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The horrifying result of experiments with the experimental Forced Evolutionary Virus, the snallygaster has six limbs, numerous eyes along its back, and an extended tongue covered in acidic goo that can rapidly take down any survivors.Fallout 76 loading screen

Snallygasters are creatures found in Appalachia.


Experiments with recombinant strains of FEV at the West Tek research center in Appalachia produced numerous failed mutations, with two exceptions. The first of these was FEVS-006443 from October 14, 2077, a Phase 2 combination strain that combined traits that resembled a number of different species. The results were considered disturbing by the scientists but provided valuable insights as to the capability of recombinant FEV. Changes included a number of ocular organs along the enlarged upper torso, a second set of arms ending in clawed digits and a large sickle-shaped claw on each inner toe. The living, stable and functioning subject was sustaining itself normally (a major accomplishment for the program) and was planned for release in Huntersville after the subsequent experiment matured.[1] The mutant was not returned to the area until January 3, 2078, when it escaped containment and the facility. The mutant procreated, leading to the emergence of snallygaster mutants across Appalachia.[2]



The snallygaster is a quadrupedal creature. It has two arms with three claws each, of which one is an opposable thumb, and two small limbs on the back of its body, which it usually uses to support itself while sitting. It has no proper face but has a mouth with a long tentacle-like tongue covered in acid and has multiple eyes along its back. A snallygaster will use its tongue like a whip up close and spit balls of acid at a range. The snallygaster has at least 40 eyes, two rows of teeth and thorns on its back. It has been described as being "a dragon-like demon that haunts an area outside of neighboring DC." They are easily recognizable from a distance, due to their signature clicking sounds[3] and the thick, pungent odor they emit.[4]

Gameplay attributes[]

Snallygasters are almost exclusively found around highly toxic or irradiated areas in groups of up to four. When provoked, they will spit a ball of toxic slime from the mouth, dealing poison damage. They will then run to the player character and use a melee attack, either scratching or hitting the player character with their tongue. When idle and having not spotted the player character yet, they can be heard making various grunting and snorting noises.

Snallygasters are immune to radiation damage and take 150% damage when struck in the head.



Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Nascent snallygaster
LVL 14
Hit Points
HP 525
Energy Resistance
En.R 10
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Experience Points
XP 39
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Unarmed (70 Damage)
Spit (75 Damage)
LVL 22
Hit Points
HP 575
Energy Resistance
En.R 25
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Experience Points
XP 54
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Unarmed (80 Damage)
Spit (85 Damage)
Prime snallygaster Fallout 76 seasonal content
Public Event Primal Cuts (Toxic Valley)

LVL 46
Hit Points
HP 700
Damage Resistance
Dam.R 100
Energy Resistance
En.R 100
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Fire Resistance
Fire.R 100
Cold Resistance
Cryo.R 100
Experience Points
XP 99
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Unarmed (110 Damage)
Spit (115 Damage)

Fetid snallygaster[]

Fetid Snallygaster
Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Fetid snallygaster
LVL 38
Hit Points
HP 650
Energy Resistance
En.R 50
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Experience Points
XP 84
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Unarmed (100 Damage)
Spit (105 Damage)

Bloody snallygaster[]


A snallygaster with a dark red hide, giving it the appearance of being covered in blood.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Bloody snallygaster
LVL 38
Hit Points
HP 650
Energy Resistance
En.R 50
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Experience Points
XP 84
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Unarmed (100 Damage)
Spit (105 Damage)

Glowing snallygaster[]

FO76 Glowing Snallygaster

A snallygaster which glows green following exposure to high levels of radiation.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Glowing snallygaster
LVL 46
Hit Points
HP 700
Damage Resistance
Dam.R 100
Energy Resistance
En.R 100
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Fire Resistance
Fire.R 100
Cold Resistance
Cryo.R 100
Experience Points
XP 99
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Unarmed (110 Damage)
Spit (115 Damage)

Scorched snallygaster[]

Scorched Snallygaster

A charred, fleshy snallygaster infected with the Scorched Plague. All regular snallygaster variants have a corresponding Scorched variant with the same stats, abilities and items. They may become Scorched when attacked by scorchbeasts or the scorchbeast queen, becoming allies with other Scorched creatures.

Name (Form ID)Base StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Scorched nascent snallygaster
LVL 14
Hit Points
HP 525
Energy Resistance
En.R 10
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Experience Points
XP 39
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Unarmed (70 Damage)
Spit (75 Damage)
Scorched snallygaster
LVL 22
Hit Points
HP 575
Energy Resistance
En.R 25
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Experience Points
XP 54
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Unarmed (80 Damage)
Spit (85 Damage)
Scorched fetid snallygaster
LVL 30
Hit Points
HP 600
Energy Resistance
En.R 50
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Experience Points
XP 69
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Unarmed (90 Damage)
Spit (95 Damage)
Scorched bloody snallygaster
LVL 38
Hit Points
HP 650
Energy Resistance
En.R 50
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Experience Points
XP 84
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Unarmed (100 Damage)
Spit (105 Damage)
Scorched glowing snallygaster
LVL 46
Hit Points
HP 700
Damage Resistance
Dam.R 100
Energy Resistance
En.R 100
Radiation Resistance
Rad.R Immune
Fire Resistance
Fire.R 100
Cold Resistance
Cryo.R 100
Experience Points
XP 99
With modsStats scale up to match player level
Gamebryo AI attributes#Aggression
Aggr. Very aggressive: Will attack enemies and neutrals on sight.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon optional
Gamebryo AI attributes#Confidence
Conf. Foolhardy: Will never flee or avoid anyone.Icon requiredIcon requiredIcon requiredIcon required
Gamebryo AI attributes#Assistance
Assis. Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
Unarmed (110 Damage)
Spit (115 Damage)



Snallygaster spawn locations by percent chance


  • A more historic depiction of the snallygaster appears on the Season 12 scoreboard Rip Daring and the Cryptid Hunt, encircled around the compass rose.
  • Prior to Patch 18, the snallygasters' toxic spit projectile would remain on the ground for a brief period of time. Although there was never a button prompt, activating the object would move the "snallygaster spit attack explosion" to the miscellaneous tab of the inventory.
    • This item had a negative caps value.[5] When placed in a player vending machine, the cap value would default to the maximum caps sale value[6] due to an underflow wrapping back around to the maximum value. Originally, it had an inspection model depicting green globules, but was set to have no preview model in an unknown patch prior to its removal. This item was considered a bug and has since been removed from the game.


Snallygasters appear only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The snallygaster follows the idea established in other Fallout 76 monsters in that it is based on a local legend. However, the legend of the snallygaster is more within the area of Frederick County, Maryland, and it does not match its mythological counterpart as closely in appearance.
  • The name snallygaster is derived from "schnelle geister," which is German for "quick spirits."
  • The snallygaster concept art was an approach to create a very mutated creature, rather than a mythical horrifying beast.[7]



External links[]


  1. West Tek research center terminal entries; advanced mutations lab terminal, Report: Test Subject AM52
  2. West Tek research center terminal entries; advanced mutations lab terminal, SPECIAL REPORT: CONTAINMENT BREACH
  3. Wandering storyteller: "Maybe half a year ago at a campsite not far from here, I was cookin' up a delicious, brothy stew when I heard a disgusting clicking sound nearby. Now that vile sound, it grew and grew as the thing drew nearer."
    (Wandering storyteller's dialogue)
  4. Wandering storyteller: "Well, then I saw a shadowy, twisted figure just beyond the forest edge. There was an unmistakeable odor as a thick, pungent stench filled my nostrils."
    (Wandering storyteller's dialogue)
  5. -1 or -2,147,483,648; depending on the patch
  6. 25,000 or 30,000; depending on the patch
  7. Ray Lederer: "Fallout 76 concept art I produced for the Snallygaster. It does not match the folklore version of this cryptid but I approached it in the same way the chupacabra is really just a boiled dog or whatever instead of a mythical horrifying beast. Although this guy is isIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar pretty horrific in it's own right if I say so myself:)"
    (Ray Lederer's Instagram)