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Get Garcia out of his coma was going to be a quest in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios. It is located at Denver.

Quick walkthrough[]

It just requires more medical skill than Jimmy has, or some time, to get Garcia out of his coma.

Character type completion breakdown[]

Science Boy - With good Medicine skill, you can just use a stimpak or tribal remedy, a player with average Medicine will have to use a super stimpak. Poor points in the Medicine skill will not allow you to complete the task this way.

Journal Entries[]

Normal Journal[]

1 Garcia, one of the NCR salvagers, is in a coma from a bomb explosion set by Bombay Jack.
2 A super-stimpack should get Garcia out of his coma, otherwise he'll probably be out of it for a couple weeks.
3 Careful use of a stimpack or TRIBALREMEDY should get Garcia out of his coma, otherwise he'll probably be out of it for a couple weeks.
4 I was able to get Garcia out of his coma.
5Quest finishedNow that he's up and around, Garcia gave me some stuff he salvaged as a thank-you for getting him out of his coma.

Dumb Journal[]

1 Jack make boom-trap. Garcia got hurt and is in coma.
2 Super-stimpack should wake up Garcia.
3 Stimpack or TRIBALREMEDY should wake up Garcia.
4 Me woke up Garcia!
5Quest finishedGarcia gave me stuff to thank for saving him from coma.

