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This is a transcript for dialogue with Zach.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0034AD86 0034AD89 Bzzt. Mode: ATTRACT. Procedure: SAY Greetings customer. Come try my contest ID: DROSS TOSS. Win Prize: MR FUZZY TOKENS! Has reverted to default text replacement and is inserting capitalized words from a data list.


# Scene Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00320E2B Bzzzt. Click. Action: TOSS, Target: THREE DROSS CONTAINERS, Prize: MR FUZZY TOKENS. Status: TIMER ACTIVE. The player isn't throwing the objects. Capitalized text is being inserted from a database lookup. Very disjointed.
2 MTR04_Dross_ZachWelcome 00320E2C Error! Zach personality not found. Personality module load failure. Default personality initialized. Robotic error message indicating a problem with initialization
3 Greetings. I see by your uniform that you are a Camden Park worker authorized to calibrate my contest booth ID: DROSS TOSS. Generic text with capitalized text inserted from a database lookup. The player has arrived to try the contest for the first time.
4 The procedure requires you to perform the action: TOSS on the object: DROSS. Your TOSS target is: THREE DROSS CONTAINERS. Generic text with capitalized text inserted from a database lookup. The player is getting the instructions on how to play
5 Action: TOSS must be completed before the timer expires. A prize: MR FUZZY TOKENS is awarded for each target: DROSS CONTAINER. Generic text with capitalized text inserted from a database lookup. The player is getting the instructions on how to play
6 Status: TIMER INACTIVE. Required Action to begin: GRAB object: DROSS
7 MTR04_Dross_ZachWelcome 00320E2E Error! Zach personality not found. Personality module load failure. Default personality initialized. Generic initialization error.
8 Booth ID: DROSS TOSS calibration has been completed. Uniformed, authorized Camden Park worker assistance is not required. Generic text with capitalized text inserted from a database lookup. The player has already done the calibration so shouldn't be in uniform now
9 MTR04_Dross_ZachWelcome 00320E2D Error! Zach personality not found. Personality module load failure. Default personality initialized. Error message on initializing program
10 This is contest booth ID: DROSS TOSS. Calibration is required by an authorized and uniformed Camden Park employee. Generic text with capitalized text inserted from a database lookup. The player isn't in uniform so this is a hint.
11 MTR04_Dross_ZachWelcome 00320E2F Error! Zach personality not found. Personality module load failure. Default personality initialized. Generic error message on initialization failure
12 Booth ID: DROSS TOSS is operational. Please begin action: TOSS at target: DROSS CONTAINER for prize: MR FUZZY TOKENS. Generic text with capitalized text inserted from a database lookup. The player has played before so the instructions are shortened
13 MTR04_Dross_Success 00320E22 Targeting Success Detected. You win prize: MR FUZZY TOKENS. Result: SUCCESS. Result Action: DISPENSE prize and SAY Great job! Giving results of the contest where there was some success. Capitalized text is being inserted from a database lookup. Very disjointed.
14 MTR04_Dross_Failure 00320E34 Targeting Failure Detected. You do not win prize: MR FUZZY TOKENS. Result: FAILURE. Result Action: SAY Better luck next time! Giving results of the contest where there was a failure. Capitalized text is being inserted from a database lookup. Very disjointed.
15 MTR04_Dross_StartThrowing 004E2456 Status: TIMER ACTIVE. Commence action: TOSS