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We may not look it, but every one of us is a trained killer.

Flash is a resident of Big Town in Fallout 3.


Growing up together in Little Lamplight, Flash, Pappy, Bittercup, Red and Kimba were close, and often played together. They also traveled as a group to Big Town.[1] Flash was told by the other children of Lamplight that Big Town would be safe, and have plenty to eat. However, this is plainly not the case, with Flash joking that he is shot at more times than he has a good meal.[2]

On the surface, Flash exudes bravado and overconfidence, and has a penchant for making big, childish claims that he cannot really back up. For example, he is exceptionally proud of his "kick-ass" gun (in reality, a simple, weak .32 pistol) and boasts his desire to defend the town and kill super mutants with it.[3][4][Non-game 1] He also claims that he must have killed a hundred raiders on one patrol, despite only having ten bullets.[5] However, deep down, he is fearful of Big Town's future and is on the verge of accepting the town and everyone in its deaths. He will eventually admit to this behind the mask of his braggadocio.[6][7] Flash believes himself to be in charge of Big Town in Red's absence, though he is not totally confident in his own abilities. He wishes Red had not been taken by the mutants, since she was better at handling outsiders.[8]

Flash previously dated Bittercup, but their relationship did not last long.[9] They got together immediately after Bittercup dumped Pappy, but Flash quickly grew tired of Bittercup's brooding.[10] Red remarks on their relationship by saying that Flash is not bright, but deserved better than Bittercup.[11] Flash generally gets along with everyone else in town, though Pappy in particular is frustrated with Flash's attempts to boss everyone around, especially now with Red gone, calling Flash "a big moron."[12]

Daily schedule[]

Flash handles the patrolling of the town during daylight hours. At nighttime, he switches out with Bittercup and rests.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
Mesmetron icon
This character can be enslaved with the Mesmetron.


Other interactions[]

  • When the Lone Wanderer first talks to Flash, there is a dialogue option to declare their intent on killing him. If this option is chosen, the whole town will become hostile towards the player character.
  • Flash continually boasts about his "kick-ass gun," although it is not unique, and is just a standard .32 pistol. This is probably because there is a lack of firearms in Big Town, with the only other gun being Dusty's hunting rifle.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Brahmin-skin outfit .32 pistol .32 caliber round


Flash appears only in Fallout 3.


PCPC Occurrences of Flash being met just outside of Meresti trainyard have happened when the player fast travels there prior to going to Big Town (obviously before Big Trouble in Big Town). If spoken to, his dialogue consists of his usual complaints about Big Town and super mutants. Flash will proceed to walk back to Big Town via the road just outside the trainyard. If not escorted by the player, there is a high chance of him being killed by super mutants or raiders during his journey.[verified]



  1. The Lone Wanderer: "Where did you people come from, anyway?"
    Kimba: "Oh, Little Lamplight is where most of us came from. Red and Pappy and Flash and Bittercup. We used to play together, when we were kids. Then we got old, and we had to leave. Those are the rules. So we packed up and headed here, like we were supposed to. No one told us it would be like this. We never have fun anymore, and most of us ... most of us are dead."
    (Kimba's dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "Where did you people come from, anyway?"
    Flash: "We all used to live in a place called Little Lamplight, but they have a rule about age. You reach sixteen, and you're out. Didn't matter, though, because you'd just pack your things and head to Bigtown. All the adults go there, and there's plenty to eat. 'Plenty to eat' alright, if you like eating bullets. I've lost count of how many times I've been shot at."
    (Flash's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you know about these Super Mutants?"
    Flash: "What? You never seen a Super Mutant before?! They're mean and ugly and scary as hell! They came and rounded up a bunch of us and carried them off! God! They must be doing awful things to them. I'd go rescue them, but then who'd defend Big Town? I patrol every day now. And I got a little present for those muties when they come back. You know what it is? This kick-ass gun. That's what! Yeah baby!"
    (Flash's dialogue)
  4. Flash: "Have you seen my new gun, Pappy? It's awesome! Bad-Ass."
    Pappy: "Do you know how to use it?"
    Flash: "You don't seem to understand. This gun is bad-ass. Yeah!"
    Pappy: "We're doomed. Doomed."
    (Flash and Pappy's dialogue)
  5. Flash: "Wow, you should have seen me on patrol, Kimba, I was all 'bang-bang-bang.' I must have killed a hundred Raiders!"
    Kimba: "That's great, Flash. Amazing how you could do that with only 10 bullets."
    Flash: "I know, isn't it? Bang-Bang! Yeah!"
    (Flash and Kimba's dialogue)
  6. Flash: "Hey. Don't get any bright ideas about trying anything. We may not look it, but every one of us is a trained killer. Oh, who am I kidding? Look, we're in trouble here. If you want to help, great. If not, just please don't kill anyone while you're here."
    (Flash's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "So, it's pretty much a free-for-all here? Where do you keep your good stuff?"
    Flash: "Yeah, yeah, you're a scary wastelander. Look, you'll either kill us, or you won't. Most of us have already accepted death so you won't get much of a reaction with your threats. At least we won't be slaves if you shoot us all."
    (Flash's dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "Who's in charge here?"
    Flash: "I guess I am. I've got the guns and the guts. At least, I'm pretty sure I do... I wish Red were here. She always knew how to handle outsiders and traders and stuff. Why did the Mutants have to take her?"
    (Flash's dialogue)
  9. The Lone Wanderer: "I know! No one understands me either!"
    Bittercup: "God! It's so nice to have someone who understands! I mean, sure, when I left Little Lamplight, I was happy to be out of there. I was dating Pappy then, you know. I got here and he was all like 'Bigtown will be safe', but it wasn't! This place is always under attack! But I don't date liars, so I dumped his ass and got with Flash. But that didn't last very long. Me and Timebomb were a thing for a while, too."
    (Bittercup's dialogue)
  10. The Lone Wanderer: "I hear you and Bittercup were an item."
    Flash: "Oh, man, don't even go there. You'd think a girl like that would be more, you know, 'adventurous.' But that's a dry well, my friend. All she does is talk about how she hates everyone else or how dark her clothing is. A guy can only take so much of that before he snaps. Poor Pappy got the worst of it. I swear, he's gotten even more depressed since she dumped him for me. As if being here wasn't bad enough."
    (Flash's dialogue)
  11. The Lone Wanderer: "Did you know Flash used to date Bittercup?"
    Red: "Oh, that. I know all about that nonsense. Flash isn't the smartest cookie in the jar, but he deserved better than Bittercup. She wouldn't be so bad if she just faced reality, instead of doing that whole 'spooky girl' routine."
    (Red's dialogue)
  12. The Lone Wanderer: "Who's in charge here?"
    Pappy: "That big moron, Flash, thinks he's in charge. All he really does is listen to what Red tells him. That's all anyone here really does. And now Red's gone, taken by those Mutants. That's how we'll all end up eventually."
    (Pappy's dialogue)


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition pp.72-73: "Flash
    An individual professing to have the abilities and the derring-do to handle any situation but with only a limited hands-on knowledge and skills to back this up, Flash is nevertheless a likeable guy. He is overconfident, prone to acts of thoughtless bravado, and enthusiastic about any forthcoming fracases."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)