Fine dining is a paper note in Fallout: New Vegas.
It can be found near the front of the Las Vegas Boulevard Station, on the sidewalk near the Ultra-Luxe's main sign, on the street.
These past few years, the very idea of "fine dining" has seemed beyond our grasp; indeed, where does one even begin to look for something artfully prepared and beautifully presented by a world-class chef? Well, fellow epicures, I have found the on place left on this Godforsaken earth with Real Food.
I present to you the Ultra-Luxe.
Ignore the rabble on the street, the petty farmers and everyman-types rubbing their pitiful few caps together in an attempt to elevate themselves to some semblance of class. Ignore the filthy, disease-ridden prostitutes of the Gomorrah, whoring themselves to anyone with coin. Walk briskly to the fabulous Ultra-Luxe, the only building in New Vegas worth your attention (you'll know it when you see it). Enter the doors of their restaurant, the Gourmand, and speak with the lovely Marjorie - she'll arrange for your care.
Dally not, for reservations must be made as early as possible. A sumptuous feast awaits you, dear friends.