Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Infobox and categories

A few additional pointers regarding the applicable infoboxes and categories:

Quest article layout

The layout is composed of three tables. The top and bottom tables are standard layout items found in every article; they are only included here for completeness and are collapsed by default. The middle table contains the actual specifics for quest pages.

  • Yes in the "headline" column means that the article should have a headline of that name if you want to include such a layout item.
    No in the "headline" column means that this layout item should not have a headline.
  • Yes in the "required" column means that every quest article should include this layout item.
    No in the "required" column means that not every quest article needs to include this layout item.
Quest-specific layout items
Layout item Headline Required Explanation
Lead section No Yes Short summary that usually looks something like this:

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a Fallout 3 side quest. It is also a PlayStation 3 trophy and a Xbox/PC achievement.

Quick walkthrough Yes Yes Numbered list (#) with a short description for each step.
Detailed walkthrough Yes Yes With each objective as a sub-section.
Companion reactions Yes No Companion reactions to quest events. Only applies to Fallout 4. Use {{Affinity}}.
Quest stages Yes Yes/No Quest stages for this quest. Required only for regular quests in Gamebryo (FO3, FNV) and Creation Engine (FO4, FO76) games. Not required for unmarked quests in Gamebryo games or quests in other games. Use {{Quest stage table}} or {{Quest stage table FO4}}.
Notes Yes No For interesting things about the quest which do not fit into the other categories. Try to keep this section to a minimum.

See also
