A hamper is a world object in Fallout 4 and a settlement object and container in the add-on Vault-Tec Workshop.
The hamper is a white basket-like item featuring a wicker pattern, bearing a star on the front. It is typically used to store dirty clothing.
The hamper is located under Furniture → Containers in the workshop.
Materials: | Requirements: | Produces: | ||
Wood (2) | Hamper (1) |
There are two hampers in the game; a non-interactable activator model in Shaun's bedroom during the pre-War section, and a static world object located in a patient's bedroom in the Parsons State Insane Asylum. The container variant is available only via construction in the workshop.
The crafting recipe requires the Wood misc item (ID: 000731a3) instead of the Wood component (ID: 0001fac2).