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This is a transcript for dialogue with Skinner.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
13 0041A3BA 0041A4A5 Our inventory is kept locked securely away elsewhere in the building, so you can rest assured, nothing has tampered with them.
14 Once you've purchased the body you desire, I'll give you a card that will allow you access to the showroom and you may select whichever model you like.
15 0041A3BE 0041A4C8 Well now, that's an interesting idea. Business has been ... grim, spirit. Your haunting could perhaps drum up the business we require.
16 What say we meet halfway and I knock some off the price.
17 0041A4C9 Well now, that's an interesting idea. Business has been ... grim, my living friend. Perhaps your word could drum up the business we require.
18 Let's say we meet halfway and I knock some off the price.
19 0041A3C0 0041A46F ... you make a fair point. But I can't just GIVE you a frame. That'd make us no better than those slavish socialists across the Pacific. You've been swayed by this person's logic.
20 But I could see providing you a discount.
21 0041A3C2 0041A4DE Certainly. Send your boy along and I'll walk the young man through how to make the transfer once you've made your purchase.
22 0041A3C4 0041A477 Our most cost-effective options are the Protectrons. Sturdy, but slow and poorly equipped. Brightening just a little. Making the sale is what you're best at.
23 Honestly, I wouldn't even consider something so crude unless you had no other option. Brightening just a little. Making the sale is what you're best at.
24 The superior choice is clearly the Handy - the pre-war pinnacle of robotic design. A bit more expensive, but reliable, durable, and dexterous ... Brightening just a little. Making the sale is what you're best at.
25 ... though the model is known to go a bit ... haywire, I suppose. Getting back to your normal sad level.
26 0041A3C6 0041A44A It is my lot in life.
27 0041A3C8 0041A484 As such, all of our machines have already been spoken for. Outstanding deal with the United States military just waiting for pick up. You understand. Taking a small amount of glee in shooting them down.
28 0041A3C9 0041A453 Hmm. My duty is my cell, spirit. Trapped behind this counter until I finally fade from this world. *sigh* Some day. A little wistful as you think about the fact that someday you'll be dead. Emphasis on the world "duty."
29 But, I digress. What can I do for you?
30 0041A3CB 0041A493 I knew it. A little flicker of happiness.
31 Well, spirit, unfortunately, Assaultrons are military-grade hardware.
32 0041A494 Well, spirit, unfortunately, Assaultron's are military-grade hardware.
33 0041A3CD 0041A4A0 Assaultrons are military-grade hardware, spirit.
34 0041A4A1 Assaultrons are military-grade hardware, my professed live-ling. "Live" as in the verb, not the adjective.
35 0041A3CF 0041A4B8 Hmm. So I thought. No need to put on airs with me.
36 I understand your plight, spirit. My name's Skinner, and I am trapped in here, much like you are trapped in undeath.
37 Now, what do you require to leave me alone?
38 0041A3D1 0041A467 You have no idea. Well, what can I do for you, spirit? I'm Skinner, by the by, at your service.
39 0041A3D3 0041A4C5 Must we, spirit? *sigh* So be it. Welcome to Duncan & Duncan's, Appalachia's premier robotics dealer. I am Skinner.
40 How may I help you, alleged member of the living?
41 0041A3D5 0041A46D I cannot bring you the peace you require, spirit. Leave me be.
42 0041A3D6 0041A4D3 What do we have here? Are you another ghost?
151 0041A42F 0041A4BB Hardly, spirit. Your bone morphology suggests a distant relative. At best. Very skeptical. This person just claimed to be your former boss.
152 But I suppose I could extend you the standard family discount ... with perhaps a little extra thrown in out of respect for the dead.
153 0054B4E2 Crap. He must've just... got lost somewhere. Concerned your best friend might be hurt.
154 005566B6 Still, beats the hell out of your current address, don't it, doll?
155 005566B7 You're not the one about to be shoved into a toaster, Duchess. But yes. Honestly, thank you for sticking your neck out for me. A little begrudgingly initially, but then authentically grateful as the line completes.
156 0058EA71 You... you're a Duncan? Hmm. I perhaps see some... distant resemblance, spirit. Scrutinizing.
157 But Misters Duncan... why they'd tan my hide if I gave away an Assaultron. Here. You may take the Protectron. You can find it in the adjacent room. Obligingly. "Misters" is intentional. There were two of them. And you're afraid of them. Add a little shiver.
158 It was slated for one of the lesser clans in the region - the Garrahans or some such. Misters Duncan I'm sure would be thrilled to keep it in the family.
159 0041A432 0041A4A3 Tell me you got a Stimpak. I'm hurting here. Trying to be polite while fighting through the pain.
160 0041A433 0041A48C You've got to find Polly. Please. You're in a bunch of pain.
161 0041A48D Ah ha. My promise of baking your enemies to a crisp was too much, huh? So just pick me up and let's blow this pop stand. You're trying to convince this stranger to help you back to the Wayward.
162 0041A48E Oh well now. You're slowly falling apart and losing your mind.
163 0041A48F So, you ready to hear about Crane? You're slowly falling apart and losing your mind.
164 0041A490 Spirit. I do hope you understand about the Assaultrons. They belong to the military. My hands are simply tied.
165 0041A491 Non-spirit. I do hope you understand about the Assaultrons. They belong to the military. My hands are simply tied.
181 0058EA9D Oh well now. Our cat burglar. You're slowly falling apart and losing your mind.
182 0058EA9E If you're snooping around for the Assaultrons, spirit, you're wasting your time. They belong to the military. My hands are simply tied.
183 0058EA9F If you're snooping around for the Assaultrons, non-spirit, you're wasting your time. They belong to the military. My hands are simply tied
184 0058EAA0 Your unlicensed entry has been noted, spirit. Now, what is it?
185 0058EAA1 Yes, spirit? What is it now?
186 0058EAA2 Your unlicensed entry has been noted, live-ling. Now, what is it?
187 0058EAA3 Yes, live-ling? What is it now?
290 0058DDE2 0058DDF1 How nice for you. Somber. You're not thrilled this person is able to leave and you can't.
291 0058EA31 0058EA75 A good one... I hope. It's... complicated. But I'll walk you through every detail if you do this for us. A little flustered. You're not exactly sure how to describe this.
292 0058EA34 0058EA68 By all means.
305 0058EA52 0058EA9B Not for purchase, no. Dour, but taking a little glee in shooting someone down.
306 The mint-condition Protectron and Handy bodies we have on the premises have been... spoken for. Dour, but taking a little glee in shooting someone down.
307 And our resupplier is already desperately late with our latest shipment. Dour, but taking a little glee in shooting someone down.
308 I do hope you understand. Dour, but taking a little glee in shooting someone down.
309 0058EA54 0058EA6B I-is that so? ... Misters Duncan are so very risk averse. Fine. Here. You may collect it upstairs... hmm hmm hmm. Fool. Nervous initially, because you think you're getting an amazing deal. "Hmm hmm hmm" is a quiet sinister laugh to yourself, as is "Fool."
310 0058EA56 0058EA83 Bottle caps? Actual trash? Hmm. Then it's likely safe to presume the amount you'd need to offer is in the mid-ten figures. Snobbily amused.
311 0058EA58 0058EA76 I'm sorry, but I simply cannot. The price of such a machine even before its... noted uptick in demand was in millions of dollars. A little bit of joy from shooting this person down.
312 0058EA77 I'm sorry, but I simply cannot. The price of such a machine even before its... noted uptick in demand was in the millions of dollars. A little bit of joy from shooting this person down.
313 0058EA5C 0058EA64 Oh. I wish you'd said so sooner. Deepest apologies, General. Here you are. The frame's upstairs. A little nervous, but still dour.
314 0058EA5E 0058EA70 Ah, excellent. It's been waiting for you... though our records show the request from McClintock was for a replacement Handy frame, not an Assaultron. Brightening a little, then confused.
315 Here. You may collect it upstairs.
316 0058EA60 0058EA62 And you'll do what, exactly? Kill me? Release at long last? Hmm. As welcome of a change as that may be, I really should decline. Brightening just a little. This person offered to kill you, and that bring you joy.
317 But here. It's been so long since anyone's given even I thought to what I may want. You'll find it upstairs. Brightening just a little. This person offered to kill you, and that bring you joy.
318 0058F287 0058F28A Hey! Where are we going? We've got creeps to clean up! You're being carried away from battle against your will.



# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
57 005851FC 005852B5 ... very well... sir. Actively afraid. Your master has lost his mind and is now planning to reprogram you, but you can't say no. Still normal voice and tone.
59 005851FE 005852A8 No, sir. Deeply concerned. You realize something is way off. You haven't yet been reprogrammed, so you can have a more normal voice and tone.
61 00585200 00585270 Sir... there's no one there. Deeply concerned. You realize something is way off. You haven't yet been reprogrammed, so you can have a more normal voice and tone.
63 00585202 00585265 Your brother? ...at the cemetery? Deeply concerned. Very delicate on "at the cemetery". You haven't yet been reprogrammed, so you can have a more normal voice and tone.
65 00585204 00585259 Mr. Duncan, I hardly mean to be rude, but where, exactly would you like me to bring this tea? Concerned. The request made is one you can't fulfill. You haven't yet been reprogrammed, so you can have a more normal voice and tone.
67 00585206 005852BB Yes, Mr. Duncan? Approaching your master. You haven't yet been reprogrammed, so you can have a more normal voice and tone.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00556651 0055666D This is lunacy! Stop at once! Someone's going on a rampage and you're trying not to get killed.
2 0055666E Master Duncan! Master Duncan! Aid me! Someone's going on a rampage and you're trying not to get killed.
3 0055666F I am not yet ready to go! Someone's going on a rampage and you're trying not to get killed.
4 00556670 Please. Let us be! Someone's going on a rampage and you're trying not to get killed.
5 00556671 Please. Let us be, spirit! Someone's going on a rampage and you're trying not to get killed.
6 00556652 00556673 I am not sure if I mentioned it before, but I must thank you for your service. Thank you. Somber, but sincere,
7 00556674 Liveling. Somber.
8 00556675 I would ask you to keep your hands off the merchandise.
9 00556676 I heard some screaming outside the window. Do the ghosts rule the outside world as well now? Just a little bit of a smirk at the end of this.
13 0058EA93 Would you believe it? A man came in here and ran off with our merchandise. The gall. Clutching your pearls.
14 0058EA94 If I encounter any damage in those showrooms, you should expect a bill. Stern.
15 0058EA95 An entire cap... Misters Duncan will be thrilled to hear it. Somber, but giddy.
16 0058EA96 Hmm. Sweet oblivion. Someday... Dreaming somberly and happily of your own death.
17 0058EA97 General. I do hope you'll accept my apologies about the mix-up. It's so hard to tell rank these days. Somber.
18 0058EA98 The Duncan line is an ancient and proud one. Why, there's been a Duncan in this great nation ever since the 1980s. But I'm sure you already knew that. Somber.
19 0058EA99 I do hope the new machine is serving you well. We pride ourselves on our dedication to quality. Somber. You believe you're talking to a ghost and you're not afraid.
20 0058EA9A Spirit. Are we to be your new haunt? Delightful. Somber. You believe you're talking to a ghost and you're not afraid.
21 0058EA33 0058EA67 Excuse me! Entrance into the showrooms is for customers only! Shocked. Someone's breaking into one of your showrooms.