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This is a transcript for dialogue with Daniel.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0053C2EC 0053C2F9 What? No. I mean. I just... I guess we'll be off then. You asked this person for help and they told you to take a hike.
2 0053C2EE 0053C2FD I knew we made the right choice in coming here. Thrilled to hear this person you're asking for help is willing to lend a hand.
5 0053C2F4 0053C2FA I... I... It's nothing! Just... something about, you know. Treasure. Someone just threatened your life because of something you said.
6 0053C2F6 0053C2FE We've traveled pretty far. Heard there's hope here in Appalachia. Folk rebuilding. Fighting back. Maybe even ... a fortune to be found?
7 Can you help us?
8 00543DDD We've traveled pretty far. Heard there's hope here in Appalachia. Folk rebuilding. Fighting back. Maybe even... a fortune to be found.
9 We ain't like those others. The ones who want to take without giving back...
10 00543DDE We've traveled pretty far. Heard there's hope here in Appalachia. Folk rebuilding. Fighting back. Maybe even... a fortune to be found.
11 Even if some people want to take it all by force.
12 00543DDF We've traveled pretty far. Heard there's hope here in Appalachia. Folk rebuilding. Fighting back. We'll fight too.
13 Right by your side. Not like... those others.
14 0053C2F7 00589599 Actually killed the bastard, huh? Here. Deal's a deal. Now, unless you've got something urgent... Not kind, but grateful, but then trying to blow this person off again.
15 0058959A Heard you killed Roper. Here. You deserve it. But that's all you're getting. Now, unless you've got something urgent... Not kind, but grateful, but then trying to blow this person off again.
16 0058959C You. You can beat it. Not mean, but matter-of-factly. You've done something wrong and don't want strangers around to find out.
17 0058959D Can't take a hint, huh? Not mean, but matter-of-factly. You've done something wrong and don't want strangers around to find out.
18 0058959E We're not hiring. So you can go. Not mean, but matter-of-factly. You've done something wrong and don't want strangers around to find out.
19 005895A0 Not looking for trouble... or uninvited guests. Not mean, but matter-of-factly. You've done something wrong and don't want strangers around to find out.
20 005895A1 Can't take a hint, huh? Not mean, but matter-of-factly. You've done something wrong and don't want strangers around to find out.
21 005895A2 We're not hiring. So you can go. Not mean, but matter-of-factly. You've done something wrong and don't want strangers around to find out.
22 005895A3 Plenty of unclaimed space up the road. Maybe you should give it a visit. Not mean, but matter-of-factly. You've done something wrong and don't want strangers around to find out.
28 0058EA86 Plenty of unclaimed space up the road. Maybe you should give it a visit. And how about you get that weapon outta my face. Not mean, but matter-of-factly. You've done something wrong and don't want strangers around to find out.
29 0054ABA8 0053C2F8 Oh. Okay? Sure. Best friends. I... I like that. This person you're asking for help just agreed to be your best friend which you're a little reticent about initially, then you get onboard.
30 0053C2FB Are you... from that vault? You've traveled a long way and are exhausted.
31 0053C2FC Thank you. Thank you so much. This person just agreed to help you after a very long journey.
32 0054AFA2 Can you help us?
80 00589512 0058955E What're you... Really confused. This person somehow knows you secret.
81 Hmm. You found the tape. Fine. I did it. And I'd do it again. Because Maggie was going to get us all killed. Your secret's out, but there's a good reason you did what you did.
82 She wanted us to stand up to those thugs. To take them on all by ourselves. There are four of us! You know how many times we're outnumbered by that gang? Your secret's out, but there's a good reason you did what you did.
83 Three to one? Four to one? I have a daughter. And she's alive now because we all were willing to make a deal. Your secret's out, but there's a good reason you did what you did.
84 Maggie was going to throw that away because she didn't like being pushed around. Your secret's out, but there's a good reason you did what you did.
85 Was bound to happen sooner or later. Your secret's out, but there's a good reason you did what you did.
86 00589514 00589591 How did you... Look, that boy knows he's not supposed to talk to anyone. You leave my people alone, you understand.
87 00589516 00589568 Then by all means, beat it. Unless there's something else?
88 00589518 005895B1 ... you, you do that... maybe I can see to having a little something set aside for you. One-time, though. You're a little taken aback here. This person says they're going to a kill a big tough gang you've been dealing with. But you're onboard.
89 0058951A 00589573 Bunch of cons from back east. They're not crazy, though. Not like, the Blood Eagles or the Scorched, say. You can reason with them.
90 They don't know how to farm or hunt. We do. So we worked out a deal. You have something you can offer them, you probably can too.
91 0058951C 0058954F Once a month. Food, ammo, scrap. Murray and me take it up to the mill ourselves. Gave us a password to get in: Blue Danube. Very matter-of-factly. You're being pumped for information, and the sooner you give it out, the sooner this person will piss off.
92 0058951E 00589579 West Virginia Lum-- Very surprised initially. No one's supposed to know about your affiliation with those guys.
93 No. Don't know anything about them. Now, I'd like you to leave. Realizing you were caught offguard and getting more stern.
94 00589520 00589555 Treasure. Nothing but trouble. We'd hoped to start new lives here. Private ones. So much for that. Not mean, but forceful.
95 00589522 00589585 Bye. Curt.
96 00589524 0058955C Trying to let you know you're trespassing. Free to leave whenever you like.
97 00589526 0058958F Just like everyone else. Except we like our privacy. Not mean, but forceful. You want this person to leave.
98 00589529 00589566 A-all right. We... we worked out a deal. Supplies for protection. What do you want to know about it? Your nervousness has been spotted and called out, which makes you more nervous. You agree to spill.
99 0058952B 005895B0 You'll go? Fine. We've worked out a deal. Supplies for protection. What do you need to know to leave? This person's making a lot of sense. You agree to spill what you know about the gang.
100 0058952D 00589572 No, no, no. Look. We worked out a deal with them. Supplies for protection. We can work one out with you. What do you want to know? This person intimidated you into talking. Spill time.
101 0058952F 0058956F I'm sure what I know is none of your business. Now, how about you take a hike? You're not interested in what this person's pushing.
102 00589531 0058954E Plenty. A dozen minimum. They don't let us in the main building, so I can't say how many were camped out in there. Very matter-of-factly. You're being pumped for information, and the sooner you give it out, the sooner this person will piss off.
103 00589533 00589577 Fine. Make it quick.


(Agreement with Radicals)

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
102 00589535 0058957D Once a month. I'll deliver it personally. Somberly making a business deal after cutting your friend's throat.
104 00589537 0058958A S-sorry, Maggie. The rest of us are in agreement. We'll bring you shipments once a season. You just cut your friend's throat because she was going to get you all killed. But you then somberly get down to business.