Fertilizer is a crafting component in Fallout 4.
A chemical substance used mainly for enriching the soil for farming, but in-game is used mostly for creating explosives at the chemistry station.
With the addition of the Contraptions Workshop add-on, it is also used to craft ammo.
Materials: | Requirements: | Produces: | ||
Fertilizer (4) Acid (1) |
- Two bags in the back of the Pick-R-Up truck at the hillside home.
- For sale at Diamond City Surplus.
- Connie Abernathy sells two shipments of 25. There are also several bags inside the Abernathy farmhouse.
- Daniel Finch sells a shipment of 25.
- Supervisor Greene sells two shipments of 25. There are also several bags inside the greenhouse.
- At Greentop Nursery you find 5 bags inside the greenhouse and 3 right outside.
- If the Sole Survivor has a brahmin in an allied settlement, such as the one at Abernathy farm or purchasing one from Kelly, then fertilizer will be gathered at a rate of one per day and added to the workbench similar to excess purified water and scrap collected by settlers. If the player character places a brahmin feed trough in a settlement, settlers will bring at least one brahmin. With the Wasteland Workshop add-on, the Sole Survivor can build brahmin cages to capture more brahmin.
- Cranberry Island supply shed. Six in the
By purchasing or producing fertilizer with brahmin in settlements, the player character can produce Jet for a profit.
Behind the scenes[]
The use as an ingredient for creating explosives meshes with the real-world chemistry of fertilizer for explosives. Only certain kinds of fertilizer, those with ammonium nitrate, can be used in such a capacity.