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Permanent companions

Permanent companions require that a few requisites be met in order for them to join the player character's party. For a few NPCs, there is more than one possible way to have them join. The possible conditions that must be met for each companion are listed below their names. Their locations are listed next to their names.

  • Ask her to join.

Companion controls

Once an NPC becomes a companion, their dialogue menu changes to a list of tactical and combat-oriented options. Unlike Fallout 2 there is no "Combat Control" menu added to the Pip-Boy interface. This means that in Fallout, the controls are rudimentary, at best.

There are no controls whatsoever for Dogmeat. For the human companions, the options are shown as follows:

You can leave now.

  • Orders the companion to leave the party, and return to their original location in the game world.

Draw your best weapon next time we go into battle.

  • At first, this does not seem to do anything, because the companions originally only carry their default weapon. However, they may be gifted with a better weapon (and ammunition, for guns), then the NPC will make use of that weapon instead. Alternatively, the companion can pick up weapons found on the ground.

I need to change formation.

  • Stay close to me. - NPC stays within a 2 hex vicinity.
  • Keep a moderate distance. - NPC stays within a 4 hex vicinity.
  • Move out to longer range. - NPC stays within a 4-6 hex vicinity.

In order to get companions to use equipment, the trick is to either use the Steal skill on them or Barter with them (they will accept any deal).

Companions stick with whatever armor they were wearing when recruited, thus surplus armor can be sold.


Companion Default Armor Default Weapon S.P.E.C.I.A.L. HP Notable Skills Usable Weapons
Dogmeat Leather armor Unarmed 7 7 7 2 3 10 8 50 Unarmed 91% N/A
Ian Leather jacket 10mm pistol 7 6 6 5 6 6 5 50 Small Guns 85%, Unarmed 90%, Melee Weapons 85%, Throwing 51% Unarmed weapons, knives°, all pistols, SMG
Katja Combat armor* Throwing knife 4 8 5 6 8 6 5 39 Small Guns 80%, Unarmed 120%, Melee Weapons 110%, Throwing 110% Unarmed weapons, knives°, Spear, 14 mm and .223 pistols, SMG
Tycho Leather armor Shotgun 6 7 6 5 6 7 5 60 Small Guns 65%, Unarmed 80%, Melee Weapons 85%, Throwing 50% Unarmed weapons, Spear, 10 mm pistol and Desert Eagle, rifles, BB guns, and shotguns

* Katja uses a leather jacket sprite, despite her armor.

° Includes Knife, Throwing knife, Combat knife, and Ripper

Temporary companions

Like permanent companions, there are a few conditions that must be met to have temporary companions recruited. A few events must unfold however. Her location is next to her name, while the requirements to have her become a companion are listed below her name.

  • After passing one week of in-game time, the Vault Dweller must return to Shady Sands and initiate the quest Rescue Tandi from the Raiders.
  • She will automatically join once she is freed from her jail cell.
  • They will appear outside the Cathedral after talking to Nicole about infiltrating the place
  • These will appear on the maps after having scouted the northern wastes, but can be convinced to attack the Cathedral by accessing the computer in Morpheus' room.
    • They will not go inside the Military Base, however.

Companion controls

Tandi and the aforementioned invaders have no means of control in their companion forms, similar to Dogmeat: instead of having a dialogue menu, they only yield floating text ex. Tandi expresses her amazement of the world outside Shady Sands.


Companion Default Armor Default Weapon S.P.E.C.I.A.L. HP Notable Skills Usable Weapons
Tandi Clothing Knife 5 6 6 8 6 7 8 35 Small Guns 42%, Unarmed 101%, Melee Weapons 81%, Throwing 47% Knives, SMGs


  • Companions have nigh-unlimited inventory, the Vault Dweller can give them amounts of pounds. This can be done in the barter option by giving them as free. When needed, the Dweller can "steal" back from them. They will never retaliate as long as they are not disbanded.
  • If the companion(s) is/are told to leave in dialogues, they will stay at that exact point. They will NOT return to the original location that they were recruited from, as long as the map was not left. This is useful when fighting tougher opponents such as super mutants since companions do not wear better armor or level up their health which means one shot can kill them instantly. Near endgame opponents, companions are useful as loot mules more-so than their combat contributions.
    • Referring above note, if combat is close to the location (hexes) of companions, they will also attend the fight as companions even if told to leave.
Companions in Fallout