Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Forums: Index > Wiki discussion > Discussion: User rights request policy addendum 1.1

The discussion below focuses on the following addendum to the user rights request policy. Hearing support, the following will move to a community vote reflecting applicable feedback. Thank you for your time in reviewing the following. -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 23:19, 23 January 2022 (UTC)


This proposal seeks to add a new user rights role entitled technical moderator. This role is intended to run parallel with content moderator as an edit-focused staff member, the scope of which comprises of technical aspects of the wiki as opposed to the actual content within the articles.

Those who are proficient with MediaWiki, CSS/JS, and advanced template functions cannot function autonomously as these namespaces are protected by default. Historically, has been implemented on our wiki on a temporary case by case basis and this proposal moves to create a designated role among existing user rights distinctions.


Serving to bridge the gap between content moderator and administrator, this proposal aims to provide technical moderators access to sysop-level tools without expectations of serving in the same capacity as an administrator. With the exception of access to MediaWiki level articles, the role will function parallel to content moderators both wiki side and in Discord.


Proposal overview
Name Activity Contribution Endorsement Competency Service Additional
Content moderator
  • Continuous active editing on this wiki for at least two months.
  • 2500 edits
  • Secured an endorsement from at least one active bureaucrat, administrator, or content moderator.
  • Demonstrate competency in basic and advanced editing tools, as well as basic knowledge of technical editing.
  • Must be able to instruct and direct users on how to accomplish basic edits and vote on forum posts.
  • Have held the position of patroller for a minimum of one month.
Technical moderator
  • Continuous active editing on this wiki for at least two months.
  • 2500 edits
  • Secured an endorsement from at least one active bureaucrat, administrator, or content moderator.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in advanced editing tools, MediaWiki, CSS/JS, extensions, and substantial experience utilizing templates.
  • Must be able to instruct and direct users on how to accomplish basic edits and vote on forum posts.
  • Have held the position of patroller for a minimum of one month.
  • Continuous active engagement in community aspects or editing this wiki for at least six months.
  • 5000 edits, chat messages, or discussions posts.
  • Secured an endorsement from at least one active bureaucrat or administrator.
  • Demonstrate competence in all mechanisms of editing and either all functions of discussion boards or all aspects of the Discord server.
  • Exhibit exemplary leadership ability, dedication to non-toxic culture and academic integrity of content, and demonstrate high level communication skills.
  • Have held any moderator position for a minimum of two months.

Tools list

Proposal overview
  • Access semantic MediaWiki (smw-admin)
  • Allows template-bulk-classification
  • Change edit cascade-protected pages
  • Edit restricted form fields (editrestrictedfields)
  • Edit sitewide CSS (editsitecss)
  • Edit sitewide JSON (editsitejson)
  • Edit sitewide JavaScript (editsitejs)
  • Edit the user interface (editinterface)
  • Parserspeed (parserspeed)
  • Themedesigner (themedesigner)
  • Wikiawidget (wikiawidget)
  • Wikifeatures (wikifeatures)


The role will benefit our wiki by offering tools to our most technically proficient users, empowering those with technical expertise to troubleshoot and implement fixes proactively, assist with requests and technical inquiries, as well as act as a liaison, engaging with Fandom and our wiki representative regarding potential issues and solutions. It will be ideal for those who have the technical capabilities and enthusiasm for improving the wiki behind the scenes, but who do not wish to serve in an administrative capacity. Thank you for adding to the discussion regarding this new role proposal below.


I think that this is a wonderful idea! It would be so great to be able to not have to bug kate every time I need to do a small css or js change XD -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 23:26, 23 January 2022 (UTC)

It will make things much more efficient, this is the truth! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 06:45, 24 January 2022 (UTC)

What sort of tools will the technical mod get that content mod does not already have? Is that tools list in addition to content mod tools, or does it include those? For the technically illiterate among us, perhaps a description of each tool would be beneficial as well. Considering most of the rights request requirements (say that 5 times fast) are the same between TMods and CoMods with that minor addition of technical proficiency, why can these tools not simply be folded into the existing CoMod role? Sigmund Fraud 23:51, 23 January 2022 (UTC)

The list is above, unique to this role above content moderator. Imagine it as the content moderator is on stage and technical moderator is behind the curtain. I want community members to be able to know who to go to if they have a technical inquiry, not all content moderators will have this knowledge. In addition, adding these tools to content moderator would make that role superfluous, essentially the same as sysop. Tool wise, think of it like Content mod 1.0, Technical mod 1.5, Sysop 2.0. -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 06:44, 24 January 2022 (UTC)
If adding technical mod to content mod would make the role superfluous from admins, content mods must have additional tools over technical mods as well. What are these tools that content mods have that technical mods would not get? Sigmund Fraud 13:50, 24 January 2022 (UTC)
When upgrading from Patroller to CoMod, the only differences are the ability to protect pages, and to delete pages and files. So far, I have not seen any of those mentioned for the new TechMod position, so I assume that TechMods would not have access to them? This would also cover the requested diversification of the tool sets.
FindabairMini-JSPnP LogoThe benefit of the doubt is often doubtful. 18:18, 24 January 2022 (UTC)
Correct Fin, this clarifies the diversification. Thank you! -kdarrow Pickman heart take her for a spin! 00:23, 25 January 2022 (UTC)


Moved to a forum vote here.

Policy vote forum overview
PolicyAdministrators and Moderators
Amendment 1Dsicussion moderator block rights · Discussion · Vote · 16 June 2016 · 12-7
Amendment 2Content moderator · Vote · 22 November 2017 · 12-4-0
Amendment 3Technical moderator role · Discussion · Vote · 2 February 2022 · 15-0-0
Related topicsAdministration policy · User rights requests