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Fallout Wiki




Goddard is the leader of a group of scientists in Boulder Dome in 2253.


In 2247, Goddard was formerly an NCR scientist, and an advisor to President Tandi (of NCR). However, since people found him bothersome, Tandi assigned him to studying power and establishing reactors in the eastern territories. The job required him to be accompanied by a military escort, for his safety. When he returned from exploring, he was again tasked with searching the south-west region of the U.S. for more information about functioning pre-war power facilities by Victor Presper. Accompanied by a military escort, he sent back reports of promising locations he discovered during the voyages. Presper was particulary interested in his report of the Boulder Dome, so he sent a team of soldiers to investigate it's interior. Later, Presper inhabits the Dome with teams of scientists from NCR. Further on, in 2250, Goddard meets another NCR scientist names Agnes at the Hoover Dam. Knowing they could not go back to NCR, the two went to the Boulder Dome by means of the trucker Eddie Galenski.

Interactions with the player character


  • Tall, stiff - looking, bald; never smiles
  • He is always dead serious about everything
  • Knows how to make fuel and rocket fuel


Goddard did not appear, nor was mentioned in any published games, but was going to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.


