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Fallout Wiki

The GP machine gun is a cut weapon in Fallout: New Vegas.


The only remaining resource tied to the weapon is an unused, empty form list, RepairNVGPMachineGun.

Behind the scenes[]

According to Joshua Sawyer, the GP machine gun was initially going to be based upon the M60 and chambered in .308, however, it was deemed unnecessary and functionally merged with the light machine gun.[Non-game 1]



  1. Joshua Sawyer on Tumblr: "Big Guns was never going to be part of F:NV, but the GP Machine Gun was going to be a .308 MG that I later decided was unnecessary in the base game. I think my initial idea was to base it on the M60. In the end, the LMG is an aesthetic blend of the M60 and M249 SAW.
    We added the .308-chambered Automatic Rifle (BAR) in Dead Money, and I think the limited mag size, high damage, and relatively low RoF set it apart from the LMG."