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FO76 icon levelup pack

In Fallout 76, all players begin with 1 point in each SPECIAL attribute. Each time a player levels up, they can, at their leisure via the Pip-Boy, choose 1 SPECIAL attribute to increase, up to a maximum of 15. After making their selection, they may choose from a selection of perk cards, which defaults to the SPECIAL that was increased. For each point in a SPECIAL, players may equip an equal value of ranked perk cards.

Upon reaching level 50, players will reach their maximum allotted 56 SPECIAL attributes, and cannot gain any additional points via level up.[1] However, perk cards may still be selected once per level indefinitely. SPECIAL may still be increased further by equipping legendary perks, which may increase the maximum by +30 points if fully upgraded in all six slots.

XP curve table
Level XP to Next level
XP = 160(Level) - 120
1 0
2 200
3 360
4 520
5 680
6 840
7 1000
8 1160
9 1320
10 1480
11 1640
12 1800
13 1960
14 2120
15 2280
16 2440
17 2600
18 2760
19 2920
20 3080
21 3240
22 3400
23 3560
24 3720
25 3880
26 4040
27 4200
28 4360
29 4520
30 4680
31 4840
32 5000
33 5160
34 5320
35 5480
36 5640
37 5800
38 5960
39 6120
40 6280
41 6440
42 6600
43 6760
44 6920
45 7080
46 7240
47 7400
48 7560
49 7720
50 7880
100 15880
1000 159880
50000 159880



S.P.E.C.I.A.L. (Strength Perception Endurance Charisma Intelligence Agility Luck) are the seven defining attributes of any Vault Dweller.

In Fallout 76, SPECIAL serve as primary statistics which modify various derived statistics, such as Hit Points or Carry Weight. As SPECIAL goes up, so do these stats. As SPECIAL goes down, they will as well. In addition to passively increasing derived statistics, SPECIAL is used to measure skill checks. Skill checks may present themselves as dialogue choices when talking with NPCs, or additional options when confronted by various obstacles, such as repairing a broken toaster.

Through the use of temporary boosts from food, drink or aid, SPECIAL may be increased or decreased beyond the selected base values. Even if they are affected by sufficient buffs or debuffs to mathematically push them past the threshold, SPECIAL attributes cannot be increased past 100 or reduced below 1.[2]

FO76 vaultboy strength

Strength is a measure of your raw physical power. It affects how much you can carry, and the damage of all melee attacks.
FO76 vaultboy perception

Perception affects your awareness of nearby enemies, your ability to detect stealthy movement, and your weapon accuracy in V.A.T.S.
FO76 vaultboy endurance

Endurance is a measure of your overall physical fitness. It affects your total Health, the Action Point drain from sprinting, and your resistance to disease.
FO76 vaultboy charisma

Charisma is your ability to lead and help others. It allows you to share higher point perk cards and prices when you barter.
FO76 vaultboy intelligence

Intelligence is a measure of your overall mental acuity, and affects your ability to hack terminals, the condition and durability of items that you craft (Fusion/Plasma Core) and experience when you kill creatures.
FO76 vaultboy agility

Agility is a measure of your overall finesse and reflexes. It affects the number of Action Points in V.A.T.S. and your ability to sneak.
FO76 vaultboy luck

Luck is a measure of your general good fortune, and affects the recharge rate of Critical Hits as well as the condition and durability of items that you loot.

Derived statistics[]

Derived statistics are calculated based on the current SPECIAL values. For example, Carry Weight is determined by the player's Strength. Although some statistic values are shown, not all are explicitly expressed by in-game interfaces.

Derived statistics
Carry Weight The amount of weight you can carry before becoming overencumbered.

150 + (STR × 5)

Melee Damage Additive bonus damage for all melee weapons - one-handed, two-handed and unarmed.

1H+2H: BASE + (BASE × STR / 20)
Unarmed: BASE + (BASE × STR / 10)

Detection Increases the chance to detect a sneaking enemy and mark them on the compass.
Compass Increases the range at which targets and locations appear on the compass
VATS accuracy Increases the chance to land a shot on a target in VATS.
Hit Points How much damage you can sustain before death; reduced by radiation poisoning.

250 + (END × 5)

Disease Resistance A number used to determine the chance of disease from diseased sources.
Sprinting The rate at which AP drains while sprinting.
Barter: Buy Item value modifier when buying from vendors.
  • 0-10:

BASE × [2.5 - ((CHR/2 (Rounded down)) x 0.1)]

  • 10-20:

BASE × [2 - 0.02 × (CHR - 10)]

  • 20-25:

BASE × [1.8 - 0.01 × (CHR - 20)]

Barter: Sell Item value modifier when selling to vendors.
  • 0-10:

BASE × [0.075 + ((CHR/2 (Rounded up)) x 0.025)]

  • 10-20:

BASE × [0.2 + 0.005 × (CHR - 10)]

  • 20+:

BASE × 0.25

Experience modifier A bonus to all experience earned.

BASE + (INT × 3.0)%

Scrapping multiplier Factors affecting the amount of junk produced by scrapping weapons and armor.

See table; hardcap at 25 INT

Craftable condition modifier Increased crafted item condition scaling with INT

+5% condition per INT; hardcap at 20 INT

Action Points A stamina value used for VATS, sprinting, holding your breath while sniping, gun bashing, and power attacks.

60 + (AGL × 10)

Sneak Factors affecting ability to sneak.
Critical Hit recharge The amount of critical charge built per attack in V.A.T.S.

5 + (LCK × 1.5)

Durability of looted items Increases the odds of finding fully repaired items
Quest XP bonus
Stat Multiplier
1 1.00
2 1.05
3 1.10
4 1.15
5 1.20
6 1.25
7 1.30
8 1.35
9 1.40
10 1.45
11 1.50
12 1.55
13 1.60
14 1.65
15 1.70
16 1.75
17 1.80
18 1.85
19 1.90
20 1.95
21 2.00
22 2.05
23 2.10
24 2.15
25+ 2.20
Quest Caps bonus
Stat Multiplier
1 1.00
2 1.05
3 1.10
4 1.15
5 1.20
6 1.25
7 1.30
8 1.35
9 1.40
10 1.45
11 1.50
12 1.55
13 1.60
14 1.65
15 1.70
16 1.75
17 1.80
18 1.85
19 1.90
20 1.95
21 2.00
22 2.05
23 2.10
24 2.15
25+ 2.20
Crafting condition bonus
Stat Multiplier
1 1.05
2 1.10
3 1.15
4 1.20
5 1.25
6 1.30
7 1.35
8 1.40
9 1.45
10 1.50
11 1.55
12 1.60
13 1.65
14 1.70
15 1.75
16 1.80
17 1.85
18 1.90
19 1.95
20 2.00
Scrap yield bonus
Stat Multiplier
1 0.750
2 0.900
3 1.000
4 1.050
5 1.100
6 1.125
7 1.150
8 1.175
9 1.190
10 1.200
11 1.210
12 1.220
13 1.230
14 1.240
15 1.250
20 1.300
25 1.325

Miscellaneous statistics[]

Miscellaneous statistics are calculated based on equipment, perks or buffs. Although some statistic values are shown, not all are explicitly expressed by in-game interfaces.

Miscellaneous statistics
Name Description Source
Action Points Primarily used for VATS; also used for sprinting, holding your breath while sniping, gun bashing, and power attacks. Agility, Equipment, Consumables
Action Point Refresh How fast Action Points regenerate. Equipment, Consumables, Action Boy/Action Girl
Hit Points How much damage you can sustain before death; reduced by radiation poisoning. Endurance, Consumables, Life Giver
Hit Points Regeneration How much passive healing you deal to yourself. Consumables, Rejuvenated
Experience modifier A bonus to all experience earned. Intelligence (+3.0% per), Aid items, Inspirational, Night Person, Lunchboxes
Bobblehead: Leader, Live & Love #8, Egg Head, Casual public teams
Damage Resistance A number used to determine how much ballistic damage you can negate. Equipment, Consumables, Barbarian, Bullet Shield, Bodyguards, Evasive, Moving Target, Junk Shield, Ironclad
Energy Resistance A number used to determine how much energy damage you can negate. Equipment, Consumables, Refractor, Bodyguards, Moving Target, Ironclad, Grounded
Fire Resistance A number used to determine how much fire damage you can negate. Equipment, Fireproof, Sizzling Style
Cryo Resistance A number used to determine how much frost damage you can negate. Legendary armor/power armor
Poison Resistance A number used to determine how much poison damage you can negate. Equipment, Consumables, Funky Duds
Radiation Resistance A number used to determine how much radiation damage and rads you can negate. Equipment, Consumables, Rad Resistant, Lead Belly, What Rads?
Disease Resistance A number used to determine the chance of disease from diseased sources. Endurance, Equipment, Consumables, Iron Stomach, Natural Resistance, Thirst Quencher, Vaccinated
Damage Avoidance A chance to avoid damage altogether Serendipity
Damage Reduction A number used to determine how much damage you negate before Resistance calculations. Power Armor (42%, 7% per piece), emergency protocols, Legendary armor/power armor, Blocker, Dodgy, Lone Wanderer
Running Speed Factors affecting running speed Power Armor (-20%), Speed Demon, Dead Man Sprinting, Gun Runner, Run for Your Knife, Squad Maneuver
Sprinting Speed Factors affecting sprinting speed Equipment, Speed Demon, Dead Man Sprinting
Sneak Factors affecting ability to sneak. Agility, Equipment, consumables, Sneak, Escape Artist, Light Footed
Barter bonus Buying / selling price modifier when trading with Merchants. Charisma, Equipment, Consumables, Hard Bargain
Carry Weight The amount of weight you can carry before becoming overencumbered. Strength, Equipment, Consumables, Strong Back
Critical Hit recharge The amount of critical charge built per attack in V.A.T.S. (LCK × 1.5) + 5
Luck, Four Leaf Clover, Psychopath
Melee Damage Bonus damage you do in close combat; unlike previous Fallout games, this also includes unarmed. Strength, Equipment, Consumables, Gladiator, Slugger, Iron Fist, Bobblehead: Unarmed, Bobblehead - Melee Weapons
Scrapping Factors affecting the amount of junk produced by scrapping weapons and armor. Intelligence, Scrapper
Cripple, Crippled Limbs Limbs can be damaged in combat and each have their own unique "healthbar". When the bar is depleted, the limb is crippled and inflicts a significant debuff. Adamantium Skeleton, Tank Killer, Enforcer, One Gun Army
Stagger Staggers are a temporary, animated "stun" that occur upon a limb becoming crippled, or via an on hit effect. Pneumatic torso mod, Tank Killer, One Gun Army
Combat stats and mechanics
Main article: Fallout 76 combat


Fo76 perk card pack
Main article: Fallout 76 perks

Perks in Fallout 76 are characterized as playing cards that the player collects as they level up. Each perk card costs at least 1 point in its designated SPECIAL attribute to equip. Players can equip multiple cards per attribute when the total perk point cost is equal to or less than the points of the attribute. The number of perk points is capped to a maximum of 56, however this limit may be pushed to 86 when using Legendary SPECIAL perks.

Certain perk cards can be upgraded to further improve their benefits. One can upgrade, or rank up a perk card by while in possession of a duplicate.[3] Ranking up a Perk card also increases the amount of SPECIAL points required to equip that Perk card. For example, ranking up the Gladiator 1 perk card to Gladiator 2 would increase the Strength requirement from 1 to 2 Perk cards do not need to be the same rank in order to rank them up; the combined cards are simply added together.

Legendary perks
FO76 custom New Features

Starting at level 50, perk cards may be scrapped into perk coins (Perk coin), which are used to upgrade legendary perks. The perk cards are worth 2 coins for each star, or rank up. For example, Gunsmith 5 is worth 10 coins, while Party Girl/Party Boy 1 is worth 2. Each legendary perk slot is unlocked account-wide every 50 levels. In order to unlock all 6, a single character on the account must reach level 300. If that character is deleted, the slots remain unlocked.

Perk loadouts
FO76 Loadouts screen

As of the Locked & Loaded update, a new feature was added where players can customize multiple SPECIAL loadouts to use at separate times with their Vault Dweller during gameplay, allowing a larger variety of various perks and SPECIAL points to use in conversation with NPCs, combat, and more. For now, only two SPECIAL loadouts can be customized. More loadout slots are available through the Atomic Shop following the Steel Reign update for 500 Atoms per slot.




  1. Legendary SPECIAL does add more assignable points and increase your stats by the same number, however it counts as a buff rather than an increase to the base. For this reason, Legendary Charisma will not allow you to share higher tier perk cards.
  2. Patch - Survival: "Stats: Effects that decrease the player's SPECIAL stats can no longer reduce them below 1."
  3. Max ranked cards do not count.