Fallout is an award-winning series of post-apocalyptic computer role-playing games by Interplay Entertainment and Bethesda Softworks, set in a world where utopian, retrofuturistic Americana and Art Deco met the harsh reality of a global thermonuclear war.
The latest entry, Fallout, is the story of haves and have-nots in a world in which there’s almost nothing left to have...
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Nukapedia is the Fallout Wiki, is a compendium of all things Fallout, from the venerable 1997 video game that started it to the latest television series! We've been here since 2005, for 19 years, still going strong with 52,168 articles and 245 active editors.
We're a community run and maintained by people just like you! Created by fans, for fans, we're also the place for getting to know each other and to talk about Fallout in our Discussions or Discord ! Whether you are here to start editing or to chat with fellow users, sign up for an account!
Wiki news
- We are currently uploading the script library for the series to allow for easy updating of articles. Current stage: Fallout: New Vegas.
Fallout TV series
- July 2024: Season 2 of the Fallout TV series is currently "ahead of schedule" in its development.
Fallout 76
- Current update: Milepost Zero
- Current season: Milepost Zero: Country Road (season 18)
- Current version: (update 54)
- Upcoming updates:
- Caravan functionality of Milepost Zero coming later in mid-September
- Gleaming Depths (December 2024)
- Playable ghouls (early 2025)
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