For holotapes in Fallout 76, see Fallout 76 holotapes. |
This page lists all notes in Fallout 76. |
Fallout 76[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
"Excavator suit" - Final steps | MTR02_Misc_ExcavatorFinalSteps | 0038CD6D | |
A job opportunity | LC158_LumberMillNote | 004FD2E8 | |
Abandon house! | POI242_ModelHome | 003CFB79 | |
Abbie's to do | FS_Abbie_ToDoList | 003D75B3 | |
About the noise | LC110_MeditationNoiseNote | 003A1B07 | |
Agatha Aaronholt's diary | LC149_Clara_Webber_Diary | 00342E7F | |
Airlock C7 inventory list | LC036_AccessCode | 002FC47D | |
Airplane crash | LC042_HotelNote_01 | 004ED18A | |
All gone | RE_SceneMP03_Note02 | 0035EC20 | |
All the baskets! | WatogaMunicipalNote_02 | 001203BA | |
Allemane's code | LC013_BigBend_AllemaneCode | 0050F982 | |
Almost done | LC039_KarringtonNote | 003D6153 | |
Alpine River Cabins guestbook | LC101Guestbook | 00033AFD | |
AMS: Corporate Bully | CharlestonHerald_AMSArticle | 003CE6B3 | |
Amy's note | Ecological Balance | FF05_Balance_TerminalPassword | 0033F7D1 |
Angry note | DWDMountainPOI01Note01 | 0052CAAA | |
Anonymous diary page | BoS_Venture_AnonymousNote | 0051E231 | |
Another spring | POI182_AnotherSpringNote POI163_TheMawNote |
003D66A1 003D69C0 | |
Anti-Scorched tactics | MTR06_StudyMaterial_FightingScorched | 003CE688 | |
Armorer's note | SurvivialTrainingCenter_armoryNote | 003E858F | |
Asphyxiation and you! | MTR06_StudyMaterial_Breathing | 003CE67D | |
Attracting the Nightstalker | One Violent Night | MTNS04_BeerHallNote | 0043CD89 |
Back off Sam | EN01_BackOffSam | 003CE68D | |
Battle plan | LC096_BattlePlan | 004299C6 | |
Barnes' journal | CUT_SF08BarnesBook | 000089A0 | |
Being followed | BMO_BunkerNote06_GuardNote01 | 00055F2D | |
Belmonte incident | BoSTrainingCamp_SecurityReprimandNote | 002A14F2 | |
Berkley Springs postcard | FSZ01_BerkleySprings | 00042E1D | |
Best plan ever | LC019_BrandonNote | 003D6152 | |
Bicycle | Charleston_LoreNote_Trainyard01 | 003D7A0E | |
Bird watching list | POI085_DWDMonongahOverlookNote01 | 003A13BE | |
Birdwatcher's note | POI_BirdwatchersNote | 003D226F | |
Birthday toast drafts | LC095_BirthdayToastNote | 003D57C4 | |
Blank feedback form | NukaColaPlant_FeedbackFormBlank | 001F398C | |
Body shop note | LC148_Sutton_BodyShop_Note01 | 003CE6A5 | |
Booze run | LC174_WatogaHigh_CBLore_Note01 | 001A1983 | |
Bosley's note | LookoutTower07Note01 | 00389CD9 | |
Brag's note | LC081_MiddleMountainCabins_BragNote | 0031BC1B | |
Brianna Hawke's diary | LC147_Hawkes_Refuge_Diary | 0034736C | |
Brother Moncrief's note | FFZ10_Light_ResponderNote | 0018C8D4 | |
Brotherhood note | Operation: Give That Back! | CBZ04_Note | 00118546 |
Brotherhood requisition order | RE_ObjectJM02_BoSNote | 003B7D31 | |
Burnt Ends | POI080_BigFredsBBQReview | 003C946C | |
Business is bad | LC095_BarbershopOwnerNote | 003D57C5 | |
Business permit | TWZ07_Permit TWZ07_PermitSigned |
00088AE5 00088AE6 | |
Butch's important reminder | CUT_MTR15_ButchsNote | 004F7BE7 | |
Caleb's note | FS_CalebNote | 00290FDA | |
Camp Tomahawk postcard | TW007_CampPostcard | 002C4624 | |
Camping Syllabus | RSVP03_Book_Syllabus | 003E98C8 | |
Can't find the keycard | Wolf in Sheep's Clothing | LC016_ElevatorNote | 0002E8E6 |
Carol's note | AmmoDump_Note01 | 003A17BF | |
Carter and Blackwell - Traitors! | EN01_ArrestQuinnCarter | 00311416 | |
Case notes: Duchess | Find Duchess's Stash | MTR15_DuchessCaseNote | 0050FDBF |
Casualty report: Flatwoods | LC044_FlatwoodsCasualtyReportNote01 | 003EAA29 | |
Cedric's list | SFM04_Organic_MiscAPBook | 00380B04 | |
Charleston Herald - Assassin strikes again | LC011_BerkeleySprings_AppalachianAssassinNewspaper | 003DC3BA | |
Charleston Herald - Bell article | FF12_AutomatedBells | 0052B584 | |
Charleston Herald - Hornwright Wins! | MTR_HornwrightWinsArticle | 00145890 | |
Charleston Herald - Man vs. Machine | MTR_ManVsMachineArticle | 00145894 | |
Charleston is ours | Charleston_LoreNote_Summersville02 | 003D7A08 | |
Chauncy's note | LC020_PleasantValleySkiResort_ChaunceyNote | 0031C177 | |
Checklist | LC042_FreyjasHausNote01 | 004EC713 | |
Cheryl's journal | OrwellOrchards_Note01 | 003A17C2 | |
Child's note | LC110_ChildsNote | 003A1B1C | |
Chore list | FS_RaleighChores | 003CFB62 | |
Clara Duran's notes | LC004_AlleghenyAsylum_CBLore_DuransNotes01 LC004_AlleghenyAsylum_CBLore_DuransNotes02 LC004_AlleghenyAsylum_CBLore_DuransNotes03 LC004_AlleghenyAsylum_CBLore_DuransNotes04 |
00501D95 00501D97 00501D99 003CE69C | |
Clara Webber diary | LC149_Rusty_Pick_Diary | 0034CEA8 | |
Clara's note to Alexis | BMO_BunkerNote03_Lockernote | 00094FE8 | |
Clara's note to mom | BMO_BunkerNote03_MomGoodbyeNoteSutton | 00096A06 | |
Closet note | LC096_ClosetNote | 004299C3 | |
Come back to us | POI205_WixonHomestead_Note | 00430479 | |
Cominsky's code | LC013_BigBend_CominskyCode | 0050F983 | |
Command center password | Defiance Has Fallen | BoS01CommandCenterPassword | 003D0EF0 |
Committee meeting notes | EN01_NuclearCommMinutes | 00432F31 | |
Concerns | RSVP02_Book_LORE_Concerns | 003BD55F | |
Confidential safety data | Cold Case | TW007_IncriminatingSafetyReport | 0005F4A5 |
Cooper Lu's note | TWlore_Clarksburg_CooperLu | 003A100F | |
Courtney's note | Tracking Unknowns | SFL02_Track_CourtneyBook | 00330B99 |
Crazed ramblings | RE_SceneDWD06Note01 | 00527554 | |
Cultist's invitation | RE_Scene_MD01_CultistNoteInvitation | 0052E46F | |
Cultist's reply | RE_Scene_MD01_CultistNoteReply | 0052E470 | |
Cursed | Charleston_LoreNote_Summersville01 | 003D7A06 | |
Dammit, Janet! | POI175_LadyJanetSoftServeReview | 003A13AA | |
Darius Angler's manifesto, part 1 | LC051_Grafton_DariusAngler01 | 003D3D0E | |
Darius Angler's manifesto, part 5 | LC051_RemoteCabin_DariusAngler05 | 003D5B5E | |
De'Andre's note | FS01_MQ_Warn_MiscResponderBook | 0038F1B2 | |
Dealing with survivor's guilt | RSVP00_Book_LORE_SurvivorsGuilt | 003C5B85 | |
Dear daddy | RSVP00_Book_LORE_Colonel_Kid | 003A2030 | |
Dear Spence | LC098_ElliotLetter | 003D6154 | |
Dear Tucker | LC195_LetterToTucker | 003CFB76 | |
Defeated note | DWDMountainPOI01Note02 | 0052CAAB | |
Defiance mission report | BoS01_BreadCrumbNote_GeneralSteakhouse | 0032E504 | |
Delbert's new password | CUT_RSVP02_Book_QT_Password | 003BD55E | |
Department notice | LookoutTower05Letter_01 LookoutTower05Letter_02 LookoutTower05Letter_03 |
00389D34 00389D35 00389D3A | |
Department of Ag projects | EN01_DeptAgProjects | 003CE690 | |
Diary of Otis Pike | Cold Case | TW007_OtisPikeDiaryEnd | 00228385 |
Didn't want to hurt them | ENB_MireLab_WhatHaveIDone | 003CFB4B | |
Diluted radiation medicines | RS06_Manual_Stims_Formula | 000487DF | |
Disgruntled note | POI107_DWDMountainNukeCrater01Note01 | 003A13BD | |
DMV-AT-21C form | Recruitment Blues | BoS02_ApplicationForm BoS02_ApplicationFormStamped |
0027E2CB 002A6DE1 |
DO NOT TOUCH | LC096_MiguelBRBNote | 003D64C5 | |
Dolly Sods campground postcard | FSZ01_DollySods | 00045182 | |
DON'T TOUCH | RSVP03_Book_LORE_DontTouch | 003A2004 | |
Draft of Allegheny Asylum article | LC178_WatogaPlaza_CBLore_AsylumArticleDraft | 003CE6A1 | |
Dreamboat angry letter | LC150_TOTW_DreamboatYachts_AngryLetter | 0031975C | |
Dreamboat marketing note | LC150_TOTW_DreamboatYachts_MarketingNote | 0031975A | |
Dreamboat owner's note | LC150_TOTW_DreamboatYachts_OwnersNote | 0031975B | |
Easy pickins | LC075_LewisburgRaidersNote | 003CF486 | |
Edie's note | LC182_WendigoCave_EdieNote | 00319B8F | |
EMERGENCY ORDER A19 | LC058_EvacuationNote LC058_EvacuationNote02 |
003CEA82 003CEA8C | |
Employee notice | LC103_NACentralTrainyard_BankNote | 0031A35A | |
End of Bog Town | LC001_WhereToGoNote | 0051E51A | |
End of the world party flier | LC148_Sutton_PartyHouse_EndoftheWorldParty01 LC148_Sutton_PartyHouse_EndoftheWorldParty02 |
003CE6A9 003CF7A2 | |
Entry - Judy's gone | Bunker Buster | EN01_JudysGone | 00283ED0 |
Equipment check-out sheet | RSVP01_Book_LORE_EquipmentCheckOutSheet | 003B32E8 | |
Esposito diary - page 12 | BoS_GraftonDam_EspositoNote | 0051E235 | |
Everyone | RSVP00_Book_LORE_Everyone | 0052ECA8 | |
Excavator's map | Lucky Strike | MTRZ05_LuckyMap003 | 0042FC99 |
Exploding labs | LC001_ExplodingLabsNote | 0051E518 | |
Fall retreat flyer | LC039_MiscHavenBook | 00380B07 | |
FALLON'S ORDER DETAILS | SF06_PatriciasNote | 00354E44 | |
Fasnacht robots | Helvetia_LoreNote_ChseeseHaus | 003D5B4A | |
Filing status | MTR05_ResumesInArchives | 00331CB7 | |
Final orders for Grafton Dam | BoS_GraftonDam_FinalOrdersNote | 0051E234 | |
Final stand | BoS01_EndNote | 002D658A | |
Fire Breather's prayer | POI275_Prayer | 003C946E | |
Fire Breathers' first aid guide | MTR06_StudyMaterial_FirstAid | 003CE682 | |
Fire Breathers' guide to not dying | MTR06_StudyMaterials_FirstAid_OLD | 003CE686 | |
Five-star General | LC049_GeneralsSteakhouseReview | 003A13A9 | |
Flatwoods Gazette | RSVP01_Book_LORE_Newsletter | 00529DE1 | |
Flatwoods kiosks | RSVP03_Book_LORE_FlatwoodsKiosks | 003A2008 | |
Flatwoods supply delivery | RSVP03_Book_LORE_FlatwoodsSupplyDelivery | 003A1FF6 | |
Floyd's note | LC193_ConvertedMunitionsFactory_FloydNote | 00319B93 | |
Fly free | LC175_MunicipalCenter_Note | 003C7B03 | |
For Frank | POI208_YellowSandysStill_Note | 003C7AFA | |
For Vincent | SRMPOI_TrailerNote | 002BA293 | |
Formal complaint | SFS02_Play_MiscHavenBook | 00382262 | |
Frank's note | NewRiverGorgeBridgeNote0 | 003EB6A0 | |
Fred's uncertain future | LC106_NationalIsolatedRadioArrayNote | 004FD2EC | |
Freddy's Adventures | Cold Case | TW007_FreddyNote1 TW007_FreddyNote2 TW007_FreddyNote3 |
0036C8D3 0036C8D4 0036C8D5 |
Freddy's hasty note | TW007_FreddyHomeNote | 00485026 | |
Freddy's House of Scares postcard | FSZ01_FreddysScares | 00044A17 | |
Free cooking lessons! | LC044_CookingLessonsNote01 | 003EA83A | |
Free Watoga! | CB04_Manifesto | 0033CE91 | |
G.A.S. prize certificate | RE_ScenePS03_RewardCarNote RE_ScenePS03_RewardCramNote RE_ScenePS03_RewardCheckNote |
003E1B55 003E1B57 003E1B56 | |
Gate guard primer | LC004_AlleghenyAsylum_CBLore_GateGuardPrimer | 00501D93 | |
Gauley Mine recon | GauleyMine_BreadCrumbNote_Flatwoods | 004FE1AA | |
Generals | CB04_WatogaObjective_Note_GeneralsSteakHouse | 0039198A | |
Gerald's note | LookoutTower06Note | 00387991 | |
German books | Helvetia_LoreNote_BookStore | 003D5B4D | |
Ghoul's note | WilliamKellerNote_Grafton01 | 0051E21D | |
Ghoul's note 1 | WilliamKellerNote_IsolatedCabin01 | 0051E215 | |
Ghoul's note 2 | WilliamKellerNote_IsolatedCabin02 | 0051E216 | |
Giant Teapot advertisement | FFZ13_GiantTeapotAd | 0039FC6F | |
Gnarla's list | DarlingSisters_LoreNote01 | 003D7776 | |
Going outside? | EN01_OutsideChecklist | 003E84BE | |
Goodbye Alpha | BoS_Venture_GoodbyeNote | 0051E233 | |
Gourmands note | Key to the Past | MTNL01_GourmandsNote | 002ECD0E |
Grafton Dam editorial | TW007_OpinionLore | 003D8005 | |
Grafton Dam sign | TW007_ClosedLore | 003D8006 | |
Graveyard note | LC067_Graveyard_Note01 LC067_Graveyard_Note02 |
003D7A3D 003D7A3E | |
Grocery list | LC095_ApartmentRenterNote | 003D57D1 | |
Guard note | LC188_WadeAirport_GuardNote | 003A0B9F | |
Guest check #022 | LC044_TavernOrderNote04 | 003E84E4 | |
Guest check #023 | LC044_TavernOrderNote01 | 003E84E1 | |
Guest check #024 | LC044_TavernOrderNote02 | 003E84E2 | |
Guest check #025 | LC044_TavernOrderNote03 | 003E84E3 | |
Guestbook | RSVP00_Book_LORE_Guestbook | 003A202D | |
Hallsey's note | LC091_MonongahPowerPlant_HallseyNote | 0031BC1D | |
Happy Fasnacht! | Helvetia_LoreNote_Freyja | 003D5B46 | |
Happy Reclamation Day! | SURV_Tutorial_HolotapeOLD | 001091E7 | |
Harpers Ferry postcard | FSZ01_HarpersFerry | 00042E34 | |
Harvest | LC042_Church_01 | 004ED4EB | |
Harvesting directive | Fertile Soil | FF09ReaperDirectiveNote | 0000FFEE |
Harvey's deal | Seeker of Mysteries | MoM03ClueNote02 | 004ECF42 |
He agrees | CultistCave_LoreNote01 | 0014E6B1 | |
Head Fuzzy? | EN01_HeadFuzzy | 003E84CA | |
Heading out | LC167_Ceo_Note | 003D15CF | |
Help them | BMO_BunkerNote06_GuardNote02 | 00055F02 | |
Hemlock Holes flyer | TW010Pointer | 0037A45B | |
Henrick's note | LookoutTower07Note02 | 0038C032 | |
Henry's letter | LC145_CampVenture_HenrysLetter | 003DC3C8 | |
Henry's note | LC150_TOTW_IceSculptureArtGallery_HenryNote | 003196CA | |
Herald editorial on Allegheny Asylum | LC004_AlleghenyAsylum_CBLore_CharlestonHerald_AsylumEditorial | 003CE69E | |
Hey man | CB04_WatogaObjective_Note_MorgantownHighschool | 00391992 | |
His birth | CultistCave_LoreNote02 | 0014E67B | |
His blood | CultistCave_LoreNote03 | 0014E652 | |
His home | CultistCave_LoreNote04 | 0014E627 | |
His Priestess | CultistCave_LoreNote06 | 0014E5FD | |
His springs | CultistCave_LoreNote05 | 0014E602 | |
Holstein's code | LC013_BigBend_HolsteinCode | 0050F984 | |
Honky tonk flyer | RE_ObjectCMB02_Concert_Flyer | 0052EEDE | |
Horace's note | LC193_ConvertedMunitionsFactory_HoraceNote | 00319B92 | |
Horizon's Rest armory | POI151_HorizonsRestNote | 004FD2E6 | |
Hornwright ignition reactor | LC052_IgnitionReactorNote | 00433427 | |
Hunter's journal | HuntersRidgeNote03 | 00509C73 | |
Hunter's warning | HuntersRidgeNote02 | 00509C6A | |
I am a knight | BoS_Defiance_IAmKnightNote | 0051E238 | |
I forgive you, dad | RSVP00_Book_LORE_Iforgiveyou_Colonelkid | 003A203A | |
I miss you, dad | RSVP00_Book_LORE_Imissyoudad_Colonelkid | 003A2032 | |
I remember you, mom | RSVP00_Book_LORE_IrememberYouMom | 003A204A | |
I'm watching you | LC138_LunchThiefNote | 00501B0E | |
I.O.U. beer | FS_CharlieIOUBeer | 003CFB6E | |
I.O.U. smokes | FS_CharlieIOUSmokes | 003CFB6C | |
I.O.U. toilet paper | FS_CharlieIOUToiletPaper | 003CFB70 | |
I.O.U. whiskey | FS_CharlieIOUWhiskey | 003CFB68 | |
Important memo | Cold Case | TW007_IncriminatingHRLetter | 002430DD |
Incense complaint | LC110_ComplaintNote | 003A080D | |
Initial analysis | BMO_BunkerNote02_BunkerNote | 00390EB5 | |
Injury report | TWlore_GraftonSteel | 003A1010 | |
Intelligence memo - 8/16/77 | Bunker Buster | EN01_IntelNote | 00283ECC |
Investigative report | SFZ03_Queen_MiscCabinBook | 00389CC1 | |
It's a dirty job | LC169_WavyWillardsWaterParkNote | 004FD2EA | |
Jake's letter | MoM02ARaiderNote | 00357EA2 | |
Jake's note | Seeker of Mysteries | MoM03ClueNote04 | 004ECF44 |
Jamey's notes | NewRiverGorgeResort_Note01 NewRiverGorgeResort_Note02 |
003A17D3 003A17D4 | |
Jed's letter | LC062_HarpersFerry_JedsLetter | 003DC3C4 | |
Jeremiah's journal pages | FS_JeremiahPart01 FS_JeremiahPart02 |
0000425C 000055F5 | |
Jesse White - Honkytonk set list | LC149_Jesse_White_Set_List | 00529E21 | |
Jimmy's diary - May 2nd | Patriotism Training | EN05_Patriotism_JimmyDiary | 0018212E |
Jimmy's evidence | Patriotism Training | EN05_Patriotism_JimmyEvidence | 00182142 |
Jimmy's terminal password | Patriotism Training | EN05_Patriotism_JimmyPassword | 0018212F |
John's last words | LC005_Aaronholt_John_LastWords_Note | 004E8813 | |
Join the Responders! | Charleston_Lore_ResponderRecruitingFlyer | 003A10BD | |
Judy | EN01_Judy | 003E84CD | |
Junk mail | Recruitment Blues | BoS02_JunkMail | 0027E2D6 |
Justin's note | JustinColeNote | 0045140F | |
Karla's plan | DarlingSisters_LoreNote02 | 003D7779 | |
Kerry's orders | Initiate of Mysteries | MoM01RaiderNote | 00345D8D |
Knowledge exam cheat sheet | Into the Fire | MTR06_CheatSheet | 00073782 |
Kora's journal entry | RE_ObjectCT02_KoraNote | 003E156B | |
Lakehouse note | LC139_Summersville_LakeHouse_Note01 | 003CF7A0 | |
Landon's note | LC188_WadeAirport_LandonsNote | 003C7AF7 | |
Last of the Thunder | BoS_Defiance_LastThunderNote | 0051E237 | |
Last stand | v96_LastStandNote | 0033A515 | |
Last will and testament of Jeremiah Ward | LC044_JeremiahWardNote01DUPLICATE000 | 003D7EFB | |
Leader's journal | LC148_Sutton_CultChurch_LeadersJournal01 | 003CE6A3 | |
Leaving at dawn | LC117_LeavingAtDawn_Note | 004ED991 | |
Leaving town | BMO_BunkerNote02_HackerNote | 00390EBA | |
Leonard's journal entry | LC062_HarpersFerry_LeonardsJournal | 003DC3C3 | |
Letter from Jennica | CB04_LetterFromJennica | 004E5BB6 | |
Letter from the president | LC024_PresidentLetterToGovEvans | 003D142C | |
Letter of resignation | Charleston_LoreNote_Trainyard02 | 003D7A0F | |
Letter of resignation | FS_AbbieHarpersFerry | 003CFB7D | |
Letter of resignation | LC060_WhitespringGolfCourseArchitectNote | 003D61C4 | |
Letter to Jennica | CB04_LetterToJennica | 004E5BB7 | |
Letter to Linda | RelayTower_Note | 00501993 | |
Letter to Mayor | CB04_LetterToMayor | 0033CE92 | |
Letter to Miss Grunwald | SF06_JuliansNote | 00354E3F | |
Letter to mom | CB04_LetterToMom | 0033CE93 | |
Letter to my love | POI158_BaileyFamilyCabin_Note | 003C7AF8 | |
Letter to Sandy | CB04_LetterToSandy | 0033CE95 | |
Letter to the media | Cold Case | TW007_MediaLetter | 0023D33A |
Letter to Tommy | BoS01_TrainingCamp_Note | 0020C2B1 | |
Lewisburg ambush | Seeker of Mysteries | MoM03ClueNote05 | 004ECF45 |
List of parts | LC148_Sutton_DIYAirplane_RippedNote | 003CE6AB | |
Little girl's note | POI233_DWDLakeEloiseNote01 | 003A13BF | |
Locked out? | EN01_LockedOut | 003E84C4 | |
Louis's note | LC150_TOTW_IceSculptureArtGallery_LouisNote | 003196CB | |
Lounge rules | POI162_LoungeRulesNote | 003D661C | |
Love note | 76CharGenDinerNote | 00370672 | |
Low on food? | EN01_LowOnFood | 003E84C2 | |
Lowell Aaronholt's last will and testament | LC005_Aaronholt_Lowell_Will_Note | 004E8812 | |
Lt. Thomas' action report | POI275_ActionReport | 0031C8AA | |
Lucy Harwick's note | LC161_ValleyGalleria_LucysNote | 003DC3CB | |
Lucy's journal | LC161_LucyJournal | 003CFB7C | |
Lydia's journal pages | FS_LydiaPart01 FS_LydiaPart02 FS_LydiaPart03 FS_LydiaPart04 FS_LydiaPart05 |
002A8FBD 002A8FBF 002A8FC5 002A8FC7 002A8FC9 | |
Maintenance request form | LC172_MaintenanceRequestNote_CBLore_Note | 004EE7A1 | |
Margie's goodbye note | MTNL01_MargieNote | 004E4B3E | |
Martha's letter | LC093_MonongahTownship_MarthaNote | 0031A4F9 | |
Masks | KnifeEdge_Note_Salvage | 003A9094 | |
Matterhorn chophouse memo | LC150_TOTW_MatterhornChophouse_StaffMemo | 003196C9 | |
Maxson's eulogy for De Silva | BoS_Venture_DeSilvaEulogyNote | 0051E239 | |
Memo on candy | LC174_WatogaHigh_CBLore_Note02 | 0037744B | |
Memo: Responders | First Contact | RSVP00_Book_LORE_Database_Intro | 001A1CD0 |
Memorials | First Contact | RE_SceneMP03_Note03 | 0035EC21 |
Men's suits | LC178_WatogaPlaza_CBLore_Note01 | 001A1AC2 | |
Message to Sammy | BoS01_BreadCrumbNote_IsolatedCabin | 0032E503 | |
Military ID card | Recruitment Blues | BoS02GovernmentIDCard | 002A6DE4 |
Mine signaling quick reference | MTR06_StudyMaterial_MineSignals | 003CE684 | |
Miner's map | Lucky Strike | MTRZ05_LuckyMap001 | 003EB31E |
Mirelurk research | POI268_DWDHighlandMarshNote01 | 003A13C0 | |
Missing key | LC203_LabKeyNote | 0042FFBC | |
Missing person: Greg Roethe | RSVP00_Book_LORE_Greg | 003A203C | |
Mission 099-01 orders | Heart of the Enemy | BoSz04MissionNote | 002C543E |
Mission to Abigayle | BoS01_BreadCrumbNote_Morgantown | 0020C2B0 | |
Mists of Autumn Acres | AutumnAcreCabin_Note_01 | 003AC529 | |
Mutated flora: Flux (cobalt) | ENB_NukedFloraGuide_Blue | 003CFB3A | |
Mutated flora: Flux (crimson) | ENB_NukedFloraGuide_Red | 003CFB3C | |
Mutated flora: Flux (fluorescent) | ENB_NukedFloraGuide_Orange | 003CFB3E | |
Mutated flora: Flux (violet) | ENB_NukedFloraGuide_Purple | 003CFB3D | |
Mutated flora: Flux (yellowcake) | ENB_NukedFloraGuide_Yellow | 003CFB3B | |
My dearest Nancy | LC028_KeyNote | 004FE04B | |
My story | LC154_RoofGuy_Note | 004F8E09 | |
My whiskey | LC196_SonsOfDaneBeerNote | 00501B11 | |
Mycology notes | ABT_ShoppingList_Note | 0031BA8B | |
NCB02-A6A1 feedback form | NukaColaPlant_FeedbackForm02 | 0027563D | |
NCQ17-JH1A feedback form | NukaColaPlant_FeedbackForm01 | 00256966 | |
New crew | LC001_NewCrewNote | 0051E51B | |
New deliveries | POI287_DeliveryNote | 004FE04C | |
Nina Benchley's note | LC067_Huntersville_NinaNote | 0031BC26 | |
No more I.O.U.s | FS_StephanieNote | 003CFB72 | |
No more satellites | BoS_Defiance_NoSatellitesNotes | 0051E23B | |
No way out | BoS_Defiance_NoWayOutNote | 0051E23A | |
North Star | LC177_LoreNote_Groves | 003A0BA3 | |
Not sorry | RE_SceneMP03_Note05 | 0035EC23 | |
Note | RE_ObjectMP11Note01 RE_ObjectMP11Note02 RE_ObjectMP11Note03 RE_ObjectMP11Note04 RE_ObjectMP11Note05 RE_ObjectMP11Note06 |
0035EC26 0035EC27 0035EC1C 0035EC1D 0035EC1E 0035EC1F | |
Note from a concerned neighbor | LC095_ConcernedNeighborNote01 | 004E1FCE | |
Note from Bill | LC203_GarrahanNote | 0042FFBA | |
Note from Brianna Hawke | RE_ObjectCMB05_Note | 0052EDD4 | |
Note from Dave | LC108_TruckNote | 004FE049 | |
Note from Miller | MothmanNote01 | 004FCC86 | |
Note to Darla | POI235_DWDAnchorFarmNote01 | 003CF44B | |
Note to Hornwright | LC100_DWDMountBlairTranyardNote01 | 003CF44D | |
Note to Lorri | LC075_LewisburgVisitorsCenterNote | 003CF483 | |
Note to Mac | AgCenterMacFaddernBook02 | 0004D8EC | |
Note to Marge | AgCenterMacFaddernBook01 | 0004D8E7 | |
Note to Sugarplum | POI_TransmissionTowerNote | 000617A2 | |
Note to trespassers | POI203_LookoutTower08Note | 0038E4B8 | |
NOTHING HELPS! | RSVP00_Book_LORE_NothingHelps | 003A2036 | |
Notice of expulsion | LC004_AlleghenyAsylum_CBLore_NoticeOfExpulsion | 0051E9C7 | |
Notice of termination | TW007_TerminationPaperwork | 002C4622 | |
NOTICE TO PRANKSTER | SF06_GeorgesNote | 00354E44 | |
November announcements draft | LC174_WatogaHigh_CBLore_MorningAnnouncements | 00501D85 | |
Nuka-Cola marketing memo | BMO_BunkerNote03_MarketingMemo | 002E9C21 | |
O Holy Night | LC096_OHolyNightNote | 003D7F0E | |
Obscure Book of Doom | TestAlyssa_Quest01_Book | 0016F832 | |
Official notice | LC024_GovProclaimationSamBlackwell | 003D1480 | |
Old guns | Helvetia_LoreNote_Blackpowder | 003D5B4F | |
Old Lady Davis | POI281_DavisNote | 0042FFB6 | |
On your recent noise levels | LC143_SummersvilleMansions_NoiseComplaint | 003CF7A5 | |
Operation Watoga | CB04_WatogaObjective_Note_AlleghenyAsylum | 00391990 | |
Operations manual | Tea Time | FFZ13_GiantTeapotManual | 004E2B4B |
Orders from Maria Chavez | Vault76_ResponderNote | 0050CBBC | |
Orders from Melody | LC013_BigBendMiscNote | 0050F879 | |
Palace admin password | Key to the Past | MTNL01_AdminPasswordNote | 004E4B3D |
Pamela's note | LC030_HavenChurch_PamelasNote | 003DC3BD | |
Patient chart: Buzz | RSVP01_Book_LORE_PatientChart | 00529DE2 | |
Penelope Hornwright's resume | The Motherlode | MTR05_Resume01 | 00068509 |
Phyllis's note | LC020_PleasantValleySkiResort_PhyllisNote | 0031C178 | |
PIONEERBOOK: Camping | PioneerScoutGuidePage04_Camping | 00322189 | |
PIONEERBOOK: Foreward | PioneerScoutGuidePage01_Forward | 003133C2 | |
PIONEERBOOK: Fundraisers | PioneerScoutGuidePage02_Fundraising | 003133CA | |
PIONEERBOOK: Meal prep | PioneerScoutGuidePage03_Cooking | 003202BA | |
Plea for the fallen | BoS_GraveNote | 00022276 | |
Pleasant Valley intranet memo | Seeker of Mysteries | MoM03RaiderSysadminNote | 00357FFB |
Pool table rules | BoS_Defiance_PoolTableNote | 0051E236 | |
Portside Pub happy hour menu | PortsidePub_LoreNote01 | 003D5F14 | |
Postcard from Adrian | LC095_VTUPostcardNote05 | 003D57D3 | |
Postcard from Elizabeth | LC095_VTUPostcardNote03 | 003D57C6 | |
Postcard from grandma | LC095_VTUPostcardNote08 | 003D57D9 | |
Postcard from home | LC095_VTUPostcardNote01 | 004E33AB | |
Postcard from Maddy | LC095_VTUPostcardNote04 | 003D57C7 | |
Postcard from mom & dad | LC095_VTUPostcardNote02 | 004E33AC | |
Postcard from VTU | LC095_VTUPostcardNote07 | 003D57D7 | |
Postcard to parents | POI143_DWDPostCardMonorailElevatorNote01 | 003A13BB | |
Potato eating contest winners | Summersville_Lore_PotatoContest1 Summersville_Lore_PotatoContest2 Summersville_Lore_PotatoContest3 |
003CF38B 003CF38C 003CF38D | |
Prayer | RSVP00_Book_LORE_Prayer | 003A2038 | |
Printer note | DotMatrixPrinterNote01 | 00052D22 | |
Propaganda flyer | Liberator_PropagandaNote | 004875B6 | |
Prospector's map | Lucky Strike | MTRZ05_LuckyMap002 | 0042FC98 |
PSY101 notebook cover | LC095_StudentBookCoverNote01 | 003D57C8 | |
Public notice - Martial Law | Morgantown_Lore_MartialLawNotice | 003CF389 | |
Pumpkin carving automation notes | LC129_Pumpkin_House | 00342E80 | |
Pumpkin House postcard | FSZ01_PumpkinHouse | 000450BF | |
Quartermaster's note | LC145_LoreNote_Quartermaster | 003A0BAD | |
Raider note | OBMountainPOI07Ext_Note01 BBSmallMountainPOI010Note |
0051E20E 00364533 | |
Raider's note | LC182_WendigoCave_RaiderNote | 003D7A7D | |
Rally flyer | Morgantown_Lore_RallyFlyer | 003CF38E | |
Rally for justice! | Morgantown_Lore_RallyNotice | 003CF38A | |
RE: Motherlode spare key | BMO_BunkerNote05_SparekeyNote | 00001487 | |
Reading list | CP_Booklist_Note | 0031BA8A | |
Reason to live | POI276_TanagraTown | 003CFB7B | |
Reaver scout | LC042_ReaversNote_01 | 004ED190 | |
Record of divorce: The Blackwells | Bunker Buster | EN01_RecordofDivorce | 000311DF |
Red Rocket Please Stop | LC127_RedRocketMegaStopReview | 003A13A8 | |
Red Rocket postcard | FSZ01_RedRocket | 00044A6D | |
Regarding Speaker Poole | Charleston_Lore_ResponderLetter | 003A10BE | |
Regarding the infestation | LC143_SummersvilleMansions_PestsNote01 | 003CF7A3 | |
Reggie's note | LC007_HopewellCave_ReggiesNote | 003DC3B6 | |
Remember them | RE_SceneMP03_Note01 | 0035EC25 | |
Reminder | FS01_MQ_Warn_MiscSundayBrosBook | 0038F1AE | |
Research note | POI108_DWDMountainNukeCrater02Note01 | 004ED191 | |
Responder outposts | LC042_Responders_01 | 004ED191 | |
Responder's assignment | RE_SceneTS01_Note1 RE_SceneTS01_Note2 |
00529A68 0052B8E3 | |
Responder's last words | LC096_Explanation | 00429A7E | |
Responder's note | LookoutTower02Note RE_TravelMD02_Note |
0038DCDF 003CDA31 | |
Rest in peace | LC081_GraveNote | 004FDC5A | |
Restricted access | LC052_BlastFurnaceNote | 0043348B | |
Rich Taylor's testament | BMO_BunkerNote03_CrazyLadyWatoga | 00181BF8 | |
Ripped note | FF20_RippedNote LC052_ConveyorNote LC052_FeederRoofNote LC052_MillRoofNote |
0050EFFC 0042FFB9 0042FFB8 0042FFB7 | |
Roof climber's poem | LC095_RoofClimberNote01 | 004E2101 | |
Ropes course note | NRGPOI_CourseEndNote | 004FA79E | |
Saboteur's work password | Mayor for a Day | CB04_Password_Note | 004E5BBA |
Safe note | LC090_MonongahMineMiscNote | 004F852C | |
Safe travels | POI004_CrashedPlaneNote | 004FD2EE | |
Salty note | POI232_DWDSpruceKnobChannelsNote01 | 003A13BA | |
Salty Sam's pricing | POI231_DWDSpruceKnobLakeNote01 | 003A13B9 | |
Sam Blackwell interview notes | Uncle Sam | EN01_QuinnCarterBlackwellNotes | 003E1360 |
Sam Blackwell: "No" on Measure 6 | MTR05_BlackwellNoOn6 | 003CE670 | |
Scattered journal pages | LC013_BigBendNote1 LC013_BigBendNote2 LC013_BigBendNote3 LC013_BigBendNote4 LC013_BigBendNote5 LC013_BigBendNote6 |
003CF802 003CF803 003CF804 003CF805 003CF806 003CF807 | |
Scavenger's notes | RE_SceneKMK01Note01 RE_SceneKMK01Note02 RE_SceneKMK01Note03 RE_SceneKMK01Note04 RE_SceneKMK01Note05 |
0011CED0 00047188 00047189 0004818A 0004718B | |
Scenarios: Returning from Raleigh's | FS_Abbie_ReturnScenarios | 003A1774 | |
Schematics test plan | 003A1FF8 | ||
Scorched observations | FS_Ella_Observations | 00501AA4 | |
Scott's reminders | RSVP00_Book_LORE_ScottStash | 0052ECB1 | |
Scouting report | POI264_ScoutReportNote FS01_MQ_Warn_MiscSSLBook |
003D6618 0037FEE8 | |
Scoutmaster's confession | BMO_BunkerNote05_LuggageNote | 0012BC0F | |
Search teams | LC117_SearchTeams_Note | 004ED98D | |
Secure storage policy | Defiance Has Fallen | BoS01SecureRoomNote | 003D0EF2 |
Security protocols | MTR10_RobotNote | 00432F32 | |
Security system manual reset | Bunker Buster | EN01_PowerSurgeWarning | 00002A2A |
Senate orientation letter | Bunker Buster | EN01_WelcomeToTheSenate | 003113E0 |
Senior executive exam answer key | MTR05_CheatSheet | 0006926C | |
Sermon: Impending doom | LC117_CultLeaderManuscript02 | 003A1B1E | |
Sermon: Summoning the Mothman | LC117_CultLeaderManuscript01 | 001EB2C3 | |
Server maintenance | LC024_RuinedServerNote | 003D153C | |
Sgt. Elk's journal | CampMcClintock_LoreNote01 | 003CF48D | |
Sharon's angry letter | LC062_HarpersFerry_AngryNote | 003DC3C2 | |
Shawn's journal | LC005_Aaronholt_Shawn_Journal_Note | 004E8811 | |
Shelley's letter | LC145_CampVenture_ShelleysLetter | 003DC3C9 | |
Shopping list | LC064_ShoppingListNote01 LC148_Sutton_HorseshoeHouse_ShoppingList |
003E61DA 003CE6A7 | |
Signal repeater notes | Signal Strength | MTNS01_RespondersNote01 | 003AEF9F |
Silo Alpha access code | EN07_AccessCodeAlpha | 003A5612 | |
Silo Alpha code piece | I Am Become Death Hide and Seek and Destroy |
Nuke_CodePageSilo00_00 Nuke_CodePageSilo00_01 Nuke_CodePageSilo00_02 Nuke_CodePageSilo00_03 Nuke_CodePageSilo00_04 Nuke_CodePageSilo00_05 Nuke_CodePageSilo00_06 Nuke_CodePageSilo00_07 |
003DA648 003DA649 003DA64A 003DA64B 003DA64C 003DA64D 003DA64E 003DA64F |
Silo Alpha launch code | EN07_LaunchCodeAlpha01 | 003A5611 | |
Silo Alpha transciever object | TransceiverObjectSugarGrove01 | 003EB3D6 | |
Silo Bravo code piece | I Am Become Death Hide and Seek and Destroy |
Nuke_CodePageSilo01_00 Nuke_CodePageSilo01_01 Nuke_CodePageSilo01_02 Nuke_CodePageSilo01_03 Nuke_CodePageSilo01_04 Nuke_CodePageSilo01_05 Nuke_CodePageSilo01_06 Nuke_CodePageSilo01_07 |
004DE233 004DE234 004DE235 004DE236 004DE237 004DE238 004DE239 004DE23A |
Silo Bravo launch code | EN07_LaunchCodeBeta01 | 003A5613 | |
Silo Bravo silo access code | EN07_AccessCodeBeta | 003A5614 | |
Silo Charlie code piece | I Am Become Death Hide and Seek and Destroy |
Nuke_CodePageSilo02_00 Nuke_CodePageSilo02_01 Nuke_CodePageSilo02_02 Nuke_CodePageSilo02_03 Nuke_CodePageSilo02_04 Nuke_CodePageSilo02_05 Nuke_CodePageSilo02_06 Nuke_CodePageSilo02_07 |
004DE23B 004DE23C 004DE23D 004DE23E 004DE23F 004DE240 004DE241 004DE242 |
Silo Charlie launch code | EN07_LaunchCodeGamma01 | 003A5615 | |
Silo Charlie silo access code | EN07_AccessCodeGamma | 003A5616 | |
Skeleton extraction guide | POI282_LoreNote_SkeletonMaking | 003C7B20 | |
Slocum's Woes | POI236_SlocumJoesReview | 003C946D | |
Smuggler's stash | LC037_CultistCaveNote | 004FD2E7 | |
Soldier's certificate | Back to Basic Recruitment Blues |
BoS02SoldierCertificate | 0033C775 |
Sorry | RSVP00_Book_LORE_Sorry | 003A2034 | |
South bridge watch | LC117_MorningShift_Note | 004ED990 | |
Special notice | LC024_XmasNotice | 003D142D | |
Stolen supplies | LC018_AVRMedicalCenterNote | 004FD2EB | |
Squire Evelyn's journal - page 16 | BoS02_SecurityNote | 001E59F1 | |
Stained note | LC052_BlastFurnaceNote2 | 0043348A | |
Stanley's note | LC020_PleasantValleySkiResort_StanleyNote | 0031C179 | |
State of Emergency | LC023_CharlestonNoteEmergency | 003D1588 | |
Stop taking the key! | LC046_KeyNote | 0033595A | |
Store room report | BoS_Venture_StoreRoomNote | 0051E232 | |
Straight A's | LC026_MorgantownHSNote | 004FD2E9 | |
Student's poem | LC174_PoemNote_CBLore_Note | 003CD66C | |
Subject 43 | AMSHQ_CBLore_Note01 | 000B104B | |
Subject 67 | AMSHQ_CBLore_Note02 | 000B03D3 | |
Sue them | AMSHQ_CBLore_SueThem | 003D5DC1 | |
Sunnytop maintenance memo | LC144_SunnytopSkiLanes_MaintenanceMemo | 0031A0ED | |
Sunnytop marketing memo | LC144_SunnytopSkiLanes_MarketingMemo | 0031A0EB | |
Sunnytop staff memo | LC144_SunnytopSkiLanes_DirectorMemo | 0031A0EC | |
Supply cage code | POI286_CodeNote | 004FE04E | |
Supply list | FS01_MQ_Warn_MiscWatogaBook | 0038F1B9 | |
Survival planning checklist | SurvivalTrainingCenter_Pamphlet01 SurvivalTrainingCenter_Pamphlet02 |
0044543F 0029D65C | |
Survive | RE_SceneMP03_Note04 | 0035EC22 | |
Suspicious note | DWDForestPOI01Note01 DWDForestPOI01Note02 |
00530817 00530816 | |
Swamp butter | POI162_DoctorsNote | 003D661B | |
Sweet bean | RSVP03_Book_LORE_Sweetbean | 003A2002 | |
Sweetheart | RSVP00_Book_LORE_Sweetheart | 003A2002 | |
Taggerdy's journal: OCT 21 2077 | BoS_SpruceKnob_TaggerdyJournal01Note | 0051E22F | |
Taggerdy's journal: NOV 04 2077 | BoS_SpruceKnob_TaggerdyJournal02Note | 0051E230 | |
Tasks | RSVP03_Book_LORE_Tasks | 003A2006 | |
Tattoo parlor | Charleston_LoreNote_TattooParlor | 003D78AF | |
Tear it all down | LC095_RoofGangHolotape01 LC142_SafeNote |
003D7F07 004FE04A | |
Termination notice | LC060_WhitespringTerminationNotice | 003CDB33 | |
Thank you Responders | Charleston_Lore_ResponderThankYouNote | 003A10BC | |
The assassins | Seeker of Mysteries | MoM03ClueNote03 | 004ECF43 |
The coffee | Charleston_LoreNote_Slocums | 003D78B6 | |
The doctors | Charleston_LoreNote_DoctorOffice01 | 003D78B2 | |
The Domestics notes | The_Domestics_01 The_Domestics_02 The_Domestics_03 The_Domestics_04 |
003B9808 003B9806 003B9807 005189C1 | |
The drop | Charleston_LoreNote_DoctorOffice02 | 003D78AB | |
The End | Charleston_LoreNote_Church | 003D78A5 | |
The Evil Men | Charleston_LoreNote_Summersville03 | 003D7A0A | |
The Free States | RE_TravelCT01_Note | 004E10BF | |
The Herald supports Quinn Carter | EN01_WeSupportQuinnCarter | 0031141F | |
The house | Charleston_LoreNote_BombedHouse02 | 003D78A9 | |
The owner | Charleston_LoreNote_RiverfrontHouse | 003D78B4 | |
The plan | SFZ03_Queen_MiscFreddyBook | 00389A86 | |
The power plant | Charleston_LoreNote_Summersville04 | 003D7A0C | |
The safe | Charleston_LoreNote_Safe | 003D78AD | |
The Sam Blackwell interview | EN01_TheBlackwellInterview | 003E84D2 | |
The shrink | Charleston_LoreNote_TherapyOffice | 003D78B8 | |
The view | Charleston_LoreNote_BombedHouse01 | 003D78A7 | |
Thom and Molly | CB04_WatogaObjective_Note_BigBendTunnel | 00391988 | |
Ticket number A3 | BoS02_DMV_Number_02 | 002A6DDC | |
Ticket number C42 | BoS02_DMV_Number_01 | 0027E55A | |
To Janet | LC095_LoveNote01 | 003E8517 | |
To-do list | POI207_SafenCleanDisposal_Note | 003C7AFB | |
Together soon | Charleston_Lore_KatelynReplyLetter | 003A10BF | |
Tomahawk Life: Morse Code and YOU! | BoS01MorseBook | 000524A7 | |
Tony's orders | Seeker of Mysteries | MoM03ClueNote01 | 004ECF41 |
Top secret | NuclearLaunchCode01 | 0032CE09 | |
Topher's diary - June 9th | Back to Basic Patriotism Training |
EN05_Patriotism_TophersDiary | 0018208C |
Trade for parts | POI182_TradeDealNote | 003D6619 | |
Transcript: Test launch 11 | MTR_AMSTestSite_Transcript | 003CFB57 | |
Trappers note | Key to the Past | MTNL01_TrappersNote | 002ECCF7 |
Trevor's note | BMO_BunkerNote02_CabinNote_01 | 0038FAA8 | |
Trouble with radiation | LC095_RoofGangNote01 | 003D7F05 | |
Unfinished postcard | LC095_VTUPostcardNote06 | 003D57D5 | |
Uniform disbursement log | Back to Basic | EN05_UniformVoucherPage01 | 00341B35 |
Unsent letter | HuntersRidgeNote01 SFZ04_Waste_MiscPOTWPBook |
00509C68 0038EEB2 | |
Untitled | ToxicDriedLakebedNote01 | 0033410D | |
Untitled poem | UntitledPoem01 UntitledPoem02 UntitledPoem03 UntitledPoem04 |
003EAA0D 003EA9F2 003EA9EB 003EA9B9 | |
V.I.P. booth offer | LC171_WatogaCivicCenterNote | 004FD2ED | |
Valley Galleria postcard | FSZ01_ValleyGalleria | 000450C9 | |
Villa available | LC001_VillaAvailableNote | 0051E519 | |
Volunteer certificate | RSVP02_Book_LORE_Certificate_Completion | 003C614F | |
Volunteers needed! | RE_ObjectMP01_Book_RSVP_Start | 004FC028 | |
Voting flier | LC139_Summersville_VotingFlier | 003CF79E | |
Wanted: Kobolds | MTR11_WantedKobolds | 003D036C | |
War game orders | BoS_SpruceKnob_WarGamesNote | 0051E22E | |
Warning | LC010_DWDBeckleyNote01 | 003CF44C | |
Waste baskets | WatogaMunicipalNote_01 | 001203E3 | |
Waste problem | LC191_MessagesNote | 003CF556 | |
Water safety report | RSVP01_Book_LORE_Report_WaterJuly | 003C5B82 | |
Watoga High School | LC015_BootleggersShack_Note | 0034785E | |
What's real | POI162_Dreams | 003CFB75 | |
Where are you? | CB04_WatogaObjective_Note_AbbiesBunker | 0039198C | |
Where's the damn key?! | LC015_BasementNote | 003453AF | |
Whitespring guest requests | Room Service | ENz09_RequestList | 0009ADA1 |
Wilson's Bros. garage | LC117_BathroomKeyNote | 003BDB6D | |
Women's dresses | LC178_WatogaPlaza_CBLore_Note02 | 001A1B24 | |
You're in charge | POI286_ForemanNote | 004FE04D |
Treasure maps[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
Ash Heap treasure maps | TreasureMap04 TreasureMap07 |
0051B8A8 0051B8AC | |
Cranberry Bog treasure maps | TreasureMap26, TreasureMap30 TreasureMap33, TreasureMap35 |
0051B8CD, 0051B8D6 0051B8D9, 0051B8DE | |
Forest treasure maps | TreasureMap01, TreasureMap02 TreasureMap03, TreasureMap05 TreasureMap06, TreasureMap08 TreasureMap09, TreasureMap11 TreasureMap12, TreasureMap14 |
0051B7A2, 0051B8A6 0051B8A7, 0051B8A9 0051B8AA, 0051B8AE 0051B8B0, 0051B8BB 0051B8B6, 001B8B92 | |
Mire treasure maps | TreasureMap27, TreasureMap28 TreasureMap31, TreasureMap32 TreasureMap34 |
0051B8CE, 0051B8D2 0051B8D7, 0051B8D8 0051B8DB | |
Savage Divide treasure maps | TreasureMap15, TreasureMap17 TreasureMap19, TreasureMap20 TreasureMap21, TreasureMap22 TreasureMap23, TreasureMap24 TreasureMap25, TreasureMap29 |
0051B8BA, 0051B8C0 0051B8C2, 0051B8C4 0051B8C6, 0051B8C7 0051B8C8, 0051B8CA 0051B8CC, 0051B8D4 | |
Toxic Valley treasure maps | TreasureMap10, TreasureMap13 TreasureMap16, TreasureMap18 |
0051B8B1, 0051B8B8 0051B8BC, 0051B8C1 |
Wild Appalachia[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
10/01/77 | LC095_ToMillsNote01 | 00424546 | |
10/15/77 | LC095_ToStevieNote01 | 00424547 | |
A new day | That Sinking Feeling | P01B_Mini_Random01_Journal03 | 003F25F4 |
Animal control report | Unsolved: Tracking Terror | P01B_Mini_Random02_Animal | 003EFB4D |
Attention: Nuka-Cola technician | BMO_BunkerNote07_CrashedPlaneNote | 003F1BDA | |
Biome lab: Code fragments | UD001_DoorCodeNote_A UD001_DoorCodeNote_B UD001_DoorCodeNote_C |
003EECDD 003EECDE 003EECDF | |
Blacksheep dossier | Baa Baa Black Sheep | P01B_Mini_Robot01_CalPsychEval | 0046DC75 |
Bo-Peep's note on Calvin | Baa Baa Black Sheep | P01B_Mini_Robot01_BoPeepNote | 004036EC |
Bomb defusal manual | P01T_MarshallTest_BombDefusalManual | 003EC2AF | |
Burnt note | Baa Baa Black Sheep | ZZZP01B_Mini_Robot01_BurntNote | 0046DC7A |
Burrows warning | UD002RightMonitoringNote | 00453AAA | |
C.H. Monthly, August | The Lowe-Down | P01B_Lying_02_CryptidArticle | 003F073B |
C.H. Monthly, January | That Sinking Feeling | P01B_Mini_Random01_CryptidArticle2 | 003F25F1 |
C.H. Monthly, October | A Perfect Getaway | P01B_Mini_Squatch01_CryptidArticle3 | 00403342 |
Calvin's security code | Lying Lowe | P01B_Lying_CalvinSecurityPhrase | 0046F0BC |
Catalog of Curios | Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy | P01B_Mini_Random03_Book_Catalog | 003F3830 |
Checklist | Babylon_Intro_Checklist | 0042455E | |
Chelsea's diary page | Unsolved: Picnic Panic | P01B_Mini_Random04_ChelseaNote | 0046005B |
Cindy's diary | A Perfect Getaway | P01B_Mini_Squatch01_Diary | 00464858 |
Coded message | Baa Baa Black Sheep | ZZZP01b_Mini_Robot01_BlacksheepCode | 003F269F |
Confession note | Unsolved: Best of Intentions | P01B_Mini_Albino01_Confession | 0046D625 |
Crime scene notes | Baa Baa Black Sheep | P01B_Mini_Robot01_CrimeSceneNotes | 0046EBCA |
Customer complaint | Baa Baa Black Sheep | ZZZP01B_Mini_Robot01_Complaint | 003F26A1 |
Day 1 | That Sinking Feeling | P01B_Mini_Random01_Journal1 | 003F25F6 |
Day 82 | That Sinking Feeling | P01B_Mini_Random01_Journal2 | 003F25F5 |
Dead raider's note | Raider's Last Laugh | RE_ObjectCMB07_Note | 00454E1C |
Dear wolf | Lying Lowe | P01B_Lying_NoteToWolf | 0046A397 |
Delivery route map | Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy | P01B_Mini_Random03_Book_Map | 0046A5D3 |
Directions to Janelle's camp | Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy | P01B_Mini_Random03_Book_Directions | 0040329E |
Door codes | P01L_McCreary_DoorCode | 0041B8D2 | |
Dr. Frank's journal | Unsolved: Tracking Terror | P01b_Mini_Random02_Journal | 003EFB64 |
Empty envelope | LC095_Envelope01 | 00424548 | |
Ernesto's book | P02T_MarshallFetchQuest_ErnestoBook | 003EEA19 | |
Ernesto's manuscripts (parts #1, #2 & #3) | P02T_MarshallFetchQuest_Manuscript1 P02T_MarshallFetchQuest_Manuscript2 P02T_MarshallFetchQuest_Manuscript3 |
003EEA3C 003EEA3D 003EEA3E | |
Eviction notice | UD005_EvictionNoticeNote | 0047C954 | |
Forensics report | Unsolved: Tracking Terror | P01B_Mini_Random02_Forensics | 003EFB4C |
From mom | The Lowe-Down | P01B_Lying02_LaundryNote | 003F0738 |
From Ray | That Sinking Feeling | P01b_Mini_Random01_FromRay | 004041CE |
Further instructions | The Lowe-Down | P01B_Lying_02_BoPeepClue | 003F0739 |
Incident evaluation | Unsolved: Tracking Terror | P01B_Mini_Random02_Report | 0047F45A |
Incident report | Unsolved: Tracking Terror | P01B_Mini_Random02_Memo | 0047F459 |
Invoice 188002: Smarty's Traps n' Bait | Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy | P01B_Mini_Random03_Book_Invoice | 0046A5D4 |
Jackson's notes | Unsolved: Tracking Terror | P01B_Mini_Random02_Jackson | 003EFB4E |
Knick-knack paddywhack | Lying Lowe | P01B_Lying_NoteToWolf02 | 0040326E |
Letter from Vault-Tec | 0042454E | ||
Letter to Calvin requested | Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy | P01B_Mini_Random03_Book_Letter | 00403273 |
Letter to L | That Sinking Feeling | P01b_Mini_Random01_LetterToL | 003F25F0 |
Mary's diary page | Unsolved: Picnic Panic | P01B_Mini_Random04_MaryNote | 0046005D |
Maude's journal page | UD002CentralShantytownNote | 00453AAC | |
Michael's journal | A Perfect Getaway | CUT_P01B_Mini_Squatch01_MichaelsJournal | 003F21AE |
Missing: The Priblos (start and generic) | Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy | P01B_Mini_Random03_Book_Start P01B_Mini_Random03_Book_Start_Generic |
004032A6 00404AAB |
My advice | BMO_BunkerNote07_TastingAreaNote | 003F1B6B | |
My bucket list | Bucket List | P01C_Bucket_List | 004845B8 |
Noise complaint | Lying Lowe | P01B_Lying_NoiseComplaint | 0046A394 |
Note about Nukashine | CUT_P01A_Nukashine_PartyNote | 0047A44A | |
Note for Raymond | Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy | P01B_Mini_Random03_Book_Note | 003F3831 |
Note from management (cut and released) | Possum Junior Roboticist Tour | ZZZM01C_Roboticist_ManagementNote_old M01C_Roboticist_ManagementNote |
004249A2 004266B5 |
Nukashine ingredients (part 1 and part 2) | Wasted on Nukashine | P01A_Nukashine_IngredientsList1 P01A_Nukashine_IngredientsList2 |
0047BBFD 0047BBFE |
Nukashine label | Wasted on Nukashine | P01A_Nukashine_Label | 0047A44B |
Pages from Dr. Frank's journal (one page & last page) | Unsolved: Tracking Terror | P01b_Mini_Random02_Journal01 P01b_Mini_Random02_Journal02 |
003F5103 003F5105 |
Property deed | The Lowe-Down | P01B_Lying_02_Deed | 003F0737 |
Recall keycard recipe | Wolf in Sheep's Clothing | ZZZP01B_Wolf_RecallKey_Recipe | 003FBF37 |
Relocation note | Unsolved: Best of Intentions | P01B_Mini_Albino01_Relocation | 0046D624 |
RobCo customer support | Lying Lowe | P01B_Lying_RobCoCustomerSupport | 0046A396 |
Secret door sale! | BMO_BunkerNote07_SecretDoorsNote | 003F1BE0 | |
Simple ways to his HEART! | P01E_Heart_RomanceNotes | 0045C4B1 | |
Squire Asher's journal | CUT_SFS09_Habitat_LoreJournal | 003D5B52 | |
Task list | P02L_McCreary_TaskList | 00424883 | |
The mannequin | UD005_Mannequin_Note | 0047C957 | |
To Pete | UD002PointerNote | 0045581F | |
Unsolved: Missing girls (board & train station note) | Unsolved: Picnic Panic | P01B_Mini_Random04_BoardNote P01B_Mini_Random04_TrainNote |
004044D3 00412275 |
Unsolved: Missing hikers (board & train station note) | Unsolved: Tracking Terror | P01B_Mini_Random02_BoardNote P01B_Mini_Random02_TrainNote |
004044D4 00412274 |
Unsolved: Sighting at Thomas farm | Unsolved: Best of Intentions | P01B_Mini_Albino_StartingNote | 0040347F |
Veterinary diagnosis sheet | Unsolved: Best of Intentions | P01B_Mini_Albino01_VetNote | 0046DBDB |
Warning! | P01A_Nukashine_FlashFermenterNote | 0047CFF7 | |
We need to talk | UD006_NukaRoom_Note | 0047F321 | |
Where is it? | Lying Lowe | P01B_Lying_LocationList | 0046A395 |
Wolf check-in #64 | The Lowe-Down | P01B_Lying02_WolfCheckin | 003F0736 |
Wolf's letter to Bo-Peep | Baa Baa Black Sheep | P01b_Mini_Robot01_WolfLetterToPeep | 003F2694 |
Cutthroat orders | LC024_RaiderCourthouseNote02 | 0055AEDB | |
Cutthroat warning | LC024_RaiderCourthouseNote01 | 0055A7A6 | |
IOU | v96_tempnote | 003EE868 | |
Pump Alpha shutdown code | Vault Mission: Washout | V94_3_PumpAlphaShutdownCode | 003EBF6C |
Pump Beta shutdown code | Vault Mission: Washout | V94_3_PumpBetaShutdownCode | 003EBF6F |
Pump Delta shutdown code | Vault Mission: Washout | V94_3_PumpDeltaShutdownCode | 003EBF6E |
Pump Gamma shutdown code | Vault Mission: Washout | V94_3_PumpGammaShutdownCode | 003EBF6D |
Rosalynn's note | LC024_RosalynnNote01 | 0055CBDA | |
Vault 94 pump restart codes | Vault Mission: Dead in the Water | V94_1_PumpRestartCodePage | 0046AAB0 |
Vault 94 reactor reset codes | Vault Mission: Dead in the Water | V94_1_ReactorEvent_2_KeypadCodePage | 00465485 |
Vault 94 requisition holotapes | Vault Mission: Meltdown | V94_2_Green_RequisitionHolotape01 V94_2_Green_RequisitionHolotape02 V94_2_Green_RequisitionHolotape03 V94_2_Green_RequisitionHolotape04 V94_2_Green_RequisitionHolotape05 |
003F806F 003F8070 003F8071 003F8072 003F8073 |
Vault 94 water pressure regulation | Vault Mission: Meltdown | V94_2_Utility_PumpCodePage | 003F8808 |
Vault 96 decontamination procedure | Vault Mission: Creature Feature | V96_1_Engineering_DecontaminationCodePage | 0054791A |
Vault 96 decryption code | Vault Mission: Gone Viral | V96_2_AnalysisEvent_4_KeypadCodePage | 00424C59 |
Vault 94 requisition holotapes | Vault Mission: Meltdown | V94_2_Green_RequisitionHolotape01 V94_2_Green_RequisitionHolotape02 V94_2_Green_RequisitionHolotape03 V94_2_Green_RequisitionHolotape04 V94_2_Green_RequisitionHolotape05 |
003F806F 003F8070 003F8071 003F8072 003F8073 |
Nuclear Winter[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
Cutthroat orders | LC024_RaiderCourthouseNote02 | 0055AEDB | |
Cutthroat warning | LC024_RaiderCourthouseNote01 | 0055A7A6 | |
Pump Alpha shutdown code | V94_3_PumpAlphaShutdownCode | 003EBF6C | |
Pump Beta shutdown code | V94_3_PumpBetaShutdownCode | 003EBF6F | |
Pump Delta shutdown code | V94_3_PumpDeltaShutdownCode | 003EBF6E | |
Pump Gamma shutdown code | V94_3_PumpGammaShutdownCode | 003EBF6D | |
Vault 94 pump restart codes | V94_1_PumpRestartCodePage | 0046AAB0 | |
Vault 94 reactor reset codes | V94_1_ReactorEvent_2_KeypadCodePage | 00465485 | |
Vault 94 water pressure regulation | V94_3_PumpAlphaShutdownCode | 003F8808 | |
Vault 96 decontamination procedure | V96_1_Engineering_DecontaminationCodePage | 0054791A | |
Vault 96 decryption code | V96_2_AnalysisEvent_4_KeypadCodePage | 00424C59 |
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
999's setback | Treasure Unknown | W05_Lore_FS_AutomatedSwitch | 0056AB83 |
A repository as smart as you | W05_MQ_004P_Crane_CacheNote_AsSmartAsYou | 0055D8D7 | |
A Whale of a Tale | W05_Raider_Munch_WhaleTale | 0058E9D9 | |
ADD CRATES HERE | W05_MQ_004P_Crane_CacheNote_AddCratesHere | 0055FD02 | |
ADD FOOD HERE | W05_MQ_004P_Crane_CacheNote_AddFoodstuffsHere | 0055FD05 | |
ADD LUXURY HERE | W05_MQ_004P_Crane_CacheNote_AddLuxuryGoodHere | 0055FD03 | |
ADD WEAPONS HERE | W05_MQ_004P_Crane_CacheNote_AddWeaponHere | 0055FD04 | |
Alex's observations 2 | WU_HolotapePlaceholder02 | 0040D82B | |
Alex's observations 8 | WU_HolotapePlaceholder01 | 0040D829 | |
Always watching | WL060_LoreNote01 | 0058370D | |
Apologies, Mr. Duncan | W05_MQ_003P_Muscle_DuncanLegalNote | 00553849 | |
Aubrie's note | W05_Aubrie_SuicideNote | 005A226B | |
Aubrie's notes | W05_Aubrie_Journal | 0058DEE0 | |
Beckon the call | Wl058_LoreNote01 | 00581F22 | |
Brahmin noodle soup | WL046_Note_BrahminNoodleSoup | 0058DD21 | |
Bring me Crane! | Hunter for Hire | W05_MQ_002P_GangerNote | 0040F66B |
Bully's note | W05_RE_Camp_BullyNote_01 | 0058CEB7 | |
Camper's note 1 | W05_RE_Camp_BackSoonNote_01 | 0058D3B5 | |
Camper's note 2 | W05_RE_Camp_BackSoonNote_02 | 0058D3B7 | |
Camper's note 3 | W05_RE_Camp_BackSoonNote_03 | 0058D3B8 | |
Camper's note 4 | W05_RE_Camp_BackSoonNote_04 | 0058D3B9 | |
Charleston Herald - Tragedy Hits Hornwright | Trade Secrets | W05_MQS_201P_KeycardClue3_Newspaper | 003FBCA9 |
Chase Terrier's journal | W05_Vault79_ChaseJournal | 005A3607 | |
Cole Carver's journal | W05_Vault79_CarverJournal | 005A3604 | |
Crane's map | The Elusive Crane | W05_MQ_004P_CacheCraneMap | 0058F279 |
Cultist's final plea 1 | W05_RE_Camp_DeadCultistsNote_01 | 0058CEAA | |
Cultist's final plea 2 | W05_RE_Camp_DeadCultistsNote_02 | 0058CEAC | |
Cultist's final plea 3 | W05_RE_Camp_DeadCultistsNote_03 | 0058CEAD | |
Cultist's final plea 4 | W05_RE_Camp_DeadCultistsNote_04 | 0058CEAE | |
Cultist's scrawling 1 | W05_RE_Camp_CultistsNote_GreatOffering_01 | 0058CEB1 | |
Cultist's scrawling 2 | W05_RE_Camp_CultistsNote_GreatOffering_02 | 0058CEB2 | |
Cultist's scrawling 3 | W05_RE_Camp_CultistsNote_GreatOffering_03 | 0058CEB3 | |
Cure for line steppers | WL054_LoreNote01 | 00581F24 | |
Dishwasher Steve's note | WL046_DishwashersNote | 005543B3 | |
Earl's note to Randy | WL035_EarlNote | 0042C11A | |
Elsie's story | W05_Elsie_Journal | 0058DEDE | |
Eviction notice | W05_Lore_FS_Eviction | 00569B81 | |
Filtcher farm report | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue4_FenceReport | 00569C93 |
Flavia's disappearance | W05_Lore_FS_ConcernedFriend | 00569B82 | |
Floyd's note to Randy | WL035_FloydNote | 0042C11B | |
Frank's Fine Radstag Redemption | WL046_Note_RadstagRedemption | 005543AF | |
Future plans | W05_Raider_Lev_Plans | 0058EAC8 | |
Garrison's journal | W05_Vault79_GarrisonJournal | 005A3603 | |
Gauley Mine production log | W05_MQ_003P_GauleyMineProdBook | 0041A334 | |
Georgia's diary page 27 | WL057_CottageBunker_GeorgiaNote01 | 0058B9CA | |
Georgia's diary page 33 | WL057_CottageBunker_GeorgiaNote02 | 0058B9CC | |
Grafton Steel infiltrator's note | Fun and Games | W05_MQR_202P_VentNote | 0041CB5D |
Hunter's headcheese | WL046_Note_HeadhuntersHeadcheese | 005543AE | |
Holland Chase Invoice 9021 | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue1_Invoice01 | 005698E7 |
Holland Chase Invoice 9033 | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue1_Invoice02 | 005698E8 |
Hornwright Industrial notice | Trade Secrets | W05_MQS_201P_KeycardClue4_HornwrightNote | 003FBCAA |
Ideas for new match types | W05_MQR_203P_SargentoNote | 0055D89D | |
Imagine your memories here! | W05_MQ_004P_Crane_CacheNote_ImagineYourMemoriesHere | 0055D8D6 | |
Keypass notes | WL036_RippedNote | 0042C25F | |
Larry's lowcountry mirelurk boil | WL046_Note_MirelurkBoil | 005543AA | |
Letter | WL048_CultistNote02 | 00558EAB | |
Loris's medical diagnosis | Overseer, Overseen | W05_MQ_102P_LorisNote | 00544D5F |
Lou's goodbye note | Cheating Death | W05_MQR_201P_LouGoodbyeNote | 0040D486 |
Lou's log: Cave-in | WL005_PillarRoomNote01 | 00559246 | |
Lou's log: Chamber | WL005_CrusherRoomNote01 | 0055923F | |
Lou's log: Engine room | WL005_EngineRoomNote01 | 0055923A | |
Lou's log: New plan | WL005_EngineRoomNote02 | 0055923B | |
Lou's log: Turret repair | WL005_TurretRepairNote01 | 0055920C | |
Madison's journal page 7 | WL057_CottageBunker_MadisonNote1 | 0058B9CB | |
Meetup | RE_ObjectZW02_TomNote | 005640B1 | |
Mercedes Stern's journal | W05_Vault79_SternJournal | 005A3606 | |
Note from FS | W05_Lore_FS_FlaviaNote | 0056AB84 | |
Note from Jen | Secrets Revealed | W05_MQA_206P_JensNote W05_MQS_202P_RewardNote |
00564970 005A02BB |
Order yours today! | W05_MQ_004P_Crane_CacheNote_PlaceYourOrder | 0055D8D9 | |
Participant survey | W05_WL024_MazeSurveyNote01 | 0058CCE7 | |
Percy's last note | WU_OswaldNote | 004026DE | |
Photo of Rosalynn's memorial | Strange Bedfellows | W05_MQ_101P_A_MemorialPhoto | 00546275 |
Prepared transcript | W05_MQS_203P_RobobrainTranscript | 005A24A1 | |
Quickly scrawled note | W05_MQS_203P_BrainPrepNote01 W05_MQS_203P_BrainPrepNote02 W05_MQS_203P_BrainPrepNote03 |
00407F54 00407F55 00407F56 | |
Read between the lines, James | W05_MQ_003P_Muscle_ReadBetweenTheLinesJames | 00553848 | |
READ CAREFULLY | W05_RE_ObjectBB02_Note | 0056F1BC | |
Reginald Stone's journal | W05_Vault79_StoneJournal | 005A3605 | |
Requisition form | RE_ObjectZW02_SoldierNote | 005640B0 | |
RobCo stock shares (1000) | W05_MQ_004P_Crane_CacheNote_RobCoStock | 0055D8D8 | |
Rose's AI program | Strange Bedfellows | W05_MQ_101P_A_AIProgramBroken W05_MQ_101P_A_AIProgramFixed |
0041B83B 0041B83C |
RSVP card | Trade Secrets | W05_MQS_201P_KeycardClue2_RSVP | 003F514F |
Safe room checklist | W05_MQS_201P_SaferoomChecklist | 005A02BC | |
Scott's letter | WL028_ScottLetter | 0058E9D3 | |
Sermon notes | WL048_CultistNote01 | 00558EA9 | |
Shanghai Sally: Berkeley Springs | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue5_PoliceReport | 00569C96 |
Shanghai Sally: Casino Shootout | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue5_Newspaper01 | 00569C95 |
Shanghai Sally: Chapter Closed | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue5_Newspaper02 | 00569C94 |
Shanghai Sally: Conclusions | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue5_Overview | 00569C97 |
Supplies to open tomb | WL048_CultistNote03 | 00558EAD | |
Surge's letter | W05_Raider_Surge_Letter | 0058EACB | |
Suspicious death at Harpers Ferry | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue3_Death1 | 005698F8 |
Suspicious death of Alicia Shay | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue3_Death2 | 005698F9 |
Suspicious death of Emmanuel Tillings | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue3_Death3 | 005698FA |
Suspicious deaths overview | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue3_DeathOverview | 005698FB |
Test case results | WL036_Notebook01 | 0053ADBF | |
Test holotape | |||
The end of Razorhandle's career | W05_LoreNote01 | 00583708 | |
The Great War | W05_Raider_Munch_TheGreatWar | 0058E9D7 | |
The Old Guard, Vol 14: Ch 2 | W05_MQS_203P_RadcliffsNotebook | 0058E9DA | |
The Nova Orbital station | W05_Raider_Munch_NovaOrbitalStation | 0058E9D8 | |
The problem with super mutants | WL052_LoreNote01 | 0058370C | |
The Rusty Pick Reopens! | POITrainStationBerkeleySprings_RustyPick_Note | 0059F5FE | |
The solution | W05_Raider_TheSolution | 0058EAC6 | |
Things to remember | W05_Raider_Creed_Notes | 0058EAC7 | |
This Wasteland I Call Home | W05_Raider_WastelandICallHome | 0058EAC5 | |
Treasury bonds (100) | W05_MQ_004P_Crane_CacheNote_TreasuryBonds | 0055D8DA | |
Unsent letter | Strange Bedfellows | W05_MQ_101P_A_DavidLetter | 00566AF8 |
Vault 79 keypad code | Buried Treasure From Russia With Lev Secrets Revealed |
W05_MQR_Vault79CodeBackupNote W05_MQR_Vault79CodeNote |
00597929 00597928 |
Vigilant Citizen's note to Blackwell | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue1_CoverLetter | 005698E2 |
Vigilant Citizen's note to Carter | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue2_CoverLetter | 005698E3 |
Vigilant Citizen's note to Leah de Silva | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue4_CoverLetter | 005698F6 |
Vigilant Citizen's note to Sheriff Darcy | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue5_CoverLetter | 005698F7 |
Vigilant Citizen's note to Van Lowe | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue3_CoverLetter | 005698F5 |
Ward's journal | W05_Ward_Journal | 0058DEE2 | |
Weigh station logs | Treasure Unknown | W05_Clue2_WeighStation | 005698F4 |
Whats the smell? | W05_LoreNote02 | 0058370A | |
ATLAS decommission reports | Fortifying ATLAS | BS01_Invention_Documentation01 | 005C2F41 005C2F42 005C2FEF |
Last details | Fortifying ATLAS | BS00_Dorsey_Note_08 | 005D2BAC |
Notice: New owners | Fortifying ATLAS | BS01_MQ03_FieldTesting_PutnamNote_0 | 005D2A10 |
Prove your worth | Breaking Radio Silence | BS01_VernonDodge_MiscQuest_Note | 005D1EDE |
Relocation notice | LC062_VendorBotWallace_Note | 005C54DB |
The Legendary Run[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
Dorsey's diary | Fortifying ATLAS | BS00_Dorsey_Diary | 005B77C2 |
Back in a bit | Fortifying ATLAS | BS00_Dorsey_Note_07 | 005C5DD5 |
Earle's journal#1 | Something Sentimental | E06_PocketWatch_EarlesJournal | 005A21D4 |
Earle's journal#2 | Something Sentimental | E06_PocketWatch_EarlesJournal02 | 005A21D5 |
Ghosts? | Something Sentimental | E06_PocketWatch_GhostNote | 005A21D3 |
Note to self: Names | Fortifying ATLAS | BS00_Dorsey_Note_05 | 005B79E1 |
Note to self: Parts | Fortifying ATLAS | BS00_Dorsey_Note_02 | 005B79DE |
Note to self: Railings | Fortifying ATLAS | BS00_Dorsey_Note_06 | 005B79E2 |
One choice | Something Sentimental | E06_PocketWatch_SuicideNote | 005A21D1 |
Raider's note | Something Sentimental | LC182_WendigoCave_RaiderNote | 003D7A7D |
To-do: Symbol | Fortifying ATLAS | BS00_Dorsey_Note_01 | 005B79DD |
To-do: Nailgun | Fortifying ATLAS | BS00_Dorsey_Note_03 | 005B79DF |
To-do: Power armor | Fortifying ATLAS | BS00_Dorsey_Note_04 | 005B79E0 |
Steel Dawn[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
Brewmaster grocery list | BS009_Treehouse_Village_Brewing_Grocery_List | 005C4E4B | |
Brotherhood note | BS007_BoSNote01 | 005B4CD8 | |
Decontamination note | BS01_MQ07_Over_LobbyNote01 | 005E4817 | |
Disgusting creatures | BS005_RaiderNote01 | 005B7369 | |
Dyving soot | BS01_MQ06_Settlers_DiveSuitNote | 005D99B0 | |
Feeding chute note | BS01_MQ07_Over_ChuteNote01 | 005E7028 | |
Glue sniffers | BS01_MQ07_Over_LivingQuartersNote02 | 005E481C | |
Got that thing you wanted | BS01_MQ06_Settlers_TadNote | 005ECBD9 | |
Lab journal | BS01_MQ07_Over_LabJournalNote01 | 005E4818 | |
List of essentials | BS009_Treehouse_Sara_Matthews | 005C91CA | |
Lost data | BS01_MQ07_Over_LostDataNote01 | 005E481D | |
Lucky Hits! | BS011_LotteryTicket_Note | 005C767E | |
Mirelurk den | BS006_RaiderNote01 | 005B7368 | |
Mirelurk Medley | BS006_RaiderNote02 | 005B736B | |
Mole miners | BS01_MQ07_Over_MoleMinerNote01 | 005E481A | |
My fault | BS01_MQ07_Over_LivingQuartersNote01 | 005E481B | |
One last trip | BS007_WorkersNote02 | 005B4CBA | |
Passwords | SHELS01_ReubenDiary | 005C5D7E | |
Scout letter | BS01_MQ07_Over_ScoutNote01 | 005E481E | |
Shelter-building supplies | SHELS01_BuildingSupplies | 005C5D7F | |
Snallygaster | BS01_MQ07_Over_SnallygasterNote01 | 005E4819 | |
Terminals aren't safe | BS01_MQ07_Over_LabNote01 | 005E8B46 | |
That smell | BS005_RaiderNote02 | 005B736A | |
The Dagger dilemma | BS009_Treehouse_Dagger_Dilemma | 005C4E4A | |
Trapped | BS011_Trapped_Note | 005C767D | |
Unessential | BS007_WorkersNote01 | 005B4CB9 | |
Upcoming shipments | BS01_MQ06_Settlers_GloriaNote | 005ECBD8 | |
Urgent request | BS01_MQ07_Over_RadioTowerNote | 005E8049 | |
Valdez's letter of recommendation | BS01_MQ02_Invention_RecLetter_Bad BS01_MQ02_Invention_RecLetter_Good |
005C91DD 005C91DE |
Steel Reign[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
Attention night crew | Missing Persons | AMS02_Cage_Note01 | 006060B4 |
Blue Ridge delivers again | Missing Persons | BS02_MQ02_Missing_BlackburnsLetter | 005FACF0 |
Breakthrough | A Satisfied Conscience | BS02_MQ04_Conscience_BlackburnNotes_Breakthrough | 00606242 |
Care to test your metal? | Test Your Metal | BS024_Care_To_Test_Your_Metal | 0060635D |
Caravan manifest | Out of the Blue | BS02_MQ03_Blue_Note_Camp_Manifest | 005FB4EB |
Cassie's journal | Out of the Blue | BS02_MQ03_Blue_Note_Camp_Journal | 005FB4EF |
Corpse disposal | A Satisfied Conscience | BS02_MQ04_Conscience_BlackburnNotes_CorpseDisposal | 0060623E |
Damn radstorms! | Out of the Blue | BS02_MQ03_Blue_Note_Camp_Radstorm | 005FB4ED |
Discarded letter | Out of the Blue | BS02_MQ03_Blue_Note_JoannaOffice | 00606218 |
Guard note | Out of the Blue | HFD_Guard_Notebook01 | 0060602C |
Hastily written note | Missing Persons | BS02_MQ02_Missing_SheenasNote | 005FAC46 |
I admit it | Out of the Blue | BS02_MQ03_Blue_Note_Admission | 00606049 |
Internal incident report | Out of the Blue | HFD_DotMatrixPrinterNote01 | 0060602D |
IT work order | Out of the Blue | BS02_MQ03_Blue_ITSupportTicket | 005FB4EA |
Killbot inventory list | Test Your Metal | BS024_Killbot_Inventory_List_Note | 0060635F |
Marcia's diary | Missing Persons | BS02_MQ02_Missing_MarciasDiary | 00606C0E |
Open sesame seed | Out of the Blue | BS02_MQ03_Blue_Note_Clue_Password | 005FB4E8 |
Prohibited items | Out of the Blue | HFD_GuardNote02 | 0060602B |
Reminder about password | Out of the Blue | BS02_MQ03_Blue_Note_Instructions | 005FB4E9 |
Reminder: supplies | A Satisfied Conscience | BS02_MQ04_Conscience_BlackburnNotes_Reminder | 00606240 |
Suspicious noises | Out of the Blue | HFD_Storage_Note01 | 006060B3 |
Snallygaster | A Satisfied Conscience | BS02_MQ04_Conscience_BlackburnNotes_Snallygaster | 00606241 |
Vault 96 | A Satisfied Conscience | BS02_MQ04_Conscience_BlackburnNotes_Vault96 | 0060623F |
Wizard's Fortunes | ATX_Book_Fortunes01 - ATX_Book_Fortunes55 | 0060595D - 00605993 |
Night of the Moth[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
Catechism of Hilary | E07A_Mothman_Book_1_Catechism | 0062A5F3 | |
Exodus | E07A_Mothman_Book_3_Exodus | 0062E814 | |
False Gods of Appalachia | E07A_Mothman_Book_6_FalseGods | 0062E812 | |
Observations, vol. XXVII | E07A_Mothman_Book_4_Observations | 0062A5F2 | |
On the Thesis of Wallace | E07A_Mothman_Book_5_Wallace | 0062E813 | |
Sayings of Alicia | E07A_Mothman_Book_2_Sayings | 0062A5F1 |
Invaders from Beyond[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
Scrawled note | RE_Camp_Zetan_01_Note | 0061DAEF |
Test Your Metal[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
Crater observations | E08B_Note_Rads_1 E08B_Note_Rads_2DUPLICATE000 |
0064BD34 | |
Kenneth's journal | E08B_Note_Kenneth | 00647B24 | |
Raider's journal entries | E08A_Note_Raider01 E08A_Note_Raider02 E08A_Note_Raider03 E08A_Note_Raider04 E08A_Note_Raider05 E08A_Note_Raider06 E08A_Note_Raider07 |
00647FB2 0064BD36 0064BD37 0064BD38 0064BD39 0064BD3A 00650151 |
Expeditions: The Pitt[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
"Mission Critical" is a joke! | XPD_Pitt02_ChemistNote2 | 0065DFBB | |
A farewell to Pittsburgh | XPD_Pitt01_AFarewellToPittsburghNote | 006697F0 | |
Ava's journal | XPD_Pitt02_Note_AvasJournal01 | 0065C0D0 0065C0D4 0065C0D5 | |
Bad omens | XPD_Pitt02_Note_BadOmens | 0065C0D2 | |
Chemist note | XPD_Pitt02_ChemistNote1 | 0065DFB9 | |
Chemist's orders | XPD_Pitt01_ChemistsOrdersNote | 0063E33F | |
Concerned employee | XPD_Pitt02_ConcernedEmployeeNote | 0066E176 | |
Correspondence chess | XPD_Pitt01_CorrespondenceChessNote | 0063E341 | |
Dominance | XPD_Pitt02_FanaticNote01 | 0065450D | |
Don't worry | XPD_Pitt01_PreWarNote01 | 00667EF1 | |
Double dealings | XPD_Pitt01_HiddenCrate_DoubleDealingsNote | 00644A60 | |
Fanatic manhunter's note | XPD_Pitt01_HiddenCrate_ManhuntersNote | 00644A61 | |
Fanatic thief's note | XPD_Pitt01_HiddenCrate_FanaticThiefNote | 00644A5D | |
Few more days | XPD_Pitt02_HopefulNote01 | 00653FE2 | |
Forgive me | XPD_Pitt01_FanaticNote01 | 00667EF0 | |
Get well soon Margaret | XPD_Pitt02_Note_GetWellSoonMargaret | 0066835A | |
Getting through | XPD_Pitt01_UnionNote02 | 00667878 | |
Good luck | 76Chargen_ExitSuppliesNote | 0066EFC7 | |
Goodbye Cliffy | XPD_Pitt02_FanaticNote02 | 0065450E | |
Hearing things | XPD_Pitt02_FanaticNote05 | 006547F9 | |
Hellcat contract | XPD_Pitt01_HellcatContractNote | 006697EF | |
I'm getting out of this town | XPD_Pitt01_GettingOutNote | 0063E342 | |
It rang | XPD_Pitt01_PreWarNote02 | 006689B1 | |
Janitor notes | XPD_Pitt02_JanitorNote1 | 0065DFB8 0065DFB7 0065DFBC | |
Labor yard openings | XPD_Pitt02_Note_LaborYardOpenings | 00668359 | |
Memo to team | XPD_Pitt02_MemoNote01 | 00653FE0 | |
My noose | XPD_Pitt02_Note_MyNoose | 0065C0CF | |
My sweet baby boy | XPD_Pitt01_SweetBabyBoyNote | 0063E33E | |
Ness Myers | XPD_Pitt02_LaborerNote03 | 0065378C | |
New shipment: heads up | XPD_Pitt01_HiddenCrate_NewShipmentNote | 00644A5E | |
Nighttime | XPD_Pitt02_LaborerNote02 | 0065378B | |
No escape | XPD_Pitt02_LaborerNote04 | 0065378D | |
Office pranks memo | XPD_Pitt02_Note_MemoRegardingOfficePranks | 0066835B | |
Pitt. Union Railroad worker note | XPD_Pitt02_RailroadWorkerNote | 0065DFBA | |
Priest's letter | XPD_Pitt02_PriestLetter01 | 006547F8 | |
Product ID cheat sheet | XPD_Pitt02_Note_ProductIdCheatSheet | 0066835C | |
Safe haven | XPD_Pitt02_Note_SafeHaven | 0065C0D1 | |
Scavenger's journal | XPD_Pitt01_HiddenCrate_ScavengersJournal | 00644A5F | |
Scrapbot recovery log | XPD_Pitt01_HiddenCrate_ScrapbotRecoveryLog | 00644A62 | |
Sealed away | XPD_Pitt02_LaborerNote01 | 0065378A | |
Shopping list | XPD_Pitt01_ShoppingListNote | 0063E33C | |
Sore all over | XPD_Pitt01_SurvivorNote01 | 00667877 | |
Stolen supplies | XPD_Pitt01_HiddenCrate_ObjectiveNote | 0064C666 | |
Test results | XPD_Pitt02_FanaticNote03 | 0065450F | |
The Hellcats' new assignment | XPD_Pitt02_Note_HellcatsNewAssignment | 006686DC | |
Time enough at last | XPD_Pitt01_TimeEnoughAtLast | 00668D00 | |
Tonight's entertainment | XPD_Pitt02_FanaticNote04 | 00654510 | |
Top donors | XPD_Pitt02_DonorListNote_01 | 00653FE1 | |
To-do: | XPD_Hub_Debbie_ToDoList | 0062FE8F | |
Trogs | XPD_Pitt02_Note_Trogs | 0065C0D3 | |
Union missive | XPD_Pitt01_UnionMissiveNote | 0063E33D | |
Wall instructions | XPD_Pitt02_Notebook01 | 00653789 | |
Warden's note | XPD_Pitt01_WardensNote | 0063E340 | |
Warning shots | XPD_Pitt01_UnionNote01 | 00667876 | |
Waste storage memo | XPD_Pitt02_Note_WasteStorageInstructions | 0066E177 | |
Wishlist | XPD_Pitt01_UnionNote03 | 006689B0 |
Nuka-World on Tour[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
Angry note | NWOT_Note_Pat_01 | 00663BC6 | |
Betty's journal | NWOT_Journal_Betty_01 | 0066AFAE | |
Complaint to a mad man | E09D_GunthersComplaints02 | 006669EA | |
Del's journal | NWOT_Journal_Del_01 | 0066AFAD | |
Gunther's journal | NWOT_Journal_Gunther_01 | 0066AFAF | |
Jack's journal | NWOT_Journal_Dead_Bloodeagle | 006644DF | |
Note to Pete | NWOT_Note_Betty_01 | 00683E50 | |
Pat's journal | NWOT_Journal_Pat_01 | 0066AFB0 | |
Pete's Bandit Roundup highscores | NWOT_Note_Pete_01 | 00683E4F | |
Pete's journal | NWOT_Journal_Pete_Poems | 00663BC7 | |
Terrible show | E09D_GunthersComplaints01 | 00666863 | |
Torn note | W09A_PointerNote | 0066DE2E | |
Ultracite mining journal | W09A_RaiderJournal | 0067BC89 |
Once in a Blue Moon[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
A blessed gift | Moon_Ambush_Cultist_Note2 | 006CACA2 | |
A worthy sacrifice | Moon_Ambush_Cultist_Note | 006AC411 | |
Eugenie's letter | Costa Business: Eugenie | MOON_SQ02_Eugenie_Note | 006A9838 |
G. Timmerman, last words | Costa Business: Carver | MOON_SQ07_Carver_Note_02 | 006A9962 |
Get RICH quick! | S13_JoeyBello_Note01 | 006CA794 | |
Investigation report | MOON_Herd_Lore_Note_01 | 006D7987 | |
Letter to Vera | MOON_Herd_VeraLetter | 0069067C | |
Note from Greg | Costa Business: Carver | MOON_SQ07_Carver_Note_01 | 006A9961 |
Pitstop note | MOON_Herd_ClydeNote | 006BEE38 | |
Rudy's shopping list | Costa Business: Rudy | MOON_SQ04_Rudy_ShoppingList | 006ACE99 |
They got me good | Protocol Adonais | MOON_SQ08_Aries_Lore_RaiderNote | 006CAC83 |
Weird note | Protocol Adonais | MOON_SQ08_Aries_Lore_6Y22YE | 006D1C33 |
Welcome to the Wasteland | NPE_DonationBox_V76_Note | 006EFF1D | |
Writings of Jacque | Costa Business: Herschel | Moon_SQ05_Page1 Moon_SQ05_Page2 Moon_SQ05_Page3 Moon_SQ05_Page4 Moon_SQ05_Page5 |
006A4255 006A4256 006A4257 006A4258 006A4259 |
Expeditions: Atlantic City[]
Boardwalk Paradise[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
A distraction | XPD_AC01_Note_HeistNoteADistraction | 0073C3B6 | |
A life without Keith | NPE_POIRaider_KeithDeath1 | 00739AEC | |
Advance payment | XPD_AC01_Note_DeanCarlsenAdvancePayment | 0073C3B9 | |
An offer | XPD_AC01_Note_AnOffer | 0073C3B4 | |
Apology note | XPD_AC01_ApologyNote | 006D00A2 | |
Blood case | XPD_AC01_Note_HeistNoteBloodCase | 0073C3B7 | |
Camouflaged bastard | XPDAC02_AquariumNote05 | 006DE688 | |
Come back soon | AC_MQ_IngramMansionRenovations_Note | 006C20BA | |
Comrades in arms | NPE_ComradesInArms_Note | 0073DBE5 | |
Concerta Lombardi | XPD_AC01_Note_HeistNoteConcerta | 0073C3BD | |
Dean Carlsen | XPD_AC01_Note_HeistNoteDeanCarlsen | 0073C3B8 | |
Do You Want to Feel Alive? | XPD_AC02_Note_FeelAlive | 00748F49 | |
Doomed | NPE_POIRaider_KeithDeath2 | 00739AED | |
Forgive me | XPD_AC03_DrunkNote01 | 006CDC2B | |
Front desk note | XPD_AC01_Note_FrontDeskNote | 0073C3BC | |
Gene's invoice | XPD_AC01_LetterToBilly | 006D00A6 | |
Geologist's note | NPE_OrganCave_Note_GeologistNote | 0073E3C7 | |
Imposter! | AC_MQ02_Stage_Imposter | 00729C0E | |
Interrogation report | XPD_AC01_Note_Names | 0073C3BB | |
Kit Ryder | XPD_AC01_Note_HeistNoteKitRyder | 0073C3BE | |
Letter to Billy | XPD_AC01_LetterToBilly | 006D00A6 | |
The lone vulture | XPD_AC02_Note_LoneVulture | 00748F4C | |
Letter to Charlotte | XPD_AC01_LetterToCharlotte | 006D00A7 | |
Missing funds | XPD_AC01_Note_MissingFunds | 0073A9A6 | |
The Mouse and the Bull | The Most Sensational Game | XPD_AC02_Note_MouseAndBull | 00748F4D |
My babies | XPDAC02_RooftopNote01 | 006E8435 | |
Nathan Broadhurst's autobiogrophy | NPE_NoteNathanRedSox | 0072BC30 | |
Necessary repairs | XPD_AC01_NecessaryRepairs | 006D00A4 | |
North wing implosion | XPDAC02_AquariumNote04 | 006DE687 | |
Not enough | AC_MQ02_Stage_NotEnough | 00729C0C | |
Old coot | XPDAC02_SniperNote01 | 006E1C43 | |
One last bet | XPD_AC02_Note_OneLastBet | 00ASTBET | |
Out of order | XPD_AC01_OutofOrder | 006D00A3 | |
Power consumption report | XPDAC01_Note_PowerConsumptionReport | 0073C3C0 | |
Quartermaster's report | NPE_QuartermastersReport_Note | 0073DBE3 | |
Ryder journal page | XPD_AC01_Note_RyderJournalPage | 0073C3B5 | |
Scatterbrained | AC_SQ05_BillyNoteToConcerta | 006FCFBB | |
Setting up camp | NPE_BoSNote | 0072B570 | |
Showmen approved acts | XPDAC01_Note_ApprovedActs | 0073C3BF | |
Still trapped | XPDAC02_AquariumNote02 | 006DE685 | |
Thank you for your order! | XPD_AC01_Note_Haberdashery | 0073A9A7 | |
Supreme Gourmet | XPDAC02_CastVote01 | 006DE1D9 | |
The strategy | NPE_TheStrategy_Note | 0073DBE4 | |
Tim's letter | XPD_AC01_TimsLetter | 006D00A5 | |
To Addie | NPE_ToAddie_Note | 0073DBE2 | |
To Sal | XPD_AC01_FromConcertaToSal | 006D00A1 | |
Trapped | XPDAC02_AquariumNote0 | 006DE686 | |
The Ultimate Challenge | XPD_AC02_Note_UltimateChallenge | 00748F4B | |
Unaccounted blood | XPD_AC01_Note_UnaccountedBlood | 0073C3BA | |
Vitality jelly | XPDAC02_JellyNote01 | 006DE1D8 | |
Worry | XPDAC02_AquariumNote03 | 006DE684 | |
Your mission | NPE_YourMission_Note | 0073DBE6 |
America's Playground[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
A new world | XPD_AC_CityHall_Note_ANewWorld | 0076D091 | |
Adelaide reminder | S16_Adelaide_Note01 | 0074F553 | |
Adelaide's autograph | S16_Adelaide_Note_Autograph | 007521DC | |
Big, dumb nuisance | Custodial Compulsions | AC_SQ03_Custodial_BigDumbNuisance_Note | 00744F52 |
Change of plans | Regent of the Dead | AC_SQ05_PianoNote | 006FCFBC |
Craig's bag | XPD_AC03_CraigsBagNote | 006CDC2F | |
Curtain call | Custodial Compulsions | AC_SQ03_Custodial_CurtainCall_Note | 00744F53 |
Happy coincidence | Regent of the Dead | AC_SQ05_Note_HappyCoincidence | 0076973A |
Hells Eagles | Hells Eagles | AC_SQ01_HellsEagles_FinaleNote | 0075C8BB |
In the details | Regent of the Dead | AC_SQ05_Code | 00726DD6 |
Job posting | Regent of the Dead | AC_SQ05_Flyer | 006FCFBA |
Journal: Hot Pursuit | Hells Eagles | AC_SQ01_HellsEagles_HotPursuit_Journal | 0075C8B8 |
Journal: Lion's Den | Hells Eagles | AC_SQ01_HellsEagles_LionsDen_Journal | 0075C8B9 |
Just my luck! | XPD_AC03_DevilsBloodNote01 | 006D1DC6 | |
Last confession | AC_MQ04_LastConfession | 00727C9A | |
Losing my grip | AC_MQ04_Losing | 00727C9B | |
Medical 'donations' | XPD_AC03_Note_Donations | 006EB437 | |
Method acting mandate | Custodial Compulsions | AC_SQ03_Custodial_MethodActingMandate_Note | 00744F51 |
Moving to a safer home | XPD_AC03_AbandonedHomeNote | 0076BCAD | |
My own room | AC_MQ04_ToAntonio | 00727C9E | |
No place like home | XPD_AC03_Note_Home | 006EB436 | |
Note to Dimples | All the World's a Stage | AC_MQ02_Stage_NoteToDimples | 00729C0D |
Nothing to see here | XPD_AC03_Note_Nothing | 006EB42F | |
Perimeter breach | XPD_AC03_Note_Perimeter | 006EB430 | |
Physician's note | Regent of the Dead | XPD_AC_SQ05_Note_PhysiciansNote | 0074F520 |
Q | XPD_AC03_Note_Q | 006EB432 | |
Quentino's note | AC_SQ05_QuentinoNote | 00726DD5 | |
Respectfully, no | XPD_AC03_Note_RespectfullyNo | 006EB435 | |
Reminder | Regent of the Dead | AC_SQ05_ExtraHint | 0075DF89 |
Rot | XPD_AC03_Note_Ro | 006EB431 | |
Supply request | AC_SQ05_Note_SupplyRequest | 0074F521 | |
The Rose Room Review | AC_MQ04_Review | 00727C9D | |
Surly's note | Hells Eagles | AC_SQ01_HellsEagles_SurlysNote | 0073BE79 |
To Evelyn | AC_MQ04_EvelynLetter | 00727C9C | |
To Oscar | Hells Eagles | AC_SQ01_HellsEagles_ToOscarNote | 0075C8BA |
To the arbiter | Regent of the Dead | AC_SQ05_Note_ToArbiter | 00769739 |
To Tony | Regent of the Dead | XPD_AC_SQ05_Note_ToTony | 0074F51F |
To Vin | AC_MQ04_GoodbyeSon | 00727C99 | |
Unnecessary questions | XPD_AC03_Note_UnnecessaryQuestions | 006EB434 | |
Urgent message for R. Dunwich and C. Blackhall | XPD_AC03_Note_FloodedCityDunwichandNate | 00732740 | |
Vin's to-do list | AC_MQ_VinsToDoList | 006EC5F7 | |
Wild child | XPD_AC03_Note_WildChild | 006EB433 |
Skyline Valley[]
Name | Quest | Editor ID | Form ID |
A father's lament | Storm_AFathersLament_Bus | 0076DCA1 | |
A long day | Storm_Atrium_LongDayAtWork | 00726E6E | |
A warning | Between The Lines | Storm_MQ04_Optional5 | 0072EE21 |
Accident | Storm_WeatherNote_notToPlan | 00768EDB | |
Accusation | Storm_SkyboundTower_Accusations | 006E8F60 | |
Alfie's journal | Housekeeping for Hire | Storm_MQ07_AlfiesJournal | 0076FFB2 |
All dead | Storm_BlueRidgeCamp_FinalNote | 007454ED | |
Anniversary letter | Between The Lines | Storm_MQ04_AnniversaryLetter | 0075DE1C |
Art lessons | Between The Lines | Storm_MQ04_ArtLessons | 0075DE19 |
Audrey's diary page | Storm_WeatherLab_AudreyConcernsAboutOberlin_Note | 0076C9AC | |
Bee's diary pages | Storm_SteelJackNote_01 | 00746233 | |
Bee's final note | Storm_Bees_finalNote | 00746238 | |
Being watched | Storm_BlueRidgeCamp_Note2 | 007454F0 | |
Ben's diary entries | Storm_Scout_Diary_Bus | 006DF052 | |
Betty's diner | Storm_BettysDiner_RedRocket | 006E2D6A | |
Birthday letter from dad | Storm_BirthdayLetterFromDad_Bus | 006DF051 | |
Birthday letter from mom | Storm_BirthdayLetterFromMom_Bus | 006DF050 | |
Blaire's notes | Oldest Trick in the Book | Storm_MQ06_BlairsNote | 00786C90 |
Braille note | Between The Lines | Storm_MQ04_HugoPt1_BrailleNote | 0075DE1D |
Camp fire tale | Storm_GhostStory01_Camp | 0075379D | |
Camp recruitment drive | Storm_Notice01_Camp | 0075379E | |
Camp rules | Storm_SkyboundTower_Peace | 006E8F5F | |
Cassidy's journal | Between The Lines | Storm_MQ04_CassidyJournal | 0072EE24 |
Charleston Herald: Mystery Disappearance | Between The Lines | Storm_MQ04_Optional2 | 0072EE23 |
Chef's memo | Double-Crossed Wires | Storm_MQ09_RaiderNote | 0076C9AE |
Concerned about Victor | Storm_V63Organics_ConcernedVictor | 0076DD04 | |
Construction delays | Storm_HCave_note | 006CADBA | |
Convoy driver's diary entry | Storm_Note_ManorGroundsCarPark | 0074E68F | |
Cultists sermon notes | Seeking Shelter | Storm_MQ05_CultistsSermonNotes | 0077152B |
Current orders | Storm_Manor_GuardsNote | 0077F050 | |
Date night | Storm_MakeoutPoint_FatherlyLove | 006F7A2E | |
Dead subject | Storm_V63Organics_DeadAnimal | 0075E5C2 | |
Dead woman's note | Storm_TradingPost_JewelsNote02 | 00713F94 | |
Dear Audrey | Storm_WeatherNote_DearAudrey | 00768EDD | |
Dear diary | Storm_SkyboundTower_DiaryEntry | 006E8F61 | |
Debt collection | Storm_DebtCollection_Motel | 006E2D6C | |
Disturbing Moe notes | Storm_Moe_RandomEncounter_Note01 Storm_Moe_RandomEncounter_Note02 Storm_Moe_RandomEncounter_Note03 |
0078DCC7 (Note 01) 0078DCC6 (Note 02) 0078DCC8 (Note 03) | |
Easy read stress test | Storm_Test_EasyReadStressTest | 007299FA | |
EYES OPEN | Storm_WoodstockTower_Supermutant | 007464E4 | |
Fasnacht mask donation basket | Fasnacht Day | Fasnacht_Mask_Donation_Basket_Note | 00786DF2
Final words | Storm_FinalWords_Camp | 0076DD03 | |
Freezing rules | Storm_V63Organics_Freezer | 006EDEDC | |
Getting worse | Storm_BlueRidgeCamp_Note3 | 007454EE | |
Handle with care | Storm_V63Organics_Traincart | 006EDEDB | |
Harvester risks | Dangerous Pastimes | Storm_E01_Harvester_Concerns | 0074E692 |
Hiding out | Storm_HiddenMoney_Motel | 007677B9 | |
Hugo must pay | Storm_CultistTunnels_Note_AlexJournal01 | 006F9B9E | |
Hunger strike | Storm_WeatherNote_Snacks | 00768EDF | |
I miss her | Storm_CultistTunnels_Note_AlexJournal02 | 00787A91 | |
Instructions for hitman | Between The Lines | Storm_MQ04_HugoPt1_InstructionsForHitman | 0075DE18 |
James' last words | Storm_TradingPost_JamesNote02 | 00713F93 | |
James' note | Storm_TradingPost_JamesNote01 | 006F8E4A | |
Jewel's note | Storm_TradingPost_JewelsNote01 | 006F8E4B | |
Johnny's note | Between The Lines | Storm_MQ04_JohnnysNote | 0076FFB1 |
Leader's journal | Double-Crossed Wires | Storm_MQ09_Leader_Journal | 0076C9AF |
Leave a mark | Storm_HighKnobFireTowerInterior_Painting | 0072FA49 | |
Love letter | Between The Lines | Storm_MQ04_HugoPt1_LetterFromAlexToAudrey | 0075DE1B |
Love, mother | Storm_CultistTunnels_Note_OldMiner | 00745C69 | |
Mad ramblings | Storm_V63Organics_MadRamblings01 | 0076DCFF | |