"From the First Hello to the Last Goodbye" is a song written by Johnny Burke, and often performed by barbershop quartets.
A version performed by Jane Morgan with The 450 Collegians plays in the Fallout TV series season 1 episode "The Radio" when the new Vault 32 dwellers depart Vault 33.
From the first hello to the last goodbye
It's been awfully nice to know you so excuse the parting sigh
And I watch you go with my chin held high
You've been dear and sweet a pleasure to meet a special treat say I
From the first hello to the last goodbye
From the first hello to the last goodbye
It's been awfully nice to know you so excuse the parting sigh
And I watch you go with my chin held high
You've been dear and sweet a pleasure to meet a special treat say I
From the first hello to the last goodbye
Other versions of the song also include the following verse in the beginning:
Our song was a song of tomorrow
Our hearts were as high as the sky
But songs are forgotten and skies often gray
Nevertheless there is this I can say