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About three years ago, this canyon was the main encampment for the Great Khans. NCR's 1st Recon tracked them here after a raid and made an attack. There was a communication mix-up that resulted in some noncombatants being killed. It was a tragic mistake, but we've done all we can to make amends.

Captain Gilles is an NCR captain located in the Bitter Springs refugee camp in 2281.


Captain Gilles is stationed at Bitter Springs in the north east region of the Mojave Wasteland. She is tasked with keeping the camp operational, but with the NCR's resources in other areas, she finds it difficult to do so. If left unchecked, the camp could soon become a dying spot for refugees.[1] The NCR Army has not delivered a shipment of basic supplies (food, blankets, clothes, tools) in months, because of a spike in Legion activity.[2] Gilles requested aid from Camp Golf, McCarran and Forlorn Hope to provide additional resources and bodies, but the pressures of the theater mean she has least priority.[3]

The eternal lack of resources, lack of hands to help, and the generally poor situation of refugees are a disaster in the making. Worst of all, for the past six months someone has been shooting at the camp, killing soldiers and refugees and devastating an already shocked population. By the time the Courier arrives, eight refugees and three soldiers were killed, always with a single bullet to the head from extreme range.[4][5] At this point, she is desperate enough to accept any help, regardless of source, and turned the flag on the post upside-down to indicate distress.[4]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
This character starts quests.

Climb Ev'ry Mountain
No, Not Much

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

I Forgot to Remember to Forget


Effects of player's actions[]


Apparel Weapon Other items
NCR armor
Service rifle

Notable quotes[]


Captain Gilles appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes[]

Captain Gilles appears in Craig Boone's ending slides, illustrating Boone's bad ending, where he travels to the NCR and kills the officer responsible for the Bitter Springs Massacre. However, as Dhatri unambiguously identifies the officer as male, this is likely a case of reusing existing assets for illustration, rather than identifying Gilles as the reponsible party.


  1. The Courier: "What is this place?"
    Gilles: "This is the Bitter Springs refugee camp. We've been maintaining it for a few years now, ever since Caesar's Legion started seriously pushing west. Most of the people here were displaced by the Legion's advance. At first there weren't many, but lately it's been more than we can handle."
    (Gilles' dialogue)
  2. The Courier: "What kind of supplies?"
    Gilles: "Food, blankets, clothes, tools. The army used to ship out caches of supplies regularly, but with the Legion so active we haven't gotten any in months."
    (Gilles' dialogue)
  3. The Courier: "Where would you get new troops from?"
    Gilles: "I don't know. The NCR's stretched thin as it is. I've put in requests at Camp Golf, Forlorn Hope, McCarran - but things are no better there. Maybe if their situations improved, they'd have men to spare. Or maybe they'd listen to someone with a reputation for helping the NCR."
    (Gilles' dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Courier: "What can I do to help?"
    Gilles: "At this point, I'll take anything you can give me. We need more troops, fresh supplies, and medical relief. As if that wasn't enough, someone's been coming out of the mountains at night, stealing supplies and picking off my people."
    (Gilles' dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "What's this about someone killing refugees?"
    Gilles: "It started about six months ago. At first it was just supplies going missing - we figured it was refugees. Then people started dying. Always a single bullet to the head, always from extreme range. We've lost eight refugees and three soldiers to this son of a bitch. We know he must be hiding out in one of the caves up in the mountains, but I don't have enough men to send out looking for him!"
    (Gilles' dialogue)