Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Gameplay articles
Far HarborFog crawler
Ghostly fog crawler
Glowing fog crawler
Skulking fog crawler
Pale fog crawler
Enraged fog crawler
Diseased fog crawler
Fallout 76Fog crawler
Skulking fog crawler
Noxious fog crawler
Enraged fog crawler
Glowing fog crawler
Scorched fog crawler
Alpha fog crawler
Prime fog crawler

Fog crawlers are mutated saltwater crustaceans in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor and Fallout 76.


Fog crawlers are large, mutated creatures, named for their presence in foggy or cloudy coastal regions and islands, where they use the environment to hunt.[Non-game 1] The fog crawlers of coastal Maine are the result of the radioactive fog around Far Harbor altering the local shrimp population,[1] while the fog crawlers in Appalachia were created as a result of the explosion of the Vault 94 G.E.C.K. This explosion coated the area that would become the Mire with a highly radioactive fog, and rapidly altered the local plant and animal life.[2]


Fog crawlers are large, mutated crustaceans, that live in the deep Fog for which they are named, and are seldom encountered outside of the deadly mist.[Non-game 1][1] Fog crawlers are known to make deep, booming vocalizations as an indicator of their presence. They are also among the strongest and most tenacious foes encountered in their respective areas, combining excellent protection with a generous health pool and the ability to attack at range.


Fog crawler[]

Gameplay articles: Far Harbor, Fallout 76

The average crustaceans, this is the base variant of the fog crawler.

Alpha fog crawler[]

Gameplay article: Fallout 76

A dominant creature, the alpha fog crawler is extremely powerful at level 100, unmatched by any other variant.

Diseased fog crawler[]

FO4FH Diseased Fog Crawler
Gameplay article: Far Harbor

These sickening creatures have become stricken with an unknown disease. Direct contact with them should be avoided if possible.

Enraged fog crawler[]

FO4FH Enraged fog crawler
Gameplay articles: Far Harbor, Fallout 76

These mutated crustaceans show a high level of aggression, and their anger is reflected in their name. They have a yellow-green color in their appearance.

Ghostly fog crawler[]

FO4FH Ghostly fog crawler

Ghostly fog crawler

Gameplay article: Far Harbor

These mutated crustaceans appear darker and more unnatural than other variants.

Glowing fog crawler[]

FO4FH Glowing fog crawler

Glowing fog crawler

Gameplay articles: Far Harbor, Fallout 76

These mutated crustaceans have absorbed so much radiation that they glow.

Noxious fog crawler[]

Gameplay article: Fallout 76

These mutated crustaceans are the poisonous kind.

Pale fog crawler[]


Pale fog crawler

Gameplay articles: Far Harbor, Fallout 76

These mutated crustaceans seem to be the albino variant.

Prime fog crawler[]

Gameplay article: Fallout 76

A fog crawler variant that appears only in the Primal Cuts event.

Scorched fog crawler[]

Gameplay article: Fallout 76

These mutated crustaceans were further mutated, becoming one with the Scorched Plague.

Skulking fog crawler[]

FO4FH Skulking Fog Crawler

Skulking fog crawler

Gameplay articles: Far Harbor, Fallout 76

These mutated crustaceans are the ones that prefer stealth.




Gameplay article: Far Harbor

A unique named fog crawler who has haunted Mount Desert Island for decades.

Behind the scenes[]

The fog crawler largely resembles one of the older concepts of the mirelurk queen.[Non-game 2]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Far Harbor loading screen hints: "The Fog Crawler has been mutated by the radioactive Fog surrounding Far Harbor, and is seldom encountered outside the deadly mist."
  2. Harpers Ferry terminal entries; Ella's terminal, Vault 94


  1. 1.0 1.1 Creatures: Fog Crawler: "Fog crawlers are aptly named. They inhabit coastal regions and islands, predominantly with low cloud and fog banks that they use to hunt. Their crawling, shambling gait when not enraged lets them move through the surf or into woods with ease, but swiftly accelerate to pounce on prey and enemies. Woe betide the unwary hunter who thinks they are safe because of the Fog Crawler’s apparent grazing; their explosive bouts of speed will put them in danger before they have time to realise the threat.
    These monsters tend to be solitary beasts, stalking isolated but verdant regions as apex predators. Even the mighty Deathclaw keeps its distance. The Fog Crawler’s speed and dexterity mean it is more than a match for anything in its path, leaping and slashing at what will soon become its next meal…"
  2. The Art of Fallout 4, p. 193