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Get Rid of the Coyotes was going to be a quest in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.[1]

Quick walkthrough[]

Those pesky varmints are annoying the Hangdogs! Kill 'em, or drive 'em away!

Character type completion breakdown[]

  1. CombatBoy - Kills!
  2. ScienceBoy - Can poison them!
  3. Stealthboy - Can sneak in and out, making it easier to poison them, set traps for them, etc.

Journal Entries[]

Normal Entry[]

1 Bares His Teeth wants be to get rid of the coyotes that live in one of the hillside caves. The Hangdogs don't like the coyotes, preferring "true" dogs.
2Quest finishedI've killed all the coyotes.

Dumb Journal[]

1 Teeth says coyotes are bad. Real dogs are better. Killing coyotes is good.
2Quest finishedMe kill all the coyotes.

