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Doc Morbid has the best human bodies around. None better.

Gretch is Doc Morbid's assistant in Junktown's hospital in Fallout.


A rotund little person, Gretch suffers from a significant mental disability,[1] mercilessly exploited by Doc Morbid to carve up human flesh and prepare it for shipping to the Hub, where Iguana Bob Frazier uses it to prepare prime cut iguana-on-a-stick. The little cannibal venture is very profitable for Morbid and Frazier, and keeps Gretch stuck in the basement butchering human bodies.[2]

The arrangement is doubly beneficial for Morbid: Gretch cannot tell right from wrong and obeys Morbid without question, and cannot be used as a witness, as nobody in Junktown takes him seriously.[3]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.



Apparel Weapon Other items
Dwarf outfit 10mm SMG


Gretch appears only in Fallout.



  1. Vault Dweller: "{131}{}{Sometimes I have a little trouble thinking.}"
    Gretch: "{132}{}{Me have trouble thinking, too . . . what we talk about?}"
  2. Gretch: "{112}{}{Um . . . okay.} "
    Vault Dweller: "{114}{}{Okay? Does that mean that you're almost done?}"
    Gretch: "{116}{}{Yes, yes, almost done.} "
    Vault Dweller: "{117}{}{With what?} "
    Gretch: "{120}{}{Body parts almost ready to go to Hub.}"
    Vault Dweller: "{122}{}{Of course. That's why I'm here.} "
    Gretch: "{124}{}{Iguana man Bob send you . . . he happy, lots of good meat . . .}"
    Vault Dweller: "{125}{}{He's selling human body parts for people to eat?}"
    Gretch: "{128}{}{For Bob to sell . . . to eat . . . why you ask what we use for?}"
    Vault Dweller: "{130}{}{I wasn't sure this was where Bob got his human meat from.}"
    Gretch: "{138}{}{Yes . . . Doc Morbid has best human bodies around. None better.}"
  3. Vault Dweller: "{233}{}{I know about you and Iguana Bob, you filthy butcher.}"
    Morbid: "{234}{}{Wh . . . what could you possibly mean?}"
    Vault Dweller: "{235}{}{I had a little conversation with your troll . . .}"
    Morbid: "{236}{}{[He looks shiftily from side to side] That proves nothing. Gretch is a little . . . slow in the head. No one listens to him around here. You had best leave.}"


  1. NMA: it's gretch, man - Leonard Boyarsky