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This is a transcript for dialogue with Maximo Leone.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 005DD3D6 005DD41D Sounds good to me!
2 005DD3D7 005DD423 I hope I see you again soon and we can play.
3 005DD3DB 005DD429 Uh sure, I'd be happy to talk about them! I mean, they're my heroes!
4 005DD3DC 005DD428 Oh, well my name is Maximo! You can call me Max though, for short. My big sister, Marcia, and I live here now with the Brotherhood. Isn't that cool?!
5 005DD3DD 005DD41A Stay safe out there!
6 005DD3E3 005DD420 Well... the town we lived in got attacked by Raiders and our mother was killed. Luckily, the Brotherhood of Steel was there and they saved us!
7 Since we didn't really have anyone anymore, Paladin Rahmani had us come along with them.
8 I can't wait to become a member and fight off bad guys like they do. I'll make sure no one ever has to die again.
9 005DD3E4 005DD426 They're heroes! The Brotherhood is going to save humanity and help make the world a better place.
10 They saved my sister and me, and a bunch of other people along the way. Plus, the Power Armor they get to wear is SO COOL!
11 005DD3E5 005DD438 Oh, yeah! It's a lot of fun living in the Brotherhood of Steel base.
12 I kinda wish there were more kids my age to play with, but it's okay. The less distractions from my training, the better.
13 I'm gonna become the best Brotherhood of Steel member that Paladin Rahmani has ever seen.
14 005DD3E6 005DD425 Whatever you want, it's fun talking with you.
15 005DD3E7 005DD437 No worries, friend!
16 005DD3F6 005DD41E She's the leader of the Brotherhood and I'm going to try my best to impress her, so that she makes me a Initiate one day.
17 It was Paladin Rahmani's idea to let us stay here with them, and I'm so happy that she did!
18 005DD3F7 005DD424 Knight Shin is SUPER COOL. Have you seen his Power Armor?
19 He doesn't really talk to me much, but I think it's just because he's super busy doing Brotherhood stuff and fighting bad guys.
20 Plus he's usually hanging out by the weapons and I'm not allowed to go near there. I think we're going to be best friends one day though.
21 005DD3F8 005DD436 Odessa is the best! She's super smart and is always saying stuff that I don't really understand, but I'm gonna study really hard.
22 Sometimes when the others aren't around, we play hide and seek around the Fort.
23 005DD3F9 005DD42B No way. I can't get the proper training I need to become a Brotherhood of Steel Knight there!
24 I need the best combat training there is and that's here. Speaking of, I wonder if Knight Shin is busy right now.
25 005DD3FA 005DD41C Oh, absolutely! She cares a lot about saving people and stopping bad guys, she's a real life hero!
26 005DD3FC 005DD419 She told me I could because we're friends! Just like how you can call me Max instead of Maximo.
27 Although, when I'm a Knight I would prefer it if you called me Knight Max.
28 005DD3FD 005DD42A You think? I want to know all about the Brotherhood of Steel!
29 005DD3FE 005DD427 Nah, I want to be a Knight like Shin so I can wear Power Armor and use cool weapons.
30 If I was to be a Scribe though, I would want to be just like Odessa.
31 005DD400 005DD41B What, no! He's just busy, saving the world is hard work. Someone in the Brotherhood can't be a jerk, they're literally the good guys.
32 005DD401 005DD406 Okay!
33 00603A31 DIED?! What do you mean they died? How does that even happen, I thought the Brotherhood of Steel was unstoppable!
34 I think I'd rather be left alone right now...
35 005DD403 005DD409 Hi there! I love having visitors.
36 005DD40A Ad Victoriam!
37 005DD40B Are you here to play with me?
38 005DD40C Woah, cool Power Armor!
39 005DD404 005DD40E I wonder if Knight Shin will let me try on his Power Armor.
40 005DD40F I want to go exploring with Odessa later!
41 005DD410 "Civilians are not authorized to be in this area." imitating knight shin
42 005DD411 How old do I have to be to become an Initiate?
43 005DD412 I miss Knight Connors...
44 005DD413 I wonder if they can make Power Armor in my size.
45 005DD414 I hope one day I can meet Elder Maxson.
46 005DD405 005DD42C Can you put in a good word for me with Paladin Rahmani?
47 005DD42D Do you think I can become an Initiate too?
48 005DD42E Let's play pretend! I'll be Knight Shin. "This had better be important."
49 005DD42F Hello, Brother!
50 005DD430 Tell me all about your latest mission, please!
51 005DD432 Do you want to play the Armor Ace board game with me?
52 005DD433 Do you want to join the Brotherhood too?
53 005DD434 Are you gonna be my new friend?
54 005DD435 Let's talk about the Brotherhood of Steel!
55 00603A16 00603A23 Ugh, I hate it when adults say stuff like that! I can handle it, I know I can.
56 00603A19 00603A29 Marcia and I don't agree all the time but we still love each other! I just don't understand.
57 00603A2A Marcia and I didn't agree either. Maybe that's why she left...
58 00603A1A 00603A30 But it's their duty to work together!
59 00603A1B 00603A2E Why didn't they both come back anyway? I thought the Brotherhood chain was unbreakable.
60 00603A1C 00603A24 Ugh, all the time! He was supposed to see me become a Knight just like him.
61 Now...now we'll never charge into battle together wearing matching Power Armor.
62 00603A1D 00603A28 Yeah.. I wish no one would leave. Paladin Rahmani was always nice to me, plus it was her who brought us to Fort Atlas...and I love it here!
63 00603A1E 00603A2D My name is Maximo but you can call me Max, for short. My big sister, Marcia, used to live here with me and the Brotherhood... but she's gone now.
64 00603A1F 00603A26 No way! I'm going to be super strong and have Power Armor. You won't even stand a chance!
65 00603A20 00603A2B I'll still be able to take you, little twerp. playful
66 00603A21 00603A27 Yeah! Except when she bosses me around, but soon I'll be big like her and she won't be able to do that anymore.
67 00603A22 00603A2C It can be really lonely at times...I miss her a lot.
68 Maybe when I'm older, I'll be able to visit her. Hopefully the Brotherhood and Raiders will have stopped fighting by then.
69 006048E6 006048E8 Yeah, that's right cause I'm his biggest fan!


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
4 005F59C3 005F5DC2 Are you here to help me find my sister?
39 005F5DA0 005F5DA6 Oh...okay, then. Pretty please come back soon, I'm really worried about her.
40 005F5DA1 005F5DA4 Marcia Leone is her name, she's my big sister and she looks after me since our parents are dead.
41 005F5DA2 005F5DA7 Well, the last time I saw Marcia was when she told me she was going to Foundation for some things.
42 I... I think that something bad happened to her. It was just supposed to be a quick trip to Foundation, but she hasn't come back yet.
43 I just know that she would never leave me on purpose.
119 00601D26 00601D74 She's the one that takes care of me since Mom died.
120 One time we had to leave our home because some bad guys kept coming around. We left in a hurry and I forgot my favorite toy, an Armor Ace action figure.
121 Marcia went back against Mom's orders to get him back for me! She said "I'll always be there for you, Max", and she always has been.
122 00601D28 00601D5B No, but when she said goodbye she was acting really weird. She was like "you know I'll always love you, right?"
123 She never says stuff like that. It's usually "learn to behave, Max" or "can you be quiet, Max".
124 Her best friend, Luis Ramirez, might know something. He's an Initiate too!
125 00601D2A 00601D47 Well, no... but Odessa told me that she was going to have an Initiate help find my sister. You're an Initiate, right?


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
13 005F3904 005F3913 But- But what if she abandoned me? Talking about his sister, who's gone missing
132 0060359C 006035CD Okay. Dejected
134 0060359E 006035E3 Yeah... I guess you're right. Dejected