In Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, there are items known as "game settings" which can be modified in the PC version of the game through use of the console. These settings usually affect the physics engine and its limitations on the player. To change these, open the console and type SetGS (setting). Remember that a lot of these game settings will affect more than just your own player character, so don't mess around with them and save your game unless you're sure you got the effect you wanted.
List of commands[]
Command | Description | Default Value | Notes | Example |
fJumpHeightMin <value> | This affects your jump height. | 64 | Jumping does not end when you touch ground. You are actually programmed to jump for a specific time before stopping. Setting your jump height higher can result in stopping in mid-air if you don't move while jumping. | setgs fjumpheightmin 100 |
fVATSDistanceFactor <value> | This changes how much distance from a target affects your accuracy in V.A.T.S. | 1 | Set this very low to make V.A.T.S. extremely accurate, or set it high to give yourself a greater challenge. You can use decimal numbers. Not used in Fallout: New Vegas. | SetGS fvatsdistancefactor .1 |
fVATSHitChanceMult <value> | Hit chance multiplier in VATS. | 1 | A base hit chance of 1% becomes a hit chance of 100% with a multiplier of 100 (1 x 100 = 100). (actually 95%, since that is the default VATS maximum chance - see next setting) | SetGS fVATSHitChanceMult 100 |
fVATSMeleeChanceMult <value> | Melee hit chance multiplier in VATS. | 1 | Analogous to the previous setting. | SetGS fVATSMeleeChanceMult 100 |
fVATSMaxChance <value> | The maximum probabilty to hit in VATS. | 95 | If this setting really allows for a chance of 100% is uncertain. | SetGS fVATSMaxChance 100 |
fVATSCriticalChanceBonus <value> | This affects what percentage higher your chance of scoring a critical hit is in V.A.T.S. over free shooting. | 15 | A negative value gives fewer critical hits in V.A.T.S than when free shooting. (15% is written as 15) | SetGS fvatscriticalchancebonus 50 |
fPickPocketActorSkillMult <value> | This affects how easy it is to pickpocket someone without being caught. | N/A | Setting this high will make it very easy to pickpocket successfully and vice versa. *Note: this variable setting should be between 0 and 1 and is a decimal. Example console response:
GameSetting fPickPocketActorSkillMult >> 0.60 |
SetGS fpickpocketactorskillmult 100*This is a multiplier, setting 100 would be setting 100x. |
fPickPocketMaxChance <value> | This changes the pickpocket success ceiling (normally, the greatest possible chance to pickpocket successfully is 85%. This can change it.) | N/A | Setting this at 100 will make it possible to get a 100% chance to pickpocket someone successfully. | SetGS fpickpocketmaxchance 100 |
fActionPointsRestoreRate <value> | This changes the rate that the player recovers V.A.T.S. action points. | 5 | Increasing this value makes action points restore faster. Reducing this value forces the player to rely more on free shooting. The value corresponds to approximately 0.47 action points per second, so the default value of 4 means full action points in just over 20 seconds. | SetGS factionpointsrestorerate 1000 |
fActorSwimBreathBase <value> | This sets the number of consecutive seconds the player can remain underwater before receiving drowning damage. | 10 | This has no effect on radiation poisoning received while underwater. | SetGS factorswimbreathbase 20 |
fMoveBaseSpeed <value> | This adjusts the base rate that you and all NPCs move. | 77 | Running really fast can be dangerous to players and NPCs because running into objects gives damage and can be fatal. Players and NPCs can also ramp off objects and gain enough height to die when they land. | SetGS fmovebasespeed 150 |
fMoveRunMult <value> | This affects how much faster running is than walking. | 4 | Running really fast can be dangerous to players and NPCs because running into objects gives damage and can be fatal. Players and NPCs can also ramp off objects and gain enough height to die when they land. If the value is a decimal, running speed will be slower than walking speed. | SetGS fmoverunmult 7 |
iHoursToRespawnCell <value> | This sets how many game hours it takes for things and people that respawn to respawn. | 72 | The number will be rounded down to a whole number. If the value is 0, everything respawns the instant you leave the area. | SetGS ihourstorespawncell 40 |
fLockSkillBase <value> | Base for lock picking abilities. | 10 | Setting this to 100 enables successful forcing of locks on every attempt. | SetGS fLockSkillBase 100 |
iHackingMaxWords <value> | The maximum number of words available in the hacking mini-game. | 20 | Setting this to 1 guarantees a successful hacking attempt, obviously. | SetGS iHackingMaxWords 1 |
iComputersDisplayRateMenus <value> | The rate at which menus appear on the screens of the in-game terminals. | 150 | Higher values mean quicker menus. An extremely high value tends to crash the game, 1000 seems to be acceptable. (if you're the type who doesn't care much for the smoothness and would rather just get over with it) | SetGS iComputersDisplayRateMenus 1000 |
iComputersDisplayRateNotes <value> | The rate at which notes appear on the screens of the in-game terminals. | 150 | Analogous to the previous setting. | SetGS iComputersDisplayRateNotes 1000 |
fGrabMaxWeightRunning <value> | Sets the maximum weight of items to be carried/lifted by the Lone Wanderer while running. | 50 | A high value enables effective moving of for example, super mutant corpses. | SetGS fGrabMaxWeightRunning 5000 |
fGrabMaxWeightWalking <value> | Sets the maximum weight of items to be carried/lifted by the player while walking. | 100 | Analogous to the previous setting. | SetGS fGrabMaxWeightWalking 5000 |
fDamageSneakAttackMult <value> | Multiplier for bonus damage from sneak attacks. | 4 | High values make the one who sneak attacks the one who attacks last, not that sneak attacks weren't imbalanced as it is. | SetGS fDamageSneakAttackMult 100 |
- All commands reset to default when you exit the game.
- A full listing of game settings can easily be opened in the G.E.C.K. editor, no .esm files need to be opened, instead selecting Gameplay->Settings... will suffice. Masser, Secunda and Wortcraft, and Witchhunter, are all related to The Elder Scrolls 4, appearing to be leftover artifacts, although iMasserSize does govern the size of the Moon seen in game.
- You can also use a lot of these commands with a form ID to modify the value for that particular actor. That includes "player". For example, to change your run speed without affecting ALL in-game NPCs, enter player.modav speedmult 50. This will make you 150% faster. To change your companion's speed, enter their form ID in place of the aforementioned "player", for example xx0XXXXX.modav speedmult 50. REMEMBER: Don't mess around with these values and save your game unless you're completely comfortable using the console for your entire game, because changing values like these in such a manner WILL undoubtedly cause bugs that you'll need to fix later on. For example, if you use setav or forceav instead of modav, you might find that certain multipliers can no longer be modified by in-game item effects.