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Fallout Wiki

Fix The Ski Lift was going to be a quest in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios, but was cut. It was to be located in Blackfoot Village.[1]


By commission of the Blackfoot, the player is tasked with repairing their ski lift. Because it's cool to have a working ski lift. It will require some parts and know-how to fix. Once it's fixed, you can find a way to use it to do other things (see later quest, below).

Character type completion breakdown[]

ScienceBoy - Is the winner!

Journal Entries[]

Normal Journal[]

1 The old ski lift in the Blackfoot Village is broken, but can be fixed.
2 I fixed part of the broken ski lift.
3 The broken ski lift is almost completely fixed.
4Quest finishedI fixed the ski lift.

Dumb Journal[]

1 Lifting machine at Blackfoots is broken.
2 Start to fix lifting machine.
3 I fix lifting machine more.
4Quest finishedLifting machine is all done.

