Get Garcia out of his coma
Once he's up and around, he'll reward you with something.
The following is based on Van Buren design documents and is not canon.
Get Garcia out of his coma was going to be a quest in Van Buren , the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios . It is located at Denver .
Quick walkthrough [ ]
It just requires more medical skill than Jimmy has, or some time, to get Garcia out of his coma.
Character type completion breakdown [ ]
Science Boy - With good Medicine skill, you can just use a stimpak or tribal remedy, a player with average Medicine will have to use a super stimpak. Poor points in the Medicine skill will not allow you to complete the task this way.
Journal Entries [ ]
Normal Journal [ ]
Stage Status Description 1 Garcia , one of the NCR salvagers , is in a coma from a bomb explosion set by Bombay Jack .2 A super-stimpack should get Garcia out of his coma, otherwise he'll probably be out of it for a couple weeks. 3 Careful use of a stimpack or TRIBALREMEDY should get Garcia out of his coma, otherwise he'll probably be out of it for a couple weeks. 4 I was able to get Garcia out of his coma. 5 Now that he's up and around, Garcia gave me some stuff he salvaged as a thank-you for getting him out of his coma.
Dumb Journal [ ]
Stage Status Description 1 Jack make boom-trap. Garcia got hurt and is in coma. 2 Super-stimpack should wake up Garcia. 3 Stimpack or TRIBALREMEDY should wake up Garcia. 4 Me woke up Garcia! 5 Garcia gave me stuff to thank for saving him from coma.
References [ ]