Gomorrah prostitutes are prostitutes employed by the Omertas, who run the Gomorrah casino in 2281.
The prostitutes are both male or female, as well as human or ghoul. They are seen dancing seductively in cages tied on the ceiling and make a living dancing and providing sexual favors for customers.
The Courier can speak to Sweetie in Westside's Casa Madrid Apartments about the casino, and she reveals that the prostitutes are being forced to work against their will. She got her start at Gomorrah, but saw that the Omertas are intentionally causing chem addiction in girls by providing free Jet or Med-X, and then when they are fully addicted to the drugs, start charging. Sweetie describes their ploy as, "slavery through a needle."[1] Not only do they have to serve as strippers in the Gomorrah's club, Brimstone, and also the courtyard, but they have to provide sexual favors for anyone who pays.
Interactions with the player character[]
Interactions overview[]
Interactions | ||
This character is involved in quests. |
- How Little We Know: One prostitute is discovered to have been kidnapped and tortured by Clanden. She can be found dead in a locked room in the Gomorrah suites.
Other interactions[]
- If ever attacked, they will not turn hostile, but will instead most of the time run away in fear, screaming for help. If one hides after this for quite some time and remain hidden, they will eventually return to being non-hostile and walk back to where they were and continue their duties as a prostitute.
- Talking to the prostitutes will yield responses such as "If I wasn't working right now, I'd show you a real nice time" or "You know you want a piece of this, give me some sugar." Sometimes, in the courtyard, the player character can start actual dialogue conversations with a prostitute, where the prostitute will say "What do you need" and the only option is "I have to go now" or "See you later" or a similar response, upon which the prostitute will either say "Later" or "Bye" and then the conversation ends.
- The assumed loud moans of prostitutes can frequently be heard in the 3rd floor of Gomorrah.
Apparel | Weapon | Other items | On death |
Prostitute outfit |
Gomorrah prostitutes appear only in Fallout: New Vegas.
- ↑ The Courier: "Wouldn't you make more money working on the Strip?"
Sweetie: "I got my start at the Gomorrah, good money, but I saw how those Omertas hook girls on free Jet or Med-X - then start charging. Slavery through a needle is what that is. I earn less out here, but I keep more."
(Sweetie's dialogue)