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Hacking is exploiting a weakness in a computer system or computer network. This way to access terminals is present in Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.



You will be presented with a list of words, all of the same character lengths, interposed with random characters. The length of the words is determined by the difficulty of the lock. The number of words you get is determined by how high your Science skill is (for Fallout 3 or New Vegas) or how high your Intelligence is (for Fallout 4). One of the words is the correct password, and your goal is to guess it.

You choose a word by clicking on it. If you didn't guess correctly, the terminal will display "x/y correct" where x is the number of correct letters, and y is the word length. A letter is correct only if it is in the right spot. For example, if the password is "RELEASED" and you choose "DETECTOR" then you will be told that there are 2/8 correct because there are 'E's in the 2nd and 4th place for both. The words have other letters in common, like 'R', but it is in the first spot in one word, and the last in the other. You have four attempts to select the correct password: if you fail, in Fallout 3/New Vegas you will be permanently locked out; however, if you have the Computer Whiz perk, you will get another try. In Fallout 4, you will only temporarily be locked out, for ten seconds.

There are also things you can do with the characters that are not part of words. Clicking on matching brackets (i.e. () [] {} <>, even with other characters between, but not a whole word between) can remove a dud password or reset the number of remaining guesses to four. The brackets must be of the same type and on the same line. Although you cannot match brackets with a whole word between them, you can match brackets separated by the dots that appear when a dud word is removed ( <.......> ). Also, two or more opening brackets can be matched to a single closing bracket ("[ [ ]" on a line gives you two chances), but the opposite is not true ("[ ] ]" only gives you one chance). When you scroll across this type of entry from left-to-right, the entire entry will be highlighted letting you know if you've found one or not.

Previous choices are displayed on the right-hand side of the terminal. To get to the hacking mini-game quickly, you can click the startup screen on the terminal to skip to the next screen. Click once more to load the hack screen instantly. (Note: in Fallout: New Vegas if you back out after your first hack attempt prior to "locking" computer, you must wait even longer for the initial key in prior to the mini-game)

Fallout 3/New Vegas[]

Terminal level Science skill
Password length XP reward
Very Easy 15 4-5 20
Easy 25 6-8 30
Average 50 9-10 40
Hard 75 11-12 50
Very Hard 100 13-15 60

In Fallout 3 and New Vegas, when the player begins to hack, the Terminal screen will display some words and several symbols. Every word is the same length, and clicking on one will tell the player how many letters out of their selection are in the right spot. For example, if the correct password was "benign" and the player clicked "design," the Terminal would return "4/6 correct." If the player guesses incorrectly four times, they will be locked out of the Terminal. However, the Computer Whiz perk will allow the player to unlock the Terminal and attempt the hack again. Aside from the words on the screen, the player will also be presented with several ASCII symbols. If the player can find groups of symbols in between sets of brackets, such as []. {}. (). and <>, selecting them will remove duds, or incorrect passwords, and replenish the number of attempts the player has before being locked out. A table of Terminal difficulties, their skill requirements, and XP rewards can be seen on the right.

In Fallout 3, for the Data Miner achievement/trophy, you need to find 50 terminals to hack.

Place (or closest map marker) Location in place Skill level Purpose How Many Bad Karma?
Alexandria Arms Second floor Average Unlocks door to Storeroom 1 No
Arlington Library Library lobby Easy Information 4 No
Arlington Library Arlington Library Media Archive middle floor Average Turret control 4 No
Arlington Library Arlington Library Media Archive top floor Average Turret control 4 No
Arlington Library Arlington Library Media Archive top floor Average Unlocks safe 4 No
Anacostia Crossing station near Seward Square exit Average Protectron 1
Anchorage War Memorial At the top of the steps leading to the Anchorage Memorial Facility Bay Average Unlock Door 1
Bethesda ruins Bethesda Offices East Average Turret control 2
Bethesda ruins Bethesda Offices West Average Turret control 2
Capital Wasteland Southeast of the Arlington Library at a Talon Company checkpoint Average Turret Control 1
Capital Wasteland Southeast of flooded metro on a bridge near a raider encampment Average Turret Control 1
Citadel In the Clinic, Ring B Very Hard Information 3 Yes
Citadel Squire Maxon's Room, Ring B Very Easy Information 3
Citadel Elder Lyons' room, Ring B Very Hard Information 3
Dunwich Building Forsaken Dunwich ruins Easy Story Infos 1
Dunwich Building Forsaken Dunwich ruins, second level, behind Average locked door Easy Story of a scavenger who holed himself up in the room waiting for a 'Billy'. His corpse and gear can be found at your feet. 1
Dupont Circle station In the room before the cavern, behind a door Average Turret Control 2
Dupont Circle station South of the collapsed car tunnel exit. Very Easy Protecton robot control 2
Crater Camp Just west of Fort Bannister Average Information 1
Fairfax ruins Southeast of, halfway to Andale Average Turret control 1
Franklin Station Near the entrance of Franklin Metro utility Easy Unlocks Door 1
Farragut West station Office near entrance Very Easy Protector Robot control 1
Foggy Bottom station Near the entrance of Dupont Circle Average Protectron Robot control 1
Fort Bannister Fort Bannister Bunker Easy Turret Control System 3
Fort Bannister Commanding Officer's Quarters Average Unlocks door 3
Fort Bannister Commanding Officer's Quarters Average Turret Control System 3
Fort Independence Fort Independence Lower Level Average Turret Control System 2
Fort Independence Fort Independence Lower Level Hard Unlocks Door 2
Franklin Metro utility Right after entering Hard Unlocks safe 2
Franklin Metro utility Below of first room Hard Turret Control 2
Germantown Police HQ First Floor Very Hard Unlocks jail cell doors 4
Germantown Police HQ First Floor Very Hard Unlocks contraband closet 4
Germantown Police HQ Top Floor Very Hard Information 4
Germantown Police HQ Top Floor Easy Unlocks safe 4
Grayditch Doctor Lesko's Shack Average Information related to Those! 2
Grayditch Brandice's House Easy Information 2
Greener Pastures disposal site Offices Average Unlocks safe 1
Jefferson Memorial Jefferson Museum and gift shop Average Turret Control System 1
Jefferson Memorial Jefferson Museum and gift shop Very Easy Scribe Bigsley's terminal, Only in Broken Steel 1
Jury Street Metro station Jury St. tunnels Very Easy Unlocks safe 1
Little Lamplight The Great Chamber, northwest corner Average Opens Vault 87 Reactor Door (see Joseph) 1
L.O.B. Enterprises East Wing, northwest corner Very Hard Info on unique pistol 1
Lucky's Inside, on a counter Hard Unlocks scavenger's safe 1
Marigold station Left of behind subway car near flashing light Easy Unlocks door 2
Marigold station Dr. Lesko's Office Average Unlocks access door and notes 2
MDPL mass relay station Inside Power Station Very Hard Unlocks safe 1
MDPL-13 power station Derelict Power Plant, inside upper office Average Unlocks safe 3
MDPL-13 power station Derelict Power Plant, inside lower office Hard Turret Control 3
MDPL-13 power station Inside power substation, on desk Hard Unlocks safe 3
MDPL-16 power station Power Substation Average Unlocks safe 1
MDPL-21 power station Power Substation Hard Unlocks safe 1
Megaton Children of Atom Very Easy Information 5 Yes
Megaton Craterside Supply Very Easy Information 5 Yes
Megaton Megaton armory Hard Deactivating Deputy Steel and Weld 5 Yes
Megaton Moriarty's Saloon Average Information (Finding out where dad went) 5 Yes
Megaton The Brass Lantern Very Easy Information and unlocks safe 5 Yes
Meresti service tunnel Meresti Trainyard Station Entry terminal Very Hard Information 1
Meresti Metro station The Family's terminal Very Hard Information 3
Meresti Metro station The Family's terminal #2 Very Hard Information 3
Meresti Metro station Vance's terminal Very Hard Information and Unlock safe 3
Museum of History Lower Hall - Top of Staircase on right Average Turret Control 2 No
Museum of History Offices - Go left at the top of the stairs, then go left after the Very Hard door Average Turret Control 2 No
Museum of Technology Atrium, In the Security Station Average Turret Control 4
Museum of Technology West Wing, In the Security Station Average Turret Control 4
Museum of Technology West Wing, In the Security Station Average Information 4
Museum of Technology West Wing, in the Planetarium Control Room Easy Unlocks planetarium exit door (if you have less than 50 lockpick and cant unlock it) 4
National Archives Next to archives sub-basement door Easy Unlocks door 2
National Archives To the right up a staircase from the entrance Average Information, Unlocks Safe 2
National Guard depot Offices Wing, behind a locked door (average) on the other side of the wall (go up the stars and down the other side) there is an unlocked door that goes to the same room. Average Disable turrets 4 No
National Guard depot Training Wing Average Disable turrets 4 No
National Guard depot National Guard depot Average Disable turrets (#1) 4 No
National Guard depot National Guard depot Average Disable turrets (#2) 4 No
Northwest Seneca Station Inside Grocer, on counter Easy Unlocks safe 1
Nuka-Cola plant South East of Wasteland Very Easy Activating Convoy Belt for Nuka-Cola Quantum's 2
Nuka-Cola plant Storage and Mixing V.A.T.S. Very Easy Activating security Protectron 2
Olney Powerworks (Broken Steel Add-on) Olney Powerworks Very Hard Unlocks Door to Tesla Coil 2 No
Olney Powerworks (Broken Steel Add-on) Olney Powerworks Hard Machine Fail safe for Electrical Field around Tesla Coil 2 No
Our Lady of Hope Hospital First floor Average Information (Nurse Station 01) 4
Our Lady of Hope Hospital First floor, north Average Information (Nurse Station 02) 4
Our Lady of Hope Hospital Inside entrance, near reception Average Turret Control System 4
Our Lady of Hope Hospital Second floor, dead end to the east Average Information (Nurse Station 03) 4
Outcast outpost In Protector McGraw's chamber. (Operation: Anchorage) Very Easy Information 1
Paradise Falls In Eulogy's Pad, on the table with the Speech bobblehead near the heart bed Average Use in quest Rescue from Paradise 1
Queen ant's hatchery Accessed from Marigold station Average Use in quest Those! 1
Raven Rock Level 1B, Delivery terminal Average Unlocks Cage #364 3
Raven Rock Level 1B Average Disables Force Field 3
Raven Rock Level 2C, same room as Bobblehead - Energy Weapons Average Disables Force Field 3
Red Racer factory CEO Offices Average Disable chip broadcast 3
Red Racer factory CEO Offices Average Surgeon's Notes 3
Red Racer factory CEO Offices Average Surgeon's Notes & disable chip broadcast 3
Rivet City Midship Deck, Abraham Washington's room Average Information 8 Yes
Rivet City Midship Deck, Seagrave Holmes's room Average Information 8 No
Rivet City Tower (2 terminals) Very Easy Information 8 No
Rivet City Upper Deck, Clinic Average Information 8 Yes
Rivet City Upper Deck, Doctor Li's room Easy Information 8 Yes
Rivet City Upper Deck, Bannon's room Easy Information 8 Yes
Rivet City Upper Deck, hotel lobby Very Easy Information 8 Yes
RobCo facility Upper Level - Offices and Cafeteria Average Robot control 1
Roosevelt Academy First Floor - Admin Office Very Easy Protectron 2
Roosevelt Academy First Floor - Nurse Office Hard Open safe 2
SatCom Array NN-03d Tower C Very Easy Open Door 1
SatCom Array NW-05a Southeast of Raven Rock Average Turret Control 1
Steelyard In front of a line of 4 Protectron's Hard 4 Protectron's 1
Super-Duper Mart In a storage area the back of the store, next to the Protectron. Very Easy Protectron 2
Super-Duper Mart Office at the back of the store. Easy Opens door to the storage area to the right of the terminal. 2
Taft Tunnel Before the flood door Very hard ? 1
Tenpenny Tower In Boutique Le Chic, 1st Floor Average Unlocks safe 4 Yes
Tenpenny Tower In New Urban Apparel, 1st Floor Average Unlocks safe 4 Yes
Tenpenny Tower In the Federalist Lounge, 1st Floor Easy Store Discount 4
Tenpenny Tower Metro Access & Generator around back of the tower Easy Unlock containment door for Tenpenny Tower 4
Tepid sewers To the left of the entrance Average Control automated turrets 2
Tepid sewers Outside Rocksalt's storage room Easy Unlocks Rocksalt's storage room 2
Underworld Winthrop's Room Average Information/Unlocks safe 4 Yes
Underworld The Chop Shop Very Easy Information 4 Yes
Underworld The Ninth Circle Very Easy Information/Unlocks safe 4 Yes
Underworld Underworld Outfitters Very Easy Information 4 Yes
VAPL-58 power station Inside building Very Hard Unlocks safe 1
Vault 87 Living Quarters Average Information/Unlocks safe 8
Vault 87 Test Labs, Isolation Room 01 Hard Unlocks Door 8
Vault 87 Test Labs, Isolation Room 02 Hard Unlocks Door 8
Vault 87 Test Labs, Isolation Room 03 Hard Unlocks Door 8
Vault 87 Test Labs, Isolation Room 04 Hard Unlocks Door 8
Vault 87 Test Labs, Isolation Room 05 Hard Unlocks Door 8
Vault 87 Test Labs, Lab Tehnician Average Unlocks Door 8
Vault 87 Test Labs, Medical Wing Maintenance Average Unlocks Door(s) 8
Vault 92 Living Quarters Average Women's Dorm Security terminal 5
Vault 92 Living Quarters Average Men's Dorm Security terminal 5
Vault 92 Living Quarters Hard Data Storage Entry 5
Vault 92 Living Quarters Average Security terminal 5
Vault 92 Atrium Average Supply Shop 5
Vault 101 Interrogation room during Trouble on the Homefront Average Opens cell, Information (this terminal is unlocked during Escape!) 3
Vault 101 Overseer's office Very Easy Opens tunnel, Information 3 No
Vault 101 Sub-Level Hard Information 3
Vault 106 Entrance, security room Very Easy Information 2
Vault 106 Living Quarters, Overseers office Very Hard Information 2
Vault 112 Tranquility Pod Floor Hard Unlocks door to Supply Room 1
Vault-Tec headquarters Vault-Tec Administration, Lower Floor, northeast corner Average Disable turrets 2
Vault-Tec headquarters Vault-Tec Administration, Upper Floor Average Disable turrets 2
Wheaton Armory Bottom of missile silo Average Turret control 2
Wheaton Armory Bottom of missile silo Very Hard Unlocks Door 2
Greener Pastures disposal site In the offices of the disposal site on a table when you walk into the offices Average Unlocks safe 2

In Fallout: New Vegas, for the Hack the Mojave achievement/trophy you must hack 25 terminals.

Place (or closest map marker) Location in place Skill level Purpose How Many Bad Karma?
Ashton silo control station Lonesome Road (add-on) L1 Average/Hard Disengage lock 2 No
Black Mountain Prison building Very Hard Password
Disengage Lock
1 No
Black Mountain Broadcast building 1st floor Easy Background info 2 No
Boulder City Train station Average Disengage lock 1 No
Camp Golf House Resort Easy-Hard Ranger info 2 Easy-No Hard-Yes
Camp McCarran Inside a tent in front of Camp McCarran terminal building entrance Very Easy NCR Ranger mail 1 No
Camp McCarran Camp McCarran supply shack Average Download weapons manifest used in Dealing with Contreras quest 1 Yes
Camp Searchlight Around the turrets Very Easy-Very Hard Turret control 5 No
Camp Searchlight NCR storage area (inside derelict church) Average Access safe
1 No
Forbidden Zone Old World Blues (add-on) X-42 Robo-Warfare Facility Very Hard Emergency shutdown of the X-42 giant robo-scorpion 1 No
The Fort Weather monitoring station Average-Hard Quest-related 2 No
Gomorrah Big Sal's office Average Disengage lock 1 No
Goodsprings Goodsprings schoolhouse Easy Disengage lock 1 No
Goodsprings Prospector Saloon Easy Disengage lock 1 Yes
H&H Tools factory 2nd floor Average Background info 1 No
Hidden Valley bunker L1 Very Easy-Hard Journal entries
Turret access
4 Yes
HELIOS One Mirror yard terminals Hard Reset mainframe connections 2 No
HELIOS One Solar collection tower Easy Turret control 1 No
Hidden Valley bunker L2 Very Hard Self-destruction 1 Yes
Hopeville silo bunker entrance Lonesome Road (add-on) L1, L2, and L3 Easy-Hard Disengage lock
Disable security
3 No
Lucky 38 Casino Hard Quest-related 1 No
Lucky 38 Penthouse Hard 1 No
NCR Embassy Easy-Average Information 2 Yes
Primm Bison Steve Hotel Easy Disengage lock 1 No
Puesta del Sol switching station Dead Money Very Easy-Hard Turn off radio
Turret control
3 No
REPCONN headquarters 3 FL1, 3 FL2, 2 FL3 Very Easy-Very Hard Disengage lock
Background info
Bypass security
8 No
Salida del Sol Dead Money On a desk in the south Average Turn speakers off 1 No
Sierra Madre Casino & Resort Dead Money Executive suites Easy-Normal Turn speakers off
Download Recipe: Super-Heated Knife!
Unlock security closet
2 No

Sunset Sarsaparilla headquarters Factory floor Very Easy-Average Background info
Activate Mr. Janitor
3 No
Third Street Municipal Building Lonesome Road (add-on) Outside the entrance on a desk Easy Background info 1 No
Two Skies cave Honest Hearts In front of the electric door Average Disengage lock 1 No
Ulysses' Temple Lonesome Road (add-on) Maintenance and storage Hard Disengage lock 1 No
Vault 3 Maintenance wing Average Disengage lock 2 No
Vault 3 Living quarters Average-Hard Disengage lock 3 No
Vault 3 Left of vault entrance Very Easy Close access panel 1 No
Vault 21 Gift shop Very Hard Background info 1 Yes
Vault 21 Sarah Weintraub's room Easy Sarah Weintraub's mail 1 Yes
Vault 11 Hard Disengage lock 1 No
Villa clinic Dead Money 2nd floor Easy Background info 1 No
Villa police station Dead Money On a desk next to the front entrance Hard Disengage lock 1 No
X-8 research center Old World Blues (add-on) X-8 institutional test facility, 1st floor Average Turret control 2 No
X-8 research center Old World Blues (add-on) X-8 institutional test facility, 2nd floor Easy Turret control 2 No
X-13 research facility Old World Blues (add-on) X-13 stealth testing lab, directly across the elevator Hard No function 1 No

Fallout 4[]

Hacking in Fallout 4 works largely the same as in previous installments. Terminal hacking ability is determined by the Hacker perk, with terminal locks being of the Novice, Advanced, Expert, or Master tiers. Successfully hacking a terminal may allow one to: access information, disable or enable turrets or spotlights, alarm systems, and various other defenses or traps, open locked doors or safes. Several words and symbols are displayed on the locked terminal, with word length dependent on the terminal's tier. Finding complete bracket sets (e.g. "<...>", "[...]") on one row will (at random) either remove incorrect words or reset the number of tries. Unlike in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, expending all four guesses only temporarily locks the player character out, allowing another attempt a short time later.

The fourth-level rank of the Hacker perk prevents all lockouts, the science bobblehead allows one extra password guess, and the Close to Metal perk both allows one more guess and reduces lockout time by 50%.

In Fallout 4, for the RobCo's Worst Nightmare achievement/trophy, the Sole Survivor must hack 50 terminals.

Place (or closest map marker) Location in place Perk level Name Content/Purpose
Andrew station Railway platform (eastern part) 1 !Novice Terminal Spotlight control
ArcJet Systems Laboratory (2nd floor, southwest) 3 !Expert Lab terminal Terminal entries
Safe control
Back Street Apparel Backroom (first floor, southwest) 2 !Advanced Terminal Safe control
BADTFL regional office Chief's office (first floor, northwest) 1 !Novice Terminal Terminal entries
Safe control
Turret control
BADTFL regional office Holding cells (basement, northeast) 1 !Novice Terminal Terminal entries
BADTFL regional office Archive area (lower floor, southeast) 3 !Expert Terminal Protectron control
Beantown Brewery Tower Tom's office (upper floor, northeast) 1 !Novice Tower Tom's terminal Terminal entries
Boston mayoral shelter Security area (ground level) 1 !Novice Terminal Turret control
Boston mayoral shelter Storage room (underground level) 3 !Expert Terminal Terminal entries
Door control
Boston mayoral shelter Sleeping quarters (underground level, lower floor) 4 !Master Terminal Door control
Cabot House Jack Cabot's lab (2nd floor, southeast) 3 !Expert Terminal Terminal entries
Cabot House Emogene Cabot's room (3rd floor, northeast) 4 !Master Terminal Terminal entries
Cambridge Police Station Chief's office (first floor, eastern side) 2 !Advanced Recon data terminal Terminal entries
Safe control
Crater House Southeastern shack 1 !Novice Terminal Terminal entries
Spotlight control
Turret control
Diamond City Mayor McDonough's office 1 !Novice Mayor McDonough's terminal Terminal entries
Safe control
D.B. Technical High School Yellow classroom (2nd floor, western side) 1 !Novice Terminal Spotlight control
D.B. Technical High School Computer lab (2nd floor, southeast) 1 !Novice Terminal Terminal entries
Fallon's department store Staff room (upper floor, western side) 1 !Novice Terminal Protectron control
Faneuil Hall Main entrance (first floor, western side) 1 !Novice Security terminal Protectron control
Faneuil Hall Commonwealth Bank (upper floor, southwest) 1 !Novice Terminal Protectron control
Faneuil Hall Commonwealth Bank (upper floor, northwest) 3 !Expert Terminal Door control
Fraternal Post 115 Executive office (upper floor, northeast) 1 !Novice Executive terminal Terminal entries
Safe control
Turret control

Goodneighbor Bobbi's place (upper floor) 2 !Advanced Bobbi's terminal Terminal entries
Safe control
Jamaica Plain Town Hall basement (northern side) 1 !Novice Treasures access terminal Door control
Jamaica Plain Town Hall basement (northern side) 3 !Expert Security terminal Protectron control
Lexington Lexington parking garage 1 !Novice Security terminal Protectron control
Lexington Security room, southeast of Lexington Bank. 1 !Novice Terminal Door control
Listening Post Bravo Bunker entrance 4 !Master Terminal Door control
Mass Bay Medical Center Reception (first floor, western side) 3 !Expert Terminal Protectron control
Museum of Freedom Generator room (basement) 1 !Novice Computer terminal Door control
Museum of Freedom Director's office (3rd floor, northwest) 1 !Novice Museum Operations terminal Terminal entries
Door control
Sanctuary Yellow house (southwest) 1 !Novice Ledger terminal Terminal entries
Shaw High School Main office (first floor, southern side) 1 !Novice Faculty terminal Terminal entries
Suffolk County Charter School Main hall (first floor) 1 !Novice Terminal Protectron control
Suffolk County Charter School Basement 3 !Expert Terminal Door control
Sunshine Tidings co-op Central building 1 !Novice Sunshine Tidings terminal Terminal entries
Mr. Handy control
Super-Duper Mart Manager's office (first floor, southern corner) 1 !Novice Terminal Protectron control
Safe control
Tenpines Bluff Train tracks checkpoint (to the east) 2 !Advanced Terminal Door control
The Institute West stairs (first floor, near clinic) 1 !Novice Terminal Door control
The Institute East stairs (first floor, near commissary) 4 !Master Terminal Door control
University Point Sedgwick Hall: machine parts magazine (2nd floor, northwest) 1 !Novice Gerald's terminal Terminal entries
University Point Slocum's Joe cafeteria (first floor, northwest) 1 !Novice Terminal Door control
University Point University Credit Union (basement, southern side) 1 !Novice Vault control terminal Door control
USAF Satellite Station Olivia USAF Satellite Station Olivia (basement, southern side) 2 !Advanced Guard Terminal Opens intel room
Vault 81 Clinic (bottom floor, residential area) 1 !Novice Terminal Terminal entries
Vault 81 Overseer's office (top floor, atrium area) 2 !Advanced Overseer's terminal Terminal entries
Vault 81 Secret Vault (in front of staircase to Curie's lab) 3 !Expert Vault 81 Secure Access terminal Door control
Vault 81 Reactor room (under the stairs) 4 !Master Old Overseers terminal Terminal entries
Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup Warehouse (outside) 1 !Novice Terminal Protectron control
Yangtze Medbay (lower deck) 2 !Advanced Terminal Door control
Yangtze Southern stairs (upper deck) 3 !Expert Bulkhead terminal Door control
Yangtze Reactor room (lower deck) 4 !Master Bulkhead terminal Door control
Yangtze Armory (lower deck) 4 !Master Terminal Door control

Fallout 76[]


  • When selecting a bracketed text string when there is only one selectable word left it will have no effect and simply say, "Entry Denied."
  • Unlike in Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas, clicking a dud character (such as an unmatched bracket) in Fallout 4 doesn't remove a chance from your allowance.

Behind the scenes[]

While most words presented in a hacking screen are dictionary words, there are some exceptions.

  • The word 'GURPS' may appear in Fallout 4 hacking screens. This is a reference to the initial working title of Fallout 1, which was Fallout: A GURPS Post Nuclear Adventure, using rules from the GURPS paper and pencil roleplaying system.