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Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Ghosts? is a paper note in Fallout 76, introduced in the Legendary Run update.


Inside Monongah Mine, on a pushcart to the left of the armor workbench in the large cavern before the boss fight.



Out of all the mines to get trapped in, why did it have to be this graveyard? This place gives me the creeps. I keep seeing and hearing things... everyone else keeps telling me that ghosts don't exist. If that's true, then why do I keep hearing pickaxes striking against stone?

There hasn't been coal in this mine since the Hornwrights cleaned it out, and none of us have any mining equipment. It's gotta be the miners from the disaster back in 1907.

Some days I wake up and a cold chill rises up from beside me. If it's their company, I don't want it. Leave me be... Leave me be.

