- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Why do you worship the bomb?"
Confessor Cromwell: "Those who were called to Atom during the Great Division were very fortunate. They were permitted to aid in the process of Atom's creation. We seek the same, both in symbol and in fact and the 'bomb', as you call it, represents Atom's capacity for creation. We kneel before it and ask that Atom call us to aid him. We pray that out of our meager bodies, he will create new life." (Cromwell's dialogue)
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Confessor Cromwell: "Behold! He is coming with the clouds! And every eye shall be blind with his glory! Every ear shall be stricken deaf to hear the thunder of his voice! Let the men, women, and children of the Earth come forth to gather and behold the power of Atom! Let those who dwell here in his favored land attend now to the words of the Prophet of Atom! Come forth and drink the waters of the Glow, for this ancient weapon of war is our salvation, it is the very symbol of Atom's glory! Let it serve as a reminder of the Division that has occurred in the past and the resplendence of the promise of our division in the times to come! Give your bodies to Atom, my friends. Release yourself to his power, feel his Glow, and be Divided. There shall be no tears, no sorrow, no suffering, for in the Division, we shall see our release from the pain and hardships of this world. Yea, your suffering shall exist no longer; it shall be washed away in Atom's Glow, burned from you in the fire of his brilliance. Each of us shall give birth to a billion stars formed from the mass of our wretched and filthy bodies. Each of us shall be mother and father to a trillion civilizations. Each of us shall know peace, shall know an end to pain, and shall know Atom in his glory. I urge you, my friends -- come, drink with me and pray... Glorious Atom, I give unto you these feeble bones. I present to your will this frail body. I beg of you to use me as your vessel, guide me to your brilliance, divide each particle and give relief to this rotten flesh. Cast the fragile form of this ephemeral body into new life in the forge of your Glow. Atom, come -- bestow your presence on your unworthy servant. We stay true, until the Day of Division -- until the dawn of your return to His humble world."
(Cromwell's dialogue)
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Mother Curie III: "Children of the Light, hear my words and feel Atom's warmth! For too long, our world has been barren, and our people have become empty. Their hearts have become dry and cold, and thirst consumes the weak and the strong alike. But we can save them! For Atom's bounty has granted us the gifts of mercy and compassion! Oh, my brethren, let us share with them the Waters of Light! Let them be fulfilled by Atom! Let them know his glow and be truly Enlightened! And let them live forever, and walk with us in the grace of Atom's Glow, and never be empty again!"
(Curie III's dialogue)
- ↑ Confessor Cromwell: "May Atom's Light shine."
"Light shine on your path." (Cromwell's dialogue)
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 The Lone Wanderer: "You know this water is full of radiation, right?"
Brother Gerard: "It's full of Atom's Light, if that's what you mean. Brighter and warmer than any water I've ever seen before. Blessing of the holy water is overseen by Mother Curie III, our Luminescent Mother. But her work keeps her busy within the monastery at all times." (Gerard's dialogue)
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Please, you're endangering innocent people who think your water is safe."
Mother Curie III: "Is that truly what it looks like to others? We only mean to tend to the ill and offer them salvation before they pass - we're saviors, not murderers! We offer salvation, not death! We must not give the world another reason to fear Atom's Light. If that means no more holy water, then so be it. We will leave the clean Aqua Pura for the residents of Megaton. We will save our ministrations for those who seek us out." (Curie III's dialogue)
- ↑ The Sole Survivor: "Why build a crypt in the sub? Don't you have the entire base?"
Sister Aubert: "Keeps our fallen brethren near His Glow, near their family. Only spot a child should spend eternity. A true honor... denied to too many." (Aubert's dialogue)
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 The Sole Survivor: "Great Division? What's that?"
Sister Aubert: "Atom's Great Division? Two hundred years ago, thousands, millions, across the world, reborn in an instant. Given over to Atom. These days, we take the scenic route. Extended exposure to the Glow. Long Division... heh." (Aubert's dialogue)
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 The Lone Wanderer: "You mean, you turn people into Ghouls?"
Curie III: "That's a vulgar term, used only by those who are jealous of their gifts. We recognize them for the Enlightened beings they are. But to receive such Enlightenment, people need to be exposed to a tremendous dose of Atom's Glow. That's why our holy water is so important! Sadly, only a small number of supplicants truly achieve Eternal Light. The rest must be satisfied with Enlightenment and an end to their suffering." (Curie III's dialogue)
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Tell me about your order."
Gerard: "Ah, the Apostles of the Eternal Light were first introduced to the majesty of Atom's Glow by the holy teachings of Confessor Cromwell. And we were content to stay in Cromwell's Church, until Atom gave a vision unto our Luminous Mother. She learned that Atom did not call for Division, that sundering which drives us apart. Atom calls for Enlightenment, the warmth which feeds us. For it is only through Atom's supreme and total Enlightenment that we may attain salvation in Eternal Light." (Gerard's dialogue)
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Spreading tainted water under the guise of helping humanity? I can relate."
Brother Gerard: "What you see as the 'taint' of radiation, we see as Atom's Eternal Light." (Gerard's dialogue) Note: These lines are only available if the Aqua Pura is poisoned with modified FEV during the quest Project Impurity in Fallout 3.[verification needed]
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "You mean I have to be irradiated to be allowed inside?"
Brother Gerard: "Yes, call it what you will. We simply will not allow any who do not bear the Light. Make your way to our Tabernacle, pilgrim. Pray to Atom to fill you with Holy Radiance. Bask in the Glow of Atom's Eternal Light." (Gerard's dialogue)
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Turning people into Ghouls? But that requires an amazing amount of radiation!"
Mother Curie III: "That's correct, it does. But we can work miracles with our holy water. Free of impurities, this 'Aqua Pura' is perfect for carrying Atom's blessing. Sadly, only a small number of supplicants truly achieve Eternal Light. The rest must be satisfied with Enlightenment and an end to their suffering." (Curie III's dialogue)
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 The Lone Wanderer: "I am the Prophet of Atom. Stop irradiating water."
Mother Curie III: "Why... you ARE the Prophet of Atom! I didn't recognize you until now... Your eyes are aglow, your very skin radiates with Atom's Heat! I didn't realize... My Lord, now that you have revealed yourself to me, I do... I see the errors of my ways. Forgive me, for I knew not what I was doing... we will spread your word without the use of the holy water... we will return the Aqua Pura to Megaton. It shall be a test: the worthy will seek us out, and finding us they will find the Message of Atom, drinking the Waters of Light in their souls. Yes! I leave you now, Lord. I can not bear to look upon your shining face any longer." (Curie III's dialogue) Note: This is the successful option if the player character has over 800 rads. The gender of Atom's prophet changes biased on the player's choice during character creation.
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Megaton terminal entries; Confessor Cromwell's terminal, Bringing About The Division: "I often ask myself if the time is right for the second Division. Here, in Atom's blessed village, are we truly ready for his coming? Have I properly prepared my people for the moment in which his great altar cracks open and reveals to us his glory? I am but a man, who am I to bring these people to glory? Who am I to seek to cause the division?"
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Megaton?"
Confessor Cromwell: "Megaton -- Atom's sacred village. He has chosen this place for the site of his shrine and we have been called. Outsiders ask us 'why did you build a town around a bomb'? To them, I say: The bomb brings the promise of Division and the gift of the Glow. The bomb is us. The bomb is Atom. And thus, we are Atom -- awaiting the day in which each of us gives birth to a trillion new lives." (Cromwell's dialogue)
- ↑ Sister Gwyneth's visit
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 The Sole Survivor: "Atom ever grant you any visions?"
Zealot Theil: "Sort of. My parents were settlers, tried to carve out a life for us in the Fog. Moved us all out there when I was just a girl. We made due for a couple of years. Atom's veil hadn't claimed the whole of the island back then. But then... came the storm. A rad storm unlike anything the island had ever seen. Our little homestead didn't have a chance. I was the only one to survive, thanks to my blessing. Atom's blessing. I wandered for days, living off whatever I could scrounge, drinking puddles and salt water. Until I stumbled on a spring. The spring. The vision I had... felt like it lasted for days. I was back in the storm, but I wasn't afraid. I was in control. When I finally came to, I was in Richter's arms. He carried me back here and raised me to serve Atom." (Zealot Theil's dialogue)
- ↑ The Sole Survivor: "Sounds nuts to me."
Zealot Ware: "Atom above, someone else. Look, me and Devin, we weren't born with Atom's blessing like everyone else around here. Rads, they hurt us. Now Devin thinks fasting and refusing meds till he dies is going to get Atom to grant him some kind of revelation or something. I've tried talking to him, but he won't listen to me any more and everyone else in this place thinks what he's doing is a brilliant idea. I-I know we don't know each other, but if you could convince him to quit, I'd owe you. Could give you some anti-rad meds I've cooked up. Recipe, too. Damn handy for folks like us. What do ya say? Talk to him for me?" (Ware's dialogue)
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "You'll see the true power of Atom when I detonate that bomb in Megaton."
Brother Gerard: "Oh... Is that truly possible? Yes, that would purge all of Megaton in Atom's Holy Fire. I shall pray for your success!" (Gerard's dialogue)
- ↑ Brother Gerard: "I have been created anew by Atom's transmuting fire."
"I must stay here. Pray and think. Think and pray. It will come to me. What must be done. Soon Atom will reveal his plan to me. Yes. Yes. Yeeeees!" "Atom in my head. Atom in my heart. Atom is in all things. Atom is all things. Atom... Atom... Atom..." (Gerard's dialogue) Note: These lines are spoken if the player has completed the quest The Power of the Atom by destroying Megaton.
- ↑ The Sole Survivor: "The wind turbine powering Far Harbor's condensers. DiMA built a kill switch into it. And I recovered the code to take it offline for good."
High Confessor Tektus: "DiMA. I knew that machine was the key. Though I suppose this only further proves the sanctity of our goal. Even Far Harbor's so-called savior knew those beasts couldn't be trusted. So at long last, Atom has granted us - you - the chance to return what is rightfully ours. To restore the missing piece of Atom's kingdom once and for all. So tell me. Are you prepared to do what must be done?" (Tektus' dialogue)
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 The Sole Survivor: "If you had the key, would you use it to launch the nuke? To bring about Division?"
Tektus: "A question I've asked many a time. To experience instant rebirth as incalculable new worlds... well, there are few gifts greater... But this island. Atom's kingdom. We have been given stewardship of this place. To abandon it... ...it would be an affront to everything He has granted us. Such a grand Division... it is not our family's path." (Tektus' dialogue)
- ↑ The Sole Survivor: "It's an honor, High Confessor."
High Confessor Tektus: "I'm glad you feel as such. There are many who would squander Atom's grace. Let me ask you a question. You've been to Far Harbor, yes? Seen its barriers against Atom's holy Fog. It's citizens' blasphemous refusal to vacate what is clearly His domain? What would you do with such a place?" (Tektus' dialogue)
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 Brian Richter: "You'd be wise to listen to the Confessor."
Ware: "High Confessor's talking. Best you don't." Devin: "We should not speak... while the High Confessor preaches." Mai: "Can we do this later?" Theil: "Quiet. I can't hear." Tektus: "They are doomed, brothers and sisters. And they know it. The people of Far Harbor need only peer out their windows to look upon the face of Atom himself, given form in holy Fog! Yet no matter how inevitable Atom's reign in this land may be, they deny it. Scoff at us behind their condensers, kill our missionaries, slay those who only wish to bring them the Light! No longer. After years of skulking in the shadows like whipped dogs, our purpose is clear. And I know the key to our victory lies within the Nucleus itself. We will claim the secrets hidden away by that accursed robot and with them, we will wipe Far Harbor from the island! Atom's veil will roll down its streets, holy Fog cleansing the land of their heresy! And when we are finally granted Division, it will be as heroes! A new day dawns, brothers and sisters! Glory to Atom!" Kane: "Glory to Atom!" Mai: "Glory to Atom!" Theil: "Glory to Atom!" Child of Atom: "Glory to Atom!" (Richter's, Ware's, Devin's, Tektus', Kane's, Mai's, Theil's, and Child of Atom's dialogue)
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "How do you make your 'holy water'?"
Curie III: "It was a gift from Atom. I was meditating right here in Springvale, when four of His armored angels came to me. When I said I was from Megaton, they gave me barrels of 'Aqua Pura,' and said I should share it with my people. They were very clear on that. Naturally, I understood Atom's message. And so, I've been busy blessing this holy water and sharing it with the world." (Curie III's dialogue)
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "I need to enter the monastery."
Gerard: "I'm afraid it is not open to the unenlightened. Your presence would contaminate our great works. However, if you are willing to be baptized in Atom's holy Light, then perhaps I could allow you to enter and meet our leader." (Gerard's dialogue)
- ↑
The Great Division Part 1: "2. It is that which compassath the whole kingdom of Atom, wherein there is the glow"
- ↑ The Sole Survivor: "The launch key for the sub's nukes. I wanted to ask you about it."
Tektus: "The key to Division, yes. Reunion with Atom at the flick of a wrist. An object of true power... lost to the ages, unfortunately. What did you wish to know?" (Tektus' dialogue)
- ↑ E-Ster Egg Hunt: "Confessor Alvarado has agreed to put a stop to radioactive spraying, and as a sign of goodwill we've agreed to help the Church recover a sacred circuit board rumored to contain data about the ancient rite of E-Ster."
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 A Vault dweller: "Why is the circuit board so precious?"
Child of Atom: "It teaches us about E-Ster, and the coming of the Sixth Sun." (E-Ster is Coming; QuestLoc_ESterisComing_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_1)
- ↑ A Vault dweller: "What can you tell us about E-Ster?"
Child of Atom: "That it's coming? Also, it's the time when the Daylight is saved, praise Atom!" (E-Ster is Coming; QuestLoc_ESterisComing_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_3)
- ↑ A Vault dweller: "What does 'E-Ster' stand for?"
Survivors: "No idea, but they kept saying it was coming. Some god or goddess, maybe?" (The Rite of Spr(ay)ing; Fallout Shelter localization)
- ↑
The Great Division Part 4: "12. But as with the wyrm, the unbelievers hid below the earth from the Eye of Atom, trapped in their ignorance"
- ↑ 35.0 35.1
The Great Division Part 1: "3. And the stars cast His glow upon the firmament, and through it creatures were divided from the earth and made with eyes to perceive His glory"
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "You'll see the true power of Atom when I detonate that bomb in Megaton."
Curie III: "No! No you mustn't! We left Cromwell's church precisely because we DON'T believe in the Great Division. Atom calls us to reach Enlightenment through becoming one with his Glow. We believe in transformation - not destruction. Please, leave the Great Symbol of Atom alone. Let the Confessor preach his misguided message to the heathens. Join us here. Gain enlightenment." (Curie III's dialogue) Note: This line can be spoken if the player has yet to complete the quest The Power of the Atom.
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Sounds like a nice little setup you've got. Have fun poisoning people!"
Gerard: "Laugh if you want, but our good deeds shall not be corrupted by your cynicism. We will continue to help the needy. Blessing of the holy water is overseen by Mother Curie III, our Luminescent Mother. And she works tirelessly in our monastery to Enlighten the world!" (Gerard's dialogue)
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "There. I've gotten a little irradiated. Can I go in now?"
Gerard: "Ah, I can feel the Light within you. By all means, you are welcome in our sanctuary. Please, speak with our leader, our Luminescent Mother, Curie the Third." (Gerard's dialogue)
- ↑ The Sole Survivor: "It was... otherwordly. The woman, she was like a living shadow, cloaked in mist."
Brian Richter: "Atom above. You really did see her. The Mother of the Fog. The Mother is a messenger from Atom. Acts as a guide to those important to His plans and the future of this family. She's the one who led the first of us to this place. And if she revealed herself to you... then I'd say the path He's lain for you is clear. If you are prepared to take the next step, then I believe there is a place for you among Atom's children." (Richter's dialogue)
- ↑ A Vengeful Creature, The Children Trapped, A Stranger Arrives, A Safer Way, The Sacred Elements, and Note from Atom's shrine
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "Look, I'm not going to irradiate myself to get into your church."
Gerard: "I'm sorry, but I must insist. You simply cannot be allowed on holy ground without knowing Atom's Light. Where you see radiation, we see humanity's salvation. And we can hardly allow the unsaved into our holy monastery, now can we? You may supplicate to Atom your desire for enlightenment at our Tabernacle. All may bask in the Eternal Light. All may be filled with the Glow." (Gerard's dialogue)
- ↑ The Sole Survivor: "You mentioned scouring? What's that?"
Mai: "Oh. Right. Well, most of us here, the Glow doesn't harm us. But Atom's picky about sharing His blessing. We keep some anti-rad meds on hand, for those in need. Most folks around here, High Confessor included, consider it a kind of... penitence. Scour oneself and embrace the Glow anew. So did you want to peruse the goods?" (Mai's dialogue)
- ↑ Jalbert Brothers Disposal terminal entries; Brother Edmund's journals
- ↑ Megaton terminal entries; Confessor Cromwell's terminal, Treatise On Atom's Second Coming
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "I am consumed with Atom's Light. Let me into your monastery."
Gerard: "Oh, truly your Light is second only to the Suns of Atom themselves! You are more than welcome. Please, speak with our leader, our Luminescent Mother, Curie the Third." (Gerard's dialogue) Note: These lines are spoken if the player's radiation count is above a certain threshold.[clarification needed]
- ↑
The Great Division Part 2: "8. And where His shackles were loosed a tree of light grew upon the earth and in its blooming, cast forth a cleansing fire"
- ↑ 47.0 47.1
The Great Division Part 3: "9. The faithful knew that they still had His love; for where the tree bloomed His seal was placed upon the earth wherein they might drink the waters of the glow"
- ↑ Brother Devin: "Holy Atom. From this spot I-- I-is that you? Oh holy... ... oh. I-I'm sorry, brother/sister. I thought you were... never mind. Did you need something?"
The Sole Survivor: "You seem like you're expecting someone?" Brother Devin: "I am. Atom came to me. And I will follow His command." The Sole Survivor: "Atom came to you? What'd you see?" Brother Devin: "My saving grace. Jet has been my crutch for many years. One day, I was in the woods, polluting myself, when a figure strode from the sky before me. A verdant stag, wreathed in holy Glow. It commanded me to return to the Nucleus, to leave behind my iniquities and give myself fully to Atom. For my dedication, Atom would send another messenger, who would free me from my shackles once and for all. That, brother/sister, is why I must wait." The Sole Survivor: "How do you know your vision of Atom's messenger wasn't just a hallucination brought on by the drugs?" Brother Devin: "What if it was? Holy Atom spoke to me. Promised to free me from my weakness. He gave me a task. And I will obey." (Brother Devin's dialogue)
- ↑ Holy water pamphlet: "Good people of Megaton, your salvation is at hand! We are the Apostles of Eternal Light. To heal this wounded city, we are willing to provide any and all supplicants with cleansing holy water. Come to our monastery in Springvale, and Brother Gerard will minister to your every need. We will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the Water of Light."