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This is a transcript for dialogue with Luis Ramirez.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
7 00602441 006054E6 I should see if anyone needs help with anything.
8 006054E7 I can't wait to tell Max about my latest patrol, he's gonna love it.
9 006054E8 Cleaning duty again? I swear, Knight Shin has it out for me.
10 006054E9 I hope my next mission is soon, I'm tired of being stuck in Fort Atlas.
11 006054EA Maybe I'll go see what Marcia is up to.
12 006054EB I hope Marcia is doing okay...it's been lonely without her around.
22 00602442 006054ED Ad Victoriam.
23 006054EE Knight-Errant, huh? Pretty impressive stuff.
24 006054EF Hey there.
25 006054F0 Hello.
26 006054F1 Nice to see you.
50 00602443 00605657 Did you need something?
51 00605658 How can I help?
52 00605659 What's up?
53 0060565A What is it?
54 0060565B How's it going?
105 00605618 0060562A Alright.
106 0060561A 00605640 Hard. You learn to appreciate and hold the ones that you love close.
107 Everything out there is trying to kill you and you don't know when your time is going to be up.
108 I still hold hope for the future though.
109 0060561C 0060562E I believe in a better future, and I believe that the Brotherhood of Steel has the power to create that future.
110 We could let this war destroy us, or we could use it as an opportunity to rebuild a more compassionate world.
111 0060561E 0060562C See you around.
112 00605620 00605641 Not much to say, really. I was born after the bombs fell, so this world is all I've ever known.
113 My parents and I came to Foundation to start a new, more secure life. I lived there until the Brotherhood of Steel came.
114 00605622 00605633 I've always liked Paladin Rahmani, and she's focused on helping people.
115 Her charismatic and optimistic nature makes it easier for the Brotherhood to continue to exist in Appalachia.
116 00605624 0060563F Knight Shin is a tough man, and follows the rules without any leeway.
117 I was raised to respect authority figures and I will continue to follow orders regardless of who they're from.
118 I just hope that he focuses more on rebuilding society and becomes more approachable.
119 I fear people will become less accepting of the Brotherhood under his command. He's not the easiest person to get used to.
120 00605626 0060562D She has been in better spirits than I've ever seen her. I might even say that she's starting to enjoy her time here.
121 Hey, who knows, maybe she'll even join the Brotherhood one day. We'd be an even better organization with her in it.
122 00605628 0060562B Of course. I understand why she had to leave, though. If we're lucky, maybe she will help bridge the divide between the Brotherhood and the Raiders.
123 I hope to see her again soon one day, and in the meantime I'll always keep an eye on Max.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
219 006052EB 00605327 Abandon? No, of course not.
220 We were talking and I assured her that I would never let anything happen to Max. I-I...I guess I told her exactly what she needed to hear.
221 006052ED 0060531D Those Raiders have been fighting the Brotherhood ever since we got here. I don't know what I'd do if I had to fight Marcia.
222 006052EF 00605316 I don't think it's my place to tell her story, but let's just say that she blames them- er, us for the death of her mother.
223 006052F1 00605310 She told me once that she stayed as long as she could for Max's sake, but being here was like an open wound for her.
224 006052F3 0060531F Good luck, and-and please, bring her back.
225 006052F5 00605318 I can't be sure, but I think that she may be with the Raider War Party.
226 006052F6 00605311 Fine. I think Marcia will forgive me eventually, she knows how I feel about getting scolded by Knight Shin.
227 006052F8 00605321 No, I can't imagine anything like that happening to her. Fine...
228 006052FA 00605319 I'm sure she's fine, she probably just took the uh... long, scenic route or something.
229 00605300 0060531A I know that Marcia is a little rough around the edges, but that's just because she's already been through a lot in her life.
230 She's the strongest person I know, though, and has a big heart. Cares a lot about the people in her life. I'm lucky enough to be one of them.
231 00605302 00605313 It's been really hard for her to adjust to living in Fort Atlas after losing her mother.
232 She spends most of her time worrying about taking care of Max but none of it worrying about herself.
233 00605304 00605326 Missing? Ugh, n-no! She's uh...she's just running an errand to Foundation. She'll be back any minute.
234 00605306 0060531C Alright, well let me know if you need anything.
235 00605308 00605315 What has Marcia done this time?