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This is a transcript for dialogue with Settler wanderer.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005821B7 00582313 It's a tough world out there, so take it slow and be safe.
2 00582314 Appalachia's a lot to take in, so play it safe and smart.
3 00582315 Make sure you got food, water, and maybe some Stimpaks. Never know when you'll need them.
4 00582316 Good luck. I'm rooting for you!
5 00582317 Keep an eye out and don't get in over your head and I'm sure you'll be fine. Probably.
6 00582319 I'd say I wish you well or something, but I figure there's nothing you can't handle at this point. So, have fun?
7 0058231A Time for you to do that crazy thing you do. In style.
8 0058231B I guess this is goodbye. For now. You'll be back? I kinda get stir crazy around here sometimes.
9 0058231C You know what needs doing so, uh, do... it? Really smooth, I know.
10 0058231D I have some leads on something for tomorrow. Maybe getting ahead of myself, but I figure you got this in the bag.
11 0058231F You take care of business, and I'll make sure you get your reward. Deal? Good.
12 00582320 You know, I'm not going to worry about it. You got this.
13 00582321 You keep knocking them over, and I'll keep lining them up for you.
14 00582322 And so it's go team time! Well, mostly you. Really, all you. Hey, sometimes I kill Mole Rats when you're gone.
15 00582323 You know the drill. So, uh, yeah. We're good? Yeah, we're good.
16 005821B8 005829AA Gotcha. I'm in the middle of deciphering a code from some mothman hunters anyway.
17 005829AB I've got to keep monitoring the chatter anyway, see ya.
18 005829AC No problem. I'm pretty busy myself. I'm the safety contact right now for someone who is tracking down strange lights in the sky.
19 005829AD Understood, I've got to be monitoring the chatter now anyway. Lots to do.
20 005829AE You gotta do what you gotta do.
21 005821BA 00582AD8 I knew it. I knew you'd be interested. Best of luck. pleased the player is doing your favor/quest
22 00582AD9 Who brings you the intel on the cool weapons? Me, that's who. Knock them dead. I guess, literally.
23 00582ADA I hope it's the best Flamer, Gauss Rifle, or... uhh... machete ever. In history.
24 00582ADC Excellent. Go forth and armor up. That sounds so medieval, right? pleased the player is doing your favor/quest
25 00582ADD There's no offense like a good defense. Wait. That makes no sense any more.
26 00582ADE I hope this lead pans out. I mean it will. Armor here we come.
27 00582AE0 So kill all the things and bask in our collective gratitude. pleased the player is doing your favor/quest
28 00582AE1 Boy, I'd hate to be on the opposite side of this mission. Good luck.
29 00582AE2 Time for some violence. Hopefully the nice and one-sided kind.
30 00582AE4 Good luck out there. I'll keep the kettle on. Hey, I actually could do that. pleased the player is doing your favor/quest
31 00582AE5 I'd wish you luck, but I don't think you'll really need it.
32 00582AE6 Have fun out there. And I will absolutely not be hosting a big party when you're gone. At all.
33 005821BC 0058227E I found out via my sparkly personality. I'm good that way.
34 0058227F I heard it from a friend. More an acquaintance, really. Maybe a little on the stranger side, but you get the idea.
35 00582280 I have my sources. And my ways.
36 00582281 All I'll say, is even in the wastelands it pays to be friendly. A kind word and the well-placed cap can do wonders.
37 00582282 Give a traveler some hooch and you'd be amazed, and often disgusted, at what you'll hear.
38 00582284 I don't know what it is about weapons, but people love talking about them. On and on and on.
39 00582285 The amount of chatter about this weapon and that. I mean, I pay attention for you. For me, I'd rather take a nap.
40 00582286 People gossip. Especially about firepower or the latest and greatest deadly instrument of death. It passes the time.
41 00582287 I... forgot. Uhm. A trader? An eyebot? Literally drawing a blank here.
42 00582288 I was told on the condition of anonymity. And as a professional busy-body, I protect my sources.
43 0058228A A junk merchant of all things. Who knew they were interested in random piles of garbage?
44 0058228B People passing by. I mean, you can place your camp literally anywhere and I swear at least one lookey-loo would pass by.
45 0058228C Some junk trader. It was a trove he couldn't hit, so he's hoping someone gets lucky. Nice guy.
46 0058228D It's kind of a drunken haze. I want to say a... giant gecko. That's the image I have. Yay, alcohol.
47 0058228E My junk contacts. Kind of sad that I have those. But there you go.
48 005821BE 00582B64 Would you believe... Snallygasters? And lots of them. Oh so much fun.
49 00582B65 Well, just a few... vicious, creepy and just all around no fun Snallygasters.
50 00582B66 From the stories and rumors I pieced together, it's full of Snallygasters. Or Pioneer Scouts. Stories get weird sometimes.
51 00582B68 Keep calm. Even breathing. So Yao Guai. Just a couple, several, a lot... of them.
52 00582B69 The best info I've got points to... Yao Guai. Lots of them. So... surprise? I don't have a cake. I should've softened the blow with cake.
53 00582B6A You'll appreciate this, this is good. Yao Guai. Because that makes this job sooo easy.
54 00582B6C A hunter friend said there's wolves in that area. So vicious pack hunters.
55 00582B6D Wolves. On the scale of things, not the worst. But no push overs, either. OK, maybe a little.
56 00582B6E People have heard wolf howls around there. So expect them.
57 00582B70 A pack of Vicious Dogs. Because putting down dogs is great. Thanks for that, Appalachia.
58 00582B71 Couple of buddies ran into a pack of vicious dogs around here a while back. Could still be there. Fun times.
59 00582B72 Lots of vicious dogs are in that area. So, don't be surprised if you see some.
60 00582B74 A bunch of Radtoads. Creepy, creepy Radtoads.
61 00582B75 There are those yucky eggs all over that area. Which means toads. With all the googly eyed goodness that comes with them.
62 00582B76 Giant toads have been spotted near there. My favorite. I'm being sarcastic.
63 00582B78 It's full of those giant ticks. Don't you just love it when they're full of your blood. That's a treat.
64 00582B79 Be warned... this place is crawling with Ticks. Loads and loads of them.
65 00582B7A It's full of bloodsuckers. And only in Appalachia do you get to say, "Be more specific." Giant Ticks.
66 00582B7C No one knows for certain what's there. Some swamp creatures...? Just guessing.
67 00582B7D My money's on swamp creatures of some flavor. And that's not an invitation to lick one of them. Because, yuck.
68 00582B7E Sane people kind of avoid that area. So best guess: something swampy.
69 00582B80 A lot of those big bruisers, your pals and mine, Super Mutants.
70 00582B81 Glad you asked, because Super Mutants have been spotted over there. So be careful. Or better yet, stay here and we can play some tunes.
71 00582B82 Everyone says there's Super Mutants over there. OK, not everyone. Scorched mainly say, "One of us" but everyone I asked.
72 00582B84 Stingwing nests have been spotted around there. So lots of them is my guess.
73 00582B85 So the junk trader, and if you think I'm funny - he's a real hoot, a national treasure, really... Anyway, Stingwings. Sorry.
74 00582B86 Lots of flying bugs have been spotted over there. My caps are on Stingwings.
75 00582B88 Two people have said it's a "Sheepsquatch." Maybe more than one. I mean, how gullible do I look?
76 00582B89 I fully expect you to laugh, but people "say" there are Sheepsquatches there. I know, haha.
77 00582B8A A tracker came by, you know the "I never smile even at the birth of my daughter type" and he said look out for Sheepsquatch. Those... aren't real, right?
78 00582B8C Oh, you know, nothing. Just some building destroying Sentry Bots. That's all, though.
79 00582B8D I'm glad you asked. At least one Sentry Bot was spotted near there. And that's a whole mess of bad news.
80 00582B8E My best intelligence, and hey don't laugh, I'm intelligent... Anyway, Sentry Bots. So be very, very careful.
81 00582B90 Radscorpions. That's all I'll say. Unless you ask me more questions.
82 00582B91 People have seen Radscorpions in the area. With their nasty poisonous tails and hide that just brushes off bullets. *groan*
83 00582B92 Soo.... Radscorpions are in that area. So stay here, instead. You aren't staying, are you?
84 00582B94 There's usually Scorched in the area. Such a shame.
85 00582B95 You can expect Scorched. They're everywhere. Which is really, really depressing when you think about it.
86 00582B96 The area is crawling with Scorched. OK, not literally crawling. Because they walk. I'm going to stop talking now.
87 00582B98 Robots of some kind. That's all I got.
88 00582B99 It's pretty common knowledge that there are a lot of robots over there.
89 00582B9A Would you believe robots? Well, you should. Because they're there... and all over.
90 00582B9C So lots of military robots. I'm so glad we built all those to protect us from communists. I feel so protected right now.
91 00582B9D My ex says it's full of top-of-the-line military robots. So happy hunting?
92 He lost them in this place, but I bet you they're still there, waiting.
93 00582B9E Everyone says its full of military robots and to stay away. Which for you, I imagine is an engraved invitation.
94 00582BA0 It's full of Robobrains. Another of humanity's finest ideas.
95 00582BA1 There have been Robobrains spotted in that area. And poison ivy. I'll let you be the judge about what to worry about.
96 00582BA2 You can expect Robobrains. Seriously, who thought that was a good idea? I would find them and I would... have strong words with them.
97 00582BA4 A literal rat's nest. That's what's there. Well, Radrats. But still.
98 00582BA5 Everyone says there are Radrats there. They looked at me like, "How can you not know that?" Do I look like an encyclopedia?
99 00582BA6 Major rat infestation. So, good times ahead. And possibly rabies.
100 00582BA8 Lots of Raiders in that area. So be careful.
101 00582BA9 A whole squad, team... Listen, I don't know how many... but Raiders.
102 00582BAA That's Raider territory. So expect them. A lot of them.
103 00582BAC So good news: not the big a threat, really. Bad news: radroaches. A whole nest of them.
104 00582BAD This place is utterly infested with radroaches. And there goes my appetite.
105 00582BAE A skittering mass of delightful radroaches. Man, sometimes I don't envy your job.
106 00582BB0 So... Radants. Because one of those quick little guys isn't bad enough. Surprise, friends!
107 00582BB1 This place is teeming with ants. Of the big and hungry variety.
108 00582BB2 Ants. I used to feel a little bad for squishing them, if I could go back I'd buy a bulldozer and show them who's boss.
109 00582BB4 A lot of RobCo's finest. Protectrons. That's what's there.
110 00582BB5 So a lot of Protectrons are in the area. I wonder what you should call a pack of them? A herd? A flamboyance? An annoyance? Hmm.
111 00582BB6 Robots have been spotted there. Specifically Protectrons.
112 00582BB8 Some sort of... mutated thingies? Listen, that's all I got.
113 00582BB9 The talk I've heard runs all over the map. Some sort of mutated scary thing. So yeah, could be anything.
114 00582BBA Some sort of mutated monstrosities which, of course, we've grown to love. warning player about enemies at mission location (you assume the player can handle themselves, but you want them prepared)
115 00582BBC You'll find Mr. Gutsies. As in plural. Because one isn't enough to ruin your day.
116 00582BBD There are a lot of Mr. Gutsies there. And I know Assaultrons and Sentry Bots are scary, but Gutsies cut down people just as bad. Maybe worse.
117 00582BBE So some programmer back in the day thought it would be just swell if the fall back pathing code sent our favorite Mr. Gutsies to patrol where you're going.
118 00582BC0 You hear that scurrying sound? And the barge reeeah. That's a Mole Rat. Expect lots of that. Barge reeah is him trying to make the sound of a mole rat bursting from the ground and going, "raarrr."
119 00582BC1 A happy little colony of Mole Rats live there. And they will most certainly not try to eat your face. Oh wait, they will.
120 00582BC2 Expect Mole Rats. Lots of them.
121 00582BC4 Mole Miners have been spotted over there. So expect them in all their wonderful miner claw glory.
122 00582BC5 Mole Miners. That's what you'll find. So take cover and try to draw them out one at a time. That's what my hunter friend said.
123 00582BC6 You'll find Mole Miners there. Why? Who knows? No seriously, who knows?
124 00582BC8 From the oh so wonderful seaside smells, Mirelurks. In all their stomach churning glory.
125 00582BC9 You can expect a colony of Mirelurks. Hopefully they won't be expecting you.
126 00582BCA Mirelurks. So take it slow and easy and aim for the head... Wait, were you the one who told me that advice? Whoops.
127 00582BCC A Mega Sloth has been seen around there. They are mean.
128 00582BCD Expect a Mega Sloth. I know people that think they are just precious. Crazy, right?
129 00582BCE The radio chatter says there's at least one Mega Sloth there. It shouldn't be hard to spot.
130 00582BD0 Lots of little commie bots. Your favorite, my favorite... Liberators.
131 00582BD1 I was drinking with some fellow wanderers, they said the place is swarming with Liberator Bots. Before they passed out.
132 00582BD2 Liberators have been spotted there. Why would communists would want to capture that spot? No idea. warning player about enemies at mission location (you assume the player can handle themselves, but you want them prepared)
133 00582BD4 You can expect bugs. What type, who can keep track of them all? I mean, who would want to.
134 00582BD5 So many skittering chittering sounds to be heard. Bugs are there.
135 00582BD6 Just be aware that this place tends to attract giant insects of all kinds. I know, I love Appalachia, too, right?
136 00582BD8 Honey Beasts. They give me the creeps. I mean, bees that shoot more bees. That's just sick.
137 00582BD9 I heard that that is a Honey Beast breeding ground. Which is gross on so many levels.
138 00582BDA Our friendly sweet pals, the Honey Beasts, they're there. Of course they are.
139 00582BDC I heard there are Gulpers there. Not Swallowers. Not Breathers. Gulpers. Yeah.
140 00582BDD So "gulpers" are there. Whatever those area.
141 00582BDE So Tim, he's one of my drinking buddies, swear there are Gulpers there. And he described them. And they sound scary. And made up.
142 00582BE0 So expect a big hulking Grafton Monster. Seriously, they have no head. Why isn't anyone else freaking out about that?
143 00582BE1 One of my personal favorite nightmares may be there. The. Grafton. Monster. *shudder*
144 00582BE2 There's a Grafton Monster that is sometimes in the area. And I say, we should just fence it off and let him own it.
145 You're seriously still doing this, aren't you?
146 00582BE4 That place is overflowing with ferals. Who knows how many and where they all come from.
147 00582BE5 Lots of Feral Ghouls have been spotted around there. It just makes me sick.
148 00582BE6 Loads of ferals have been seen over there. So, you've been warned.
149 00582BE8 So, you want to into a whole mess of Fog Crawlers? Because me? I definitely don't.
150 00582BE9 The word is that Fog Crawlers nest there. Which is more than a word. And it's a not a good word.
151 00582BEA Massive slimy Fog Crawlers. That's what the magic eight ball predicts for your future.
152 00582BEC It's not so bad this time. Eyebots. I mean they can and will kill you. Just slower than most the things around here.
153 00582BED Some of those floating eyebots around. That's it. So a nice quick assignment.
154 00582BEE Lots of eyebots have been spotted around there. They make for good target practice.
155 00582BF0 So you want to know what's there? Isn't it great weather we're having? Heard any good jokes? I... uhh...
156 Deathclaws. That's what there. Right.
157 00582BF1 At least one, possibly many... Deathclaws. It's not too late to back out.
158 00582BF2 There are... terrifying tales about that place. And the Deathclaws that live there.
159 00582BF4 Cave Crickets. There was a time where that wouldn't make me terrified. That time was many years ago.
160 If not, well, you're in for a treat! This place is currently bursting at the seams with them.
161 00582BF5 A lot of hopping chittering Cave Crickets. So you're in for a lot of good times.
162 00582BF6 Do you like Cave Crickets? If so, boy, you are in luck.
163 00582BF8 A lot of zippy annoying Bloodbugs. Those guys are the worst. Except for Deathclaws. Oh and Mirelurk Queens. Or...
164 OK, they aren't the worst - but they're so not good.
165 00582BF9 The place is infested with Bloodbugs. My gift to you. I know, I shouldn't have.
166 00582BFA Bloodbugs. Flying oh so hard to nail with a pipe pistol, blood bugs.
167 00582BFC Good news: easy assignment. Bad news: Bloatflies. Disgusting little beasts.
168 00582BFD So there are Bloatflies over there. Not so bad as things go, but, still... gross.
169 00582BFE Bloatflies. This one is all you, my friend.
170 00582C00 This place has some serious resistance. At least one Assaultron. *shudder*
171 00582C01 Just one of the deadliest robots around: the Assaultron. Probably more than one. The things we do.
172 00582C02 Everyone says there's assaultrons over there. Nobody's actually seen one up close, because you know laser beam and then the aahhhh death.
173 00582C04 Something called Anglers live there. And I assume they aren't the fly fishing kindly old gentleman kind. Although that would be so welcomed.
174 00582C05 You can expect Anglers there. That's bad, right? They made it sound bad.
175 Maybe just the obvious: a "run-they're-aggressive-and-going-to-shred-us" of Anglers would suffice.
176 00582C06 A bunch of Anglers. Apparently they have this floaty bit? Are they pulling my leg with this?
177 00582C08 I know you're going to love this. Expect the unexpected. Because everyone I ask has no idea.
178 00582C09 I did my homework. I hobnobbed, I kvetched, I even insinuated once. And I got... nothing. Zilch.
179 00582C0A I asked everybody. No one knows. It's a genuine mystery. Excited?
180 0059F256 Word is there are Blood Eagles in that area. That's really, really not a good word then.
181 0059F257 A lot of Blood Eagles are know to be around there. So be careful. Those guys are no joke.
182 0059F258 Oh, just a few Blood Eagles. Because that's what Appalachia needs more of.
183 0059F25A You get the joy of fighting Mothman Cultists. Make sure you bring your tinfoil hat.
184 0059F25B What do you say to Mothman Cultists? And you probably say, "Yes." Because you're just the right sort of crazy to do that.
185 0059F25C Expect some of Mothman Cultists. Because around here that is a thing.
186 0059F25E A bunch of happy Floaters. It'll be fun, right? No?
187 0059F25F There have been Floaters sighted around there. And often that means Super Mutants. But maybe you'll get lucky?
188 Who am I kidding?
189 0059F260 Your favorite, my favorite: Floaters. Especially the blue ones. They are the.... worst!
190 005821C0 0058236D From what I can tell, you have to go to some sort of camp. God, I hope not here.
191 0058236E Some sort of camp site or campground is the destination.
192 0058236F It's time to go camping. Well, not here. Out there. It's at a camp. That's all I got.
193 00582371 I believe it's at a store or shopping center. If you see any marshmallows, grab some. S'more time, right?
194 00582372 You get to go to a store. Which is a lot more exciting and deadly than it used to be. Except for Black Friday. Right? explaining a mission/favor you are asking the player to do
195 00582373 Some sort of store. Once a temple to commerce, now full of irradiated who-knows-what.
196 00582375 It's in one of the local towns. I know, super helpful, right?
197 00582376 A... town, hamlet, burg... You get the idea.
198 00582377 Somewhere in a town. Hey, it's better than saying somewhere in Appalachia.
199 00582379 Head to this trainyard. It'll be there. Probably. Hey, I'm just the messenger.
200 0058237A I asked a buddy who asked an old hunter friend, who asked a former solider she knows, who asked a farmer that just arrived from the east...
201 And the farmer said that she heard a trader say that he saw someone in this exact trainyard with that stuff. So, that's what I got.
202 0058237B It's definitely a trainyard. No question about it. Except the one you just asked. And that is answered.
203 0058237D It's in a tunnel. A dark, oh so cheery tunnel. I bet your camp is sounding really good right now.
204 0058237E I know the tunnel to go to. Because dark creepy tunnels equal fun.
205 0058237F The target location is a tunnel. So there you go. You ask, and I answer. Teamwork.
206 00582381 Some sort of civic building. Listen, I'm not from here, I'm doing my best.
207 00582382 Some sort of old government building. I think. Listen, I know where it is. Exactly what it was Pre-War...
208 00582383 So the job's at a civic building. Well, a building for sure. Alright, I can point to it on your map.
209 00582385 Head over to this communications building. There might be good salvage there, so keep these peepers peeled. Wait, that sounds gross.
210 00582386 It's at a communications building. In and out, and no one is the wiser. Except us. Because it's a life experience.
211 00582387 I've narrowed it down to this area. It's a building. And my oh so helpful friend said "the communication kind."
212 00582389 This is the compound to go to. Definitely. If you believe the drunken ramblings of friends. Which I do.
213 0058238A Head over to this compound. It's probably military. That makes sense, right?
214 0058238B It's in a military compound, I think. So, sure, should be as easy as... well, not at all.
215 0058238D You get to go to one of the picturesque local dams. Fun.
216 0058238E So the target location is a dam. Which means trouble. The dams around here are loads of good times.
217 0058238F So head to this marked dam and take care of business. That's it.
218 00582391 It's at a factory. So bring your hard hat, punch in, and get it done.
219 00582392 You're headed to one of the many local hubs of manufacturing and production. Appalachia is lousy with factories.
220 00582393 Head to this factory. The intel seems solid.
221 00582395 So it's some sort of farm. That's where it is. The details were a little vague. Sorry.
222 00582396 Time to go to a farm. Agriculture. Gets me every time.
223 00582397 Some sort of... farm? Field? Ag Center? It's something. And I'll point to it on a map. Because that's what I do.
224 00582399 It's at a house. Really, that's it. Hopefully no big deal.
225 0058239A Go to this house. I love it when they get that specific. Instead of, "It's in Peru." It's "403 Baker Street."
226 0058239B I'd check out this house. They were pretty certain that's where to go.
227 0058239D You aren't afraid of heights, right? You know those lookout towers? Well, that's where you're going.
228 0058239E It's at a lookout tower. Have you ever been to the top of those? Quite the view, good for scouting. I'm serious.
229 0058239F Go to this lookout tower and you'll be in business. The business of looking out. That sounded better in my head.
230 005823A1 So it's at a medical facility. So you can get your annual checkup at the same time.
231 005823A2 It's at a hospital or medical facility or pharmacy... OK, I don't know exactly what this building is. But I can point to it on a map.
232 005823A3 Some sort of... medical facility? Yeah, that's what I'm going with.
233 005823A5 So it's in a mine. A mine in Appalachia. It's not a cliche. They're out there.
234 005823A6 I talked with some other friends, we narrowed it down to this mine. Be careful, mines around here... not to be trifled with.
235 005823A7 So you get to go to a mine. Your life, I swear, never boring.
236 005823A9 Get out your picnic basket, it's a Park. Hey, they can't all be gems.
237 005823AA So the target's in one of the local parks. All that wide open space, with who knows what watching...
238 005823AB Try this park. Me and my friends are pretty certain that's where it's at.
239 005823AD Check out this power substation. Maybe circle it first, all that equipment can hide who knows what inside the fence.
240 005823AE So one of the local power substations. That's where you need to go.
241 005823AF So I got a tip from my old girlfriend, and that is a story let me tell you... This one time... Right, sorry. It's a power substation.
242 005823B1 The odds are super good, it's at this research facility. Or it's in Pennsylvania. But my caps are on here.
243 005823B2 So I asked around, did some digging - and the consensus is it's at this research facility.
244 005823B3 Hit up this research facility. All signs point to it.
245 005823B5 So Catherine, my ex, says it's at this resort. And she's never wrong. Trust me. Never. Wrong.
246 005823B6 Hit up this resort and you should be good. And maybe get a pedicure!
247 005823B7 If you know me, I keep my ear to the ground. So it's this resort. And now I need a bath. For the ear?
248 005823B9 It's back to school time. Because it's at a school. The mission. Sorry.
249 005823BA One of the local schools. That's where it is.
250 005823BB I was talking with a trader, he's positive it's at this school. And you can always rely on random traders.
251 005823BD It's at a restaurant. Oh god, I miss restaurants.
252 005823BE Head over to this restaurant and you should find it. Or some moldy food. Either way, victory.
253 005823BF I've talked with a lot of people about this. Like a lot. And if it's not in this restaurant I'll... well, be wrong. But I won't be. Because I'm right.
254 005823C1 I only have an approximate place. You know the, "Go 100 paces past the forked tree" type of description. So here. Ish.
255 005823C2 I've narrowed down the area as much as I can. And it's somewhere in the... wilderness around here. Best I could do.
256 005823C3 You need to go kind of in the middle of nowhere. I can mark it down for you. Trust me, not a prank.
257 005823C5 It's spelunking time. Because it's in a cave. And there you go.
258 005823C6 One of Appalachia's many caves is where you need to go. Not creepy or terrifying in the least.
259 005823C7 So you get to go to a deep dark cave. Because it's so much fun.
260 005823C9 So go to this cabin. That's it. Sometimes it is that easy.
261 005823CA There are a lot of cabins around here. So go to this one and you should be good. But come back, alright, this place is nicer than that.
262 005823CB It's in one of Appalachia's many charming cabins. So rustic and often... deadly.
263 005823CD It's over... Well, by the... Just let me put it on your map. sincere, trying to be helpful, but you really don't know much
264 005823CF I think I can tell you how to get there... but otherwise, you're on your own. sincere, trying to be helpful, but you really don't know much
265 005823D0 Sometimes even I come up a little short. I can give you the coordinates, but that's about as helpful as I can be. sincere, trying to be helpful, but you really don't know much
266 005821C2 00582601 So I asked for details, and I got. I still don't know. I mean, some accents are just crazy, right? What's a grumpheld...err..puke? No idea. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
267 00582602 So.. who, you might ask? And I asked to. And the answer: no idea. Vague, yay! friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
268 00582603 That's all I know. Well, not all I know. All I know about this. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
269 00582605 So what am I killing right? Right. No idea. I'm pretty sure it needs to be be super duper dead, though. Hey, my sources are good. Just not omniscient. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
270 00582606 My informant was so scared, panicky, about the whole thing. I, uh, might've forgot to ask more about specifically what... But you'll figure it out. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
271 00582607 So go over... There-ish. Find the thing. Things? And do your thing. Don't worry, it'll work itself out. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
272 00582609 You're going angling! Wait, no, you're killing an Angler. Those are a thing, right? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
273 0058260A So the target is an... Angler. I mean, the name doesn't sound too scary - but my friend swears this is a legit problem. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
274 0058260B Target of the hour: an Angler. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
275 0058260D So the target is an... Assaultron. OK, OK. An Assaultron. Please still do it. Those she-bots are terrifying. Mutter "Assaultron" the first time, because they're tough (afraid the PC will say no)
276 0058260E The target of the day is... An Assaultron. A mean scary Assaultron. I can't believe you actually volunteer for this sort of thing. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
277 0058260F So you want to know what your going after? You sure? Really sure? An Assaultron. Yay. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
278 00582611 And, please don't think my friends are too lame here, they need the fierce deadly Bloatfly ganked. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
279 00582612 And what needs killing are bugs. Everyone's favorites. A Bloatfly, specifically. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
280 00582613 From what I gather, you'll be killing a Bloatfly. Oooh, scary. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
281 00582615 It's Bloodbug hunting time. My skin is literally crawling right now. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
282 00582616 You don't mind killing giant flying mosquitos, right? Of course not, you're you. So yeah, the target's a Bloodbug. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
283 00582617 Time to murder with extreme prejudice a Bloodbug. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
284 00582619 So the target's a Cave Cricket. I mean, cricket back in the day you think, whatever. But now, holy... They suck. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
285 0058261A So you got to kill a Cave Cricket. And they are mean and tough. I mean, who knew, right? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
286 0058261B So it's Cave Cricket killing time. Hmm... Needs more alliteration. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
287 0058261D Just so you know, this is the big one. The target's a Deathclaw. I mean, that's OK, right? Right? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
288 0058261E So what needs killing may be an itty bitty sticking point. A Deathclaw. You in? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
289 0058261F The target's... a Deathclaw. A mean, huge... yeah, you get the picture. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
290 00582621 So the target's a scary Eyebot. They have those laser things. Not everyone is you, all right. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
291 00582622 So take out the mythical Eyebot. And songs will be sung about you. Or probably, you know, not. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
292 00582623 So this one's not bad. Take an Eyebot. Hey, sometimes helping people out isn't crazy, you know? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
293 00582625 Now, I'm not sure I've ever seen one of these. Friend said it was a "Fog Crawler." Those are real, right? *sigh* Appalachia. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
294 00582626 So the targets a "Fog Crawler." I am pretty sure those are real and my friend isn't pranking me. Like 90% sure. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
295 00582627 So the target's a "Fog Crawler." I don't know what that is, friend is sincerely terrified. So... kill it? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
296 00582629 The creature's a Feral Ghoul. And don't worry, not the neighborly let's talk about the weather type. The slobbering running at you full tilt type. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
297 0058262A You got to take out a Feral Ghoul. For you, cake. But remember, not everyone is all "best and brightest" Vault-Tec. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
298 0058262B All right. The creature's a Feral Ghoul. Easy, right? You go bang-bang, or whatever, and you help someone out. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
299 0058262D And what you got to kill is... a Grafton Monster. Because, you know, big headless oafs that throw boulders are... fun? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
300 0058262E It's just an itty bitty... Grafton Monster. Seriously, where does Appalachia even get this stuff? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
301 0058262F And the target's a Grafton Monster. Hurray. I mean, there's money involved. And fame. And probably, I don't know... Caps? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
302 00582631 So I double checked to make sure I got this right. The target's a Gulper. Do you know what that is? Because, I kinda don't. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
303 00582632 You get to kill... A Gulper. And I assume they are scary. And mean. Or not? I mean I have no idea. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
304 00582633 Time to hunt a Gulper. I hope you know what that is. I don't. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
305 00582635 OK... All right. Kill a Honey Beast. I mean, they are seriously... just wrong. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
306 00582636 Kill a Honey Beast. Please, please do. I am allergic to bees, and these guys really, really freak me out. So, for the team? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
307 00582637 The target's a... Honey Beast. You aren't allergic, right? Please, tell me you aren't. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
308 00582639 So go kill... an insect? My friend's description was... poor. But it's definitely positively a bug of some sort. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
309 0058263A The target's some sort of insect. I mean, most people aren't entomologists so not sure what type. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
310 0058263B So there's some sort of insect, bug, something out there. That's enough to go on, right? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
311 0058263D You're hunting a Liberator Bot. Which, if they weren't murderous little Chinese things would be sad. They're kinda cute. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
312 0058263E So the target's a Liberator Bot. I hate the way they just fly at you, with the blades, and the... whatever they're saying. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
313 0058263F Now you get the esteemed privilege of murdering a little slice of Communism. The Liberator Bot. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
314 00582641 Time to kill a Mega Sloth. Do you remember a time when sentences like that would sound insane? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
315 00582642 The target's a Mega Sloth. They're no joke. So be careful. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
316 00582643 All right, brace yourself. The target's a Mega Sloth. Easy, right? Riiight. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
317 00582645 The creature's a Mirelurk. The fact you aren't running, you are seriously braver than I. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
318 00582646 So time to kill a... Mirelurk. Bit armored shellfish. Yeah. Fun. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
319 00582647 And it's crab bake time... So, kill a Mirelurk. Because they were probably... crabs... Oh, nevermind. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
320 00582649 The target's a Mole Miner. Are they moles? Or miners? Or both? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
321 0058264A Time to kill a Mole Miner. Every time they speak, skin crawls. Really. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
322 0058264B I'm pretty sure you're killing a Mole Miner. Or some scary armored guy with asthma. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
323 0058264D So the target's fierce, terrible... and it's a Mole Rat. Ohh. Scary. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
324 0058264E And please don't think less of anyone involved here. The target's a Mole Rat. There, I said it. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
325 0058264F Time to kill a Mole Rat. You know, next time I'm going to take this job. I can't believe they're paying good caps for this. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
326 00582651 The target today: A Mr. Gutsy. Because, you know, fully arming a Mr. Handy with an arsenal is such a good idea. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
327 00582652 And what we got on the menu is a Mr. Gutsy. So a tough one. Let it soak in. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
328 00582653 And it's a Mr. Gutsy. Oof. I would understand if you take a pass. They're dangerous. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
329 00582655 So they want some mutated thingy killed. It is seriously hard to keep track of them these days. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
330 00582656 What's the target, you may ask? Well, I did ask. And I am confused. Something mutated. Or weird. I know, helpful. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
331 00582657 So... we're killing something... mutated? And even I have no idea exactly what that means. But, it is out there. And it needs killing. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
332 00582659 The target's a Protectron. So big lumbering, laser spewing Protectron. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
333 0058265A How do you feel about Protectrons? You a member of any "Save The Protectron" Foundations? Good, because that's the job. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
334 0058265B So the target's a robot. Protectron to be specific. I love it when they actually tell me what the problem is. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
335 0058265D Okay, put on your exterminator hat! You're fighting a Rad Ant! Like an irradiated insect, not your mom's cool sister. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
336 0058265E It's Rad Ant killing time. I... I hate them. There, I said it. So small and tough and... You get it. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
337 0058265F So the mission's a Rad Ant. Or a very small weirdly deformed pug. But that last part is wishful thinking. I miss pugs. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
338 00582661 OK, gear up. Bring the Mini-Nukes. Because it's time to hunt that most dang... It's a Radroach. Sorry, I get carried away. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
339 00582662 Another exterminator mission. A Radroach. I can see the terror. Boo. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
340 00582663 So someone's staking a reward for killing a Radroach. More caps than sense. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
341 00582665 The target's a Raider. And not the happy mug you and tip of the hat kind. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
342 00582666 So time to kill a Raider. I know, "Man, the most dangerous game." The quote is him mocking a fictious commercial
343 00582667 A Raider needs killing. Which sounds mean and maybe terrible. But this is the murdery very bad kind of Raider. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
344 00582669 Radrat huntin' time! Oooh! Oh there's a song in there somewhere. Rad rad huntin' time, rad rad Radrat huntin' time. Rad rad huntin'... you know, I'll get it, don't worry. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
345 0058266A Time to exterminate a Radrat. And that sounds all easy and no problem, but they are vicious, vicious little bastards. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
346 0058266B Make sure you got your armored boots. It's Radrat stomping time. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
347 0058266D So time to eliminate a Robobrain. The things our tax dollars went to. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
348 0058266E Time to end the Terror of the Robobrain. I'm a poet and I know it. Yeah. Please don't kill me. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
349 0058266F So it's a Robobrain. Do those freak you out? They do me. I mean, the brain... It's right there! friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
350 00582671 So the target's a robot. Because Appalachia, making murderous robots since 2050. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
351 00582672 It's robot hunting time. Don't you just love automation? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
352 00582673 Some sort of robot is the target. And unless it's one of those cute floaty Eyebots... No fun. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
353 00582675 So full disclosure. It's a Scorchbeast. So you can take a pass, or you can murder it and everyone in Appalachia will cheer. I'm not joking. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
354 00582676 And... it's a Scorchbeast. Because, you know, no problem, right. I totally understand if you say, "No" or "Hell No." friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
355 00582677 The job's... A Scorchbeast. They are just the worst, right? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
356 00582679 All right. So, you're going after one of the Scorched. Killing them... makes me sad. Like Appalachia doesn't have enough problems. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
357 0058267A It's Scorched hunting time. Someone's got to do it. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
358 0058267B And the target's a Scorched. I wish we could save them, but a bullet or... whatever... is all we can do for them. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
359 0058267D Time to kill a Radscorpion. You can do that, right? They are tough. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
360 0058267E Time to hunt down a Radscorpion. I... don't envy you. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
361 0058267F The target's a Radscorpion. And that's no big deal, because you're... well, kind of amazing. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
362 00582681 The target: a Sentry Bot. They are... scary, formidable, and dangerous to all sorts of people. So... help? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
363 00582682 So we, and by we, I mean really you... Get to kill a Sentry Bot. So yeah. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
364 00582683 You up for a Sentry Bot? I know I'm not. But that's why they asked for you. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
365 00582685 So I asked three times. And my friend said with a straight face it's a Sheepsquatch. Cool, right? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
366 00582686 I've been told you have to kill a Sheepsquatch. I am saying that right? And that's real? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
367 00582687 So we're killing a Sheepsquatch. And maybe the bogeyman later. Because apparently people can just make shit up now. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
368 00582689 So the target's a Snallygaster. And I would laugh at the name, but they are very serious. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
369 0058268A So you ready take out a Snallygaster? Because... I am not. I will be here. Composing hopeful songs about your triumph. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
370 0058268B So you get to fight a Snallygaster. Because that mouth within a mouth, no problem. Yuck. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
371 0058268D Time to tango with a Stingwing. We can do this. Or you can. Unless one comes to your camp, and then it's all we. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
372 0058268E Time to hunt down a Stingwing. Not so bad, right? If they would just stay still. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
373 0058268F The target's a Stingwing. Something you can feel good about squishing. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
374 00582691 So the job's easy. Kill a Super Mutant. A big hulking... OK, it's not easy. But it needs doing. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
375 00582692 So the job's for a Super Mutant. So, you know, scary. But... profitable. Ish. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
376 00582693 They need a Super Mutant taken out. And you can see why they need help, right? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
377 00582695 So you need to kill some swamp... creature. It sounds slimy. Super slimy. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
378 00582696 Light on the details. Some sort of swamp critter. And not the cute glowing blue frog type. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
379 00582697 So time to hunt down that swamp... whatever it is. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
380 00582699 So my friend is a little... weak. And the problem's a Tick. The giant type. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
381 0058269A Consider this more of a public service. The target's a Tick. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
382 0058269B It's time to hunt down a Tick. That's it. Easy in and out. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
383 0058269D The target's a Radtoad. And to think I used to think they were cute. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
384 0058269E Time to kill a Radtoad. It's all those eyes that get me. Every time. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
385 0058269F Radtoad hunting time. You go on without me. I'll be here. Manning the fort. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
386 005826A1 I know this is kind of crappy - but you're headed after a Vicious Dog. I miss real dogs. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
387 005826A2 So time to hunt down a Vicious Dog. They're nasty, and... Well, just do it, please. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
388 005826A3 Time to kill a Vicious Dog. Not glamorous or fun, but it could save lives. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
389 005826A5 The target: a Wolf. Remember when that wasn't a thing? I do. *sigh* friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
390 005826A6 It's Wolf hunting time. Those prowley always circling wolves. Great fun. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
391 005826A7 Easy job. Take out a Wolf. Really, that's it. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
392 005826A9 So you just have to put down one massive slobbery Yao Guai. That's all. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
393 005826AA It's a big problem. A Yao Guai. Because bears weren't bad enough, am I right? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
394 005826AB The job is easy to say. Kill a Yao Guai. But, man, good luck. Sincerely. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
395 0059F23E This one will be a real treat. You know those screaming "kill everyone in sight" Blood Eagles? Yeah, one of them.
396 0059F23F Your target is a real piece of work. One of those Blood Eagle... well, assholes. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
397 0059F240 You have to take out a Blood Eagle. I mean, while you're out there - take out more. Take them all out if you could. Big jerks. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
398 0059F242 You have to take out a Mothman Cultist. And can I just say for the record that having to worry about genuine cultists in Appalachia... Just great.
399 0059F243 Just one of those cheery Mothman Cultists. Why can't the just go door to door and give out their literature instead? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
400 0059F244 So you get to fight one of those completely sane and well-rounded Mothman Cultists. Great, right? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
401 0059F246 You have to take out one of those creepy Floater thingies. Yuck. These make her skin crawl, so channel that in the yuck
402 0059F247 Oh just a friendly Floater. Those floating gasbags of fun. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
403 0059F248 You need to take out a Floater. Which sounds as disgusting as they are. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
404 0059F24A I know it sounds crazy... But you're rescuing a Raider. Some of the Crater guys aren't completely bad.
405 I hope this is one of the good ones.
406 0059F24B You're rescuing a Raider. Unorthodox, yes. But some of them aren't that bad. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
407 0059F24C One of the Raiders is in trouble. And sometimes... well, you help who you can. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
408 0059F24E One of the settlers is in need of rescue. So put on those hero boots and do... what you do.
409 0059F24F The target's a Settler. So find out whatever mess he, or she, is in - and take care of it. friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
410 0059F250 A Settler is in trouble. So enter stage left our valiant hero. That's you. You get that, right? friendly, sincere, sharing the intel you have with the player so they are informed about the favor/mission you are sending them on
411 005821C4 005822C9 Weapons aren't really my gig, but I got a lead on one... If you're interested.
412 005822CA Weapon stash any interest to you? If so, today's your lucky day.
413 005822CB Guns, blades, and whatever. Kinda makes the world go 'round now. *sigh* I got a lead on one, if you like.
414 005822CD Armor, right? You're into that, right? I got a lead for you.
415 005822CE The amount of lead you take, ain't healthy. Heard of some armor that might help. Maybe? You think?
416 005822CF One day, I'm going to write a ballad. About the new knights. In shiny armor. Oh right, I know of some armor out there. You in?
417 005822D1 I've seen all the crazy shit you do with... well, garbage. It's kind of amazing. And well, uh, gross. I know where you can get more junk.
418 005822D2 Who knew junk piles would be so... exciting. But I heard of a stash of components...?
419 005822D3 You like good old fashion junk, right? If that's making the inner you go "Yay" then I have something for you.
420 Probably worth looking into, anyway.
421 005822D5 I don't say it lightly, but there's a real real problem out there. And they need to be taken out. Like... OK, killed. I said it.
422 005822D6 I hate to ask you to do... Well, the thing you do as far as I can tell all the time... You know, bad guy. Action. Dead bad guy? Make some vague violence vocal sound effects on action.
423 005822D7 I got a bit of violence for you. Total bad guy, or girl, or whatever. Point is, it's an equation that needs my dear friend. That's, uh, you by the way.
424 005822D9 Some friends say there's something baaad out there. And it needs a you-sized solution.
425 005822DA So, OK, bad things are out there. Most sane people run for the hills. But you, you, my friend, that's where you come in.
426 005822DB A friend needs some world-class extermination. And I told, I know just who to talk to.
427 005822DD I got a real job. A friend-of-a-friend is in a real bind. Needs the whole Adventure Hour rescue.
428 005822DE Ready to get on a white horse and leap to the rescue? If so, I know someone that needs it. Like... soon.
429 005822DF I heave it for you. The rescue. Our hero, er, you, barges in... Whoosh, boom. Everyone cheers. Oh, this is real. Someone's in trouble.
430 005821C5 00582212 Someone stopped by earlier... heard me singing. We talked a bit... heard about something that sounded perfect for you. Going to offer a quest.
431 00585C91 So, I was doing my thing and a gig landed in my lap and I thought of you. Going to offer a quest.
432 00585C92 I had the craziest day. And in the middle of all of that, I found something. Something you might like. Going to offer a quest.
433 00585C93 I walked around, did the talky talk, and listen listen. Guess what I picked up? Going to offer a quest.
434 00585C94 So I've been doing what I do, talking, being social and blam. Something you might like. Going to offer a quest.
435 Heard about something from a trader who happened across my path. It's odd how these things work out, isn't it? Happily
436 00585C96 I should walk more... It pays to stay in shape. Just not very much. Sorry she has no quests.
437 00585C97 Nothing new dropped in my lap yet. Which is good. For my lap. Sorry she has no quests.
438 00585C98 You know. Appalachia is kind of beautiful. In a, "Oh my god, get it off my face" kind of way. Sorry she has no quests.
439 00585C99 It's easy to forget, but we're the lucky ones. So many people didn't make it. So... let's appreciate the little things. Sorry she has no quests.
440 00585C9A You've already done so much. Rest here for a bit... relax. Enjoy what you've built. Sorry she has no quests.
441 00585C9C Did you already go off on your adventure? Not yet? I'll wait... don't mind me. Player is already on a quest
442 00585C9D Once you're back, you have got to tell me all about what you saw... I love a good story. Player is already on a quest
443 00585C9E You look so determined before you head off to do something... it's very... inspirational! Player is already on a quest
444 00585C9F Once you head out, I'm going to work on a song. More like dabble. One day I'll write a song, for real. Player is already on a quest
445 00585CA0 Still here? I mean, this is your camp. So I guess you could be saying the same to me. How about I shut up now. Player is already on a quest
446 00585CA2 You know, it's good to see a friendly face. Doesn't know the player, but the player thinks they know the companion
447 00585CA3 I've seen someone that looks just like you too! Strange, right? Doesn't know the player, but the player thinks they know the companion
448 00585CA4 Kinda busy. But nice to see you. Doesn't know the player, but the player thinks they know the companion
449 00585CA5 I've got things to do. But enjoy your stay here. Doesn't know the player, but the player thinks they know the companion
450 00585CA6 Have a good one. Maybe two good ones, am I right? Doesn't know the player, but the player thinks they know the companion
451 0059EAD7 Would you look at that. You got it! Good for you, but better for me.
452 0059EAD8 You found it? I spent most of the time you were away having an internal debate about whether or not you'd die trying to get this.
453 I guess you proved me half-wrong and half-right at the same time.
454 0059EAD9 Made in back in one piece, huh? Well I'll just take that pretty little thing right off your hands, thank you very much.
455 0059EADA Well, this is a pleasant surprise. Now I've just to figure out where to stow this thing.
456 0059EADB Back with my little prize? I've had dogs that didn't fetch half as well as you do. I'd offer you a bone, but I'm afraid I'm out at the moment.
462 00585BF4 00585C61 I should go on a walk. Observe nature and the songs will flow, they say... Peaceful
463 00585C62 *humming* Peaceful, anything
464 00585C63 The world's kind of amazing. If you stop and take a look at it. Peaceful
465 00585C64 *humming* Folksy, anything
466 00585C65 I really, and I mean really, want to join a band one day. Peaceful
467 00585C66 *humming* Chipper and upbeat, anything sort of old fashioned
468 00585C67 As crazy as it is here, it's better than where I've been. Peaceful
469 00585C68 You Seventy-Sixers. You guys are something else. Peaceful
470 00585C69 *humming* Western, country, sort of down but with a twang
471 00585C6A Ever get a melody stuck in your head? One day, I'm going to write a song that does that. Peaceful, in awe of nature
472 00585BF5 00585C88 Sometimes, you have to take a moment. Enjoy being alive. Amazed
473 00585C89 I'm having a great day. Hope you are, too. Oppressively chipper
474 00585C8A Chin up. Whatever this wild world throws at us, we'll take it. In a good way. Oppressively chipper
475 00585C8B I wish I had more time to play. But there's always something that needs doing. First part is almost a country western type lyric, but spoken
476 00585C8C *humming* Should be a little country or western, kinda dramatic
477 00585C8D You're kind of... inspirational. God, that sounds corny. Impressed or weirded out, she's not sure
478 00585C8E Just another day in the apocalypse... oh. Oh that might be a good opening too. I gotta remember these. Thinking turns into a lyric
479 00585C8F This is a first rate camp. You would not want to see the one I built. Like at all. Even the Mole Rats ran away from it. Thinking turns into a lyric
480 00585C90 *humming* Something peaceful and trippy if possible, 60's mod type
481 0059D49F Hey friend... find out anything special about this beautiful world? Peaceful hippy. Player is returning with an item or some information about a quest that she gave them to do.
482 0059D4A0 I knew you'd be back. I heard it on the wind... Peaceful hippy. Player is returning with an item or some information about a quest that she gave them to do.
483 0059D4A1 Oh! Hello again. I knew the universe would bring you back... Peaceful hippy. Player is returning with an item or some information about a quest that she gave them to do.
484 0059D4A2 Yay! You're back. We should always rejoice when stars align. Peaceful hippy. Player is returning with an item or some information about a quest that she gave them to do.
485 0059D4A3 Talk to me, tell me everything! Peaceful hippy. Player is returning with an item or some information about a quest that she gave them to do.
486 0059D4A4 You have that look on your face... like the cosmos delivered. Talk to me. Peaceful hippy. Player is returning with an item or some information about a quest that she gave them to do.
487 0059D4A5 Hey sunshine. What did you find out there? Peaceful hippy. Player is returning with an item or some information about a quest that she gave them to do.
488 0059D4A6 Did you find your own harmony while you were out there? Peaceful hippy. Player is returning with an item or some information about a quest that she gave them to do.
489 0059D4A7 I knew I'd see you again. I could feel it. Peaceful hippy. Player is returning with an item or some information about a quest that she gave them to do.
490 0059D4A8 I was just thinking about you, hoping the universe led you to your goal. Peaceful hippy. Player is returning with an item or some information about a quest that she gave them to do.
491 0059D4AA You know, I heard about something... truly beautiful. Something you'd like. She has a quest for the player. Hippy, peaceful.
492 0059D4AB The wind told me something... She has a quest for the player. Hippy, peaceful.
493 0059D4AC And I thought to myself... oh, I know exactly who would love to hear about that. She has a quest for the player. Hippy, peaceful.
494 0059D4AD I think the stars have aligned... and you get a prize. She has a quest for the player. Hippy, peaceful.
495 0059D4AE Friend, got a moment to spend with me? She has a quest for the player. Hippy, peaceful.
496 0059D4AF My dear friend... can I tell you something? She has a quest for the player. Hippy, peaceful.
497 0059D4B0 Do you believe in luck? Either way... I think you'll want to hear more. She has a quest for the player. Hippy, peaceful.
498 0059D4B1 Friend... sit with me, let's jam. She has a quest for the player. Hippy, peaceful.
499 0059D4B2 I heard about something that would make you pretty happy, I think... She has a quest for the player. Hippy, peaceful.
500 0059D4B3 I was listening to the universe... and I heard something. She has a quest for the player. Hippy, peaceful.
501 0059D4B4 Every day is a joy. Just soak it all in. You know? Peaceful, said when there's no quest for the player.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
16 005A21AB 0059D148 Lean back and take a deep breath. It'll all be okay. Said to a random player who is not the "owner" of the Wanderer. Cheerfully and peacefully. Hippy.
50 0059D495 There's no time to be upset anymore. Let it all go... Said to a random player who is not the "owner" of the Wanderer. Cheerfully and peacefully. Hippy.
51 0059D496 World's tough out there. Don't make it tough inside yourself too. Said to a random player who is not the "owner" of the Wanderer. Cheerfully and peacefully. Hippy.
52 0059D497 Everything has its own song, you know... Said to a random player who is not the "owner" of the Wanderer. Cheerfully and peacefully. Hippy.
53 0059D498 You hear that? It was the world saying hello! Said to a random player who is not the "owner" of the Wanderer. Cheerfully and peacefully.
54 0059D499 Imagine if people and... everybody... tried to harmonize together. Living for each other, forever... Said to a random player who is not the "owner" of the Wanderer. Cheerfully and peacefully. Hippy.
55 0059D49A March to your own beat. Or waltz... or... square dance? Anything. It's your beat. Said to a random player who is not the "owner" of the Wanderer.
56 0059D49B Ah, another traveler on the road of life... Said to a random player who is not the "owner" of the Wanderer.
57 0059D49C Look on the bright side. Not the nuked side. The... regular bright side. Said to a random player who is not the "owner" of the Wanderer.
58 0059D49D I bet I could write a whole story about you without you saying a word. Said to a random player who is not the "owner" of the Wanderer.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005849E4 00584A16 Foundation might be comin' along, but we got a lot more work to do.
2 00584A17 Got to prepare for even more settlers moving in.
3 00584A18 It's time to turn over a new leaf, to restore this land to glory.
4 00584A1A Why am I out here building this shit? I ain't no grunt.
5 00584A1D I don't care what it's made of, as long as it's standing.
6 00584A1E We got to expand faster than those damn settlers.
7 0058584F The further out we expand our influence, the more people we can help.
8 00585850 They think they can come in here and build on our territory. I will tear it all down.
9 00585852 I'll be damned if some super mutant thinks they'll come here and take my land.
10 00585853 If I have to pull out one more weed...
11 00585854 Not sure which I enjoy more, pickin' crops or pickin' off a bunch of molerats.
12 00585855 Good to see another face. Those damn robots got no hospitality.
13 00585856 Nowadays, everybody just wants to kill my livestock. It's safer to just plant some crops.
14 00585858 The soil is pretty worthless. Hard to grow anything in these conditions.
15 00585859 Soon enough you'll have to decide, do you put that weapon down and pick up a shovel?
16 0058585A When I grew up dreamin' about living off the land, I didn't picture it quite like this.
17 0058585B Could really use a purifier. The radiation really does a number on these crops.
18 0058585C I wish my Brahmin had 4 sets of udders instead of 2 heads.
19 0058585E Gotta keep a lookout for Raiders.
20 0058585F If we could expand our area all the way out here, the raiders don't have a chance.
21 00585860 Meg's always looking to expand.
22 00585861 Gotta keep a tab on raider whereabouts.
23 00585862 Need to find a place to settle down for the rest of the day.
24 00585864 That patch of land over there, maybe I can use that.
25 00585865 I'm trying to find the right place to settle down.
26 00585866 Even after the bombs, Appalachia is still beautiful.
27 00585867 Well look at that! I've never seen that type of bird before.
28 00585868 Keep your eye out for danger. You never know who's watching.
29 0058586A Gotta keep our fellow brothers and sisters well fed.
30 0058586B Not enough people nowadays value the importance of a well-crafted meal.
31 0058586C Might need a little bit more salt.
32 0058586D Nothin' lifts your spirit like a homemade meal.
33 0058586E I make it just like momma did.
34 00585870 Don't tell anyone, but I think the food at Crater tasted like radioactive dog shit.
35 00585871 If I cook up and eat a Supermutant, does that make me a cannibal?
36 00585872 Here's a tip, Put a few extra rounds in that Radstag. Kill and tenderize.
37 00585873 Got so hungry I once cooked up a buddy of mine. Don't judge, he was already dead.
38 00585874 I don't like to stab people on the count it dulls the blade too fast.
39 00585876 In the olden days, the two headed Radstag would be a delicacy.
40 00585877 Call me crazy, but the rads give the meat a slightly spicy flavor.
41 00585878 It's important to let it simmer.
42 00585879 Meat not tender enough? You gotta keep the fat on.
43 0058587A Why the hell would anyone want to eat that canned shit?
44 0058587C You think any of those monster stories are actually true? I bet you that Sheepsquatch is just a myth to scare little children.
45 0058587D It's nice to just gaze at the stars.
46 0058587E I'd prefer to stay around a campfire than someplace like Foundation.
47 0058587F As much as I love the outdoors, it'd be nice to have a permanent place to call home.
48 00585880 Perfect time for some iguana on a stick.
49 00585882 Watch out, you never know when a raider might attack.
50 00585883 Out here, we don't have the same protection as Foundation.
51 00585884 Sometimes the best remedy is a big ol' smore.
52 00585885 Need a fire to keep warm when the sun goes down.
53 00585886 I'm gonna find myself a Fatman and give them raiders a reason to call it Crater.
54 00585888 Take a seat, kick your feet up, and reminisce about all them good times.
55 00585889 If you ain't willing to take a bullet, then you should take your ass to Foundation.
56 0058588A I heard if they send you out of Crater, it means your disposable. That ain't true is it?
57 0058588B Personally, I prefer some grilled Yao Guai ribs over some roasted Mirelurk meat. I'm not a fan of seafood.
58 0058588C If a settler even looks at me the wrong way, they'll be roasting over a campfire.
59 0058588E I'm going to strike it big, baby!
60 0058588F I got here first. Go find some other spot.
61 00585890 Didn't you hear? People are saying there is gold everywhere.
62 00585891 If you don't look close enough, you'll miss what you're looking for.
63 00585892 Goddammit, I'm never going to find any gold. I've been searching for days.
64 00585894 Choppin' tree after tree, we will make this place feel like home.
65 00585895 Everyone at Foundation needs to do their part. Only way we can survive.
66 00585896 Killin' ain't my style. I prefer to put axe to wood.
67 00585897 Ugggh, my back!
68 00585898 You'd think we'd start using some more metal like the raiders.
69 0058589A Them settlers and raiders could learn a thing or two about what real work is.
70 0058589B Can't I just live out here in peace.
71 0058589C *Whistling Jingle*
72 0058589D Some trees are better for firewood, others better for building you a strong home.
73 0058589E Those rusted pieces of scrap think they can take my job?
83 005858AA Move along rookie.
84 005858AB Why don't you kill a couple more raiders before you start walkin' round here like some hot shot.
85 005858AC What are you going to do for Foundation? You either pull your weight or you can screw off.
86 005858AD Everyone at Foundation might like you, but you better watch your back.
87 005858AE Not a rook anymore? You wanna go?
88 005858AF Your lucky you survived this long? Should've taught your ass a lesson on day one.
89 005858B0 Wanna act like you run this land? Some of us lived through the war, not been hiding in some vault.
90 005858B1 I don't like the way you been lookin' all mighty round these parts. Sick of hearin' about you.
91 005858B2 You think you can come through here and take my glory.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00585BF6 00585C2B *humming* Something peaceful and dreamy
2 00585C2C The open road's kind of a magical thing. Thinking about it hard.
3 00585C2D *humming* Something a little peppy but still old fashioned
4 00585C2E It's nice to have some company. Thinking about it hard.
5 00585C2F *humming* Something folksy
6 00585BF7 00585C3E You seem really, and I mean really, different from most people. Noticing the player, impressed
7 00585C3F You're from one of the Vaults, right? Noticing the player, impressed
8 00585C40 Nice to meet you. And all that. Noticing the player, impressed
9 00585C41 *humming* Should be mellow and hippy like
10 00585BF8 00585CF8 It's nice to meet a fellow traveler of the road. That's me. Excited
11 00585CF9 You look. Pretty formidable. You're not a mugger? No, you don't have that air. Excited, in awe
12 It's nice to meet you. Excitedly
13 00585CFA It's always nice to bump into another living, talking human being. Kind of crazy how I took that for granted once upon a time. Pondering the options of the world
14 00585CFB I look at every chance encounter as an opportunity to find a new friend. And sometimes friends stab me, or make off with my stuff. Pondering the options of the world
15 But no, sir, not today.
16 00585CFC Great to meet someone new. It's a fresh page. The start of a melody. Anything can happen. Pondering the options of the world
17 00585CFE Sorry, a little busy. Sorry to ask this
18 00585CFF I'm just passing through. She doesn't recognize the player
19 00585D00 Kinda busy right now. Hi, though. She doesn't recognize the player
20 00585D01 Have a good one. She doesn't recognize the player
21 00585D02 Considering how big the world is, I keep bumping into people. She doesn't recognize the player
22 00585BF9 00585C0B This is exciting. I have a really good feeling about this. Excited
23 00585BFE 00585C1D Listen... I need to say goodbye to some friends before I head over. I know it's a lot to ask, but if you can set up my guitar at your camp? Cheerful
24 You get that set up and I'll trundle right over. Promise. Excitedly
25 00585BFF 00585C32 It was a long shot. Thanks for your time. Cheerful
26 00585C00 00585C12 You won't regret it. Or if you do, just a little bit. Hippies
27 00585C01 00585C20 Oh, I knew traveling with Paige and the gang would pay off one day! Yes I did. Excited
28 00585C02 00585C1C Protected? Is that still a thing? I am very much a fan. Excited
29 00585C03 00585C19 Oww, you're twisting my arm. Oww, oww. Yes, please. Thank you. Pretty excited about the idea
30 00585C04 00585C0E As much as I love wandering around, well, often running. Or fleeing. Do you happen to know somewhere safe I can stay? Maybe work on some music. Wishing it was possible
31 I'm handy to have around. I've got skills.