Gym session notes is a holotape in Fallout 76.
It can be found on a shelf next to a radio in the workout room of the Green Country Lodge.
Traveling Salesman: Arm day. Three sets of twelve reps. Let's see... Dumbbell bicep curls. Tricep extensions. Hm. And back extensions. Little chuffed 'bout the lack of proper equipment. No bother. Chin up! Only eight more luxury coffins to make quota in Backwoods-- I mean, Flatwoods. *laughs* Will be difficult given the... ehrm, "financial" situation 'round here. Just need to remind them of our friends the Chinese, and I'll be back on the plane to Ipswich within a fortnight. *sigh* Gather it'll be the benchpress today, yet again.
- The traveling salesman is also referred to as the "gym rat" in the game's files. Gideon Emery, who voiced the salesman, is credited as the gym rat.
- The audio recording uses the word "peeved" rather than "chuffed", which is in the above (and on-screen) transcript. In British English, "peeved" would mean annoyed, while "chuffed" would mean impressed, or happy, therefore "peeved" would make sense in the context above.