Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


In Fallout 4, picking paper notes will add them to the "Misc" category of the Pip-Boy's "INV" screen.


For locations and transcripts please refer to the individual articles.

Cut contentCut from final version of game or add-on.
In-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammarName is spelled as it is in-game.
ImageNote contains an image.

Fallout 4[]

All notes that appear in the base game, whether or not an add-on is installed.

Name Weight Value Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Text Acquiring P.A.M. 0 0 BoS302BIngramBackupNote 0024800F
Text Announcement script 0 0 Inst305Note 0015E9AD
Text Arlen's note 0 0 REObjectSC05_DN154_Note 00118B06
Text Associate's note 0 0 DN035_EasyCityDownsNote 000CF6C5
Text Atom Cats custom paint job 0 4000 DN054PowerArmorPaintJobPurchaseItem 0023C675
Text Bakery ticket #1 0 0 n/a DN049_Bake_Note01 000E7B28
Text Bakery ticket #2 0 0 n/a DN049_Bake_Note02 000E7B2A
Text Bakery ticket #3 0 0 n/a DN049_Bake_Note03 000E7B2B
Text Bakery ticket #4 0 0 n/a DN049_Bake_Note04 000E7B2C
Text Bakery ticket #5 0 0 n/a DN049_Bake_Note05 000E7B2D
Text Bakery ticket #6 0 0 n/a DN049_Bake_Note06 000E7B2E
Text Bakery ticket #7 0 0 n/a DN049_Bake_Note07 000E7B2F
Text Bakery ticket #8 0 0 n/a DN049_Bake_Note08 000E7B30
Text Bakery ticket #9 0 0 n/a DN049_Bake_Note09 000E7B56
Text Bakery ticket #10 0 0 n/a DN049_Bake_Note10 000E7B57
Text Barney's password 0 0 DN083_Password 002301D1
Text Bathroom note #1 0 0 DN112_BathroomNote02 00162A81
Text Bathroom note #2 0 0 DN112_BathroomNote03 00162A84
Text Bergman's password 0 0 RR201CodeDPassword 0015B0BA
Text Bill's letter 0 0 InstM01_BillsLetter 0011A0DC
Text Blood contract 0 0 DN034_BloodContractNote 000AC5B1
Text Blueprints 0 0 InstR03Blueprints 000ED65D
Text Bottle message - difficult to kill 0 0 MessageInABottle05 001DA060
Text Bottle message - need a hand 0 0 MessageInABottle04 001DA058
Text Bottle message - not going well 0 0 MessageInABottle03 001DA050
Text Bottle message - predator becomes prey 0 0 MessageInABottle02 001DA045
Text Bottle message - trapped for days 0 0 MessageInABottle01 001DA03B
Text Bottle message - x marks the spot 0 0 MessageInABottle06 001DA063
Text Breakroom note #1 0 0 DN112_BreakroomNote01 00162A89
Text Breakroom note #2 0 0 DN112_BreakroomNote02 00162A8B
Text Buttercup sales 0 0 DN154_Note_Secretary 00118BDC
Text Caravan details 0 0 Human Error MS17StocktonBook 000EECB4
Text Cargo handler's note 0 0 DN007_LoadingDockNote 000D8561
Text Contract: Shelly Tiller 0 0 The Silver Shroud MS04ShellyTiller.txt 000E1D28
Text Cooke's note 0 0 MS13CookeNote 00044279
Text Covenant reminder 0 0 MS17CovenantReminder 000E92A4
Text Deacon's recall code 0 0 n/a COMDeaconRecallCode 000F78B8
Text Dead drop note Cut content 0 0 DN007_DeadDropNote 0019EDE1
Text Diary page 0 0 DN110_GirlsDiaryNote 000482E0
Text Director blank 0 0 DN015_TEMPTerminal1 000284E4
Text Don't worry, sis 0 0 n/a DN040_LilysLetter01 001BEADE
Text Dr. Forsythe's note 0 0 n/a RESceneKMK_MS19_A_Note 001488FF
Text Dr. Virgil's file 0 0 MQ203DeskFolder 00216215
Text Dutchman's instructions 0 0 n/a DN007_DutchmanNote 0003E055
Text Earl Sterling case notes 0 0 MS07aEarlSterlingCase 0001CAD1
Text Eddie Winter case notes 0 0 MS07cWinterCaseFile> 00184409
Text Eleanor's note 0 0 POISC06_Note 001E1F46
Text Electromagnetic actuators list 0 0 BoS301ActuatorList 0002B4DF
Text Esplanade mission brief 0 0 DN102_EsplenadeMansionNote 001ADD21
Text Evacuation plan 0 0 DN041_Note 0018F165
Text Experiment log J-32, day 1 0 0 n/a DN131_SwanLog01 0001B201
Text Experiment log J-32, day 6 0 0 n/a DN131_SwanLog02 0001B202
Text Experiment log J-32, day 14 0 0 n/a DN131_SwanLog03 0001B203
Text Experiment log J-32, day 21 0 0 n/a DN131_SwanLog04 0001B204
Text Fear not 0 0 MS07b_ShemDrowneGraveNote 001ED4F9
Text Fear the Future? 0 0 PublickOccurrencesArticle03 0021C981
Text Federal ration stockpile password 0 0 n/a DN040_BossPassword 000EC357
Text Feral ghouls in (location) 0 0 DiamondCityWantedNoteGhouls 00141EA4
Text Fishing tournament ad 0 0 n/a DN074_QuannapowittFlyer 0001AC10
Text Food for the grasshopper 0 0 The Gilded Grasshopper MS07b_ShemDrowneNote 00147D58
Text Four Leaf Fishpacking security password 0 0 DN047_FourLeafSecurityPassword 000F9338
Text Friends of the Lake mission log Cut content 0 0 DN137_ShamrockNote 000F73A0
Text From Lucia 0 0 BoSM02_Note_Clarke 00166A6E
Text Goodbye letter 0 0 DN132_Note03 001A67D6
Text Greenetech terminal password 0 0 DN009_SynthTerminalPassword 0006D0E2
Text Grognak the Barbarian 0 100
Text Gruel's list 0 0 RETravelJS01Note 0016ADB3
Text Gunner's note 0 0 DN102_BossNote 000FFF82
Text Gunner's note 0 0 RETreasureHuntSC03NoteGun 0002B4BF
Text Guns and Bullets 0 100
Text HalluciGen mission brief 0 0 DN102_BossMissionBrief 000FFF81
Text Helena's instructions 0 0 DN007_HelenaNote 0003E054
Text Help wanted! 0 0 DN102_HalluciGenFlyer 001C6109
Text Henri's instructions 0 0 BoS301CoANote 00065320
Text Holotape instructions 0 0 n/a DN070_JamaicaPlainHolotapeInstructions 00144E70
Text Hot Rodder 0 100
Text Intervention note 0 0 n/a RESceneJSDN062Note 00047647
Text Items needed - reflector platform 0 0 MQ206BoSListReflectorPlatform 001A7BB8
Text Items needed - reflector platform 0 0 MQ206MinListReflectorPlatform 00156049
Text Items needed - reflector platform 0 0 MQ206RRListReflectorPlatform 00069012
Text Items needed - signal interceptor 0 0 MQ206MinListCombined 00156048
Text Jacq's note 0 0 n/a DN088_JacqsNote 0008E59F
Text Jamaica Plain flyer 0 0 n/a DN070_JamaicaPlainFlyer 00111816
Text Journal scrap 0 0 n/a DN059_RaiderJournal 00061B0F
Text Junkie's note 0 0 RETreasureHuntSC02NoteChems 0002B4C0
Text La Coiffe 0 100
Text Last entry 0 0 DN097_Note 000FA753
Text Legal notice 0 0 n/a DN074_QuannapowittLegalNotice 0019EDE3
Text Letter (Note) 0 0 RETravelRJ01_Note 001A97FC
Text Letter (Note 01) 0 0 RESceneRJ02_Note01 001B01D9
Text Letter (Note 02) 0 0 RESceneRJ02_Note02 001B01DA
Text Letter (Note 03) 0 0 RESceneRJ02_Note03 001B01DB
Text Letter (Note 04) 0 0 RESceneRJ02_Note04 001B01DC
Text Letter (Note 05) 0 0 RESceneRJ02_Note05 001B01DD
Text Letter (Note 06) 0 0 RESceneRJ02_Note06 001B01DE
Text Letter (Note 08) 0 0 RESceneRJ02_Note08 001B01E0
Text Letter (Note 09) 0 0 RESceneRJ02_Note09 001B01E1
Text Letter 0 0 REPostman_DN059_CollegeSquare 001C6160
Text Letter 0 0 REPostman_DN035_EasyCityDowns 001C6161
Text Letter from Phyllis - compassion note 0 0 DN036CompassionNote 001D5CDF
Text Letter from Phyllis - compassion son note 0 0 DN036CompassionSonNote 001D5CE0
Text Letter from Phyllis - just move on note 0 0 DN036JustMoveOnNote 001D5CDE
Text Letter from Phyllis - Minutemen note 0 0 DN036MinutemenNote 001D5CDC
Text Letter from Phyllis - Railroad note 0 0 DN036RailroadNote 001D5CDB
Text Letter from Phyllis - tough love note 0 0 DN036ToughLoveNote 001D5CDD
Text Live & Love 0 100
Text Lorenzo Cabot's journal 0 0 The Secret of Cabot House CabotHouseLorenzoJournal 001D907B
Text Macbeth script 0 4 MS10MacbethScript 000F61EB
Text Mama Murphy's note 0 0 DN109_MamaMurphyNote 001EE930
Text Margaret's note 0 0 n/a DN132_Note01 001A5854
Image Marowski Heist photo 0 0 The Marowski Heist MS13MarowskiPhoto 0008A1FB
Text Massachusetts Surgical Journal 0 100
Text Moving Forward 0 0 PublickOccurrencesArticle02 000A93D0
Text Ness' lead 0 0 DN123_NessNote 0006858B
Text Note 0 0
Text Note from Blackbird 0 0 Butcher's Bill 2 RRR01bBlackbirdsNote 000B26EB
Text Note from Brother Hoberman 0 0 The Glowing Sea GlowingSea_COA_Virgil_Note 0019CBAE
Text Note from Eric 0 0 DN102_2FAccountingNote 000E523B
Text Note to Tweez 0 0 DN147_DoorNote 001A7697
Text Notice to Slocum's Joe 0 0 DN124_NoticeToSlocumsJoe 001CCF69
Text Notice to WRVR 0 0 MS10_RadioTowerNote 001CC1C2
Text Office duties 0 0 GlowingSeaPOIDB02Note 00191670
Text Office note 0 0 DN154_Note_Reception 0002BD3B
Text Orders 0 0 POIDL001_TankNote 001E80AA
Text Park sign in 0 0 DN097_Note02 00055E6A
Text Patriot's suicide letter 0 0 RRPatriotSuicideNote 001506E1
Text Penny's ledger 0 1 MS17ShopBook 000E92A8
Text Phyllis's note 0 0 DN036CovenantNote 001D5CE6
Text Picket Fences 0 100
Text Pickman's a psycho! Cut content 0 0 FFGoodneighbor05Note 000727F0
Text Pickman's calling card 0 0 n/a DN101_PickmanCallingCardNote 00152AE6
Text Pickman's calling card 0 0 n/a RESceneCC_DN101Note 00030050
Text Pickman's thank you note 0 0 Pickman's Gift DN101_PickmanNote 0015076C
Text Pillars of the Community flier 0 0 n/a MS09PrewarCultFlier 00052502
Text Power armor frame 0 2000 PowerArmorFramePurchaseItemAtomCats 0021A6A4
Text Power armor frame 0 2000 PowerArmorFramePurchaseItemBoS 001F4265
Text Power armor frame 0 2000 PowerArmorFramePurchaseItemDC 00218C51
Text Power armor frame 0 2000 PowerArmorFramePurchaseItemGood 00218C4D
Text Priority kill orders 0 0 Tactical Thinking BoS302BKillList 0014A0E6
Text Quincy survivor's note 0 0 POISC_Note01 001F22EF
Text Racetrack advertisement 0 0 n/a DN035_EasyCityDownsFlyer 001C6108
Text Raider report 0 1 MS17RaiderReports 000ED4CA
Text Raider's advice 0 0 DN131_Commons_Note03 001AD774
Text Raider's note 0 0 RETreasureHuntSC01NoteCaps 0002B4BE
Text Raiders in (location) 0 0 n/a DiamondCityWantedNoteRaiders 00141833
Text Reactor coolant list 0 0 BoSPostCoolantNote 0017BE80
Text Recall codes 0 0 Inst302Note 001E67BF
Text Red! It's Lily! 0 0 n/a DN040_LilysLetter04 001BEAE1
Text Red! Send food! Cut content 0 0 DN040_LilysLetter03 001BEAE0
Text Reminder 0 0 DN154_Note_Arlen 0011A00A
Text Report 0 0 InstR05MayorsReport 000F0DD9
Text Resignation letter 0 0 DN154_Note_Marc01 00118B17
Text Richard's note 0 0 CambridgeDeadNewsieNote 000C97CC
Text RobCo Fun 0 100
Text Russell's note 0 0 DN132_Note02 001A5857
Text SAFE report 0 1 MS17SAFEStats 000ED4C9
Text Scavenger's lead 0 0 DN160_Scavenger01Note 0018AC46
Text Scavenger's list 0 0 DN160_Scavenger03Note 0018AC48
Text Scavenger's note 0 0 DN160_Scavenger02Note 0018AC47
Text Scavenger's note 0 0 RETreasureHuntSC04NoteScrap 0002B4C2
Text Scrapper's note 0 0 DN035_EasyCityDownsRobotNote 0013888E
Text Settler's note 0 0 RETreasureHuntSC05NoteTech 0002B4C1
Text Signal checklist 0 0 n/a DN127SignalNote 0014F73C
Text Signal interceptor - items needed 0 0 MQ206BoSListCombined 001A7BB9
Text Signal interceptor - items needed 0 0 MQ206RRListCombined 00069011
Text Signed, your neighbors 0 0 n/a DN063_ScuttersNote 001F4D15
Image Silver Shroud photo 0 0 MS04_CollectibleSilverShroudPhoto 0018AC1E
Text Silverhand's note 0 0 DN070_NoteLuke 00111825
Text Skylanes smuggling manifest 0 0 DN123_CargoManifest 001957B1
Text Skylanes smuggling manifest 0 0 n/a GlowingSeaPOIDB01_CargoManifest 001957B2
Text Sleepwalker's note 0 0 POISC_Note03 001F7B00
Text Sleepwalking note 0 0 DN100SleepwalkingNote 0010A346
Text Snack bar note 0 0 TheSlog_NoteTim 001C6BC1
Text State House note 0 0 DN170_ScavengerNote 001B2E19
Text Status report 0 0 InstR01StatusReport 000E8D66
Text Storage password Cut content 0 0 DN020_Password 000E56FF
Text Suicide note 0 0 DN015_Note 001B01C0
Text Suicide note 0 0 POISC_Note02 001F22F0
Text Super mutant letter Cut content 0 0 DN150_Note 0011396E
Text Super mutants in (location) 0 0 DiamondCityWantedNoteSuperMutants 00141E9D
Text Supermutant's orders 0 0 n/a RESupermutantRaidNoteGeneric 00118B22
Text Supply log 0 0 BoSM02_Note_SupplyLog 00166A8F
Text Surgery receipt 0 0 MS07aReceipt 000347D5
Text Swan's note 0 0 n/a DN131_SwanLog05 0001B205
Text Taboo Tattoos 0 100
Text Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 0 100
Text Technician's journal page Cut content 0 0 DN017_JunkjetNote 001C6107
Text Technician's note 0 0 Vault81OldOverseerTerminalNote 00223CF6
Text Tesla Science Magazine 0 100
Text The Boogeyman banished? 0 0 PublickOccurrencesArticle04 0021C982
Text The Mysterious Stranger 0 0 ValentineCaseFile_MysteriousStranger 001C2294
Text The Synthetic Truth 0 0 PublickOccurrencesArticle01 0012CF27
Text To my big sister Red 0 0 n/a DN040_LilysLetter02 001BEADF
Text Toll schedule 0 0 n/a DN059_RaiderTolls 001079AE
Text Torn journal page 0 0 DN070_NoteTanya 00111824
Text Torn letter 0 0 DN131_Commons_Note02 000668D1
Text Torn letter 0 0 REPostman_DN102_HalluciGen 001C6162
Text Torn note 0 0 DN131_Commons_Note01 0001B1FF
Text Total Hack 0 100
Text Trashbusters Award 0 0 n/a DN111_RedRocketCaveNote 0008CCF9
Text Trish's note 0 0 Diamond City Blues MS13TrishNote 0004427A
Text Tumbler's Today 0 100
Text U.S. Covert Operations Manual 0 100
Text Unstoppables 0 100
Text View from the Vault, Part 1 0 0 n/a Publick_Interview_01A 000A0783
Text View from the Vault, Part 1 0 0 n/a Publick_Interview_01B 000A0784
Text View from the Vault, Part 1 0 0 n/a Publick_Interview_01C 000A0785
Text View from the Vault, Part 2 0 0 n/a Publick_Interview_02A 000A0786
Text View from the Vault, Part 2 0 0 n/a Publick_Interview_02B 000A0787
Text View from the Vault, Part 2 0 0 n/a Publick_Interview_02C 000A0788
Text View from the Vault, Part 2 0 0 n/a Publick_Interview_02D 000A0789
Text View from the Vault, Part 3 0 0 n/a Publick_Interview_03A 000A4751
Text View from the Vault, Part 3 0 0 n/a Publick_Interview_03B 000A4752
Text View from the Vault, Part 3 0 0 n/a Publick_Interview_03C 000A4753
Text Virgil's letter 0 0 DN053_NoteVirgilCured 0014572F
Text Warning 0 0 DN154_Note_Marc02 00118B19
Sound Wasteland Survival Guide 0 100
Text Wattz flyer 0 0 RETravelRJ02_Note 001AB2ED
Text Wellingham's recipe 0 0 The Devil's Due MS05BDeathclawRecipe 001A71E8


All notes that appear in Automatron.

Name Weight Value Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Image Drawing of the Mechanist 0 0 DLC01_MechanistDrawing xx00417B
Text The Last Straw Cut content DLC01_Watercoolernote xx00A2D3
Text Scavenger's journal DLC01REObjectSC01_Note xx0109D2
Text Work order 09-241 0 1 DLC01Lair_RobCo_ServiceTerminalNote xx008B62

Far Harbor[]

All notes that appear in Far Harbor.

Name Weight Value Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Text A New Path 0 0 DLC03CoA_MartinNote_ANewLife xx04FD1C
Text A Stranger Arrives 0 0 DLC03POI10_MotherNote01 xx029418
Text A Vengeful Creature 0 0 DLC03POI10_MotherNote02 xx029419
Text A Safer Way 0 0 DLC03POI10_MotherNote04 xx02941B
Text Aubert's note 0 0 DLC03CoA_FFNucleus02_AubertsNote xx02C900
Text Blank note 0 0 DLC03POI04_DummyNote xx0500A9
Text Brother Alders 0 0 DLC03CoA_HCNote_ToRichter xx04DFCB
Text Brother Devin's diary 0 0 DLC03CoA_Devin_Diary xx04DFE5
Text Carlo's note 0 0 DLC03_POIVimDriverNote01 xx054226
Text Cog's journal 0 0 DLC03MQ03CogsNote xx038ED5
Text Consultation note 0 0 DLC03FarHarborTeddyNote xx04FB97
Text Craneberry Island supplies note 0 0 DLC03POI04_KeyNote xx04D21E
Text Douglas's note 0 0 DLC03_ADV004Note xx04FD11
Text Drain corpse note 0 0 ADV012SkeletonsNote xx01B79D
Text Dylan's note 0 0 DLC03_POIBuriedStashNote01 xx054200
Text Edgar's note 0 0 DLC03CoA_FFNucleus02_EdgarsNote xx02C8FF
Text Eliza family drawing 0 0 DLC03POI04_ElizaFamilyNote xx04FAEA
Text Eliza journals 0 0 DLC03POI04_ElizaJournal# xx04E97E
Text Eliza map of home 0 0 DLC03POI04_ElizaMapNote xx04DBC0
Text Fanatical writings Cut content 0 0 DLC03_POICOANote01 xx054204
Text Fire Belly recipe 0 0 DLC03FarHarborS01_FireBellyRecipe xx04B9B4
Text Gift card 0 0 DLC03_POI_Note xx04EB5D
Text Grandfather's note 0 0 DLC03MQ01GrandfatherNote xx017E85
Text High Confessor's note 0 0 DLC03CoA_FFNucleus02_HCNote xx02C8FE
Text Islander's Almanac 0 0 DLC03_PerkMagIslandersAlmanac# xx04EF8B
Text Kasumi's journal 0 0 DLC03MQ01KasumiJournal xx017E8B
Text Kawaketak Station flyer Cut content 0 0 DLC03_AtomM02_FlyerAssembled xx01BC84
Text Kenji Nakano case notes 0 0 DLC03MQ01NakanoCase xx004F48
Text Last note from mom 0 0 DLC03FarHarborBerthaNote xx04FB95
Text Letter from Maxwell 0 0 DLC03_V118_Part2Note xx04B188
Text Letter to Ezra 0 0 DLC03_V118_KeithsNote xx049663
Text Love letter to Bridget 0 0 DLC03_9-12Poem xx00D802
Text Mariner's goodbye 0 0 DLC03MarinerSailingGoodbyeNote xx0486C4
Text Mariner's will 0 0 DLC03MarinerWillNote xx0486C6
Text Northwood Quarry notes 0 0 DLC03_ADV011_Note# xx0427CE
Text Note 0 0 DLC03FarHarborLastPlankNote# xx04FBA0
Text Note from Atom's shrine 0 0 DLC03AtomM01_MotherShrineNote xx0269C4
Text Old letter 0 0 DLC03FarHarborAveryNote xx04FB9B
Text Put it from your mind 0 0 DLC03CoA_HCNote_Division xx054258
Text Radioman's note 0 0 DLC03_POIRadiomanNote# xx0541FE
Text Repairs in progress 0 0 DLC03CoA_FFNucleus03_MaiRepairNote xx05711D
Text Report from PV 0 0 DLC03FarHarborAllenNote xx04FB99
Text Request for detective 0 0 DLC03_V118_PearlNote xx048A2D
Text RUN! 0 0 DLC03FarHarborMitchWarningNote xx04FB9D
Text Scrawled journal 0 0 DLC03_POIRefugeeNote01 xx054203
Text Scrawled note 0 0 DLC03AtomM01_MotherNote xx0269AA
Text Sister Gwyneth's visit 0 0 DLC03MQ06a_MartinDiary01 xx037487
Text Storage room notice 0 0 DLC03MQ03StorageRoomNote xx038ED8
Text Taste test 0 0 DLC03CoA_MaiNote_ThanksSister xx04DFD2
Text The Children Trapped 0 0 DLC03POI10_MotherNote03 xx02941A
Text The Sacred Elements 0 0 DLC03AtomM01_MotherPuzzleNote xx04E0B4
Text These mannequins! 0 0 DLC03_-7-15ShipNote xx01087E
Text To my "family" 0 0 DLC03CoA_FFNucleus02_AubertsFarewell xx04B347
Text Torn flyer piece Cut content 0 0 DLC03_AtomM02_FlyerScrap#Inv xx01BC7C
Text Trapper's note 0 0 DLC03_ADV001Note01 xx054216
Text Unfinished note Cut content 0 0 DLC03CoA_HCNote_Unfinished xx04DFCD
Text Victoria's note 0 0 DLC03AcadiaM04Note xx0540A4
Text Ware's brew recipe 0 0 DLC03CoA_FFNucleus01_WareBrewRecipe xx03E12D
Text Wind turbine code 0 0 DLC03MQ06_WindFarmCode xx034DF6

Vault-Tec Workshop[]

All notes that appear in the Vault-Tec Workshop.

Name Weight Value Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Text Vault 88 chemical research 0 0 The Watering Hole DLC06E02BarstowPapers xx004BC6
Text Vault-Tec prototypes 0 0 A Model Citizen DLC06VaultTecPrototypes xx0053DA


All notes that appear in Nuka-World.

Name Weight Value Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Text Anise's suicide note 0 0 DLC04MQ01AniseNote xx04434B
Text Buzz's apology 0 0 DLC04_Pack_Story3_Part2_Note xx04E97C
Text Buzz's note 0 0 DLC04_Pack_Story3_Part1_Note xx04A51A
Text Cito's note 0 0 DLC04_Safari_CitosNote xx04D3D7
Text Crag's plan 0 0 DLC04MQ01CragNote xx04434B
Text Disciple affirmations Cut content 0 0 DLC04DisciplesNote_DailyAffirmations xx04E97C
Text Fury grenade recipe 0 0 DLC04FrenzyGrenadeRecipe xx026191
Text Going to the roof 0 0 DLC04_BottlingPlantNote01 xx04F553
Text Good looking guy's note 0 0 DLC04_Pack_Story6_Part1_Note xx04A51F
Text H's note 0 0 DLC04_Pack_Story4_Part2_Note xx04A51D
Text Hasty letter Cut content 0 0 DLC04_POIDLCatsNote xx04F54F
Text Hidden Cappy clues 0 0 DLC04MS01CappyClue_NTU_G
Text Hunter's journal page Cut content 0 0 DLC04POISC09Note xx042E9F
Text Kaylor's orders 0 0 DLC04MQ00KaylorOrders xx01A28E
Text Note about missing slaves 0 0 DLC04_Pack_Story7_Part1_Note xx04A521
Text Nuka-nuke schematics 0 0 DLC04NukaNukeSchematics xx056CFE
Text Nuka-World contest flyer 0 0 DLC04MS01Flyer xx013A48
Text Ophelia's unsent letter 0 0 DLC04MQ01OpheliaNote xx039526
Text Park map pamphlet 0 0 DLC04_ParkMapPamphlet xx047F44
Text Persuasion grenade recipe 0 0 DLC04IntimdationGrenadeRecipe xx025B1B
Text Pissed off guy's note 0 0 DLC04_Pack_Story6_Part2_Note xx04A520
Text Predator grenade recipe 0 0 DLC04PackScentGrenadeRecipe xx026193
Text Project Cobalt complete 0 0 DLC04BottlingPlantRexNote xx050A9F
Text Project Cobalt schematics 0 0 DLC04ProjectCobaltSchematics xx056CF9
Text Ramblings 0 0 DLC04MQ01CorinNote xx039527
Text Ricky's note 0 0 DLC04_DRG_CorpseNote2 xx046DD1
Text Rumor about missing slaves 0 0 DLC04_Pack_Story7_Part2_Note xx04A522
Text Safe combination 0 0 DLC04_DRG_Combo01
Text Sam's note 0 0 DLC04_DRG_CorpseNote3 xx046DD3
Text Shorty's note 0 0 DLC04_Pack_Story5_Note xx04A51E
Text Smooth Operator recipe 0 0 DLC04SmoothOperatorRecipe xx026B12
Text Sykes' old letter 0 0 DLC04MQ01SykesNote xx039525
Text Terry's note 0 0 DLC04_DRG_CorpseNote1 xx046DCF
Text The radicorn Cut content 0 0 DLC04DisciplesNote_Dreams xx04E97B
Text They hit Boston 0 0 DLC04_BottlingPlantNote02 xx04F554
Text Traitor's note 0 0 DLC04RESceneCT10TraitorDiscipleNote
Text V's note 0 0 DLC04_Pack_Story4_Part1_Note xx04A51C

Creation Club[]

All notes that are added via Creation Club content.

Name Weight Value Related quest Editor ID Form ID
Text Alexandra Trumbull's note 0 0 War Paint ccGCAFO4025_MinutemanNote02 FEXXX851
Text Architect's note 0 0 Neon Winter ccTOSFO4002_Note xx000C6F
Text Artis' CR-74L scope recipe 0 0 Combat Ready ccFRSFO4003_ArtisNote FEXXX85C
Text Bounty: Wanted in Beacon Hill 0 0 The Paper Mirror ccFRSFO4002_pm_bountyforplayer FEXXX87C
TextBounty: Wanted in Concord 0 0 The Paper Mirror ccFRSFO4002_pm_bountyforZane FEXXX87D
TextCalvin's letter 0 0 ccAWNFO4001_Note2 FEXXX811
TextCaptain Mercer's note 0 0 War Paint ccGCAFO4025_MinutemanNote04 FEXXX85C
Text Cigarette paper 0 0 Speak of the Devil ccBGSFO4115_CigaretteNote01 FEXXXA32
Text Concentrated Nuka Quantum cookbook 0 0 The Quantum Stag ccSBJFO4002_NukaBaitRecipe FEXXX8BE
Text Connie's confession 0 0 Speak of the Devil ccBGSFO4115_DM_Journal03 FEXXX80C
Text Connie's note 0 0 Speak of the Devil ccBGSFO4115_DM_Journal01 FEXXX80B
Text Connor's story 0 0 The Paper Mirror ccFRSFO4002_pm_book04 FEXXX876
Text De-Capitalist helmets 0 0 All Hallows' Eve ccFSVFO4007_HelmetNotes FEXXX80C
Text Ellie's notes 0 0 Carbonated Concerns ccEEJFO4002_ElliesNotesNOTE FEXXXFCD
Text Ellie's supply run note 0 0 Carbonated Concerns ccEEJFO4002_EllieBackSoonNOTE FEXXXBF3
Text Extra's notes 0 0 Method to the Madness ccBGSFO4048_DovahNote03 FEXXXFC6
Text Farmer's note 0 0 Over the Moon ccRZRFO4002_OTM_FarmerNote FEXXX871
Text Forged keeper's note 0 0 Crucible ccBGSFO4116_Note_Keeper FEXXX824
Text Forged recruit's note 0 0 Crucible ccBGSFO4116_Note_Cheater FEXXXFCE
Text Gunner Ace's note 0 0 Burned on the River ccSBJFO4001_SF_Note05_Ace FEXXX8B6
Text Gunner Deuce's note 0 0 Burned on the River ccSBJFO4001_SF_Note06_Deuce FEXXX8AF
Text Gunner Jack's note 0 0 Burned on the River ccSBJFO4001_SF_Note01_Jack FEXXX8A3
Text Gunner Queen's note 0 0 Burned on the River ccSBJFO4001_SF_Note04_Queen FEXXX8C9
Text Gunner scout's note 0 0 War Paint ccGCAFO4025_GunnerNote01 FEXXX832
Text ‎Handwritten note 0 0 The Paper Mirror ccFRSFO4002_pm_HandwrittenNote FEXXX87A
Text ‎Hodges' journal 0 0 Speak of the Devil ccBGSFO4115_DM_Journal04 FEXXX9EF
Text Ivy's story 0 0 The Paper Mirror ccFRSFO4002_pm_book05 FEXXX875
Text Jenny's diary 0 0 Method to the Madness ccBGSFO4048_DovahNote02 FEXXXFC5
Text Lana's notes 0 0 All Hallows' Eve ccFSVFO4007_PasswordHint FEXXX3C5
TextLetter from Randall 0 0 ccAWNFO4001_Note1 FEXXX833
TextManager's note 0 0 ccAWNFO4001_Note3 FEXXX832
TextMarvin's note 0 0 When Pigs Fly ccSBJFO4003_MarvinNote01 FEXXX133
Text No more 0 0 A Pint-Sized Problem ccBGSFO4035_GhoulBossNote02 FEXXX807
Text Note 0 0 A Pint-Sized Problem ccBGSFO4035_GhoulBossNote03 FEXXX811
Text Note to travelers 0 0 A Place to Call Home ccZSEFO4001_NoteToSettlers xx000D77
Text Notes on the throne room 0 0 Method to the Madness ccBGSFO4048_DovahNote01 FEXXXFC7
Text Note to Dave Perkins 0 0 The Good Fight ccBGSFO4117_WastelandJoeNote01 FEXXXDA1
Text Note to Sparrow 0 0 The Good Fight ccBGSFO4117_WastelandJoeNote02 FEXXXF10
Text Notes on the X-02 0 0 Speak of the Devil ccBGSFO4115_DM_Journal05 FEXXXA2F
Text Nunez's note 0 0 War Paint ccGCAFO4025_MinutemanNote01 FEXXX834
Text Only mine 0 0 A Pint-Sized Problem ccBGSFO4035_GhoulBossNote01 FEXXX806
Text Officer Isola's note 0 0 Shrouded Manor ccZSEFO4002_NoteOfficer xx000A5E
Text Pine tar ingredient list 0 0 Combat Ready ccFRSFO4003_PineTarNote xx0008C2
Text Player's story 0 0 The Paper Mirror ccFRSFO4002_pm_book01 FEXXX879
Text Richie's note 0 0 Speak of the Devil ccBGSFO4115_DM_Journal02 FEXXX80D
Text Sarge's clues 0 0 Burned on the River ccSBJFO4001_SF_Note02_Riddle01/02/03 FEXXX8C1
Text Sarge's note 0 0 Burned on the River ccSBJFO4001_SF_Note07_Sarge FEXXX8C2
Text Silas' story 0 0 The Paper Mirror ccFRSFO4002_pm_book03 FEXXX877
Text Sparrow's note 0 0 The Good Fight ccBGSFO4117_SparrowNote FEXXX0A8
Text Stag hunter's note 0 0 The Quantum Stag ccSBJFO4002_StartNote FEXXX85D
Text Toy collection - Seeking help 0 0 Holiday Spirits ccJVDFO4001_QuestNote01 FEXXX972
Text Triggerman's note 0 0 Shrouded Manor ccZSEFO4002_NoteSuiza xx000A5F
Text Young hunter's diary 0 0 The Quantum Stag ccSBJFO4002_BoyNote FEXXX85E
Text Young hunter's note 0 0 The Quantum Stag ccSBJFO4002_TrailNote FEXXX85F
Text Zane's associates 0 0 The Paper Mirror ccFRSFO4002_pm_ZaneList FEXXX87B
Text Zane's story 0 0 The Paper Mirror ccFRSFO4002_pm_book02 FEXXX878