The Gleaming Depths terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals within the Gleaming Depths in Fallout 76, introduced in the Gleaming Depths update.
AMS staff terminal[]

Evacuation Warning[]
All AMS personnel are required to evacuate the premises. This facility is now the property of Raven Financial Holdings LLC and is undergoing liquidation. Raven Financial is not liable for injury or death sustained by former AMS employees on its property.
AMS employees may NOT retrieve any personal belongings that may have been left on the premises, and no compensation will be provided for relinquished items. Trespassers will be met with extreme litigation.
Health and Safety Notice[]
A word of caution to those coming onto this job from more traditional mines: AMS does things a bit differently than you might be used to.
Our deep mining techniques utilize atomic charges to blast much deeper than traditional coal mining allows. That's good for your job, but it comes with its risks -- radiation being chief among them.
- ALWAYS wear protective gear on duty.
- ALWAYS decontaminate after a shift.
- NEVER bring radioactive material into the barracks.
Use common sense, folks. RadAway ain't cheap, and we're on the knife's edge of profitability here. Don't make me fire you for getting cancer.
Employee Roll[]
Marcus Hodgins..........Foreman
Ashley Gibbins..........Robotics Technician
Hanley Gonzalez.........Robotics Technician
Angel Victorino.........Heavy Equipment Operator
Jasmine Knox............Heavy Equipment Operator
Tony Halpert............Heavy Equipment Operator
Roy Kang................Miner
Jo McKinney.............Miner
Jacob Astor.............Miner
Kell Blanc..............Miner
Vulcan lab terminal[]
== Project Vulcan ==
Ultragenetic Resonance[]
While sonic resonance at the appropriate frequency has proven to reliably stimulate boundless growth in Ultracite crystals, the effects of other frequencies on previously stimulated crystals (hereafter referred to as "Ultragenetic") are proving to be quite varied. The slightest adjustment, for instance, when applied consistently, can generate what can only be described as a sonic force field, protecting the crystal - and nearby objects - from trauma.
Needless to say, this is a discovery with incredible military applications, and our embedded skunk works team immediately jumped at the chance to build machines that can harness and project this power. Rapid iteration has even yielded a prototype that we were able to attach to the EN06 robot provided for our protection.
Furthermore, it's been shown that Ultragenetic crystals shatter violently under sustained physical duress, projecting a frequency that subverts this 'shielding' technology - its only known weakness.
Both are now in the hands of the Enclave and the Enclave alone. Combined they should provide and insurmountable advantage against any hostile threats we may encounter in the future.
Animal Testing[]
Long exposure to Ultragenetic crystals has produced noteworthy side effects in limited animal testing.
Exposed creatures demonstrated side effects reminiscent of radiation poisoning, but also heightened agitation and aggression. One creature became so enraged that it broke free of restraint and mauled several staff - including lead scientist Dr. Robert Gaines - to death.
Also notable is the fact that some creatures have shown the ability to carry the effects of our recently created Ultragenetic shielding for long periods of time, possibly indefinitely. This could lead to serious security compromises if not monitored closely. Further experimentation is required to resolve the issue.
Effects appear to be related more to length of exposure than amount, though it's unknown why. The leaded walls of the lab should protect staff from the worst effects, but it's worth scheduling a thorough audit of our structural integrity to be safe.
Vulcan security terminal[]

Restricted Personnel Only
Due to the importance of Project Vulcan -- as laid out by Secretary Eckart -- management has seen fit to provide you with a detachment of troops from Epsilon Squad. As you know, this is an elite task force comprised of only the best the Enclave has to offer... It is a privilege rarely awarded to a research facility. Use them wisely.
Enclave Squad Epsilon[]
Master Sgt. Harland Keiper
Designation: Lynx
Detachment leader. Cryogenic warfare specialist.
Sgt. Helena Blum
Designation: Python
Assistant lead. Pyrogenic warfare specialist.
Pvt. Danielle Reeves
Designation: Bloodhound
Vanguard. Close-quarters-combat specialist.
Pvt. Elliot Tisdale
Designation: Wasp
Automatic rifleman. Overwatch support.
Pvt. Richard Whiteman
Designation: Vulture
Rearguard. Expert marksman.
We're only a few months removed from the opening of the lab and already... silence. After the largest damn earthquake I've ever felt, we have lost all contact with the outside world. It seems that the inevitable has finally happened.
No organization in the world is better prepared for its end than the Enclave. The decision has been made: research will continue. The more we know about Ultracite, the better prepared we'll be to use it in this new reality.
In the meantime, we will try to regain contact with CB_002 and Site R. Epsilon Squad will begin sorties into the labyrinth of old tunnels and establish a new route to the surface.
We have to make Project Vulcan count. The Enclave's new world depends on it.
Incident Reports[]
[10/23/77]: Large and repeated seismic activity outside the lab. External communications down. Work continues.
[7/31/80]: Dr. Gaines killed in own experiment. Dr. Wright assuming project leadership. Foul play suspected, no investigation authorized.
[4/23/85]: Epsilon patrol's first contact with outside threat: red humanoids, crystalline growths. Dispatched easily. Likely more to come.
[4/30/85]: Incident with Epsilon - Wasp and Python assaulted superior officer, dispatched by automatic turret. Autopsy suggests may have contracted disease from outside contact.
[6/7/85]: Rest of Epsilon showing signs of infection. Voluntarily quarantined for study. No known cure.
[7/24/85]: Disturbances among staff. Tests for infection symptoms returned negative. Cause unknown. Nerves? Discipline crackdown instigated.
[7/30/85]: Disturbances grow. Reports of headaches, dizziness. Violent outbursts. Experiments continue nonetheless. Security watching.
[8/15/85]: Panic among research staff. Major arguments, violent outcomes. Evidence of cannibalism. Martial law declared.
[8/23/85]: Cases overwhelming staff. Sonic experiments to blame? Situation spiraled too far. Dr. Wright apprehended and awaiting tribunal.
[8/24/85]: Dr. Wright found guilty of gross negligence and summarily executed. Too little too late.
[8/30/85]: Riots among staff. Few sane remaining. Final report. Glory to the Enclave.
Behind the scenes[]
During the Public Test Server for Gleaming Depths, the final two reports in the "Incident Reports" entry on the Vulcan security terminal were dated to "25," rather than "85" like the rest of the adjacent reports. This error was fixed for the live release of the update. However, the typo for Thomas Eckhart's name in the "Reinforcements" entry was not fixed.