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The Four Leaf Fishpacking plant is a location in the South Boston neighborhood of Boston in 2287.


Before the Great War, the plant was operating on a deficit and was threatened with bankruptcy due to a mix of mismanagement and pollution from wastewater runoff from the nearby General Atomics factory. In more recent history, the plant has become the site of Marowski's secret drug lab, which provides Goodneighbor with a steady supply of chems.[Non-game 1]


Fishpacking plant[]

The plant consists of a ground floor covered with conveyor belts and a series of catwalks extending all over. The east end has a stairway leading down under the main floor to a basement containing mostly piping, generators, and maintenance areas. To the west is a security door unlocked by a Novice-locked terminal that leads into a storeroom housing a Protectron pod.

Marowski's chem lab[]

The door to Marowski's chem lab is hidden on a catwalk above the main entrance to the plant. There are three ways to gain access to the lab:

  1. Hack the Master-locked wall terminal.
  2. Use the Four Leaf Fishpacking security password obtained by interrogating Trish during the quest Diamond City Blues.
  3. Trip the five laser tripwires scattered around the exterior of the plant. The exact order is shown in Trish's note, which can be obtained from Trish during Diamond City Blues. The exact order is as follows: the one beside the trailer truck under the plant's sign, then the one attached to the stairwell on the south side of the plant, then the one in front of the double door entrance, then the one attached to the trailer truck, and finally the one on top of the roof, down the catwalk on the west side of the building. These tripwires cannot be disarmed. They will remain off if triggered in the correct order; should an incorrect tripwire be triggered, all of them will come back online.

The drug lab itself is much simpler than the way to get in. The front two rooms contain a total of four chemistry stations. A third room to the east is covered in mattresses and serves as the chem workers' sleeping quarters. A door to the west accessible only from this side leads back into the plant, to a broken catwalk.


Notable loot[]

  • Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor issue #2 - On the bench across from the toilets in the basement southwest corner.
  • Three fusion cores - One outside on the roof (in a generator), one in the same room as an Expert-locked safe to the left from the entrance on the ground floor (in a generator), and one on a shelf to the right of the Protectron pod to the right from the entrance on the ground floor. This final fusion core may respawn during settlement quests.
  • Nuka-Cola Quantum - In a room on the upper catwalks in the northwest corner.
  • Two Vault-Tec lunchboxes - One is in a room on the upper catwalks in the northwest corner near the Quantum, and the other is at the southern edge of the ground floor behind the construction vehicle.
  • Four hazmat suits - Inside Marowski's chem lab, worn by the four chem lab workers.
  • A significant amount of aluminum, in the form of trays (25) and aluminum cans, can be found on the factory floor.

Related quests[]


A Protectron unit may be activated via a Novice-locked terminal to help clear out the ground floor.


The Four Leaf Fishpacking plant appears only in Fallout 4.




  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p. 511-512: "[18.01] FOUR LEAF FISHPACKING PLANT
    This plant operated at a loss and was almost ready to shut down in October 2077. This was partly due to mismanagement, but the waste runoff from the nearby General Atomics Factory may have been a factor.
    A local gangster’s secret laboratory helps chems flow through Goodneighbor like water. This secret lab is completely separate from the main plant interior. You can investigate the area during the specified quest (where you can obtain notes to shut off the laser tripwires and open the secret door), or you can try hacking the exterior terminal on the catwalk (Master) to get in."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)