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The High Road... not the Divide yet, many more miles to walk. But you got this far. You and that machine that shadows you.Ulysses

The High Road is a pre-War roadway and location in the Divide in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.


Once in service to traffic through the area that became known as "the Divide" following the nuclear apocalypse, the destroyed remains of the High Road now serve as one of the few passable routes between the old towns of Hopeville and Ashton.

Sometime around the late 2270s, the NCR sent in Bravo Team on reconnaissance. During their mission, at least three members were killed inside a collapsed tunnel connecting to the High Road itself.[1] An officer of NCR riot control also made it onto the High Road at some point and occupied the Crow's Nest near the center of the roadway, but was killed sometime after and his body left exposed to the elements.

When the Courier crosses the High Road during their trek through the Divide in 2281,[2] the western edge of the High Road had been taken over by a small group of marked men led by Beast while the majority of the wrecked roadway's length is inhabited by deathclaws.


Upon entering the High Road, one will be ambushed by Beast, who carries a unique helmet, and 1-3 marked men. There is a Commissary terminal on a truck behind Beast's encampment, which can be unlocked by ED-E. As the Courier advances, they will find the Crow's Nest, a sniper position that contains a dead NCR riot control officer. After this, the highway leads to an area populated by multiple deathclaws. After clearing this area, the High Road comes to an end and breaks off into the Junction 7 rest stop and a dirt path which leads into Bonesaw's camp, and into the Ashton silo control station.

Notable loot[]


When traversing the High Road, one can spot Ulysses observing them from a building to the right of the Crow's Nest. This Ulysses has a different RefID than the normal Ulysses and cannot be killed by console commands or by normal means.


The High Road appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.



  1. Bravo Team mission orders found next to three deceased NCR personnel in the Collapsed overpass tunnel.
  2. Events of Lonesome Road