Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Characters shown here are grouped by their initial location.

DeadCharacter starts game dead.
SpawnedCharacter only appears under certain conditions or as part of a quest.
EssentialCharacter is essential.
DoctorCharacter provides doctor services, i.e. healing, cleansing radiation and curing addictions.
MerchantCharacter can be traded with.
CompanionCharacter is a companion.

Player character[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Player determined 00000007 00000014 Vault 76

Other player characters[]

23 or more other player characters may be on the same server as the player character. Their characters' names will be shown as their Bethesda.net usernames regardless of platform or their characters' names.[1] Player characters can fight and trade with any other character and can form up to four member teams with them.

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Account username Yes Yes Yes Vault 76

Base game characters[]

Brotherhood of Steel characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Paladin Elizabeth Taggerdy Dialogue Yes 002894BE 0026B33E Glassed cavern
Kerry No Yes 00076A05 00121C7D Watoga Civic Center
Knight Esposito No Yes Mentioned
Knight Gary Weber No Yes 0043C463 Mentioned
Scribe Grant McNamara No Yes 002894C2 Mentioned
Scribe Hailey Takano No 0027BD12 Mentioned
Squire Hannah de Silva No Yes Mentioned
Knight Johnny Moreno No Yes 0026B313 Mentioned
High Elder Roger Maxson No 0000729B Mentioned
Paladin Swafford No Yes Mentioned
Senior Knight Ted Wilson No Yes 002894CA Mentioned
Knight "Tex" Rogers No Yes 002B730B Mentioned
Vendor bot Phoenix Dialogue Yes 003C17F6 003C180B Watoga Shopping Plaza

Enclave characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Sergeant Donnelley No Yes 003CB966 Mentioned
General Ellen Santiago No Yes 0039E69A Mentioned
Agent Jefferson Grey No Yes 003621C6 003621D6 Abandoned waste dump
MODUS Dialogue Yes Yes 0005252B 003AAC73
The Whitespring bunker
MODUS armory terminal Yes Yes 0037E55A 002A3B3B
The Whitespring bunker
MODUS medical terminal Yes Yes 0037E558 003AAC48
The Whitespring bunker
MODUS production terminal Yes Yes 0037E553 002A4980
The Whitespring bunker
MODUS science terminal Yes Yes 0037E556 001198D3
The Whitespring bunker
Captain N. Jackson No Yes 003CB044 Mentioned
Major Ragnarsdottir Dialogue Yes 004E21E1 Mentioned
President Thomas Eckhart Dialogue Yes 0039E699 Mentioned
General T. Harper No Yes Mentioned

Free States characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Abigayle Singh Dialogue 0010D868 Mentioned
Cedric No Yes 004FD285 004FD287 Arktos Pharma
Caleb Carson No Yes Carson family bunker
Courtney Kelly No Yes 003E4D0A 0001BE18 North of Valley Galleria
Duncan McKann No Yes 003EB39A 00332A0E Dyer Chemical
Ella Ames No Yes 004F42F3 004F42F4 Southhampton Estate
Hardball Dialogue 001324E6 00132527 North of Valley Galleria
Jacob Lerner No Yes 00439977 0037084C Valley Galleria
Jacqueline Murphy No Yes 003E4D0B 00018FE4 North of Valley Galleria
Jesus Sunday No Yes 003CDE99 003CDE9A Sunday Brothers' cabin
Juan Diego Sunday No Mentioned
Kendyll Sims No Yes 003EB39B 00332A0D Dyer Chemical
Kora No Yes 003337EA Random encounter
Lucy Harwick No Yes 003EB39C 00011BF0 Dyer Chemical
Nari Samir No Yes 003EB394 001849EF Southern Belle Motel
Niraj Singh Dialogue 00071980 Mentioned
Raleigh Clay Dialogue 002E5B71 Mentioned
Randy Calloway No Yes 003EB393 001894E4 South of Haven Church
Rover Dialogue Yes 00019282 Relay tower EM-B1-27, Relay tower LW-B1-22
Senator Sam Blackwell No Yes 001999BF Sam Blackwell's bunker
Sara Samir No Yes 003EB39D 00332A0B Dyer Chemical
Vendor bot Wallace Dialogue Yes 003C17F3 003C1805 Berkeley Springs Station

Raider characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Bosley No Yes 00097335 00389CD4 Pioneer Scout lookout
Brody Torrance No 00347306 Mentioned
Carol Sweeney No Yes 0009733C 003CF7F3 Big Bend Tunnel
David Thorpe No Yes 004EA3FB 002F0343 Big Fred's BBQ Shack
Edie Stevens No Yes 001A4D44 00398910 Wendigo cave
Freddie Lang No Yes Blackwater Mine
Henrick No Yes 00097339 0038C027 Grafton Steel
Jim No Yes 00097336 00377782 Raider outhouse and moat
Kerry No Yes 00347301 003472FF Lewisburg
Margie McClintock No Yes 004EA5B8 004EA5BB Palace of the Winding Path
Milo No Yes Twin Lakes
Morris Stevens No Yes Wendigo cave
Rosalynn Jeffries No Yes 003CD2D0 003CD2D2 Charleston Capitol Courthouse
Rose Dialogue 0019C051 0019C053 Top of the World
Vendor bot Raider Dialogue Yes 00430336
Sutton Station
Sunnytop Station
Pleasant Valley Station
R&G Station
Vendor bot Resin Dialogue Yes 003C17F5 003C1809 Pleasant Valley Ski Resort
Walter Griswold No Yes 004E35E6 004E35EC Huntersville

Responders characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Sgt. Allemane No Yes 0050F878 0050D905 Big Bend Tunnel West
Amy Kerry No Yes 004F8806 0033F7D0 Cow Spots Creamery
Andrew Rhodes No Yes 003CDB49 003CDB4A Belching Betty
Bernie Dialogue 0007B8A7 003AAB6E Belching Betty
Caleb Widmer No Yes 0052072B 00429A85 Morgantown Airport terminal
Doctor Claire Hudson Dialogue 0039E6A6 Mentioned
Colonel Dialogue Yes 003D1579 003D157A Flatwoods
Sgt. Cominsky No Yes 0050F880 0050F889 Big Bend Tunnel
Major Darion Jones No Yes 002E669D 002E66A5 Seneca Rocks Visitor Center
Dassa Ben-Ami No Yes 003D1556 003D1557 Flatwoods
Reverend Delbert Winters No Yes 0050F909 003AD722 Flatwoods
Hank Madigan Dialogue Yes 004E25A1 00510456 Top of the World
Sgt. Holstein No Yes 0050F881 0050F887 Big Bend Tunnel East
Jeff Nakamura No 00235D8E Mentioned
Kesha McDermott No Yes 003E98D4 003E98E7 Flatwoods
Maria Chavez Dialogue Yes 0050BDE5 0050BDE6 Morgantown Airport terminal
Maxine Ballard No Yes 003CDB47 003CDB48 Belching Betty
Melody Larkin Dialogue 00235D8D Mentioned
Miguel Caldera No Yes 0043BAF6 0043BAF7 Morgantown Airport
Mr. Fluffy Dialogue 004F67DF 003A1FF1 Morgantown Airport
Paul No Yes 0007071D 00131822 Vault 76
Responder courier No Yes 004392D7 0043931B North of Gauley Mine
Responder Rocky No Yes 003ACCF7 005103C9 Morgantown Airport
Rita Wilcox No Yes 0051C957 0051C64C Belching Betty
Sanjay Kumar No 00235D8C Mentioned
Scott Shepherd No Yes 003D1554 003D1555 Flatwoods
Sofie Yates No Yes 003D1558 003D1559 Flatwoods
Steelheart Dialogue 002ACF4E 002ACF4F Morgantown
Sylvester Tate No Yes 0051D35A 0051C64A Belching Betty
Timothy Wolfe No Yes 0051D371 0051D372 Belching Betty
Vendor bot Bob Dialogue Yes 0030BAB0 0030B167 Flatwoods
Vendor bot Chad Dialogue Yes 003C17F1 003C17FD Camden Park
Vendor bot Greg Dialogue Yes 003C17F2 003C1801 Grafton
Vendor bot Mack Dialogue Yes 003C17E7 003C1803 Charleston Fire Department
Vendor bot Responder Dialogue
Yes 00430363
Grafton Station
Morgantown Station
Charleston Station
Welch Station
Lewisburg Station
Random encounter

Vault 76[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Vault Dweller (player character) No No Yes Yes 000000F9 ???????? Appalachia
Vault 76 overseer Dialogue Yes Yes 001827F9 0053F6BD Overseer's home
Alderton Dialogue Yes 004F97ED 004F586B Vault 76
Cavendish Dialogue Yes 004F79EA 004F5868 Vault 76
Crowley Dialogue Yes 004F79F0 003706D1 Vault 76
Crutchley Dialogue Yes 003472ED 003472EE Vault 76
Higgenbottom Dialogue Yes 004F79EB 004F5869 Vault 76
Merriman Dialogue Yes 004F79EF 003706D0 Vault 76
Pennington Dialogue Yes 003ADE30 003ADE33 Vault 76 exterior
Poole Dialogue Yes 004F79EC 004F586A Vault 76
Worthy Dialogue Yes 004F79EE 003706CF Vault 76

The Whitespring Resort[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Alexis Dialogue Yes 0037D9C1 0037D9D9 The Whitespring Resort
Aloe Dialogue 0037D972 0037D9D7 The Whitespring Resort
Antoine Dialogue Yes 0037D9C9 0037D9DC The Whitespring Resort
Bubbles Dialogue Yes 0037D9BB 0037D9CE The Whitespring Resort
Cap'n Dialogue Yes 0037D9BB 0037D9CE The Whitespring Resort
Carolyn Dialogue 003A2939 0039BE9E The Whitespring Resort
Cheryl Dialogue 003A293A 0039BE9D The Whitespring Resort
Clarice Dialogue 003A293B 0039BE9C The Whitespring Resort
Cunningham Dialogue Yes 0037D9BF 0037D9DA The Whitespring Resort
Cynthia Dialogue 003A2938 0039BE9F The Whitespring Resort
Doc Stanley Dialogue Yes 0037D9C0 0037D9CF The Whitespring Resort
Flauresca Dialogue Yes 0037D9BE 0037D9D0 The Whitespring Resort
Flintlock Dialogue Yes 0037D9D3 0037D9D4 The Whitespring Resort
Friedrich Dialogue Yes 0037D9CB 0037D9DE The Whitespring Resort
Helena Dialogue Yes 0037D971 0037D9D5 The Whitespring Resort
Lotus No Yes 003C7A14 003CDB45 The Whitespring Resort
Margaret Dialogue 003A2937 0039BE9D The Whitespring Resort
Marie Dialogue Yes 0037D9C8 0037D9DB The Whitespring Resort
Pendleton Dialogue 0037D9C7 0037D9DF The Whitespring Resort
Robert Dialogue 0039BD0D 0037D96F The Whitespring Resort
Stratford Dialogue 003A2940 003A294D The Whitespring Resort
Tannin Dialogue Yes 0037D9AD 0037D9CD The Whitespring Resort
Tweed Dialogue Yes 0037D9BC 0037D9D1 The Whitespring Resort
Vera Dialogue 0037D9C4 0037D9D6 The Whitespring Resort
The Whitespring Station vendor Dialogue Yes 00430332 00430333 The Whitespring Station

Miscellaneous characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Auto-Miner D3-B Dialogue 003298EF 0038C1F9 Abandoned mine shaft Elaine
Auto-Miner DU-K3 Dialogue 003298F1 0038F0FE Abandoned mine site Kittery
Auto-Miner H4N-K Dialogue 003298F0 0038C1FB Abandoned mine shaft Elaine
Auto-Miner J-0ULE Dialogue 003298F2 0038F100 Abandoned mine site Kittery
Auto-Miner J03-L Dialogue 003298EE 0038C1FA Abandoned mine shaft Elaine
Auto-Miner L4R-E Dialogue 003298F3 0038F0FF Abandoned mine site Kittery
Barbara Elizabeth Dialogue Yes 00222788 0022278C Watoga Municipal Center
Beckham Dialogue 00275BC6 00527C7C Event Irrational Fear
Bellhop Dialogue 004E601C 004E601D Pleasant Valley Ski Resort
Billingsley Dialogue 0006BE57 0006BE59 Bolton Greens
Blackwater Auto-Foreman Dialogue 000364F5 00036516 Blackwater Mine
Blake Saunders No Yes Between The Freak Show and Monorail elevator
Boomer Dialogue 0015C694 002B5BB6 Southern Belle Motel
The Boss Dialogue 00320E70 00320E73 Camden Park
"Buzz" Yates No Yes 000A0E32 0000CF4E Flatwoods
Camden Park security Dialogue 00320E76 00320E72 Camden Park
Carl No Yes Camden Park
Census taker Dialogue 001E94A1 Event Census Violence
Chief Dialogue 00008A19 00365102 Watoga Emergency Services
Civil War reenactor No Yes 0052E479
Random encounter
Chally the moo-moo No Yes 001949E0 0044D49F Travels with Grahm
Chloe Dialogue 0018E0BE 0018E0D0 Berkeley Springs
Collectron Appalachia
Cryptos Dialogue 00345D6A Riverside Manor
Dave No Yes The Freak Show
DMV bots 0027E525
Charleston Capitol Building
Escaped inmate No Yes 00527557 Random encounter
Eta Psi Protectron Dialogue 003F290A 003F290B Eta Psi House
Evan No Yes 0052EE13 0052EC00 Mount Blair
Ford No Yes 002C60E0 Random encounter
Gary No Yes Gilman lumber mill
Giles Sweetwater Dialogue 001115EC 00111801 The Giant Teapot
Grafton mayor Dialogue 0004DB33 0030A74C Grafton
Grahm Dialogue Yes Yes 0017F096 0044D49E Traveling merchant
Greaser corpse No Yes 0052E47C Random encounter
Gunter No Yes 0020A57B 004ED183 Helvetia
Harrison Malone Yes Yes 00127E5F Event Manhunt
Hemlock Holes cook Dialogue 0023C838 0023C83C Hemlock Holes
Huntmaster Dialogue 00451771 003875FC Black Bear Lodge
Isaac Hammond No Yes ATLAS Observatory
J47 No Yes 002A6DE7 Charleston Capitol Building
Jack O' Lantern Dialogue 00318F9B 00318F9D Pumpkin House
John Aaronholt No Yes 003C854E 003C854F Aaronholt homestead
Kassie No Yes Monorail elevator
Preacher Levenson Dialogue 003B8148 Random encounter
Lowell Aaronholt No Yes 003C854C 003C854D Aaronholt homestead
MAIA Dialogue 002F0519 002F0515 Watoga Municipal Center
Markus No Yes Shadowbreeze Apartments
Mia Dialogue 0052EE01 Random encounter
Master Sergeant Gutsy Dialogue 00182093 001820C6 Camp McClintock
Miss Annie Dialogue 002C4612 002C4613 Wavy Willard's Water Park
Moncrief No Yes Landview Lighthouse
The Motherlode Dialogue 002C3EB4 Hornwright Industrial Headquarters
Mr. Barker Dialogue 003B7DD9 Random encounter
Mr Herder Dialogue 0045DE03 Random encounter
Mr Prize-bot Dialogue 003E1B50 Random encounter
Mr Veterinarian Dialogue 004ECC78 Random encounter
Natasha Hunt No Yes 004E6116 003472FE Lewisburg
Old Nate No Yes 00511CBD Burdette Manor
Olivia Rivers No Yes 00358006 0035800A Seneca Rocks
Operations director 004EB1B0 Site Alpha, Site Bravo, Site Charlie
Otis Pike No Yes 004FE480 00228384 Grafton Dam
Pharmabot-JD7E Dialogue 0029DBBD 00356785 Silva homestead
Philip No Yes Relay tower HN-B1-12
PRC scientist No Yes 0043CF25 Random encounter
Prickett's Fort curator Dialogue 00268082 00268083 Prickett's Fort
Quartermaster Gutsy Dialogue 003401E7 003424DB Camp McClintock
Rachel Dialogue 003BE964 Random encounter
Reggie No Yes 00097336 0037D112 Hopewell Cave
Rich Taylor No Yes Near Pylon V-13
Scott Turner No Yes 0022278B 0022278D Abandoned Bog Town
Shannon Rivers No Yes 00358005 00358009 Seneca Rocks
Shawn Aaronholt No Yes 003C8551 003C8553 Aaronholt homestead
Shooting range attendant Dialogue 00088ACC 0010BAA1 Clarksburg Shooting Club
Supervisor Chattingham Yes 00293A01 00432FC1 Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center
Supervisor Danforth Yes 00293A01 0000C082 Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center
Supervisor Wellington Yes 00293A01 0000BFB6 Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center
Treasure hunter No Yes 0031C8AC Random encounter
Trick-or-treater No Yes 003E18A3
Random encounter
Tumblin' Joe No Yes 004FB2E8 004FB2FB New River Gorge ropes course
Vincent May-Lilly Dialogue 0008F5B2 0008F5B5 Watoga High School
Vlad Dialogue 0052EE02 Random encounter
Waiter Alfred Dialogue Yes 0043A944 Bolton Greens
Waiter Bernard Dialogue Yes 0043A945 Bolton Greens
Waiter Clifford Dialogue Yes 0043A946 Bolton Greens
Waiter Desmond Dialogue Yes 0043A947 Bolton Greens
Waiter Elwood Dialogue Yes 0043A948 Bolton Greens
Warden Dialogue 003B91C1 00380138 Eastern Regional Penitentiary
Watoga vendor bot 0043032D 0043032E Watoga Station
Willie No Yes 004E102F Random encounter
Willie Mae No Yes 003D1552 003D1553 Flatwoods
Young woman No Yes 00345D7E Random encounter
Zach Dialogue 004FD286 004FD288 Camden Park
Zack No Yes 004FD286 004FD288 Freddy Fear's House of Scares
Zeke Dialogue 00320E8C 00320E91 Camden Park
Zoe Dialogue 00320E8E 00320E8F Camden Park

Wild Appalachia[]

Helvetia (Fasnacht Day)[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Cheerful Beekeeper Dialogue Yes 00498891 Helvetia
Convivial Historian Dialogue Yes 00498893 Helvetia
Gleeful Butcher Dialogue Yes 00498894 Helvetia
Happy Candlemaker Dialogue Yes 00498892 Helvetia
Jolly Baker Dialogue Yes 00498888 Helvetia
Joyous Musician Dialogue Yes 00498895 Helvetia
Jubilant Decorator Dialogue Yes 00498896 Helvetia
Master of Ceremonies Dialogue Yes 00498883 00498886 Helvetia
Merry Woodsman Dialogue Yes 00498897 Helvetia

The Whitespring Resort[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Brotherhood vendor Dialogue Yes Yes 004124AD 00412217 The Whitespring Resort
Free States vendor Dialogue Yes Yes 004124A9 00412211 The Whitespring Resort
Raiders vendor Yes Yes 004124AF 0041220F The Whitespring Resort
Responders vendor Yes Yes 004124B0 0041220D The Whitespring Resort
Shopping mall vendor Yes Yes 004124AE 00412215 The Whitespring Resort

Miscellaneous characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Anne Litzinger No Yes 0047838D ???????? Appalachia
Ansel Abrahms No Yes 0047838E ???????? Appalachia
ARIC-4 Dialogue Yes 0040C2AB ???????? Arktos Pharma
Badger No Yes ???????? ???????? Pi House
Big Bad Wolf No Yes ???????? ???????? Pylon ambush site
Bill Thomas No Yes ???????? ???????? Cabin near Kerwood Mine
Biv Dialogue Yes 0047BBFF 0047BC03 The Nukashine
Camp Counselor Nia No 00536742 00536743 Camp Adams
Cavit Klein No Yes 003F0747 ???????? Lewisburg
Cindy Holloway No Yes 0046486C 000581FC Campsite near Toxic Larry's Meat 'n Go
Clara Song Dialogue 00417C26 00417C25 RobCo Research Center
Fluffy No Yes 00483696 00483698 North of Site Alpha
Frank No Yes ???????? ???????? North of Site Alpha
Harvey Tinley No 00460735 ???????? Clarksburg
Insult Bot Dialogue 004845A9 ???????? Appalachia
Janelle Priblo No Yes 0046A5DE ???????? North of Hornwright air purifier site 04
Max Posey No Yes ???????? ???????? Pi House
Michael Turner No Yes 003F1865 00075344 Campsite near Toxic Larry's Meat 'n Go
Mr. Bandit Dialogue 00481F11 ???????? Appalachia
Mr. Squeeze Dialogue Yes Yes 00481F11 ???????? Appalachia
Pledge No Yes ???????? ???????? Pi House
Purveyor Murmrgh No Yes Yes 003F878E 00422154 Berkeley Springs Station
Quercus Dialogue Yes 005109E2 00454D47 Arktos Pharma
Ray Gary Dialogue Yes ???????? ???????? Welch
Raymond Priblo No Yes 003F5E8C ???????? North of Hornwright air purifier site 04
Reuben Gill Dialogue Yes 00424562 00424563 West of Gilman lumber mill
Scott Conroy No ???????? ???????? Sunken church
Sidney No Yes 003F0748 ???????? Lewisburg
Son of Fluffy No 004060AC 0041768D Near Site Alpha
Scout Leader Jaggy Dialogue Yes 0047F15E 0047F15F Pioneer Scout camp
Scout Leader Pompy Dialogue Yes 0047F165 0047F169 Kiddie Corner Cabins
Scout Leader Treadly Dialogue Yes 0047F168 0047F16A Dolly Sods Wilderness
Scout Leader Penny Dialogue Yes 0046A5BA 0046A5B8 Camp Adams
The Beast of Beckley No 003F5E80 ???????? Near Beckley
Pup of the Beast No 00404AAA ???????? Near Beckley

Nuclear Winter[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Billy Yes 0003E057 Vault 94
Cole Yes 0003E490 Vault 94
JES-2R Dialogue 005600A7 005600A8 Freddy Fear's House of Scares
Lucas Yes 002FB2A0 Vault 94
Red Yes 002FB625 Vault 94
ZAX Dialogue Yes 00406098 00000000 Vault 51


Anchor farm characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Daniel Dialogue 0053C301 0053E613 Anchor farm
Hannah Dialogue 0053C303 0053E614 Anchor farm
Murray Dialogue 0054ADEA 0054ADF2 Anchor farm
Ursala Dialogue 005895F8 0053E524 Anchor farm
Xavier Dialogue 005895FA 0053C501 Anchor farm

Blood Eagles characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
The Blood Dialogue Yes 005A1C07 ???????? Bloody Frank's
The Eye Dialogue Yes 005A1C09 ???????? Crimson Prospect
Frankie Beckett Dialogue Yes 00587A26 ???????? Watoga Underground
Frank the Butcher Dialogue Yes 0057CFE4 00554270 Bloody Frank's
Jessi the Hook Dialogue Yes 0057CFE3 0055426D Bloody Frank's
Star Dialogue Yes 005A1C08 ???????? Seneca Gang camp

Blue Ridge Caravan Company characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Aries Dialogue 0057502C 00575032 Big Bend Tunnel West
Carver Timmerman Dialogue Yes 0057502B 00575031 Big Bend Tunnel East
Eugenie Dialogue Yes 0056EFC8 0056EFCA Big Bend Tunnel East
Kieran Kennedy Dialogue 00560B15 00584B63 Big Bend Tunnel East
Libby Wen Dialogue 0057502A 00584B64 Big Bend Tunnel East
Rudy Fernandez Dialogue Yes 0057502D 00575034 Big Bend Tunnel West
Vinny Costa Dialogue 0056F557 0056F558 Big Bend Tunnel East

Free Radical characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Batter Dialogue 00405EAA 0040BD10 The Wayward
Davey Dialogue 0040F683 ???????? Player C.A.M.P.
Jacky Dialogue 00411F76 00411F7B WV Lumber Co.
Roper Dialogue 0040F684 00411F7A WV Lumber Co.

Raider characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Ae-Ri Dialogue No Yes 003FBC06 0040B2AE The Crater
Aldridge Dialogue Yes 0041B858 00575ACB SW of Philippi Battlefield Cemetery
Axel Dialogue No No 0053C249 005A24D8 The Crater
Barb Dialogue 0053C248 0053C232 Crater Core
Blackeye Dialogue No No 00595299 0055BDED Ohio River Adventures
Bruiser Dialogue 00595298 0055BDEC Ohio River Adventures
Deathklaus 0042F59D 0042F59F Watoga Civic Center
Bones Dialogue No No 0055B286 0055BE72 Ohio River Adventures
Caleb Fisher Dialogue No No 0040D481 0040D4D9 Crater Core
Creed Dialogue No No 0053C24A 0053C264 The Crater
Former raider Yes 00553EC9 ???????? Variable
Gail Dialogue No No 0041CB3C 00548D23 Crater Core
Glenn Dialogue 0042F588 0042F595 Watoga Civic Center
Gnash Dialogue 00598BB1 005993A8 Charleston
Hal Gleeson Dialogue 0042F54F 0042F599 Watoga Civic Center
Hijack Dialogue Yes 0040E02B 0040E02D Hornwright Industrial Headquarters
Johnny Weston Dialogue No No 0042F54B 0042F5D4 Crater Core
Kiyomi Dialogue 00554441 00554443 The Crater
Kogan Dialogue 0040D4BC 0040D4ED Crater watchstation
Lev Dialogue No No 0053C25A 005916A5 Crater Core
Lucky Lou Dialogue Yes 0040D47F 00559342 Carleton Mine
Maximum Maddie Dialogue 0042F597 0042F59C Watoga Civic Center
Meg Groberg Dialogue 003FE468 003FE469 Crater Core
Molly Dialogue Yes 003FBC03 0040B2AB The Crater
Mortimer Dialogue Yes 0058736B 0058736C Crater Core
Munch Dialogue No No 003FBC04 0040B2AD The Crater
Nuclear Don Dialogue 0042F59B 0042F5A0 Watoga Civic Center
Ra-Ra Dialogue No 0041CB3B 0041CB63 Crater Core
Raf Dialogue Yes 003FBC05 0040B2AC The Crater
Raider punk Dialogue Yes 0058E6FC 005A2539 Crater Core, Random encounters
Registration guard Dialogue 0042F589 0042F594 Watoga Civic Center
Rocksy Dialogue No No 0054DCFC 0054F9B5 The Crater
Ronny Dialogue Yes 005A0615 005A0617 Watoga Underground
Sargento Dialogue 0042F556 0042F59A Watoga Civic Center
Surge Dialogue 0053C269 005916A6 Crater Core
Weasel Dialogue Yes 0054EF61 00552745 Carleton Mine
Wren Dialogue 003FBC01 0040B2AF The Crater

Settler characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Aubrie Willem Dialogue Yes 003FCB0C 003FCB0E Secluded cave
Davie Taylor Dialogue No No 0042517A ???????? Foundation
Derrick Taylor Dialogue No No 00425173 004253A7 Foundation
Elsie Taylor Dialogue No No 0042517B 004253A8 Foundation
Sergeant Fred Radcliff Dialogue Yes 00405934 00405936 Ransacked bunker
Gate guard Dialogue 0059EA9F ???????? Foundation
Jen Dialogue No No 0041B767 0041B781 Founder's Hall
Agent Mochou Dialogue Yes 00570D56 00583E9D The Deep
Captain Oliver Fields Dialogue Yes 0040592F 00405935 Ransacked bunker
Paige Dialogue 003FC006 004173F3 Founder's Hall
Penelope Hornwright Dialogue 0040343C 0041B780 Hornwright Estate
Samuel Dialogue 0042517C 004253A9 Foundation
Settler forager Dialogue Yes 00582E47 ???????? Founder's Hall, Random encounters
Settler wanderer Dialogue Yes 00582E43 ???????? Random encounters
Sunny Dialogue Yes 00425182 004253A3 Foundation
Sergeant Thompson Dialogue Yes 00405931 00405937 Ransacked bunker
Ward Dialogue 00425171 004253AA Foundation

Secret Service characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
AC Dialogue 005427AA 005427AB Vault 79
Digger Dialogue 0054EE2D ???????? Vault 79
Mercy Dialogue 005427AF 005427B1 Vault 79
Pita Dialogue 005427A8 0054EE28 Vault 79
Regs Dialogue Yes 005A1BF6 0054EE24 Vault 79
Secret Service agent No Yes Yes ???????? ???????? Vault 79
Slick Dialogue 005427AC 0054EE25 Vault 79

The Wayward characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Bessie Dialogue 0042EDE0 0042EDE6 The Wayward
Cherise Dialogue Yes Yes 0059A664 0059A668 The Wayward
Crane Dialogue 0042482F 00424834 The Wayward
Duchess Dialogue Yes 00405EA1 00405EA3 The Wayward
Jide Dialogue 0042EDB9 0042EDCB The Wayward
Mort Dialogue 00405EAB 0040DB1B The Wayward
Patrons Dialogue Yes ???????? ???????? The Wayward
Polly Dialogue 0041A361 0042D278 The Wayward
Sol Dialogue 0041A363 0041A382 The Wayward
Smiley Dialogue Yes Yes 0058FEBE 0058FEC0 The Wayward

Miscellaneous characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Companion Form ID Ref ID Location
Artemis Dialogue Yes 005A1329 ???????? Sugar Grove
ATHENA Dialogue Yes 00574698 ???????? Sugar Grove
Beckett Dialogue No Yes Yes 005A0616 00582EA3 Rollins labor camp
Dr. Bethy Mangano Dialogue 005993D7 005993DD Clarksburg
Head Engineer Brass Dialogue No No No 00400490 004004A2 Vault-Tec University
Fuzzy Brenda Dialogue 00598B59 00598B5D Camden Park
Bronx Yes 0059F5F7 ???????? Ingram Mansion
Cannibal Dialogue ???????? ???????? Mountainside Bed & Breakfast
Carla Dialogue 00586360 ???????? Scene encounter hotspots
Child Dialogue 00568F84 ???????? Scene encounter hotspots
Davenport Dialogue 00544881 00544883 Overseer's home
Dino Dialogue 0058635E ???????? Scene encounter hotspots
Dontrelle Haines Dialogue 0057E1E2 0057E1E6 Morgantown Airport terminal
Dr. Dorothea Dias Dialogue Yes 00407F78 00407F82 RobCo Research Center
Dylan Rhodes Dialogue 005995D0 005995D1 Welch Station
Dr. Emerson Hale Dialogue Yes 00559EE0 ???????? Player C.A.M.P.
Estella No Yes Yes No No No 00400492 004004A4 Vault-Tec University
Frida Madani Dialogue 00599459 0059945B Garrahan Estate
Fritz Dialogue 00599465 00599467 The Whitespring
Gina Bailey Dialogue Yes 00407F7B 00407F86 RobCo Research Center
Gilbert Hopson Dialogue No 00596E59 00000000 Vault-Tec University
Greg Goldstein Dialogue Yes 00407F7A 00407F87 RobCo Research Center
Hubert Dialogue 00548A80 00548B29 Mountainside Bed & Breakfast
Heather Ellis Dialogue 005752D2 005782A3 Flatwoods
Isela Mejia Dialogue 00405EBE 00405EC2 Vault 76
James Addison No Yes ???????? ???????? The Deep
Joe Creigh Dialogue 00598B53 00598B5C Camp McClintock
Jonah Ito Dialogue 005982D8 00584B63 Fort Defiance
Julie Dialogue 0059B4C6 ???????? Appalachia Radio
Juliette Dialogue 00548A6B 00548A6C Mountainside Bed & Breakfast
Kelemen No Yes Yes No No No 00544D62 00544D63 Vault-Tec University
Agent Kensington No Yes 00566AF9 ???????? Solomon's pond
Lacey Drummond Dialogue 00405EB0 00405EC1 Vault 76
Liebowitz Dialogue 005895F9 00589606 Tyler County Fairgrounds
Dr. Loris Dialogue Yes 00400491 004004A3 Vault-Tec University
Maram Ayari Dialogue 00598BA7 00598BA9 Watoga Transit Hub
Marion Copeland Dialogue 0056293E 00574262 Emmett Mountain disposal site
Private Miller No Yes 005640AE Random encounter
PANDORA Dialogue Yes 0055F6C5 0055F6F5 The Mire
Professor-bot Dialogue Yes No 00400489 0040048A Vault-Tec University
Security Chief Robinson Dialogue Yes No 0040048F 004004A1 Vault-Tec University
Rocco Dialogue Yes 0053C25E 00541935 Spruce Knob Boat Rental
Sage Dialogue Yes 00587A25 ???????? Blake's Offering
Scott Malish No Yes 0058E9D4 00553DEC SW of Philippi Battlefield Cemetery
Skinner Dialogue 0041A362 0041A387 Duncan & Duncan Robotics
Sofia Daguerre Dialogue No Yes 0054EB65 0056BEDD Abandoned bunker
Tiffany Brantley Dialogue 005995CF 005995D2 Charleston Fire Department
Treasure hunter Dialogue Yes 0040F681 00000000 Player C.A.M.P.
Wandering storyteller Dialogue 00586359 ???????? Scene encounter hotspots

The Legendary Run[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Maggie Williams Dialogue 0058912D 0058912F Foundation
Earle Williams No 00589137 00589138 Monongah Mine
Russell Dorsey Dialogue 005AD589 005B2996 Fort Atlas

One Wasteland For All[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Villagers 005C4637 ???????? The Retreat
Vernon Dodge Dialogue 005CC207 005CF1DF Watoga Towers

Steel Dawn[]

Fort Atlas characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Art Knapp Dialogue 005C287F 005C7172 Fort Atlas
Daniel Shin Dialogue 005C3527 005C3529 Fort Atlas
Edgar Blackburn Dialogue 005C287D 005C8F7F Fort Atlas
Leila Rahmani Dialogue 005C44B4 005C44B5 Fort Atlas
Marcia Leone Dialogue 005C6C21 005C6C7B Fort Atlas
Maximo Leone Dialogue 005C6C1F 005C6C7A Fort Atlas
Odessa Valdez Dialogue 005B79F4 005B79F6 Fort Atlas
Shawn Hockman Dialogue 005C2880 005C7173 Fort Atlas
Tally Lang Dialogue 005C287E 005C7175 Fort Atlas

Miscellaneous characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Badger No 005D00D7 005D00E9 Lewis & Sons Farming Supply
Brotherhood Barry Dialogue 005C54CB ???????? Random encounter
Brotherhood Barnaby Dialogue 005C54CC ???????? Random encounter
Brotherhood Buck Dialogue 005C54CD ???????? Random encounter
Burke Dialogue 005C5BFC 005C5BFD The Crater war room
Carol Putnam Dialogue 005C2881 005CAAA1 Lewis & Sons Farming Supply
Colin Putnam Dialogue 005C2884 005CAA97 Lewis & Sons Farming Supply
Dagger Dialogue 005C6C22 005CB59A Dagger's Den
Dagger's lieutenant Dialogue ???????? ???????? Dagger's Den
Felton Reed Dialogue 005C5F58 ???????? Random encounter
G. Walton No Yes 005E702A ???????? Enclave research facility
George Putnam Dialogue 005C2882 005CAA95 Lewis & Sons Farming Supply
Gloria Chance Dialogue 005D2C69 005D2C70 Foundation supply room
Ian Orwell No Yes ???????? ???????? Orwell Orchards bomb shelter
Jennie Brown Dialogue 005C6C20 005CFA61 The Retreat
Marty Putnam Dialogue 005C2883 005CAA96 Lewis & Sons Farming Supply
Mike Tiller Dialogue 005D2C6A 005D99D8 Kerwood Mine
Mr. Clark Dialogue 005C5D8B 005C5D8D Shelters Claim Center
Pierce Dialogue 005B6831 005B6832 The Crater war room
SODUS Dialogue 005E804F 005E804D Enclave research facility
Sara Matthews Dialogue 005D9502 005D9503 The Retreat
Sheena Dialogue 005C4F09 005C4F0A The Crater war room
Sunny No 005D2A54 005D2A6F Foundation supply room
Tad Chance Dialogue 005D2C6B 005D2C6F Foundation supply room


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Yasmin Chowdhury Dialogue 005DBE6B ???????? C.A.M.P.
Solomon Hardy Dialogue 005C420C ???????? C.A.M.P.

Steel Reign[]

Fort Atlas[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Erika Hewsen Dialogue 005F3924 005F3936 Fort Atlas
Luis Ramirez Dialogue 005F56C1 005F5DAF Fort Atlas
Norland Dialogue 005F3923 005F392F Fort Atlas

Vault 96 characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Ashmore Dialogue 00609DA1 00609DB5 Vault 96
Cassie Halloway Dialogue 005F26B0 005FA417 Vault 96
Dillo Dialogue 00609C2F 00609DB0 Vault 96
Eightball Dialogue 00609C5C 00609DAE Vault 96
Needles Dialogue 00609C2E 00609DAF Vault 96
Petersen Dialogue 00609FA2 00609DB7 Vault 96
Wilkins Dialogue 00609DA3 00609DB6 Vault 96
Woods Dialogue 005F5A69 005F5A70 Vault 96

Miscellaneous characters[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Farha Dialogue 005F56CF 005FABD3 FEV production facility
Herschel Klein Dialogue 005FB3DA 005FB3E5 Blue Ridge office
Jain Dialogue 005F65D0 00604794 FEV production facility
Joanna Mayfield Dialogue 0057502E 005FB3E8 Blue Ridge office
Kit Dialogue 005F56C0 005F56C0 AMS corporate headquarters
Minerva Dialogue 005FFDEC 0060A306 Fort Atlas/The Crater/Foundation
Nellie Wright Dialogue 005F56CE 005FABD5 FEV production facility
Tommy Ten-Toes Dialogue 00602B74 006058CC Fort Atlas/The Crater/Foundation

Fallout Worlds[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Daphne Dialogue 006273A8 ???????? C.A.M.P.
Maul Dialogue 006273A9 ???????? C.A.M.P.

Night of the Moth[]

Point Pleasant[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Interpreter Clarence Fallout 76 seasonal content Dialogue 00617398 00618B44 Point Pleasant
Observer Errol Fallout 76 seasonal content Dialogue 0061739B 00618B40 Point Pleasant
Observer Johanna Fallout 76 seasonal content Dialogue 00617399 00618B48 Point Pleasant
Observer Marlon Fallout 76 seasonal content Dialogue 00617397 00618B47 Point Pleasant
Wise Charles the Forewarned Fallout 76 seasonal content Dialogue 0061739A 006160F9 Point Pleasant


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Katherine Swan Dialogue 0062DD71 ???????? C.A.M.P.
Xerxo Dialogue 0062CB90 ???????? C.A.M.P.

Invaders from Beyond[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Amp Dialogue 00605785 00605789 Metal Dome
Beatrice the Wrench Dialogue 00605787 00605788 Metal Dome
Homer Saperstein Dialogue 006274DD 00621B01 Black Mountain Ordnance Works
Sam Nguyen Dialogue 0061E03F ???????? C.A.M.P.
The Emissary Dialogue 0061F4BC ???????? Random encounters

Test Your Metal[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Brotherhood rifleman Dialogue 005FE4F8 Metal Dome
Brotherhood scout Dialogue 005FE4F9 Metal Dome
Brotherhood technician Dialogue 005FE4F7 Metal Dome
Buzzsaw Dialogue 005FE4F6 005FE503 Metal Dome
Kenneth Dean Dialogue Yes 00647B26 00647B28 Foundation Outpost
Marilyn No Yes 0064ED24 0064ED35 Foundation Outpost
Moonshiner Ned Dialogue 00623B06 0064BAAF Sunday Brothers' cabin
Initiate Pappas Dialogue 005FE4F5 005FE4FF Metal Dome
Petey No Yes 00648FA5 00648FF5 Sunday Brothers' cabin
Ruggy No Yes 00647B25 00647B27 Foundation Outpost
Samuel Hackerman No Yes 00647B25 0064BAAF Foundation Outpost
Slayer No Yes 00648FA4 00648FEB Sunday Brothers' cabin
Tom No Yes 0064D255 0064D25F Foundation Outpost

Expeditions: The Pitt[]

Whitespring Refuge[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Anxious refugee Dialogue 00653247 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Awkward refugee Dialogue 00653245 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Bitter lover Dialogue 0064A8FC ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Clown Dialogue 00653247 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Combat instructor Dialogue 00653238 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Comic book expert Dialogue 00653247 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Comic book genius Dialogue 00653247 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Construction worker Dialogue 0065324C ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Creative patriot Dialogue 00653245 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Dentist Dialogue 0065324B ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Desperate refugee Dialogue 00653245 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Enthusiastic collector Dialogue 00653247 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Esme Rousseau Dialogue 00621FD7 006367E5 Whitespring Refuge
Initiate Ellison Dialogue 0063F9EC 0063F9EE Whitespring Refuge
Frustrated nurse Dialogue ???????? ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Giuseppe Della Ripa Dialogue 00639670 0063D37F Whitespring Refuge
Hopeful refugee Dialogue 00653247 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Lennox Dialogue 0062B352 0062B354 Whitespring Refuge
Longing refugee Dialogue 00653246 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Mr. Makeover Dialogue 00654958 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Novice innovator Dialogue 00653245 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Orlando Dialogue 00621FD5 0062D52A Whitespring Refuge
Paranoid refugee Dialogue 00653247 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Partygoer Dialogue 00653247
???????? Whitespring Refuge
Raider representative Dialogue 006367E3 006367EE Whitespring Refuge
Ranger Dialogue 00653238 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Refugees Dialogue Various Various Whitespring Refuge
Resentful lover Dialogue 00653249 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Responders Dialogue Various Various Whitespring Refuge
Responder custodian Dialogue 0065324C ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Responder janitor Dialogue 0065324C ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Responder medic Dialogue 0063D6A6 0063D6A8 Whitespring Refuge
Responder recruiter Dialogue 00653249 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Robot barkeep Dialogue 0065450C ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Roy Lopez Dialogue 00642340 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Rucker Dialogue 0062F60A 0062F612 Whitespring Refuge
Rusty Protectron Dialogue 00654884 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Settler representative Dialogue 006367E4 006367EF Whitespring Refuge
Skippy Roerich Dialogue 0062F60B 0062F611 Whitespring Refuge
Sophie Wagoner Dialogue 0063C107 0063D5F3 Whitespring Refuge
Suspicious refugee Dialogue 00653245 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Thirsty refugee Dialogue 00653248 ???????? Whitespring Refuge
Whitespring greeter Dialogue 006482D7 00646883 Whitespring Refuge

The Pitt[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Ava Rose Dialogue 0064F919 0064F91B The Pitt - Trench
Danilo Dialogue 00648284 00648286 The Pitt - Trench
Fanatic skeptic Dialogue ???????? ???????? The Pitt - Trench
Hex Dialogue 00631F59 00631F5C The Pitt - Industrial
Laborer Dialogue 0065EAE9 0065EAEB The Pitt - Sanctum
Morley No 0066403C 0066403B The Pitt - Trench
Ning No Yes ???????? ???????? The Pitt - Industrial
Pilot corpse No Yes 00660B79 00661565 The Pitt - Industrial
Survivor Dialogue 0066EFB5 ???????? The Pitt - Trench
Union saboteur Dialogue 006472B3 006472B4 The Pitt - Industrial
Wicker Dialogue 00633E93 00633E95 The Pitt - The Penn

Nuka-World on Tour[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Betty Hill Dialogue Yes 0066F9AF 0067479B Nuka-World on Tour
Bruno the Strongbot Dialogue 0066D17C 0066D180 Nuka-World on Tour
Chloe the Clown Dialogue 0066D17D 0066D181 Nuka-World on Tour
Del Walsh Dialogue Yes 00668ABC 00668B1D Nuka-World on Tour
Gunther Jenkins Dialogue 0065D46F 00661FF5 Nuka-World on Tour
Jack Woodhouse No Yes ???????? ???????? Abandoned mine shaft 2
Lady G the Fortune Teller Dialogue 0066D17B 0066D17F Nuka-World on Tour
Leo Petrov Dialogue 00674969 ???????? C.A.M.P.
Mr. Lovely Dialogue 0066C129 0066E507 Tunnel of Love
Patricia Myers Dialogue 0066F9B0 0066F9B1 Nuka-World on Tour
Pete Myers Dialogue 00664B04 0066614A Nuka-World on Tour

Mutation Invasion[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Smiling Man Dialogue 0068EB57 ???????? Random encounter
Steven Scarberry Dialogue 0068D3DA ???????? C.A.M.P.

Once in a Blue Moon[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Clyde Dialogue 006906A7 006996CE Middle Mountain Pitstop
Grandma Junko Dialogue 006DC96E ???????? C.A.M.P.
Gregory Timmerman No Yes ???????? ???????? The Burning Mine
Joey Bello Dialogue 006A4368 ???????? C.A.M.P.
Luca Costa Dialogue 00699463 006C331E Cranberry Glade
Vera Thornberg Dialogue 006906A4 006906A9 Middle Mountain Pitstop

Expeditions: Atlantic City[]

Boardwalk Paradise[]


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Ashley Ortega Dialogue 0072FCBE 0072FCC0 Settler's Ridge
Dicer Dialogue 0072FCBF 0072FCC1 The Coop
Initiate Gaines Dialogue 007316AA 007316AA Forward Station Tango
Jeremiah Hopkins Dialogue 006C1CF6 006C1CF8 Whitespring Refuge
Johnny Bills Dialogue 0072CB00 0073268B Blue Ridge Bunkhouse
June Seaver Dialogue 00717DFB 00717DFD Gilman lumber mill
Lane Platte Dialogue 006FD088 006FD08A Gilman lumber mill
Marty No 006FA17F 006FA19D Settler's Ridge

Atlantic City[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Billy Beltbuckles Dialogue 006BCA70 006BCA71 Casino Quarter
Quentino's Night Club
Buttercup Dialogue 006DD921 006DD92A Quentino's Night Club
Civilian escortee Dialogue ???????? ???????? Aquarium of the Atlantic
Juchi Batsuuri Dialogue 006B2362 006B2364 Atlantic City Boardwalk
Jullian Batsuuri Dialogue 006B2363 006B2365 Atlantic City Boardwalk
Mother Charlotte Dialogue 006B2940 006B2946 Aquarium of the Atlantic
Sal 'Sticky Fingers' Dialogue 006C35C5 006C3604 The Neapolitan Casino
Veracio Cruz Dialogue 006B2331 006B233C Atlantic City Boardwalk
Aquarium of the Atlantic
Walter No 006DB939 006DB93C Quentino's Night Club

America's Playground[]


Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Abbie Russo Dialogue 006C2DAB 006C2DB0 The Rose Room
Adelaide Dialogue 0073E948 C.A.M.P.
Antonio Russo Dialogue 006C2DAC 006F9A11 The Rose Room
Del Lawson Dialogue 0075C1F1 C.A.M.P.
Evelyn Russo Dialogue 006C2D2D 006C2D3A The Rose Room
Little Rob Dialogue 0073CB5C 0073CB63 Deserted mine
Jack Hunter Dialogue 0073BE80 0073BE83 Deserted mine
Musician 006C2D30 006C2D40 The Rose Room
Oscar Gonzalez Dialogue 0073BB1A 0075F6DE The Crater Core
Superstitious refugee Dialogue 006F236A 006F236E Whitespring Refugee
Surly Dialogue 0073BB1B 0074B716 Surly's shack
Vin Russo Dialogue 006C2D2F 006C2D3D The Rose Room

Atlantic City[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Anna Barone Dialogue 006DE230 006DE233 City hall
Carmen Dialogue 0072EBCD 0072FC1B Showman's Pier
Client Dialogue 0072A606 0072A614 Atlantic City Boardwalk
Clown Dialogue 006F457E
Showman's Pier
Concerta Lombardi Dialogue 006FCFDF 006FCFFD The Neapolitan Casino
Dimples the Clown Dialogue 006F58C3 006F58CF Showman's Pier
Doorman Dialogue 006F28EE 006F28F6 The Neapolitan Casino
Fabio Mondadori Dialogue 006FCFE2 006FCFEE Quentino's Night Club
Fast Nicky Dialogue 0072EBCF 0072FC1C Quentino's Night Club
Frieda Lane Dialogue 006E070B 006E070E City hall
Gene Dialogue 006F99FA 006F9A0F Flooded city center
Jordy Dialogue 006FCFE1 006FCFED Casino Quarter
Mob believer Dialogue 00733320 007345F8 Flooded city center
Mob denier Dialogue 00733321 007345F9 Flooded city center
Pete Rutledge Dialogue 0072EBCE 0072FC1D City hall
Quentino Lombardi 00726DE4 00726DE8 The Neapolitan Casino
Saltwater Sam Dialogue 00729CC7 0072A612 Atlantic City Boardwalk
Sloane Cao Dialogue 00732A74 0076A39A Flooded city center
Stanley Soriano Dialogue 006F28ED 006F58C6 Atlantic City Boardwalk
Stratton Dialogue 0072A607 0072A617 Atlantic City Boardwalk
Ticket clerk Dialogue 006F45CE Atlantic City Boardwalk
Timothy Lane Dialogue 006DBBC9 006DBBDE Flooded city center
Zayde Dialogue 006F45CF 006F45D6 Showman's Pier

Skyline Valley[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Adept Scarlet Dialogue 0075A755 Old Crimora Mines
Alex Guerra Dialogue 0073E8C6 Old Crimora Mines
Alfie 007734D3 00788851 Vault 63 atrium lower level
Alyssa Dialogue 0072A0A6 006FAF4A North of Sutton
Annie Yes 0077F84C 0077F86D At a cliff SE of the Trading Post
Audrey Stolz Dialogue 00719E6F 0076AFFC Vault 63 meteorology sector
August Stolz 0076E90C 0076E90F Vault 63 organics sector
Disciple Blair Dialogue 0075D1EE Old Crimora Mines
Caleb Yes 0077F84D 0077F86C At a cliff SE of the Trading Post
Cannibal Dialogue 0075D5CB 0075D61B NE of Rapidan Camp
Cassidy Stolz 007611AA 007828BB Vault 63 atrium upper level
Catty 006E3187 006E31A7 Skyline Drive: Entrance
Communists Dialogue 006F7D91 Camp Liberty
Craig Dialogue 00745BDA 00745BDC Skyline Drive: Entrance
Daniel Smith Yes 0072A145 0076C9B2 High Knob Lookout
David Shuffleworth Dialogue Thunder Mountain substation TM-03
The Electrician Dialogue 0074812B Random encounter
Eliza Yes 00745C66 00745C8D Old Crimora Mines
Eugene 00766AA9 ????????
Kevin Harris Dialogue 00727CE4 00773FD4 Ranger station bunker
Gumley Dialogue 006F8F5F 00768F5A The Brown House
Harry Edwards Yes ???????? ???????? South River Bridge
Hikers Yes 007444B9 007444CA Various
Hilda Stolz Dialogue 007611A8 00767493 Vault 63 atrium upper level
Hogarth Hendricks Yes ???????? ???????? Shenandoah Visitor Center
Hugo Stolz Dialogue 0072EE30 00754738 Vault 63 atrium upper level
Hunter Yes ???????? ???????? Old Crimora Mines
James Yes 006FC21F 00780F8D SW of Thunder Mountain substation TM-03
James Oberlin Dialogue 006FBF9B 007352E6 Vault 63 atrium upper level
Jewel Yes 006FC21E 00780F8B Shenandoah Visitor Center
Jim Yes 00787C9A 00787C9B South of Rapidan Camp
Joyce Yes ???????? ???????? Old Rag Lookout
Julio Dialogue 0072C018 0072C50A Vault 63 atrium upper level
Laurence Dialogue 0072C019 0072C50B Vault 63 atrium upper level
Manny 00774B70 006E3C0F Vault 63 meteorology sector
Margaret Dialogue 0072C01A 0072C50C Vault 63 atrium upper level
Miles Yes 0077176D 0073DF9B Makeout Point
The Mole Dialogue 00754F6C Random encounter
Murry Dialogue 006E2658 006F16F4 The Trading Post
Mystical junkie merchant Cut content 006F61AB
Ornithologist Yes 0076A9AA 0076AA23 East of Research Site Bavaria
Park rangers Yes ???????? ???????? Various
Patrick Yes 00745C64 007739D1 Old Crimora Mines
Elder Pepper Dialogue 0073E8C5 Old Crimora Mines
Rob Yes 0077176C 0073DF92 Tunnel south of Makeout Point
Scientists Yes 006DF28E 006EB291 Vault 63 organics sector
Security Dialogue ???????? ???????? Vault 63
Shoe Shine Johnny Cut content 0072984E -
Trading Post venderIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar Yes 0074F99A 0074F9A2 SW of Old Rag Lookout
Tunnsley Cut content 006E7A50 006E7A6E Vault 63 engineering sector Cut content
Vault doctor Dialogue 00720946 00720997 Vault 63 atrium upper level
Vault 63 dwellers Dialogue 00720946 00720997 Vault 63 atrium upper level
Wesley Yes 006FC21D 006FC219 The Trading Post

Milepost Zero[]

Name Dialogue file Dead Spawned Essential Doctor Merchant Form ID Ref ID Location
Blue Ridge worker
Injured scavenger
Mr Trick or Treat
Settler guard
Windy Park

Removed characters[]

These characters were once in the game but were removed by updates.

See also[]


Fallout 76 major characters