- AG - 06
- LK – 05
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
By the looks of Dr. Yuri Polivich, with his stern eyes, pinched lips, and wild black hair, one might think he was a mad scientist. But Dr. Yuri, as he is known to his friends, is quite sane and extremely competent. He is well versed in many medical procedures and can cure or fix just about any malady or injury. In fact, he is one of the only people in the region who has a very clean, polished, and working auto-doc.
Dr. Yuri is the person to see not only to cure what ails the player, but also if the player wants a good distributor for smooch. You see, Dr. Yuri is also the local drug pusher and has a wide variety of different types of chems (drugs). If it's in the Fallout universe, Dr. Yuri has it. And Dr. Yuri is always interested in new recreational chems, so he will be tickled to distribute smooch at Hoover Dam, after he gets a sampling himself.
Just a special note: Dr. Yuri will be helpful later if smooch causes a junkie epidemic and an anti-toxin needs to be created.
Pablo Riviera (Male – Human)
(The Rim – Owner and proprietor of the Look Out Below Café & Bar.)
- Importance: Intermediate
- Level – 5-7
- ST - 05
- PE - 06
- EN - 06
- CH - 07
- IN - 06
- AG - 05
- LK – 05
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
Pablo is usually a very happy-go-lucky sort, serving up the finest spirits in Hoover Dam. Unfortunately for Pablo, those happy days are gone. His regular supplier of hooch, the 3-Some Caravan Company, has not been able to get fresh stock to Pablo for some time. No hooch means no customers, and poor Pablo is feeling the pinch. The thing that really gets his goat is that Dusty's Desires Bar & Entertainment, located in Downtown, has plenty of booze for her customers. Her supplier is the Crimson Caravan Company. Pablo would use them, but since he used to exclusively use 3-Some, Crimson will have nothing to do with Pablo. He'll be in a funk when the player first meets him and explain his woes to a kind listener. It's up to the player if he wants to bother helping him.
Frieda Van Graff (Female – Human)
(The Rim – Owner and operator of Frieda's Firearms.)
- Importance: Minor
- Level – 8-10
- ST - 05
- PE - 07
- EN - 06
- CH - 06
- IN - 05
- AG - 07
- LK – 06
Frieda is not originally from Hoover Dam. Originally hailing from Redding in what used to be California, she was born into the Van Graff family. She was born to Tiaret Van Graff, and is the brother of prisoner Jean-Baptiste Cutting. She does not know very much about her half-brother, except he turned up missing a few years ago.
Frieda is attractive, but she is very hard, like an old bar-fly. She doesn't take any crap from anyone and would just assume shoot you as to serve you. She expects a courteous customer, and if she does not feel the respect, she refuses to do business until the customer changes his ways.
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
Milko (Male – Human midget)
(The Rim – Owner and proprietor of the General's Store)
- Importance: minor
- Level – 8-10
- ST - 05
- PE - 07
- EN - 05
- CH - 04
- IN - 05
- AG - 07
- LK – 06
- Traits – Small Frame;
- Perks – Tough Hide;
- Tag Skills –Firearms
Milko is the midget owner of the General's Store, and he does not realize he is small. In fact, he thinks he's about 6'7" and weighs in at a muscular 360 lbs. Come to find out from the locals that Milko drank too much of Hoover Dam's filtered and processed irrigation water before anyone could tell him it was not for human consumption. It's best if the player just plays along with Milko's delusions, especially if the player wants to do repeated business.
Dusty Heart (Female – Human)
(Downtown – Owner and proprietor of Dusty's Desires Bar & Entertainment.)
- Importance: Intermediate
- Level – 9
- ST - 05
- PE - 06
- EN - 06
- CH - 07
- IN - 05
- AG - 06
- LK – 05
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
Dusty Heart is the owner and proprietor of Dusty's Desires Bar & Entertainment, and despite being "big boned," she is quite attractive. She'll serve up the finest hooch in the wasteland with a gleam in her eye and a mysterious brown stain in your glass. She loves a good time, but will whip out the ol' Dusty Trail should folks get out of line (Dusty Trail is a pump action shotgun that Dusty always keeps within arm's reach).
Dusty is best known for providing a certain type of entertainment - prostitution. She runs a "clean" business and asks her patrons to be nice to her girls and guys (yep, there are guys). If a customer will not comply, then she will introduce the offender to Beatrice, the large super mutant bouncer of Dusty's Desires.
Beatrice (Female – Super mutant)
(Downtown – Bouncer for Dusty)
- Importance: Major (CNPC)
- Level – 9
- ST - 08
- PE - 06
- EN - 08
- CH - 02
- IN - 03
- AG - 06
- LK – 06
- Traits –
- Perks –
Beatrice is big, bad, and about as smart as a bag of hammers. But she is perfect for bouncer duties at Dusty's Desires. Beatrice is also uncertain exactly where she came from. She remembers wandering the wasteland, feeding on any wild animal that was foolish enough to attack her, and being attacked by assorted raiders here and there – whom she killed and ate, as well. She also has limited flashbacks of being in a vault-like structure with others similar to herself, but she cannot remember any of the details.
When Beatrice came upon Hoover Dam, it was just before Dodge and his entourage took over. Beatrice was met with mixed results from the settlers, with some outright attacking her and others just giving her her space. For the ones who attacked Beatrice, they were quite tasty, but for the others who left her alone, she in turn left them alone, considering them as close to friends as she was likely to get. But there was one individual who was nice to her, and that person was Dusty Heart. She knew a kind gesture to one such as Beatrice would be met in kind, and sure enough, it was. Beatrice at first wanted to be her personal bodyguard (though she couldn't think up the word, "bodyguard"), but she instead gave Beatrice a paying job to be her bouncer for her new bar. Beatrice was delighted to help her new friend and has been the bouncer for Dusty's Delights ever since.
Beatrice is also a recruitable CNPC. During a bar fight, three individuals with cattle prods and a super sledge will try to get the best of Beatrice. The fight will not go very well for Beatrice, so the player will have the option to jump in and help Beatrice. Once Beatrice reaches 10% of her total HP, Mitch Stiller and his posse will come in and break things up (shoot the bad guys). If the player helped Beatrice in the fight, even if the player did very little damage to the bad guys, Beatrice will be grateful and ask to be the player's bodyguard. Dusty will not be very happy about it, but then again she won't argue with you or Beatrice. She will, however, jack up her hooker and drink prices if the player takes Beatrice.
Otto Steed (Male – Ghoul)
(Downtown – Chief engineer in Downtown – keeps a variety of tools, screws, and bolts screwed in his skull just in case he needs one.)
- Importance: Major (CNPC)
- Level – 9
- ST - 05
- PE - 08
- EN - 06
- CH - 01
- IN - 07
- AG - 06
- LK – 06
- Traits –
- Perks – Living toolset (special perk for Otto only. Does not require a toolset to perform mechanics);
Otto Steed is the chief engineer in Downtown and works closely with the engineers of the Rim. He is the only ghoul in all of Hoover Dam and, surprisingly enough, he's treated quite well. Otto came to Hoover Dam much like Beatrice, in that he wandered in from the wasteland. He arrived almost a year after Dodge took over as Governor of Hoover Dam, staggering into town with nothing more than torn rags around his waist. At first, the NCR soldiers were going to shoot Otto and be done with him, but Dodge's curiosity saved Otto from being riddled with bullets. Dodge had Dr. Yuri attempt to nurse Otto back to health so Dodge could ask about where he came from and if there were more nearby. When Otto was well enough to answer questions, he was very upfront and said that he was banished from a ghoul town called the Reservation, far in the east. He then gave his real name, Otto Steed, and said that he was grateful to Dodge for saving his life and that to repay him, Otto would fix and maintain anything that needed fixing and maintaining. Dodge took Otto up on the offer and made him in charge of the two working generators in Baseline. His only barrier were the trogs and their leader, Billy-Bob. Otto would have to make nice with them before his work could commence. Otto was able to make nice with Billy-Bob (trogs aren't that judgmental on looks), and Otto was able to make the generators perform better than ever.
Otto has also been working closely with the former scribes on trying to come up with a way to make the filtered water drinkable – it can only currently be used for irrigation, and that's borderline. The player can help Otto with this problem by working with Jericho and their filtration processes. The player does not need to be a mechanic or science wiz to do this, but he will get more XP if he is either and upgrades the purification machine himself using the Jericho technology.
Lastly, Otto is so gifted with mechanics that he does not even need a toolset to use his skill. Instead, he has bolts, screws and an assortment of tools screwed into various parts of his head and pulls them whenever he needs to use them. He's essentially a living toolset, hence the special perk.
Otto will join the PC if the player gets the schematics to the filtration upgrade and either hands it over to Otto or the player does the repairs himself. Otto is curious about other mechanical wonders in the wasteland and will ask the player if he can tag along and explore.
- Special art request – Special ghoul head texture with a bunch of bolts and tools embedded in the skull.
Dianne (Female –Human)
(Downtown – Assistant to Otto.)
- Importance: Minor
- Level – 9
- ST - 06
- PE - 07
- EN - 05
- CH - 06
- IN - 07
- AG - 05
- LK – 05
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
Dianne was an NCR soldier and part of the NCR 5th Engineering Company before working for Otto. After the debacle at Burham Springs where a bunch of things blew up and released fiery gas, Dianne was assigned to be Otto's assistant. She is a young, attractive woman in her late twenties, and she is eager to learn all she can about engineering from Otto. She is also very well organized, which is a huge Benefit to Otto since he is somewhat of a slob. The two work well together, and should Otto decide to adventure with the player for a while, Dianne will take over as chief engineer in Downtown.
Farmer Dave (Male –Human)
(Downtown – Farmer.)
- Importance: Intermediate
- Level – 9
- ST - 06
- PE - 07
- EN - 05
- CH - 06
- IN - 06
- AG - 05
- LK – 05
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
Farmer Dave is a tall, medium build man in his late forties. He enjoys growing things, so it was a natural fit for Farmer Dave to be put in charge of Downtown's agriculture.
Farmer Dave has also been put in charge of finding a way to expand the crops so Hoover would have more to trade and an abundance of food for the locals. Farmer Dave has determined that the only way to do that is to turn the Scum Pits into a hydroponics farm. The only problem with that is that there are a lot of dangerous creatures in the Scum Pits, as well as toxic pools and a lack of building materials. If the player can help Farmer Dave solve these problems, then he will be very happy and Hoover will profit.
Bob (Male –Human)
(Downtown – Owner and proprietor of Hock-it to Bob.)
- Importance: Intermediate
- Level – 9
- ST - 06
- PE - 07
- EN - 05
- CH - 05
- IN - 06
- AG - 07
- LK – 05
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
Bob was a settler and running Hock-it-to-Bob long before Dodge and his entourage came. He used to run his shop out of a tent along the Rim. Now, he has a nice, sturdy shack in Downtown to conduct business, and business has been decent, even though there's a war. Bob is a tough, no-nonsense man in his mid fifties.
When other people get sick of their crap, or they need money to pay off one of Dusty;s[sic] tabs, most folks at Hoover come to see Bob of Hock-it to Bob. In modern terms, Bob would be a pawn dealer. Every month Bob has something new to sell, so the player can check out Bob's wares just to see if there is something they have to have.
Bob also runs a bounty hunting business. If he feels the player can handle himself, and the player inquires about work around town, Bob will give the player bounties. Unlike modern bounties, these bounties are for dead, only. There's no where to house a felon for extended periods of time, so the mark needs to be whacked. Good characters should not feel too bad about this because the bounties are for some true low-life scum. Some of the bounties can be found lurking around Hoover, some have been seen at other F3 locations. THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN COME IN! I'd like there to be a bounty in each feasible area like Denver, Jericho, Reservation, maybe Blackfoot, etc. Places where a stranger might be welcomed, or at least seen as a potential asset to the community.
- Blackfoot: Craig, the main raid-leader of the Blackfoots. To the Blackfoots he's a skilled warrior and raider, but to anyone outside the Blackfoots he's an evil raider who should die, die, die. (12_Craig_Bounty) = = 1
- Denver: Miguel Vargas: The guy's name is Miguel Vargas, but he calls himself "El Diablo." He went crazy one night and killed six people in two different homes. They call him the "Vampire Killer" because he bit his victims on the neck during or after killing them. Last anyone heard he went east; maybe your contact dude knows a guy who says he was going to look for him in Dogtown, but never came back. (12_Miguel_Bounty) = = 1
- Hoover: Nancy Haggard. Passing herself off as a Trog. Wanted for two assignation attempts on Governor Dodge. Undercover COS. (12_Nancy_Bounty) = = 1
- Reservation: Ingmar. Ghoul slaver who works for Horatio and does most of his dirty work when gathering up slaves in the fields. Wanted by Hoover caravan companies for raids and kidnapping caravaners. (12_Ingmar_Bounty) = = 1
- Bloomfield: Kyle the Hook. Wanted for raids on Hoover caravans and alleged death of Bear, 3-Some's greatest escort. (12_Kyle_Bounty) = = 1
- Jericho: Ryan Mitchell
- Male human
- Crimes: Murder, Rape, Theft, Assault
- Currently works as a driver for the Jericho water caravans
- Fellow caravaners have heard rumors about Mitchell, but none have seen him commit the crimes (except assault)
- PC will have to be careful about taking out Mitchell since the other caravaners will defend him. (12_Ryan_Bounty) = = 1
Mary-Jo (Female – Trog {Human})
(Downtown – Billy-Bob's daughter and Dusty's hooker for hire)
- Importance: Intermediate
- Level – 5
- Age - 22
- ST - 05
- PE - 07
- EN - 06
- CH - 07
- IN - 04
- AG - 06
- LK – 05
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
Mary-Jo is actually pretty hot for a pasty white trog. She is the daughter of trog leader, Billy-Bob, and is currently working for Dusty as a prostitute. However, she does not think of herself as a prostitute. She thinks that men are just real nice-like and give here and Dusty money as a gift. The sex part is just a fun bonus (she's a bit of a nympho and not all that bright). She spends most of her time in Dusty's Desires flirting with the men, and occasional woman (if she swings that way), and is very approachable.
Billy-Bob (Male – Trog {Human})
(Baseline – Pappy (leader) of the Trogs.)
- Importance: Intermediate
- Level – 12
- ST - 07
- PE - 06
- EN - 07
- CH - 04
- IN - 05
- AG - 06
- LK – 05
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
Billy-Bob is the leader, or Pappy, of the trogs. He is an enormous man, with pasty white skin and shaggy hair and beard. He is also the father of Mary-Jo, but has no clue that she is hookin'. Billiy-Bob just thinks Mary-Jo is just spending far too much time hanging out with the waste-walkers (trog term for surface dwellers) and that she needs to come back to her kin. Should he find out she's a prostitute, he will destroy the Hoover generators and wage war at the Hoover citizenry from within.
*Mallet McBride (Male – Human) - PRISONER
(Downtown – Prisoner having a ball ballin' hookers and gettin' loaded.)
- Importance: Major
- Level – 12
- Age - 39
- ST - 08
- PE - 06
- EN - 06
- CH - 04
- IN - 04
- AG - 07
- LK – 05
- Traits –
- Perks –
Mallet McBride is not a nice man. In fact, he's a downright asshole. If it weren't for the fact that Mallet was in prison for carrying Limit 115, he would be either in someone else's prison, or dead from a gunshot wound to the head. However, now that he's escaped Tibbit's Prison, he has chosen Hoover Dam as the place to sow his wild oats.
Mallet is a pretty big guy and a very skilled unarmed fighter. He's so good, in fact, that legend has it he once laid out a super mutant with one punch, though that legend has never been tested on Beatrice. Mallet hangs out in Dusty's Desires and whittles the day away getting drunk and boozing it up. He takes the occasional caravan job with Crimson Caravan to earn enough money to continue his boozing and carousing, but he does not have any loyalty to Crimson. Should the player approach Mallet about taking him back to Tibbits, then the player better be ready for a fight. Mallet will not go quietly and will begin to punch the player in the face until he is dead.
*Ginger Flowers (Female – Human) - PRISONER
(Downtown – Prisoner having a ball watchin' Mallet have a ball.)
- Importance: Major
- Level – 8
- Age- 59
- ST - 04
- PE - 08
- EN - 06
- CH - 03
- IN - 05
- AG - 07
- LK – 06
- Traits –
- Perks –
- Tag Skills –
Despite the sexy, porn star name, Ginger Flowers is neither pretty nor sexy. She is a haggard woman who looks like she was rode hard and put away wet. Ginger tagged along with Mallet partly for protection and partly because she had a crush on him. Mallet let her come along because he liked poking fun at her homeliness. The only joy this pathetic soul gets is watching Mallet have fun, especially when he gets it on with a hooker. Ginger will watch and Mallet will make Ginger fetch him beers while he's "doin' it."
If the player approaches Ginger about going back to Tibbits, she will protest and then run to Mallet for protection. Mallet will then try to kick the player's ass. Ginger will not fight because she is a fragile old bag and she knows it.
Beatrice (Female – Super mutant)
(Downtown – Bouncer for Dusty)
- Importance: Major (CNPC)
- Level – 9
- ST - 08
- PE - 06
- EN - 08
- CH - 02
- IN - 04
- AG - 06
- LK – 06
- Traits –
- Perks –
Beatrice is big, bad, and about as smart as a bag of hammers. But she is perfect for bouncer duties at Dusty's Desires. Beatrice is also uncertain exactly where she came from. She remembers wandering the wasteland, feeding on any wild animal that was foolish enough to attack her, and being attacked by assorted raiders here and there – whom she killed and ate, as well. She also has limited flashbacks of being in a vault-like structure with others similar to herself, but she cannot remember any of the details.
When Beatrice came upon Hoover Dam, it was just before Dodge and his entourage took over. Beatrice was met with mixed results from the settlers, with some outright attacking her and others just giving her her space. For the ones who attacked Beatrice, they were quite tasty, but for the others who left her alone, she in turn left them alone, considering them as close to friends as she was likely to get. But there was one individual who was nice to her, and that person was Dusty Heart. She knew a kind gesture to one such as Beatrice would be met in kind, and sure enough, it was. Beatrice at first wanted to be her personal bodyguard (though she couldn't think up the word, "bodyguard"), but she instead gave Beatrice a paying job to be her bouncer for her new bar. Beatrice was delighted to help her new friend and has been the bouncer for Dusty's Delights ever since.
Beatrice is also a recruitable CNPC. During a bar fight, three individuals with cattle prods and a super sledge will try to get the best of Beatrice. The fight will not go very well for Beatrice, so the player will have the option to jump in and help Beatrice. Once Beatrice reaches 10% of her total HP, Mitch Stiller and his posse will come in and break things up (shoot the bad guys). If the player helped Beatrice in the fight, even if the player did very little damage to the bad guys, Beatrice will be grateful and ask to be the player's bodyguard. Dusty will not be very happy about it, but then again she won't argue with you or Beatrice. She will, however, jack up her hooker and drink prices if the player takes Beatrice.
Beatrice will become a companion if
The player helps Beatrice in a bar fight.
- Scripting stuff goes here
Otto Steed (Male – Ghoul)
(Downtown – Chief engineer in Downtown – keeps a variety of screws and bolts screwed in his skill just in case he needs one.)
- Importance: Major (CNPC)
- Level – 9
- ST - 05
- PE - 08
- EN - 06
- CH - 01
- IN - 07
- AG - 06
- LK – 06
- Traits –
- Perks –
Otto Steed is the chief engineer in Downtown and works closely with the engineers of the Rim. He is the only ghoul in all of Hoover Dam and, surprisingly enough, he's treated quite well. Otto came to Hoover Dam much like Beatrice, in that he wandered in from the wasteland. He arrived almost a year after Dodge took over as Governor of Hoover Dam, staggering into town with nothing more than torn rags around his waist. At first the NCR soldiers were going to shoot Otto and be done with him, but Dodge's curiosity saved Otto from being riddled with bullets. Dodge had Dr. Yuri attempt to nurse Otto back to health so Dodge could ask about where he came from and if there were more nearby. When Otto was well enough to answer questions, he was very upfront and said that he was banished from a ghoul town called the Reservation, far in the east. He then gave his real name, Otto Steed, and said that he was grateful to Dodge for saving his life and that to repay him, Otto would fix and maintain anything that needed fixing and maintaining. Dodge too Otto up on the offer and made him in charge of the two working generators in Baseline. His only barrier were the trogs and their leader, Billy-Bob. Otto would have to make nice with them before his work could commence. Otto was able to make nice with Billy-Bob, and Otto was able to make the generators perform better than ever.
Otto has also been working closely with the former scribes on trying to come up with a way to make the filtered water drinkable – it can only currently be used for irrigation, and that's borderline. The player can help Otto with this problem by working with Jericho and their filtration processes. The player does not need to be a mechanic or science wiz to do this, but he will get more XP if he is either and upgrades the purification machine himself using the Jericho technology.
Lastly, Otto is so gifted with mechanics that he does not even need a toolset to use his skill. Instead, he has bolts, screws and an assortment of tools screwed into various parts of his head and pulls them whenever he needs to use them. He's essentially a living toolset, hence the special perk.
Otto will become a companion if
The player helps Otto figure out how to make the water filtration process produce drinkable water.
- Scripting stuff goes here
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