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Fallout Wiki

The Hellcat mercenaries are employees of the Hellcat Company in Appalachia in Fallout 76, introduced in the Steel Reign update.


The Hellcats are members of a mercenary group who will take on any job for pay.[1][2] They are generally dismissive of both the Settlers and Raiders of Appalachia, seeing the former as weak[3] and the latter as amateurish.[4]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Mercenary outfit Random weapon Random loot


The Hellcat mercenaries appear in Fallout 76, introduced in the Steel Reign update.


  1. Hellcat mercenary: "The merc life is the good life."
    (Generic Hellcat mercenary's dialogue)
  2. Hellcat mercenary: "What the hell're they doing with all those people. Guess it don't matter, long as I'm getting paid.
    (Generic Hellcat mercenary's dialogue)
  3. Hellcat mercenary: "The Hellcats aint nothin like those pansy ass Settlers."
    (Generic Hellcat mercenary's dialogue)
  4. Hellcat mercenary: "Those Crater Raiders think they're tough shit, but they're just a bunch of amateurs."
    (Generic Hellcat mercenary's dialogue)