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Greta is a ghoul cook, Carol's life partner, and co-host of the Carol's Place in Underworld in Fallout 3. The two are the first same-sex couple to be portrayed in a Fallout game.


Greta is a ghoul from outside Underworld who immigrated there around 2217. Upon meeting Carol, the two fell in love, and opened a bed and breakfast together, realizing Carol's lifelong dream.[1] Carol became the housekeeper and administrator, while Greta took up the responsibilities of a cook, tailoring the food to the peculiar ghoul physiology.[Non-game 1] After six decades of being together, their relationship is still going strong, although Greta constantly worries about Carol, who has begun to show signs of depression.[2][Non-game 2]

Greta's key advantage is her deadpan, sarcastic sense of humor, typically leveraging the fact that she's a ghoul cooking for ghouls. She's an expert at turning barely edible scraps into something approximating a dish, and jokingly refers to it as the finest food in DC (just don't ask what it's made of). She makes a point of teasing regular humans like the Lone Wanderer about their weak stomaches, incapable of appreciating ghoul cuisine. They're welcome to try,[3][4] though she jokingly claims some dishes are best appreciated quickly after their contents stop moving.[5] Greta is focused on her work and partner and has little interest in other matters such as Underworld's history, directing anyone to Tulip to sate their thirst for knowledge.[6] However, she is a keen observer, particularly of guests coming in: She noticed that Mister Crowley's demeanor changed a few months into his stay at Carol's Place, and he suddenly developed a zealous hatred of people calling ghouls "zombies", which she finds quite suspicious.[7]

However, she is preoccupied with her love. Carol has been behaving in an increasingly worrying fashion, suffering from insomnia, overwork, and finding no enjoyment in running the Place anymore.[8] While she tries to play it off as just a brief problem, Greta sees right through her and is incredibly worried about Carol.[2] Even the customers have started to notice the problems, though Greta is at a loss as to how to convince Carol to seek professional help with what is increasingly looking like depression.[9]


Naturally, Greta's closest relationship is with Carol, her life partner. The two have been together for over sixty years, longer than many wastelanders have been alive, and are utterly devoted to each other.[10] Greta is so protective of Carol, in fact, that she seemed jealous of her relationship with Gob, their adoptive son,[1] and will warn other women against having any ideas about courting her.[11] She wants her to feel happy and doesn't want anyone to worsen her condition, such as causing her to grieve should Gob meet a bad end while out in the wasteland.[12]

Greta is on friendly terms with most of the ghouls at Underworld, though she apparently waters down her drinks.[13] Most appreciate her wit, and she harbors no ill will towards anyone, even those who insult her cooking. In particular, Mister Crowley is on the receiving end of acerbic jokes whenever he comes down and complains about the cooking, though after ten years of verbal sparring, this has graduated to the leevel of banter.[14] In fact, she banters with most customers, stating that there's no refunds for not keeping her cooking down[15] and joking about rolling passed-out customers into the fire.[16]

As a result, Greta is very popular in Underworld, to the great annoyance of Ahzrukhal, the local criminal element and competitor to Carol and Greta. He would love to have Greta taken out of the picture[17] and hook Carol up on chems to "manage" her depression.[18] However, if he asked Charon to kill her, other residents would immediately know he is responsible and lynch him in retaliation.[19]

Daily schedule[]

Greta has one sandbox package that makes her stay at Carol's Place throughout the day, providing services to customers. She will only interrupt it to have a break outside the Underworld concourse at 8 p.m. each day (which only starts to happen after the player enters Underworld for the first time), lasting three hours, and to sleep with Carol for six hours between 3 a.m. and 9 a.m.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
FO76 ui trading team
This character is a merchant. Bottle cap 60-240
Sells: Food
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).



  • Greta is a consumables merchant, offering a selection of food, drinks, and chems, using a generic leveled list like most other such merchants.

Other interactions[]

  • If the Lone Wanderer is female, Greta will warn her to stay away from Carol upon first interaction.
  • Telling Carol about Gob's death, should it happen, will cause Greta to berate the player character, but has no lasting consequences.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Dirty pre-War spring outfit 10mm pistol - Carol's Place supply key

Notable quotes[]


Greta appears only in Fallout 3.

Behind the scenes[]

The Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census claims that Greta is Winthrop's girlfriend, who occasionally spends time with him in his concourse workshop. In-game, they never spend time with each other, nor do they have any special interactions.[Non-game 3]



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Lone Wanderer: "You run this place with Greta?"
    Carol: "That's right. Her and I have been together for... oh... about 60 years now. But, things haven't really been the same since Gob left. He was like a son to me. I think Greta was always a little jealous of him..."
    (Carol's dialogue)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Greta: "Carol, why don't you get some rest? You look so tired."
    Carol: "What now? Oh, I'm sorry Greta, I didn't see you there... did you need something?"
    Greta: "I was saying that you need to get some rest. You're falling asleep up here. You never sleep through a whole night anymore. I hear you getting up."
    Carol: "Oh, Greta, you worry too much. I'm fine, I'm fine. Just have a lot on my mind. It'll pass. Nothing to worry about."
    Greta: "If you say so, Carol."
    (Underworld conversations; Greta and Carol's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "What's on the menu?"
    Greta: "You're in for a treat, the finest food in DC. Four stars. Yep. Get it while it's lukewarm. Just don't ask what it's made of. You humans seem to have weak stomachs. If you're lucky, maybe it's gone rancid already. MmmmMmmmm…"
    (Greta's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "I have to go now."
    Greta: "You humans have such weak stomachs."
    (Greta's dialogue)
  5. Greta: "If you want something to eat, you should order it quick, hon. The stew just stopped moving."
    (Greta's dialogue)
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you know about Underworld?"
    Greta: "To tell you the truth, hon, I don't really know much about it. All I know is that it used to be some sort of exhibit. Something about hell or the afterlife or something. Tulip knows that sort of stuff. Not like anyone around here ever buys anything from that shop of hers."
    (Greta's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "Does Crowley come in here a lot? What's his angle?"
    Greta: "He's an odd one. Why just a few months ago he decided he didn't like people calling us zombies. No Ghoul likes to be called a zombie, but Crowley was going up to humans and almost daring them to do it."
    (Greta's dialogue)
  8. Underworld resident: "Carol used to love this place, now it's like she hardly even cares. Have you noticed that?"
    Underworld resident: "Yeah, now that you mention it. I wonder what's going on..."
    (Underworld conversations; Underworld residents' dialogue) Note: May only occur in Carol's Place, and only if Carol is alive.
  9. Bugged Greta: "Carol, honey, I'm worried about you. Are you alright?"
    Carol: "Oh, Greta, baby. You don't need to worry about me, I was just lost in my thoughts. You know how it is."
    Greta: "C'mon, Carol. It's me, I can see through you. It's gotten so bad that the customers have started to notice."
    Carol: "They don't need to worry about me, Greta, and neither do you. I'll be okay."
    Greta: "You know that I can't stop worrying about you. Just think about it, okay?"
    (Underworld conversations; Greta and Carol's dialogue) Note: In Carol's last response set, her second response ("They don't need to worry") has the Goodbye flag checked, which will end the conversation before reaching Greta's last response. This seems to be unintentional, as that response is still set up to continue to Greta's last line. Bugged
  10. Greta: "Carol..."
    Carol: "Hello, Greta. You always manage to make me feel a little better."
    (Underworld conversations; Greta and Carol's dialogue)
  11. Greta: "Hey. I sayIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar you over there talking to Carol. She's friendly, isn't she? But don't you get any ideas about her. Got it? Good. Now, do you want something to eat?"
    (Greta's dialogue)
  12. Greta: "Goddammit! Why did you tell Carol that Gob was dead? You couldn't have kept that to yourself? You know, not everyone needs to hear the truth about everything. She was perfectly fine thinking that he'd found happiness out there. Just... order something and get away from me."
    (Greta's dialogue)
  13. Underworld resident: "It's better than that watered-down piss they pour over at Carol's."
    (Underworld conversations)
  14. Mister Crowley: "Greta, bring me some of that slop that you call food."
    "Greta, bring me something. Preferably something dead this time. And not glowing."
    Greta: "Not this again. Look, I've been telling you every day for ten years, if you don't like it, go make your own damn food."
    "If you don't like what we have, Crowley, you can always go hunt rats in the tunnels with the ferals."
    Mister Crowley: "If I thought there was a chance that it would be better than this slop, I'd do that. But as it stands, this is my only option."
    "Very funny, Greta. I'd happily prepare my own meals if I could ever get anything was wasn't moldy, rotten, or still squirming."
    Greta: "Well then. What'll it be, Crowley?"
    "Looks like you're stuck eating our slop then. Now what do you want?"
    "Well then, what are you complaining about? Oh, I forgot, you're a bitter bastard. Just tell me what you want to eat."
    Mister Crowley: "Fine. I suppose I can choke down some of the squirrel stew."
    "Very well, bring me some of that disgusting iguana."
    "<sigh> Fine. I'll have the... squirrel. Cooked, please."
    Greta: "See? I knew you'd come around."
    "Sure. I'll get it to you as soon as I can." or "You got it."
    (Greta's dialogue)
  15. Greta: "No refunds if you don't keep it down this time. Now, what can I get you?"
    (Underworld conversations)
  16. Greta: "Alright, but if you pass out, I'm just going to roll you into the fire."
    (Underworld conversations)
  17. Hired Help
  18. Underworld terminal entries; Ahzrukhal's terminal, Notes on Carol
  19. The Lone Wanderer: "Why not just have Charon do it?"
    Ahzrukhal: "Loyal employee that he is, Charon would do it without question if I asked him to. However, the entire town would come down on me for it. Greta is quite popular around here. If Charon is the one who kills her, everyone will know that it was me who ordered Greta's death. I need Charon clearly visible and in public when Greta dies, so that I can fairly claim ignorance of the situation."
    (Ahzrukhal's dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.75
    Greta and Carol have been together for a long time. In fact, it was Greta who convinced Carol to open Carol's Place. Carol takes care of the desk while Greta cooks and serves the food. Well, most humans wouldn't call it food, but Ghouls have superhuman intestinal fortitude."
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.65:
    Carol is perhaps the sweetest Ghoul you'll ever meet. The fact that she's a hideously deformed Ghoul hasn't stopped her from wearing a sundress, smiling pleasantly, or sharing a warm hello with anyone who crosses her path. Carol won't say how old she is, but it's generally understood that she's been around since before the bombs fell. She always wanted to open a bed and breakfast, and Carol's Place is her dream come true, although everyone has noticed that she's been a bit down lately. She is also has a son, Gob, who's carrying an the family tradition as a barkeep in Megaton."
  3. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.103: "Winthrop
    Winthrop is Underworld's technician. He checks on the electricity, makes sure any plumbing is in working order, and generally takes care of things. He restored and reprogrammed the robot Cerberus, and is responsible for his maintenance. Winthrop sleeps for a few hours in his little workshop off the Concourse, and is occasionally joined by his girlfriend Greta."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)