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The Scum Pits are a location in Hoover Dam.


Former Generator Rooms[]

These two areas are not only a mess with concrete debris and metal rods shooting out from the ground but also from the living and dead carcasses from albino pig rats and giant leeches. It seems there's a sick, symbiotic relationship between the two creatures, where the leeches feed off the blood of the albino pig rats, and the albino pig rats will hunt and kill the leeches that don't escape after gorging. Since the pig rats are fairly prolific, there is another critter that helps keep the rats in check; giant albino ants. While the albino pig rats are creepy looking enough with their red eyes against milk white fur, the giant albino ants are truly something out of a nightmare. The exoskeleton is a very pale yellow that almost looks white, their eyes glow red like the rats, and their mandibles glow green and drip a green, acidic fluid. These ants live in a nest back in the office area and, luckily, are not prolific. But they are hungry, and they do come out fairly often to catch and drag a rat or leech back into its dark lair.

Office Area – Ant Hive[]

Back in the small catacomb area that used to be the office area, the giant albino ants made a home. No one knows for certain how these creatures got into this area, but some have speculated it had something to do with the toxic sludge from the generator rooms. Whatever the case, the ants were here and deadly. Every expedition that Dodge sent down into the Scum Pits to eradicate the critters met with disaster because of the ants. It was like the were tactically organized, waiting for Dodge's troops to start attacking the rats and leeches, and then the ants would ambush the entire lot, taking everyone, and everything, by surprise. Dodge has since stopped sending down troops.

The hive consists of about a dozen giant albino ants and one queen. There are three rooms that make up the hive; ant refuse, the ant food storage room, and the queen's lair. In the queen's lair is a sealed access port that leads to "something" below the Scum Pits. It looks like there is a complicated mechanical lock that keeps anyone from getting in – or out!


Hoover Dam Scum Pits was going to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.

Design Document
CharactersGovernor Joseph Dodge · Mjr. Jack Fleming · Guido Giordano · Enzo Giordano · Vinnie Giordano · Dorris · Ailis McLafferty · Ralph Peoples · Mitch Stiller · Candice Morris · Pierre LaPoubelle · Dr. Yuri Polivich · Pablo Riviera · Frieda Van Graff · Milko · Dusty Heart · Beatrice · Otto Steed · Dianne · Farmer Dave · Bob · Mary-Joe · Billy-Bob · Mallet McBride · Ginger Flowers · Nancy Haggard · Arcade Gannon · Mike Lawson · Hoover Dam commoner
LocationsThe Rim (Fancy PC pad) · Downtown (Frieda's Firearms · Dusty's Desires · Hock-it to Bob) · Hoover Dam baseline · Scum Pits · Sub-Level 1C
QuestsGet Meeting with Governor Dodge · Negotiate Peace between NCR and BOS · Get City Council attendance back to norm · Join up with the 3-Some Caravan Company  · Spy on Crimson Caravan for 3-Some Caravan · Join up with the Crimson Caravan Company as spy for 3-Some · Successfully frame 3-Some Caravan Co. for extortion and murder · Successfully extort money out of Ailis McLafferty using evidence · Expose Crimson Caravan to Governor Dodge  · Give filtration schematics to former BOS scribes · Get school attendance up to norm · Teach class on Wasteland survival · Clear out critters in Scum Pits for possible hydroponics lab · Get shipments from Denver for materials to build hydroponics lab · Discover Sub-level 1 · Relay new history from traveling the wasteland to Candice · Get Mary-Joe to stop turning tricks & get access to Scum Pits · Discover lost Hoover Dam war and Sub-level 1 history · Relay new history from traveling the wasteland to Candice · Help Beatrice in a bar fight · Do Bob's bounty hunter jobs · Recalibrate the two working power generators to be more efficient and increase power · Get liquor for Pablo
OrganizationsNew California Republic · Crimson Caravan · 3-Some Caravan · Followers of the Apocalypse