This page lists all cell IDs in Fallout 4 (minus the wilderness IDs).
coc <cell edid> - Use this console command to teleport to a specific cell. The "cell edid" variable should be replaced with the Editor ID for the location in question.
Base game[]
Interior cells[]
Interior cells minus COPY0xxx cells.
Cell ID | Editor ID | Cell name |
00000025 | NavMeshGenCell | |
000016D8 | Vault111Cryo | Vault 111 |
000016D9 | Vault111Start | Vault 111 Main Entrance |
00001E44 | DmndEarlsHouse01 | Earl Sterling's House |
00001E45 | DmndRadio01 | Diamond city Radio |
00001E47 | DmndValentines01 | Valentine Detective Agency |
00001E4A | DmndOutfieldShengsHouse01 | Sheng Kawolski's House |
00001E4C | DmndStandsHawthorne01 | Hawthorne Residence |
00001E4D | DmndStandsCooke01 | Cooke Residence |
00001E4E | DmndStandsLatimer01 | Latimer Residence |
00001E4F | DmndStandsCodman01 | Codman Residence |
00001E50 | DmndStandsKellogg01 | Kellogg's House |
00001E51 | DmndStandsTaphouse01 | Colonial Taphouse |
00001E52 | DmndJohnsHouse01 | John and Cathy's House |
00001E53 | DmndFallons01 | Fallon's Basement |
00001E54 | DmndMoeCroninsHouse01 | Moe Cronin's House |
00001E55 | DmndArturosHouse01 | Arturo's House |
00001E56 | DmndCitySurplus01New | Myrna's House |
00001E57 | DmndScienceCenter01 | Science! Center |
00001E58 | DmndPlayerHouse01 | Home Plate |
00001E59 | DmndSolomonsHouse01 | Solomon's House |
00001E5A | DmndSurgeryCellar01 | Surgery Cellar |
00001E5B | DmndAllFaithsChapel01 | All Faiths Chapel |
00001E5C | DmndChoiceChops01 | Polly's House |
00001E5D | DmndDugoutInn01 | Dugout Inn |
00001E5E | DmndWarehouseA01 | Warehouse |
00001E5F | DmndWaterfrontSunsHouse01 | Doctor Sun's House |
00001E60 | DmndWaterfrontCrockersHouse01 | Doc Crocker's House |
00001E63 | DmndGreenhouse01 | Greenhouse |
00001E64 | DmndSchoolhouse01 | Schoolhouse |
00001E65 | DmndPublick01 | Publick Occurrences |
00001E66 | DmndSecurity01 | Security Office |
00001E68 | DmndAbbotsHouse | Abbot's House |
00001E69 | DmndPembrokesHouse01 | Pembroke Residence |
00002374 | UniversityPoint01 | University Point: Sedgwick Hall |
000179F4 | PlayerHomeInterior | |
00017DF7 | ConcordMuseum01 | Museum of Freedom |
00017E4D | TrinityTower01 | Trinity Tower Mid Level |
000198F1 | DmndSurgeryBasement01 | Mega Surgery Center |
0001B0F7 | VaultTecOffice01 | Vault-Tec Regional HQ |
0001C397 | PackInMutantPackinTestStorageCell | |
0001D41C | PackInRaiderPatrolPackStorageCell | |
0001F398 | SanctuaryRosaHouse | Rosa Residence |
0001F7A9 | QASmoke | Tunnels |
0001FA25 | CambridgePD01 | Cambridge Police Station |
0001FBA6 | CombatZone01 | Combat Zone |
000225EF | GoodneighborOldStateHouse | Old State House |
0002263E | GoodneighborTheThirdRail | The Third Rail |
00022683 | GoodneighborHotelRexford | Hotel Rexford |
00022685 | GoodneighborBobbisPlace | Bobbi's Place |
00022880 | GoodneighborWarehouse02 | Warehouse |
00022881 | GoodneighborWarehouse01 | Warehouse |
00022884 | GoodneighborTheMemoryDen | The Memory Den |
0002288B | CollegeSquare01 | College Square station |
00022967 | GoodneighborWarehouse03 | Warehouse |
000242A2 | CTEST | Quick Test Cell |
000243CD | PackInDirtSlope01Forest01StorageCell | |
000252BF | SandyCovesHome01 | Sandy Coves Convalescent Home |
00026840 | BADTFL01 | BADTFL regional office |
00026F0B | HardwareTown01 | Hardware Town |
00026FE1 | PackInTreeThicket01StorageCell | |
000275F8 | DebugCompanions | |
000276A9 | SuffolkCountyCharterSchool01 | Suffolk County Charter School |
000291C9 | GNN01 | Gunners plaza |
0002A199 | InstituteConcourse | The Institute |
0002A728 | Vault81 | Vault 81 |
0002B12D | Yangtze01 | Yangtze |
0002B52D | PackInCeilingFanWithLightStorageCell | |
0002B954 | zUnusedCave | Breakheart Banks |
0002CDFB | PackInExitSign01PackInStorageCell | |
0002CDFD | PackInEmergencyLights01PackInStorageCell | |
0002CFA5 | GorskiCabin01 | Root Cellar |
0002D5EC | InstituteOldRobotics01 | Old Robotics |
0002E579 | JamaicaPlain01 | Jamaica Plain Town Hall Basement |
0002F295 | REHoldingCell | Quick Test Cell |
0002F73C | GNN02 | Gunners Plaza Basement |
000317D0 | WaldenPond01 | Gift Shop Basement |
000320A2 | SuperDuperMart01 | Super Duper Mart |
000336E8 | ThicketExcavations01 | Thicket Excavations |
000342CB | HalluciGen01 | HalluciGen, Inc. |
0003430D | MiltonGeneral01 | Milton General Hospital |
00035B83 | PackInCorvegaRoundLampBlueGreenStorageCell | |
00035E6F | REObject02Interior | Bomb Shelter |
00035FF4 | FederalRationStockpile01 | Federal Ration Stockpile |
00036E48 | PackInLightingSetForQuickSetUp01NoShadowLightsStorageCell | |
00036E49 | PackInLightingSetForQuickSetUp01StorageCell | |
0003776D | ConcordCivicAccess01 | Concord Civic Access |
000379C5 | PickmanGallery01 | Pickman Gallery |
000379C6 | EastBostonPrep01 | East Boston Preparatory School |
00038C8C | MaldenCenter01 | Malden Center |
000396E6 | CovenantHQ01 | Sewer |
00039C9E | FortStrong01 | Fort Strong Armory |
0003A16D | FraternalPost11501 | Fraternal Post 115 |
0003A317 | CabotHouse01 | Cabot House |
0003A318 | BeantownBrewery01 | Beantown Brewery |
0003A870 | OldGulletSinkhole01 | Old Gullet Sinkhole |
0003AC6D | DBTechHighSchool01 | D.B. Technical High School |
0003AF88 | HestersRobotics01 | Hester's Consumer Robotics |
0003B381 | FensStreetSewer01 | Fens Street Sewer |
0003B6ED | LongneckLukowskis01 | Longneck Lukowski's Cannery |
0003C0F0 | CroupManor01 | Croup Manor Basement |
0003C0F1 | ShawHighSchool01 | Shaw High School |
0003C606 | RelayTowerInt01 | Bunker |
0003D649 | FourLeafFishpacking01 | Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant |
0003D7DC | FallonsDepartmentStore01 | Fallon's department store |
0003D97E | PackInLvlMirelurkAmbushWaterPackInStorageCell | |
0003D981 | PackInLvlBloodbugAmbushWallPackInStorageCell | |
0003D982 | PackInLvlBloodbugAmbushGroundPackInStorageCell | |
0003D983 | PackInLvlBloodbugAmbushCeilingShortPackInStorageCell | |
0003D984 | PackInLvlBloodbugAmbushCeilingPackInStorageCell | |
0003DF34 | MedTekResearch01 | Med-Tek Research |
0003E06E | PackInBarredDbDoorChained01StorageCell | |
0003E0D7 | PackInPfbDoorChained01StorageCell | |
0003E805 | USSConstitution01 | U.S.S. Constitution |
0003F245 | WRVRBroadcastCenter01 | WRVR Broadcast Center |
0003FA33 | BarneysBunker01 | Basement |
00041CB3 | SaugusIronworks01 | Saugus Ironworks |
0004280D | GeneralAtomicsFactory01 | General Atomics Factory |
000428E4 | Vault114 | Park Street Station |
00045155 | NahantOceanSociety01 | Nahant Oceanological Society |
00045156 | ShamrockTaphouse01 | The Shamrock Taphouse |
0004542D | HubrisComics01 | Hubris Comics |
0004640B | MahkraFishpacking01 | Mahkra Fishpacking |
00046663 | REHoldingCellTraderRylee | Quick Test Cell |
00047993 | IrishPrideShipyard01 | Irish Pride Industries Shipyard |
000479F9 | PackInDN085RadioactiveGeyserStorageCell | |
00048646 | FederalSurvCenter01 | Bunker |
00048DE3 | BostonMayoralShelter01 | Boston Mayoral Shelter |
00049B72 | DunwichBorers01 | Dunwich Borers |
0004A3A6 | WestEverettEstates01 | Backyard Bunker |
0004ACB4 | Financial14 | Commonwealth Bank |
0004AD67 | PackInNukaColaMachineStorageCellDUPLICATE000 | |
0004AE42 | MedfordMemorial01 | Medford Memorial Hospital |
0004B2C0 | PoseidonEnergy01 | Poseidon Energy |
0004B4D7 | ParsonsState03 | Parsons State Basement |
0004C7ED | GwinnettBrewery01 | Gwinnett Restaurant |
0004D414 | zUnusedFinancial23 | Atlantic Offices |
0004E428 | TheBigDig01 | The Dig |
0004E4D6 | BackStreetApparel01 | Back Street Apparel |
000503C6 | GwinnettBrewery02 | Gwinnett Main Brewery |
00050C34 | PoseidonEnergy02 | Poseidon Energy Sublevels |
000517B3 | CambridgeScienceCenter01 | Science Center Gift Shop |
00051947 | WarehouseAmbushes | Quick Test Cell |
0005226E | Vault81Secret | Secret Vault 81 |
00052A0B | PackInShackWallDoorSet02StorageCell | |
000532B6 | NationalGuardTrainingYard01 | National Guard Recruitment Office |
00053834 | PoseidonReservoir01 | Poseidon Reservoir |
00055EE1 | PackInPregnantRoachCritterStorageCell | |
000560EE | CambridgePolymerLabs01 | Cambridge Polymer Labs |
00056493 | PackInRoundLampandBeamStorageCell | |
00056BEE | MaldenDrainage01 | Malden Drainage |
00057127 | CorvegaAssemblyPlant01 | Corvega Assembly Plant |
00057128 | PackInLvlMoleratAmbushLongStorageCell | |
00057129 | PackInLvlMoleratAmbushShortStorageCell | |
0005712A | PackInLvlRadRoachAmbushFloorStorageCell | |
0005712B | PackInLvlRadRoachAmbushWallStorageCell | |
00057763 | DebugJPSA | Companion Situational Awareness |
0005884C | FaneuilHall01 | Faneuil Hall |
00058955 | aaaMarkers | Marker Cell |
00058986 | PackInPortADinerPackinStorageCell | |
0005A117 | WestRoxburyStation01 | West Roxbury station |
0005A925 | DanversHideout | Hideout |
0005C257 | ParsonsState01 | Parsons State Administration |
0005C3D2 | PackInLightBulbChandelier_LargeStorageCell | |
0005C3D3 | PackInLightBulbChandelier_SmallStorageCell | |
0005C92E | PrydwenHull01 | Prydwen Main Deck |
0005E62F | RedRocket01 | Mole Rat Den |
0005FBB5 | ParsonsState02 | Parsons State Insane Asylum |
0005FF07 | Vault95 | Vault 95 |
00062338 | RevereBeachStation01 | Revere Beach station |
00062547 | WorkshopHoldingCell | Quick Test Cell |
00065173 | PackInShellBrick3Story2x5StorageCell | |
00066EF3 | OldNorthChurch01 | Old North Church |
00068F7C | USAFSatellite01 | USAF Satellite Station Olivia |
0006E873 | Wattz01 | Wattz Electronics |
0006F0CA | Financial30 | Water Street Apartments |
0006F346 | Financial07 | Haymarket Mall |
0006F5DE | NHMFreightDepot01 | Strongroom |
0006FE2F | WestonWaterTreatment01 | Weston Water Treatment Plant |
00070115 | Financial21 | 35 Court |
00070116 | Financial24 | Joe's Spuckies |
00070117 | Financial13 | Baxter building |
00070118 | Financial06 | Old Corner Bookstore |
00072E2C | PackInCeilingLight01StorageCell | |
00072E2D | PackInCeilingLight02StorageCell | |
00072E2E | PackInDeskOfficeLampStorageCell | |
00072E2F | PackInFancyLight01PackInStorageCell | |
00072E30 | PackInFluorescentLightPackInStorageCell | |
00072E31 | PackInFluorescentLightThinPackInStorageCell | |
00072E32 | PackInHoodedLamp01PackInStorageCell | |
00072E33 | PackInHoodedLamp02PackInStorageCell | |
00072E34 | PackInHoodedLamp03PackInStorageCell | |
00072E35 | PackInLanternStorageCell | |
00072E36 | PackInLightBulbHanging01StorageCell | |
00072E37 | PackInRoundLampStorageCell | |
00072E38 | PackInSubwayLight01StorageCell | |
00072E39 | PackInSubwayLight02StorageCell | |
00072E3A | PackInTrackLightsPackInStorageCell | |
00074D28 | AndrewStation01 | Andrew Station |
000782A8 | MinutemenHoldingCell | Minutemen Holding Cell |
000788D4 | ConcordSpeakeasy | Concord Speakeasy |
0007AA38 | MedTekResearch02 | Med-Tek Sub-Levels |
0007BEF3 | Vault11402 | Vault 114 |
0007CEA3 | PackInLvlMoleratAggro512LongStorageCellDUPLICATE001 | |
0007CEA4 | PackInLvlMoleratAggro512ShortStorageCellDUPLICATE000 | |
0007D27D | PackInLvlBloodbugAggro650CeilingShortPackInStorageCell | |
0007D27E | PackInLvlBloodbugAggro650CeilingTallPackInStorageCell | |
0007D27F | PackInLvlBloodbugAggro650GroundPackInStorageCell | |
0007D280 | PackInLvlBloodbugAggro650WallPackInStorageCell | |
0007D281 | PackInLvlMirelurkAggro1670WaterStorageCell | |
0007D282 | PackInLvlMirelurkAggro1670GroundDirtStorageCell | |
0007D284 | PackInLvlRadRoachAggro880WallStorageCell | |
0007D287 | PackInLvlRadRoachAggro880FloorStorageCell | |
0007D513 | TiconderogaStation01 | Ticonderoga |
0007D8E6 | MassPikeTunnel01 | Mass Pike Tunnel |
0007E2C2 | ArcjetSystems01 | ArcJet Systems |
0007FF42 | NahantOceanSociety02 | Nahant Oceanological Research Lab |
00080465 | ArcjetSystems02 | ArcJet Engine Core |
000815A5 | WarehouseBathrooms | Quick Test Cell |
00083FF2 | PackInLvlBloatflyAggro512GroundPackInStorageCell | |
00083FF3 | PackInLvlBloatflyAggro512WallPackInStorageCell | |
00083FF4 | PackInLvlBloatflyAggro512CeilingPackInStorageCell | |
00083FF5 | PackInLvlBloatflyAggro1500GroundPackInStorageCell | |
00083FF6 | PackInLvlBloatflyAggro1500WallPackInStorageCell | |
00083FF7 | PackInLvlBloatflyAggro1500CeilingPackInStorageCell | |
00083FF8 | PackInLvlBloatflyAmbushGroundPackInStorageCell | |
00083FF9 | PackInLvlBloatflyAmbushWallPackInStorageCell | |
00083FFA | PackInLvlBloatflyAmbushCeilingPackInStorageCell | |
00083FFB | PackInLvlMirelurkAmbushDirtPackInStorageCell | |
00083FFC | PackInLvlStingwingAggro1500WallPackInStorageCell | |
00083FFD | PackInLvlStingwingAggro1024WallPackInStorageCell | |
00083FFE | PackInLvlStingwingAmbushWallPackInStorageCell | |
00084A56 | BostonAirportRuins01 | Boston Airport Ruins |
00084A59 | MassFusion02 | Mass Fusion Main Reactor |
00084D02 | PackInLvlFeralGhoulAmbushMantelPackInStorageCell | |
00084D03 | PackInLvlFeralGhoulAggro800MantelPackInStorageCell | |
00089397 | PackInDeskLamp01PackInStorageCellDUPLICATE000 | |
00089398 | PackInDeskLamp02PackInStorageCell | |
00089399 | PackInFloorLampPackInStorageCell | |
00089427 | PackInBloodbugFeedBrahminCorpseStorageCell | |
0008A13D | MS13HoldingCell | Quick Test Cell |
0008BE6F | PackInGameJam_Tree_OrangeStorageCell | |
0008E795 | PackInOilLampOnPackInStorageCell | |
0008EC02 | PackInCeilingLightHangingCageStorageCell | |
0008EC03 | PackInCeilingLightHangingStorageCell | |
0008F59C | PackInCeilingLightHangingCageShortStorageCell | |
0008F59D | PackInCeilingLightHangingShortStorageCell | |
0008F59E | PackInSpotlight_45_OnStorageCell | |
0008F59F | PackInSpotLight_90_OnStorageCell | |
0008F5A3 | PackInSpotlight_Up_OnStorageCell | |
0009087E | AtomatoysCorporateHQ01 | Wilson Atomatoys Corporate HQ |
000928C0 | PackInDMPWeapGunPistolAllStorageCell | |
00092A17 | PackInSpotlight_Back_OnNEWStorageCell | |
00092A18 | PackInSpotlight_Swivel_OffNEWStorageCell | |
00092A19 | PackInSpotlight_Swivel_OnNEWStorageCell | |
00092B21 | RailroadHQ01 | Railroad HQ |
000941DE | WarrenTheater01 | Warren Theater |
000941DF | Theater27TickerTapeLounge | Ticker Tape Lounge |
00095438 | Theater16PearwoodResidences01 | Pearwood Residences |
0009656C | GreenetechGenetics01 | Greenetech Genetics |
0009A6DE | PackInFluorescentLightSinglePackInStorageCell | |
0009AE25 | BobbisNewPlace01 | Hawthorne Estate |
0009AE26 | SouthBoston25 | Church |
0009AE28 | SouthBostonPoliceDepartment01 | South Boston Police Department |
0009BD2A | DebugRange | Quick Test Cell |
0009BFFF | ElevTransUtil | Elevator |
0009C376 | SouthBoston35 | Factory |
0009C775 | BostonCommon02 | The Boylston Club |
0009D357 | BeaconHillBostonBugle | The Boston Bugle |
0009DC93 | PackInLoadElevatorUtilityPackInStorageCell | |
0009F0A2 | Waterfront12 | Harbormaster Hotel |
0009F426 | PackInPrewar_Fancy_BureauWithDoorsStorageCell | |
0009FB31 | CharlestownLaundry | Charlestown Laundry |
0009FB32 | CharlestownHouse01 | Abandoned House |
0009FE55 | PackInPrewar_Fancy_CurioWithDoors01StorageCell | |
000A007A | zUnusedTheaterLaundromat | Quick Test Cell |
000A050E | PackInLvlMoleratAmbush512ShortDelayedPackInStorageCell | |
000A050F | PackInLvlMoleratAmbush512LongDelayedPackInStorageCell | |
000A0EEF | SouthBoston19 | High School |
000A0EF0 | Waterfront02 | Warehouse |
000A0EF1 | CustomHouseTower01 | Custom House Tower |
000A1399 | PackInLvlFeralGhoulAmbushLayPackInStorageCell | |
000A139A | PackInLvlFeralGhoulAmbushCrawlPackInStorageCell | |
000A139B | PackInLvlFeralGhoulAggro800LayPackInStorageCell | |
000A139C | PackInLvlFeralGhoulAggro800CrawlPackInStorageCell | |
000A139D | PackInLvlFeralGhoulAggro512MantelPackInStorageCell | |
000A139E | PackInLvlFeralGhoulAggro512CrawlPackInStorageCell | |
000A139F | PackInLvlFeralGhoulAggro512GroundPackInStorageCell | |
000A1724 | EsplanadeChurch01 | Holy Mission Congregation |
000A1CB7 | LaytonTowers01 | Layton Towers |
000A1CBC | ShenleysOysterBar01 | Shenley's Oyster Bar |
000A2E0B | PackInMetalBarrelRadioactive02PACKStorageCell | |
000A2E0C | PackInMetalBarrelRadioactivePCK01StorageCell | |
000A342C | PackInLvlFeralGhoulAmbushCrawlFlatPackInStorageCell | |
000A342D | PackInLvlFeralGhoulAggro800CrawlFlatPackInStorageCell | |
000A342E | PackInLvlFeralGhoulAggro512CrawlFlatPackInStorageCell | |
000A36EA | SanctuaryBasementJahani | Root Cellar |
000A3AD4 | CambridgeMassChemical01 | Mass Chemical |
000A3AD9 | CambridgeDiner01 | Cambridge Diner |
000A3ADB | CambridgeCollegeAdminBuilding | College Admin Building |
000A4632 | BeaconHillApartments | Apartments |
000A4633 | CharlestownDrugDen | Drug Den |
000A59EA | NorthEndBoxingGym | Boxing Gym |
000A5E8D | PackInLvlViciousDogDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E8E | PackInLvlSynthDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E8F | PackInLvlSupermutantDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E90 | PackInLvlStingwingDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E91 | PackInLvlRobotDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E92 | PackInLvlRadStagDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E93 | PackInLvlRadscorpionDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E94 | PackInLvlMoleratDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E95 | PackInLvlMirelurkDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E96 | PackInLvlFEVHoundDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E97 | PackInLvlFeralGhoulDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E98 | PackInLvlBloodbugDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E99 | PackInLvlBloatflyDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E9A | PackInLvlGunnerDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A5E9B | PackInLvlRaiderDefaultPackInStorageCell | |
000A603B | CambridgeEastCITRaiderCamp01 | Office Building |
000A603D | CambridgeMonsignorPlaza01 | Monsignor Plaza |
000A87EA | NorthEndMeanPastries | Mean Pastries |
000A87EB | NorthEndHoardersApartment | Apartment |
000A929B | NorthEndValentiStation | Subway station |
000A9B62 | Vault81Entry | Vault 81 |
000AB57E | PackInSpotlightDetectInteriorPackInStorageCell | |
000AB733 | PackInIndCat1WayExtendablePairPackInStorageCell | |
000ADEC8 | TheCastle01 | The Castle Tunnels |
000B0AA3 | zUnusedTheater46A | Quick Test Cell |
000B35C3 | PackInDummy_RadMedsStorageCell | |
000B35C4 | PackInDummy_Chems_AnyStorageCell | |
000B35C7 | PackInDummy_HuntingRifleStorageCell | |
000B35C8 | PackInDummy_Food_PackagedStorageCell | |
000B35C9 | PackInDummy_Drink_NonAlcoholStorageCell | |
000B35CA | PackInDummy_Drink_AlcoholStorageCell | |
000B35CB | PackInDummy_Drink_AnyStorageCell | |
000B35CC | PackInDummy_Drink_NukaColaStorageCell | |
000B35CD | PackInDummy_Ammo_ShotgunShellStorageCell | |
000B35CE | PackInDummy_Ammo_FusionCellStorageCell | |
000B35D0 | PackInDummy_Ammo_5mmStorageCell | |
000B35D1 | PackInDummy_Ammo_556StorageCell | |
000B35D3 | PackInDummy_Ammo_308CaliberStorageCell | |
000B35D5 | PackInDummy_Ammo_10mmStorageCell | |
000B35D6 | PackInDummy_Ammo_AnyStorageCell | |
000B35D8 | PackInDummy_HandmadeGun_Rifle_ScopeOpticalStorageCell | |
000B35D9 | PackInDummy_HandmadeGun_Rifle_ScopeStorageCell | |
000B35DA | PackInDummy_HandmadeGun_RifleStorageCell | |
000B35DB | PackInDummy_HandmadeGun_Rifle_SAStorageCell | |
000B35DC | PackInDummy_HandmadeGun_PistolStorageCell | |
000B35DD | PackInDummy_HandmadeGun_PipeMGStorageCell | |
000B35DE | PackInDummy_HandmadeGunStorageCell | |
000B36AE | InstituteReactor | Institute Reactor |
000B3D9F | PackInElevatorUtilityPackInStorageCellDUPLICATE000 | |
000B3DA0 | PackInDummy_10mmStorageCell | |
000B40B1 | PackInEncSentryBotAggro800PackInStorageCell | |
000B40B2 | PackInEncSentryBotAggro512PackInStorageCell | |
000B40B3 | PackInEncSentryBotAmbushPackInStorageCell | |
000B42E4 | Switchboard | The Switchboard |
000BAF44 | PackInDummy_LaserMusketStorageCell | |
000BB078 | FortHagen01 | Fort Hagen |
000BED97 | CambridgeChurchGraveyard01 | Union's Hope Cathedral |
000C01A7 | Vault75 | Vault 75 |
000C0791 | FensCafeBuilding | Apartments |
000C0F68 | zInstituteRotunda | CIT Rotunda |
000C2B6A | TheCastleAttackersHoldingCell | Holding Cell |
000C4EAD | PackInLvlMirelurkHunterAggro1200GroundDelayedPackInStorageCell | |
000C4EAE | PackInLvlMirelurkHunterAggro512GroundDelayedPackInStorageCell | |
000C4EAF | PackInLvlMirelurkHunterAggro1670GroundPackInStorageCell | |
000C4EB0 | PackInLvlMirelurkHunterAggro1200GroundPackInStorageCell | |
000C4EB1 | PackInLvlMirelurkHunterAggro800GroundPackInStorageCell | |
000C4EB2 | PackInLvlMirelurkHunterAggro512GroundPackInStorageCell | |
000C4EB3 | PackInLvlMirelurkHunterAmbushGroundPackInStorageCell | |
000C563B | DmndArturosHouse02 | Arturo's House |
000C563C | DmndChoiceChops02 | Meat Locker |
000C8040 | FensParkviewApartments02 | Parkview Lounge |
000C8041 | FensParkviewApartments01 | Apartment Building |
000C8042 | FensBank01 | Bridgeway Trust |
000C9D24 | MassStateHouse01 | Massachusetts State House |
000CA260 | PrewarVault111 | Vault 111 |
000CD2AE | FortHagen02 | Fort Hagen Command Center |
000CFDA3 | CambridgeKendallHospital01 | Kendall Hospital |
000D1064 | BoSAliasCell | Brotherhood of Steel Alias Cell |
000D393F | MQ203KelloggsBrain | Memories |
000DCC23 | ListeningPostBravo01 | Listening Post Bravo |
000E1B01 | zUnusedCellar02 | Cellar |
000E214D | DBTechHighSchool02 | Medical Center Station |
000E2F6F | NationalGuardTrainingYard03 | National Guard Armory |
000E2F70 | NationalGuardTrainingYard02 | National Guard Barracks |
000E3CC4 | ConcordFactory | Workhouse |
000E4EA9 | PackInConstructionLightFloorPackinStorageCell | |
000E4EAA | PackInConstructionLightStandingPackinStorageCell | |
000E4EAB | PackInSpotlight_45_OnNSStorageCell | |
000E50B5 | TrinityChurch01 | Trinity Church |
000E791A | GeneralAtomicsGalleria01 | Back Alley Bowling |
000E8292 | PackInIndCatLightNSStorageCell | |
000E8D80 | ElevTransPub | Elevator |
000EACD8 | PackInSubwayLightWall03NSStorageCell | |
000EACD9 | PackInSubwayLightWall03StorageCell | |
000EB775 | WarehouseTraps | The most dangerous cell |
000EBE92 | BostonPublicLibrary01 | Copley station |
000EBE93 | BostonPublicLibrary02 | Boston Public Library |
000ECCFD | PrewarTVStudio | Colonial's Department Store |
000ECE80 | BunkerHill01 | Utility Basement |
000F4BF4 | MassFusion01 | Mass Fusion Building |
000F758F | MS10ElevTrans | Quick Test Cell |
000F7C51 | ElevTransHiTech | Elevator |
000F989A | zUnusedGrenades | Cellar |
000FB265 | UniversityPoint02 | University Credit Union |
00102B80 | PackInterminalProtectron_PackInStorageCell | |
00102B82 | zUnusedSubwayTerminalShowcase | Terminals & Holotapes, Oh My. |
00108642 | PackInCircuitBreakerPackInStorageCell | |
0010F1F0 | FourLeafFishpacking02 | Marowski's Chem Lab |
001126B0 | Vault81HoldingCell | Vault 81 Holding Cell |
00112728 | PackInCZSpotlightMainStorageCell | |
0011849C | PackInEmbankmentIsland_SmallThin01GStorageCell | |
0011849E | PackInEmbankmentIsland_LargeShort01GStorageCell | |
00118618 | WarehouseGunTraps | TrapGunPackins |
0011E7EC | Libertalia01 | Captain's Cabin |
00123DAB | PackInCorpseYaoGuai01forFeedingStorageCell | |
00123DAD | PackInCorpseMolerat01forFeedingStorageCell | |
001244D3 | PackInBoatFishing01PackInStorageCell | |
00125A5E | PackInTruckFlatbedMegaloaderStorageCell | |
0012653A | SentinelSite01 | Sentinel site |
0012B484 | PackInMetalFireBarrelGratingSStorageCell | |
0012B486 | PackInBldPlugJLight01GoboStorageCell | |
0012B488 | PackInBldPlugILight01GoboStorageCell | |
0012B48A | PackInBldPlugHLight01GoboStorageCell | |
0012B48C | PackInBldPlugGLight01GoboStorageCell | |
0012B48E | PackInBldPlugFLight01GoboStorageCell | |
0012B490 | PackInBldPlugELight01GoboStorageCell | |
0012B492 | PackInBldPlugDLight01GoboStorageCell | |
0012B494 | PackInBldPlugCLight01GoboStorageCell | |
0012CB6E | Financial28 | Ruined Skyscraper |
001379B9 | zLexingtonApartments | Apartments |
00137C87 | RailroadHQEscapeTunnel | Railroad HQ Escape Tunnel |
0013A2B1 | InstituteCave | Institute Sublevel 21-D |
0013A972 | BackBayTallOffice01 | Dartmouth Professional Building |
0013FEB8 | ElevTransVault | Elevator |
00140089 | BeaconHillPub | Prost Bar |
001404D4 | PackInGurney01WithCushionStorageCell | |
0014056A | PackInTreeMapleForest01CrowMarkerPackinStorageCell | |
0014056C | PackInTreeMapleForestsmall1CrowMarkerPackinStorageCell | |
001440BE | SaugusIronworks02 | Saugus Blast Furnace |
00145D91 | PackInVaultDoorConsolePackInStorageCell | |
00146629 | PackInTrapGunWallHorizAutoPackinStorageCell | |
0014662B | PackInTrapGunWallHorizMissilePackinStorageCell | |
0014662D | PackInTrapGunWallHorizShotgunPackinStorageCell | |
0014662F | PackInTrapGunWallHorizRiflePackinStorageCell | |
00146631 | PackInTrapGunWallHorizPistolPackinStorageCellDUPLICATE002 | |
001466F7 | PackInTrapGunWallVertPistolPackinStorageCellDUPLICATE001 | |
001466F9 | PackInTrapGunWallVertRiflePackinStorageCell | |
001466FB | PackInTrapGunWallVertShotgunPackinStorageCell | |
001466FD | PackInTrapGunWallVertMissilePackinStorageCell | |
001466FF | PackInTrapGunWallVertAutoPackinStorageCell | |
00149CD2 | QuincyPD01 | Quincy Police Lock up |
0014A0EE | zWaystation | Waystation |
0014EC30 | PackInHITLight01StorageCell | |
0014FC54 | PrydwenHull02 | Prydwen Command Deck |
0014FC9B | MassFusion02Trans | Mass Fusion Elevator |
0015054F | InstituteTunnel01 | Public Works Maintenance Area |
00153794 | InstituteAdvSystems | Institute Advanced Systems |
00153795 | InstituteSRB | Institute SRB |
00153796 | InstituteRobotics | Institute Robotics |
00153797 | InstituteBioScience | Institute BioScience |
00156C0E | VirgilsLab01 | Virgil's Laboratory |
00157907 | PackInHightTechLightCeiling04PackInStorageCell | |
00157AA2 | GraygardenHomestead01 | Graygarden Homestead |
00157F63 | WarehouseWorkbenches | Workbench Bonanza |
00158024 | PackInHighTechLightCeiling02PackInsStorageCell | |
00158029 | PackInTesttestestStorageCell | |
0015A1E1 | PackInFloorTypesPackInStorageCell | |
0015A1E3 | MuseumOfWitchcraft01 | Museum of Witchcraft |
0015B546 | zUnusedFalloutShelter02 | Shelter |
0015B547 | BigJohnsSalvage01 | Shelter |
0015B548 | RelayTowerInt04 | Shelter |
001601D7 | WarehouseIndustrialMachines | The Incredible Machines |
00164A88 | GreenetechGenetics02 | Greenetech Genetics |
0016FC4A | zPOIJoel06 | Cellar |
00172297 | BostonAirportAliasCell | Airport Alias Cell |
0017633E | PackInBusStop01StorageCell | |
001791FB | PackInHitLight01B_CoolStorageCell | |
001796A3 | PackInTrapMonkeyPackinStorageCell | |
0017CA01 | InstituteAliasCell | |
00180244 | PackInSpotLightVaultCeilingNSStorageCell | |
00180245 | PackInSpotLightVaultCeilingSStorageCell | |
00180246 | PackInSpotLightVaultWallSStorageCell | |
00180A54 | PackInREPackIn_CampStorageCell | |
00180A5A | PackInREPackIn_SceneStorageCell | |
00183343 | PackInElevatorVaultPackInStorageCell | |
00184A31 | TheaterHub360 | Hub 360 |
00186CC2 | TheaterMassBayMedicalCenter01 | Mass Bay Medical Center |
00186FC2 | UFOCrashSite01 | Cave |
0018AE5A | PackInMultiBarredDoorSinglePackIn02StorageCell | |
0018AE5D | PacknBarredDoorDoublePackIn01StorageCell | |
0018AE61 | PackInMultiBarredDoorSinglePackIn01StorageCell | |
0018AE66 | PackInBarredDoorSinglePackIn01StorageCell | |
0018B0EF | PackInBarredDoorSinglePackIn02StorageCellDUPLICATE000 | |
0018F644 | PackInDummy_44weapStorageCell | |
0018F645 | PackInDummy_CombatRifleStorageCell | |
00191E94 | PackInRelayTowerPackInStorageCell | |
00192DB9 | PackInBld03FrontBrickACom01_PackInStorageCell | |
00192DBB | PackInBld03CornerBrickACom01_PackInStorageCell | |
00192DBD | PackInBld03CornerBrickACom01Open01_PackInStorageCell | |
00192DC5 | PackInBld02CornerBrickACom02_PackInStorageCell | |
00192DC7 | PackInBld02CornerBrickACom01_PackInStorageCell | |
00192DC9 | PackInBld02Angle45BrickACom01_PackInStorageCell | |
00192DCB | PackInBld04AddFirescape01_PackInStorageCell | |
00193AD5 | PackInKlaxonLightPackInStorageCell | |
0019690E | EsplanadeMansion01 | Marlborough House |
00198D88 | PackInDummy_WeapMelee_AllStorageCell | |
00198D89 | PackInDummy_Weap_All_BigStorageCell | |
00198D8B | PackInDummy_Weap_All_LongStorageCell | |
00198D8C | PackInDummy_Weap_All_ShortStorageCell | |
00198D8D | PackInDummy_Chems_PrewarStorageCell | |
00198D8E | PackInDummy_Food_Meat_RawStorageCell | |
00198D8F | PackInDummy_Food_AllStorageCell | |
00198D92 | PackInDummy_Ammo_44weapStorageCell | |
00198D93 | PackInDummy_Ammo_PlasmaCartridgeStorageCell | |
00198D96 | PackInDummy_Ammo_LaserMusketStorageCell | |
00198D97 | PackInDummy_Ammo_GammaGunStorageCell | |
00198D98 | PackInDummy_GammaGunStorageCell | |
00198D99 | PackInDummy_Ammo_FlareStorageCell | |
00198D9A | PackInDummy_Ammo_CombatRifleStorageCell | |
00198D9C | PackInDummy_TommyGunStorageCell | |
00198D9D | PackInDummy_Ammo_TommyGunStorageCell | |
00198D9E | PackInDummy_LaserGunStorageCell | |
00198DA0 | PackInDummy_WeapMelee_SledgehammerStorageCell | |
00198DA5 | PackInDummy_PlasmaGun_PistolStorageCell | |
00198DAB | PackInDummy_HuntingRifle_SniperStorageCell | |
00199049 | PackInDummy_Weap_PlasmaGun_RifleAutomaticStorageCell | |
0019904A | PackInDummy_Weap_PlasmaGun_ShotgunStorageCell | |
0019904C | PackInDummy_Weap_PipeBoltAction_RifleStorageCell | |
0019904D | PackInDummy_Weap_PipeBoltAction_PistolStorageCell | |
0019904E | PackInDummy_Weap_Pipe_All_ShortStorageCell | |
0019904F | PackInDummy_Weap_Pipe_All_LongStorageCell | |
00199050 | PackInDummy_WeapMelee_LeadPipeStorageCell | |
00199051 | PackInDummy_Weap_LaserMusket_ShortStorageCell | |
00199055 | PackInDummy_Weap_LaserGunBlue_ShotgunStorageCell | |
00199056 | PackInDummy_Weap_LaserGunBlue_SemiautoStorageCell | |
00199057 | PackInDummy_Weap_LaserGunBlue_RifleStorageCell | |
00199059 | PackInDummy_Weap_LaserGunBlue_PistolStorageCell | |
0019905A | PackInDummy_Weap_LaserGunBlue_AutomaticStorageCell | |
0019905C | PackInDummy_Weap_LaserGunBlueStorageCell | |
0019905D | PackInDummy_Weap_LaserGun_SubmachineGunStorageCell | |
00199060 | PackInDummy_Weap_LaserGun_RifleShortStorageCell | |
00199064 | PackInDummy_Weap_HuntingRifle_ShortRifleStorageCell | |
00199065 | PackInDummy_Weap_CombatShotgun_ShortRifleStorageCell | |
00199068 | PackInDummy_Weap_CombatRifle_SniperStorageCell | |
0019906B | PackInDummy_Weap_10mm_Pistol_SemiAutoStorageCell | |
00199630 | CombatZoneHoldingCell | Combat Zone Holding Cell |
0019EEA8 | InstituteFEVlab | FEV Lab |
001A66B4 | WarehouseClutter | Workbench Bonanza |
001A70A1 | PackInLvlMirelurkAmbushHiddenPackInStorageCell | |
001AD020 | zLexingtonPharmacy | Pharmacy |
001AD021 | zLexingtonLaundromat | Laundromat |
001AD908 | NorthEndSalemStreetCottage | Cottage |
001AE39C | zLexingtonGarage | Parking Garage |
001B2915 | RelayTowerInt15B | Reactor Level |
001B2916 | RelayTowerInt15A | Operations |
001B2917 | RelayTowerInt06 | Basement |
001B2918 | RelayTowerInt14 | Reactor Level |
001B2ED1 | RelayTowerInt08 | Train Car |
001B2ED2 | RelayTowerInt09 | Fishing Boat Cabin |
001B2ED3 | RelayTowerInt05 | Storage Compartment |
001B3F74 | RelayTowerInt03 | Bunker |
001B9A59 | RelayTowerInt17 | Storage |
001BABD5 | CambridgePlumbing01 | Plumber's Secret |
001BAE01 | FensKenmoreStation | Subway Station |
001BD31D | CambridgeParkingGarage01 | Kendall Parking |
001BD54A | FortStrong02 | Fort Strong Sublevel |
001BDBA4 | PackInDMPTargetPracticePackInStorageCell | |
001C0133 | PackInPowerLiftMiniCartPackInStorageCell | |
001C0F91 | ElevMinUseTransUtil | Elevator |
001C53EF | TheaterMassBayMedicalCenter02 | Mass Bay Medical Radiology |
001C9331 | SlocumsJoeHQOffice | Slocum's Joe Offices |
001D0AA6 | PackInLvlMirelurkKingAmbushWaterPackInStorageCell | |
001DE7E3 | RelayTowerInt12 | Military Bunker |
001E1ACA | CambridgeConstructionSiteWarehouse01 | Construction Site Warehouse |
001E6D75 | PackInIndGreeb12StorageCell | |
001EC205 | CombatZone02 | Quick Test Cell |
001F4190 | GlowingSeaPOIDB05Int | Red Rocket |
001F59B9 | GlowingSeaPOIDB06Int | Parking Garage |
001F8546 | PackInDN136_KlaxonDestPackInStorageCell | |
001F8A96 | PackInGenericExteriorClutter27StorageCell | |
001F8AA4 | PackInGenericExteriorClutter13StorageCell | |
001F8AAA | PackInGenericExteriorClutter07StorageCell | |
001F8AB0 | PackInGenericExteriorClutter01StorageCell | |
001F962B | PackInGenericExteriorClutter29StorageCell | |
0020C673 | PackInGenericExteriorClutter35StorageCell | |
0020E8B1 | PackInGenericExteriorClutter40StorageCell | |
0020F124 | WarehouseMusic | Quick Test Cell |
00211D67 | PackInGenericExteriorClutter47StorageCell | |
00211D68 | PackInGenericExteriorClutter46StorageCell | |
0021630B | PrydwenHull03 | Prydwen Quarters |
0021A107 | ElevTransHiTechInstitute | Elevator |
0021A2AE | zVitalePumphouse01 | Pumphouse |
002243B0 | PackInDecal_Gunner01SmallStorageCell | |
002252DB | PackInCanneryRetort01PackInStorageCell | |
0022B5C0 | BoSHoldingCell | BoS Holding Cell |
0022D2DB | PackInSuperMutantCamp04StorageCell | |
00248AC5 | PackInBuoy_Bell_RedStorageCell | |
00248AC6 | PackInBuoy_Bell_GreenStorageCell |
Exterior cells[]
Exterior cells with an editor ID.
Cell ID | Editor ID | Location name |
00000F99 | QAEmpty | |
00000FC9 | DiamondCityEntrance | |
00000FDA | DiamondCityUpperStands | |
00000FE8 | DiamondCityWhatever | |
00000FE9 | DiamondCityOutfield01 | |
00000FEA | DiamondCityOutfield02 | |
00000FED | DiamondCityWall | |
00000FEE | DiamondCityOrigin | |
0000D908 | POIRJ13 | |
0000D924 | MahkraFishpackingExt04 | Mahkra Fishpacking |
0000D925 | MahkraFishpackingExt02 | Mahkra Fishpacking |
0000D926 | MahkraFishpackingExt03 | Mahkra Fishpacking |
0000D92D | ParsonsPOIExt | Parsons Creamery |
0000D92E | ParsonsPOIExt02 | Parsons Creamery |
0000D934 | ReconBunkerThetaExt02 | Recon bunker Theta |
0000D935 | ReconBunkerThetaExt | Recon Bunker Theta |
0000D938 | LakeQuannapowittExt02 | Lake Quannapowitt |
0000D944 | MahkraFishpackingExt | Mahkra Fishpacking |
0000D945 | MahkraFishpackingExt05 | Mahkra Fishpacking |
0000D94A | POIRJ16 | |
0000D94E | LynnWoodsExt03 | Lynn Woods |
0000D94F | POIDeathclawDen01b | Lynn Woods |
0000D950 | POIDeathclawDen01a | Lynn Woods |
0000D952 | POIRJ14 | |
0000D954 | POIRJ19 | |
0000D957 | LakeQuannapowittExt04 | Lake Quannapowitt |
0000D96D | LynnWoodsExt02 | Lynn Woods |
0000D975 | LakeQuannapowittExt07 | Lake Quannapowitt |
0000D976 | LakeQuannapowittExt06 | Lake Quannapowitt |
0000D97F | BarneysBunkerExt04 | Barney's Bunker |
0000D980 | BarneysBunkerExt03 | Barney's Bunker |
0000D985 | POIMCamp01 | Coastal cottage |
0000D986 | POIMCamp02 | Coastal cottage |
0000D989 | ParsonsStateExt04 | Parsons State Insane Asylum |
0000D98A | ParsonsStateExt03 | Parsons State Insane Asylum |
0000D98C | LynnWoodsExt | Lynn Woods |
0000D993 | RelayTower01ext | |
0000D994 | LakeQuannapowittExt10 | Lake Quannapowitt |
0000D995 | LakeQuannapowittExt09 | Lake Quannapowitt |
0000D99E | BarneysBunkerExt | Barney's Bunker |
0000D99F | BarneysBunkerExt02 | Barney's Bunker |
0000D9A1 | POIRJ08 | |
0000D9A8 | ParsonsStateExt07 | Parsons State Insane Asylum |
0000D9A9 | ParsonsStateExt02 | Parsons State Insane Asylum |
0000D9AA | ParsonsStateExt | Parsons State Insane Asylum |
0000D9B3 | GeneralAtomicsGalleriaExt03 | General Atomics Galleria |
0000D9B4 | GeneralAtomicsGalleriaExt02 | General Atomics Galleria |
0000D9BF | SandyCovesHomeExt | Sandy Coves Convalescent Home |
0000D9C0 | POIRJ09 | |
0000D9C3 | POIRJ11 | |
0000D9C7 | ParsonsStateExt05 | Parsons State Insane Asylum |
0000D9C8 | ParsonsStateExt06 | Parsons State Insane Asylum |
0000D9CB | BreakheartBanksExt03 | Breakheart Banks |
0000D9CC | BreakheartBanksExt02 | Breakheart Banks |
0000D9D0 | MassFusionContainmentShed | Milton General Hospital |
0000D9D2 | GeneralAtomicsGalleriaExt04 | General Atomics Galleria |
0000D9D3 | GeneralAtomicsGalleriaExt | General Atomics Galleria |
0000D9DF | SalemExt03 | Salem |
0000D9E5 | POIrj22 | |
0000D9EA | BreakheartBanksExt04 | Breakheart Banks |
0000D9EB | BreakheartBanksExt | Breakheart Banks |
0000D9ED | POIRJ15 | |
0000D9F1 | DarkHollowPondExt02 | Dark Hollow Pond |
0000D9FC | CraterHouseExt04 | Crater House |
0000D9FD | CraterHouseExt03 | Crater House |
0000D9FE | SalemExt02 | Salem |
0000D9FF | POIRJ17 | Salem |
0000DA01 | DunwichBorersExt05 | Dunwich Borers |
0000DA02 | DunwichBorersExt | |
0000DA03 | DunwichBorersExt04 | |
0000DA05 | TheSlogExt03 | The Slog |
0000DA06 | TheSlogExt02 | The Slog |
0000DA08 | POIMilitaryBB03 | Military Checkpoint |
0000DA10 | DarkHollowPondExt | Dark Hollow Pond |
0000DA11 | POIJoel05 | |
0000DA1B | CraterHouseExt02 | Crater House |
0000DA1C | CraterHouseExt | Crater House |
0000DA21 | DunwichBorersExt02 | |
0000DA22 | DunwichBorersExt03 | |
0000DA24 | TheSlogExt | The Slog |
0000DA25 | TheSlogExt04 | The Slog |
0000DA2A | GreentopNurseryExt | Greentop Nursery |
0000DA2C | OldGulletSinkholeExt | Old Gullet Sinkhole |
0000DA3A | KingsportLighthouseExt03 | Kingsport Lighthouse |
0000DA3B | KingsportLighthouseExt | Kingsport Lighthouse |
0000DA40 | POIRJ21 | |
0000DA47 | ListeningPostBravoExt | Listening Post Bravo |
0000DA4C | Vault75Ext02 | Vault 75 |
0000DA59 | KingsportLighthouseExt02 | Kingsport Lighthouse |
0000DA5A | KingsportLighthouseExt04 | Kingsport Lighthouse |
0000DA5B | POIRJ20 | |
0000DA5C | LongneckLukowskisExt | Longneck Lukowski's Cannery |
0000DA60 | HubCityAutoWreckersExt | Hub City Auto Wreckers |
0000DA61 | HubCityAutoWreckersExt03 | Hub City Auto Wreckers |
0000DA62 | SaugusIronWorksExt | Saugus Ironworks |
0000DA63 | SaugusIronworksExt02 | Saugus Ironworks |
0000DA6A | Vault75Ext | Vault 75 |
0000DA6B | SlocumsJoeHQExt | Slocum's Joe Corporate HQ |
0000DA6C | MaldenCenterExt | Malden Center |
0000DA6D | MedfordMemorialExt | Medford Memorial Hospital |
0000DA7B | LongneckLukowskisExt02 | Longneck Lukowski's Cannery |
0000DA7F | HubCityAutoWreckersExt02 | Hub City Auto Wreckers |
0000DA80 | HubCityAutoWreckersExt04 | Hub City Auto Wreckers |
0000DA81 | SaugusIronworksExt04 | Saugus Ironworks |
0000DA82 | SaugusIronworksExt03 | Saugus Ironworks |
0000DA89 | MedTekResearchExt | Med-Tek Research |
0000DA9E | VitalePumphouseExt | |
0000DAA8 | BoSBattleSiteExt | Ruined Clinic |
0000DABF | FinchFarmExt | Finch farm |
0000DAC1 | POIMilitaryMC03 | Military Checkpoint |
0000DAC6 | BoSBattleSiteExt02 | Ruined Clinic |
0000DAC7 | BoSBattleSiteExt03 | Ruined Clinic |
0000DACB | TaffingtonBoatHouseExt | Taffington Boathouse |
0000DADB | GibsonPointPierExt04 | Gibson Point Pier |
0000DADC | GibsonPointPierExt02 | Gibson Point Pier |
0000DAE8 | WestEverettEstatesExt | West Everett Estates |
0000DAE9 | WestEverettEstatesExt03 | West Everett Estates |
0000DAF5 | CroupManorExt02 | Croup Manor |
0000DAF8 | RR303VertibirdAmbush | RR303's Vertibird Ambush |
0000DAF9 | POIMilitaryBB07 | Military Checkpoint |
0000DAFA | GibsonPointPierExt03 | Gibson Point Pier |
0000DAFB | GibsonPointPierExt | Gibson Point Pier |
0000DAFC | ReebMarinaExt | Reeb Marina |
0000DAFD | ReebMarinaExt02 | Reeb Marina |
0000DAFE | RevereSatelliteArrayExt | Revere Satellite Array |
0000DB01 | NationalGuardTrainingYardExt | National Guard Training Yard |
0000DB04 | RelayTower02Ext | Relay Tower 0MC-810 |
0000DB07 | WestEverettEstatesExt02 | West Everett Estates |
0000DB08 | WestEverettEstatesExt04 | West Everett Estates |
0000DB12 | NahantChapelExt | Nahant Chapel |
0000DB14 | CroupManorExt | Croup Manor |
0000DB15 | CroupManorExt03 | Croup Manor |
0000DB17 | Nahant | Military Checkpoint |
0000DB1B | RevereBeachStationExt05 | Revere Beach Station |
0000DB1C | RevereBeachStationExt06 | Revere Beach Station |
0000DB26 | WestEverettEstatesExt06 | West Everett Estates |
0000DB27 | WestEverettEstatesExt05 | West Everett Estates |
0000DB3A | RevereBeachStationExt02 | Revere Beach Station |
0000DB3B | RevereBeachStationExt | Revere Beach Station |
0000DB3F | CountyCrossing | County crossing |
0000DB45 | POIJS017 | |
0000DB46 | PoseidonEnergyTurbineExt | Poseidon Energy Turbine #18-F |
0000DB47 | PoseidonEnergyTurbineExt03 | Poseidon Energy Turbine #18-F |
0000DB4E | NahantOceanSocietyExt02 | The Nahant Oceanological Society |
0000DB4F | NahantOceanSocietyExt | The Nahant Oceanological Society |
0000DB54 | NahantPDExt | Nahant Police Department |
0000DB59 | RevereBeachStationExt03 | Revere Beach Station |
0000DB5A | RevereBeachStationExt04 | Revere Beach Station |
0000DB5F | ReactorDomesCentralExt | |
0000DB63 | IrishPrideShipyardExt | Irish Pride Industries Shipyard |
0000DB65 | PoseidonEnergyTurbineExt02 | Poseidon Energy Turbine #18-F |
0000DB6D | NahantOceanSocietyExt04 | The Nahant Oceanological Society |
0000DB6E | NahantOceanSocietyExt03 | The Nahant Oceanological Society |
0000DB74 | LibertaliaNorthExt | Libertalia |
0000DB84 | BADTFLExt02 | BADTFL regional office |
0000DB94 | LibertaliaCaptainsCabinExt | Libertalia |
0000DB9C | DNPrimeBridge02 | DNPrime Bridge02 Location |
0000DB9F | CharlestownDrugDenExt | Drug Den |
0000DBA1 | BunkerHillExt02 | Bunker Hill |
0000DBA3 | BADTFLExt | BADTFL Regional Office |
0000DBB8 | EasyCityDownsExt02 | Easy City Downs |
0000DBB9 | EasyCityDownsExt | Easy City Downs |
0000DBBA | EastBostonPrepSchoolExt02 | East Boston Preparatory School |
0000DBBB | EastBostonPrepSchoolExt | East Boston Preparatory School |
0000DBBC | DNPrimeBridge01 | DNPrime Bridge01 Location |
0000DBBE | USSConstitutionExt | USS Constitution |
0000DBC0 | BunkerHillExt | Bunker Hill |
0000DBC2 | CambridgeConstructionSiteExt | |
0000DBC3 | CambridgeConstructionSiteExt02 | |
0000DBD2 | LibertaliaSouthExt | Libertalia |
0000DBD7 | EasyCityDownsExt04 | Easy City Downs |
0000DBD8 | EasyCityDownsExt03 | Easy City Downs |
0000DBD9 | EastBostonPrepSchoolExt03 | East Boston Preparatory School |
0000DBDB | EastBostonPDExt | East Boston Police Department |
0000DBDD | USSConstitutionExt02 | USS Constitution |
0000DBDE | USSConstitutionExt03 | USS Constitution |
0000DBDF | BunkerHillExt03 | Bunker Hill |
0000DBE2 | CambridgeMonsignorPlazaExt | Monsignor Plaza |
0000DBFB | POIMilitaryMC02 | Military Checkpoint |
0000DC01 | DNPrimeBridge03 | DNPrime Bridge03 Location |
0000DCCC | POIRJ06 | |
0000DCE9 | LakeQuannapowittExt | Lake Quannapowitt |
0000DCEC | RelayOutpostZimonja | Outpost Zimonja |
0000DCF5 | POIAN01 | |
0000DCF7 | RoboticsDisposalExt | Robotics disposal ground |
0000DCF9 | POICC04 | |
0000DCFC | POIRJ03 | |
0000DD0A | LakeQuannapowittExt03 | Lake Quannapowitt |
0000DD0C | POIRJ10 | |
0000DD16 | POIMilitaryMC04 | Military Checkpoint |
0000DD1A | POIJeffB06 | |
0000DD1B | POICC06 | |
0000DD1D | POICC01 | |
0000DD2B | LakeQuannapowittExt05 | Lake Quannapowitt |
0000DD30 | POIMilitaryBB04 | Military Checkpoint |
0000DD36 | USAFSatelliteExt | USAF Satellite Station Olivia |
0000DD39 | POIJeffB01 | |
0000DD3D | SanctuaryExt08 | Sanctuary Hills |
0000DD3E | SanctuaryExt05 | Sanctuary Hills |
0000DD3F | SanctuaryExt02 | Sanctuary Hills |
0000DD40 | SanctuaryExt07 | Sanctuary Hills |
0000DD41 | Vault111Ext | Vault 111 |
0000DD4C | LakeQuannapowittExt08 | Lake Quannapowitt |
0000DD4F | POIRJ12 | |
0000DD52 | TenPinesBluff | Tenpines Bluff |
0000DD5A | POIJeffB05 | |
0000DD5C | POICC05 | |
0000DD5E | SanctuaryExt09 | Sanctuary Hills |
0000DD5F | SanctuaryExt06 | Sanctuary Hills |
0000DD60 | SanctuaryExt | Sanctuary Hills |
0000DD61 | SanctuaryExt03 | Sanctuary Hills |
0000DD63 | POIJoel07 | |
0000DD6D | GeneralAtomicsGalleriaExt05 | General Atomics Galleria |
0000DD76 | POIJS005 | |
0000DD78 | ThicketExcavationsExt04 | Thicket Excavations |
0000DD79 | ThicketExcavationsExt02 | Thicket Excavations |
0000DD7D | POICC02 | |
0000DD81 | SanctuaryExt04 | Sanctuary Hills |
0000DD82 | SanctuaryExt10 | Sanctuary Hills |
0000DD8F | SkylanesFlightExt03 | Skylanes Flight 1981 |
0000DD90 | SkylanesFlightExt02 | Skylanes Flight 1981 |
0000DD98 | ThicketExcavationsExt05 | Thicket Excavations |
0000DD99 | ThicketExcavationsExt | Thicket Excavations |
0000DD9A | ThicketExcavationsExt03 | Thicket Excavations |
0000DD9F | RedRocketExt | Red Rocket Truck Stop |
0000DDA0 | RedRocketExt02 | Red Rocket Truck Stop |
0000DDA4 | POIRJ01 | |
0000DDA6 | POICC09 | |
0000DDB0 | SkylanesFlightExt04 | Skylanes Flight 1981 |
0000DDB1 | SkylanesFlightExt | Skylanes Flight 1981 |
0000DDB3 | POIRJ07 | |
0000DDB7 | BedfordStationExt03 | Bedford Station |
0000DDBD | ConcordExt05 | Concord |
0000DDBE | ConcordExt03 | Concord |
0000DDBF | ConcordExt02 | Concord |
0000DDC0 | RedRocketCaveExt | Mole Rat Den |
0000DDC1 | POICC07 | Mole Rat Den |
0000DDD3 | WildwoodCemeteryExt04 | Wildwood Cemetery |
0000DDD4 | WildwoodCemeteryExt05 | Wildwood Cemetery |
0000DDD8 | BedfordStationExt02 | Bedford Station |
0000DDD9 | POIJS004 | |
0000DDDE | ConcordMuseumExt | Concord |
0000DDDF | ConcordExt | Concord |
0000DDE0 | ConcordUndergroundExt | Concord |
0000DDE4 | POIJS008 | |
0000DDE6 | RangerCabinExt | Ranger Cabin |
0000DDE8 | POIJS007 | |
0000DDF4 | WildwoodCemeteryExt | Wildwood Cemetery |
0000DDF5 | WildwoodCemeteryExt06 | Wildwood Cemetery |
0000DDF9 | BedfordStationExt | Bedford Station |
0000DDFF | ConcordMuseumExt02 | Concord |
0000DE00 | ConcordExt04 | Concord |
0000DE04 | AbernathyFarmExt | Abernathy farm |
0000DE05 | AbernathyFarmExt02 | Abernathy farm |
0000DE15 | WildwoodCemeteryExt03 | Wildwood Cemetery |
0000DE16 | WildwoodCemeteryExt02 | Wildwood Cemetery |
0000DE18 | RottenLandfillExt | Rotten Landfill |
0000DE1C | StarlightDriveInExt03 | Starlight Drive In |
0000DE1D | StarlightDriveInExt04 | Starlight Drive In |
0000DE26 | POIRJ05 | |
0000DE27 | WickedShippingExt | Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup |
0000DE29 | POIRJ04 | |
0000DE33 | POIJS025 | |
0000DE36 | POIJS020 | |
0000DE39 | RottenLandfillExt02 | Rotten Landfill |
0000DE3A | POIJS016 | |
0000DE3B | POIJS001 | |
0000DE3D | StarlightDriveInExt | Starlight Drive-In |
0000DE3E | StarlightDriveInExt02 | Starlight Drive-In |
0000DE41 | POIJeffB04 | |
0000DE42 | POIJeffB03 | |
0000DE43 | GorskiCabinExt | Gorski cabin |
0000DE54 | POIJS032 | |
0000DE58 | POIPowerArmor03 | |
0000DE5A | POIMilitaryRJ01 | Military Checkpoint |
0000DE5B | POIMilitaryRJ01b | Military Checkpoint |
0000DE5C | POIJS034 | |
0000DE61 | DrumlinDiner | Drumlin Diner |
0000DE64 | GorskiCabinExt02 | |
0000DE82 | POIJS019 | |
0000DE97 | CovenantExt02 | Covenant |
0000DE98 | CovenantExt | Covenant |
0000DE9B | CovenantHQExt | Covenant |
0000DE9C | MysticPinesExt | |
0000DEA4 | POIJS023 | |
0000DEA7 | WaldenPondExt | Walden Pond |
0000DEA8 | WaldenPondExt03 | Walden Pond |
0000DEBF | LexingtonExt | Lexington |
0000DEC0 | SuperDuperMartExt | Super Duper Mart |
0000DEC1 | SwitchboardExt | The Switchboard |
0000DEC3 | SwitchboardExt02 | The Switchboard |
0000DEC4 | POIMilitaryBB09 | Military Checkpoint |
0000DEC8 | WaldenPondExt04 | Walden Pond |
0000DEC9 | WaldenPondExt02 | Walden Pond |
0000DECA | WaldenPondExt05 | |
0000DEDF | LexingtonExt05 | Lexington |
0000DEE0 | LexingtonExt04 | Lexington |
0000DEE1 | LexingtonExt03 | Lexington |
0000DEE2 | LexingtonExt02 | Lexington |
0000DEE3 | RickysOverpass | Ricky Dalton's Overpass (RR102) |
0000DEE6 | RR102RickyPOIStart | |
0000DEE8 | POIJS011 | |
0000DEEA | POIJS031 | |
0000DEED | SunshineTidingsExt | Sunshine Tidings co-op |
0000DEEE | SunshineTidingsExt02 | Sunshine Tidings Co-op |
0000DEEF | POIJS009 | |
0000DEFB | POIJS030 | |
0000DF00 | LexingtonExt06 | Lexington |
0000DF01 | CorvegaAssemblyPlantExt02 | Corvega Assembly Plant |
0000DF02 | CorvegaAssemblyPlantExt | Corvega Assembly Plant |
0000DF03 | CorvegaAssemblyPlantExt06 | Corvega Assembly Plant |
0000DF06 | POIJS014 | |
0000DF07 | POIJS029 | |
0000DF09 | POIJS026 | |
0000DF0B | POIJS028 | |
0000DF0F | POIJS010 | |
0000DF11 | POIJS033 | |
0000DF1D | POIMilitaryBB06b | Military Checkpoint |
0000DF22 | CorvegaAssemblyPlantExt03 | Corvega Assembly Plant |
0000DF23 | CorvegaAssemblyPlantExt04 | Corvega Assembly Plant |
0000DF24 | CorvegaAssemblyPlantExt05 | Corvega Assembly Plant |
0000DF25 | CorvegaAssemblyPlantExt07 | Corvega Assembly Plant |
0000DF27 | POIJS013 | |
0000DF29 | POIJS015 | |
0000DF2F | POIJS021 | |
0000DF31 | FederalRationStockpileChurchExt | Federal Ration Stockpile |
0000DF3E | POIMilitaryBB06 | Military Checkpoint |
0000DF40 | MassGravelAndSandExt | Coolant Disposal Site |
0000DF47 | JalbertBrothersDisposalExt | Jalbert Brothers Disposal |
0000DF49 | RockyNarrowsParkExt | Rocky Narrows Park |
0000DF4C | POIJS022 | |
0000DF53 | POIJS012 | |
0000DF5E | WattzExt01 | Wattz Used Electronics |
0000DF67 | JalbertBrothersDisposalExt02 | Jalbert Brothers Disposal |
0000DF68 | JalbertBrothersDisposalExt03 | Jalbert Brothers Disposal |
0000DF6A | RockyNarrowsParkExt02 | Rocky Narrows Park |
0000DF6D | ArcJetSystemsExt02 | ArcJet Systems |
0000DF71 | FederalRationStockpileExt | Federal Ration Stockpile |
0000DF72 | FederalRationStockpileExt02 | Federal Ration Stockpile |
0000DF7E | ProspectParkExt02 | |
0000DF81 | CambridgeNorthExt | |
0000DF82 | SomervillePlace01 | |
0000DF83 | SomervillePlace02 | |
0000DF85 | CollegeSquareExt | College Square |
0000DF87 | POIMilitaryMC05 | Military Checkpoint |
0000DF89 | GraygardenExt | Graygarden |
0000DF8A | GraygardenHomesteadExt | |
0000DF8E | ArcjetSystemsExt | Arcjet Systems |
0000DF9F | ProspectHillExt | Prospect Hill |
0000DFA0 | MS04NorthyHideout | |
0000DFA5 | CollegeSquareExt03 | College Square |
0000DFA6 | CollegeSquareExt02 | College Square |
0000DFA9 | POIJS024 | |
0000DFB3 | POIJoel01 | |
0000DFC0 | CambridgeCraterExt02 | Cambridge Crater |
0000DFC3 | KendallHospitalExt | Kendall Hospital |
0000DFC6 | CambridgePDExt | Cambridge Police Station |
0000DFC7 | CambridgePDExt02 | Cambridge Police Station |
0000DFC8 | POIBoS101 | |
0000DFC9 | POIJS027 | |
0000DFE1 | CambridgeCraterExt | Cambridge Crater |
0000DFE9 | POIJS018 | |
0000DFEA | BeantownBreweryExt04 | Beantown Brewery |
0000DFEB | BeantownBreweryExt03 | Beantown Brewery |
0000DFF7 | RelayTower04Ext | |
0000E012 | NordhagenBeach | Nordhagen Beach |
0000E016 | BostonAirportExt02 | Boston Airport |
0000E019 | OldNorthChurchExt | Railroad HQ |
0000E01A | PickmanGalleryExt | Pickman Gallery |
0000E01B | NorthEndGraveyardEXT | North End Graveyard |
0000E01C | CabotHouseExt | Cabot House |
0000E01F | TiconderogaStationExt | Ticonderoga |
0000E02F | FortStrongExt | Fort Strong |
0000E033 | BostonAirportExt03 | Boston Airport |
0000E034 | BostonAirportExt | Boston Airport |
0000E035 | BostonAirportExt01 | Boston Airport |
0000E036 | BostonAirportExt16 | Boston Airport |
0000E037 | NorthEndPOI02Ext | Old North Church |
0000E039 | USSConstitutionPostExt | USS Constitution |
0000E03B | BeaconHillBostonBugleExt | The Boston Bugle |
0000E03C | BeaconHillApartmentsExt02 | Beacon Hill Apartments |
0000E03D | BeaconHillApartmentsExt01 | Beacon Hill Apartments |
0000E04E | FortStrongExt02 | Fort Strong |
0000E050 | BostonAirportExt08 | Boston Airport |
0000E051 | BostonAirportExt07 | Boston Airport |
0000E052 | BostonAirportExt06 | Boston Airport |
0000E053 | BostonAirportExt05 | Boston Airport |
0000E054 | BostonAirportExt04 | Boston Airport |
0000E056 | WaterfrontExtN | Custom House |
0000E057 | Financial18Ext | |
0000E058 | FaneuilHallExt | Faneuil Hall |
0000E059 | MassFusionExt02 | Mass Fusion Building |
0000E05A | MassFusionExt | Mass Fusion Building |
0000E05B | BeaconHillPlaygroundExt | |
0000E05C | BeaconHillApartmentsExt03 | Beacon Hill Apartments |
0000E05D | CharlesViewAmphitheaterExt02 | Charles View Amphitheater |
0000E06C | FortStrongExt04 | Fort Strong |
0000E06D | FortStrongExt03 | Fort Strong |
0000E06F | BostonAirportExt13 | Boston Airport |
0000E070 | BostonAirportExt12 | Boston Airport |
0000E071 | BostonAirportExt11 | Boston Airport |
0000E072 | BostonAirportExt10 | Boston Airport |
0000E073 | BostonAirportExt09 | Boston Airport |
0000E075 | CustomHouseTowerExt | USS Constitution |
0000E076 | Financial21Ext | |
0000E078 | GoodneighborExt03 | Goodneighbor |
0000E079 | GoodneighborExt | Goodneighbor |
0000E07A | VaultTecOfficeExt02 | Vault-Tec Offices |
0000E07B | VaultTecOfficeExt01 | West Everett Estates |
0000E07C | CharlesViewAmphitheaterExt | Charles View Amphitheater |
0000E08B | FortStrongExt06 | Fort Strong |
0000E08C | FortStrongExt05 | Fort Strong |
0000E090 | BostonAirportExt15 | Boston Airport |
0000E091 | BostonAirportExt14 | Boston Airport |
0000E095 | Financial22Ext | |
0000E096 | FinancialPostalSquare | |
0000E097 | GoodneighborExt02 | Goodneighbor |
0000E099 | Vault114Ext | Vault 114 |
0000E09A | BostonCommonExt | |
0000E09B | HalluciGenExt | HalluciGen, Inc. |
0000E0AA | FortStrongExt07 | Fort Strong |
0000E0B3 | WaterfrontExtE | |
0000E0B4 | ShamrockTaphouseExt | The Shamrock Taphouse |
0000E0B6 | TheaterHub360Ext | Hub 360 |
0000E0B8 | BostonCommonExt03 | |
0000E0B9 | SwansPondExt | Swan's Pond |
0000E0BA | HubrisComicsExt | Hubris Comics |
0000E0D1 | YangtzeExt | Yangtze |
0000E0D5 | CrossRoadsExt01 | |
0000E0D7 | CombatZoneExt | Combat Zone |
0000E0D8 | BostonCommonExt02 | |
0000E0F3 | WaterfrontExtS | |
0000E0F5 | MassBayMedicalCenterExt | |
0000E0F6 | TheaterDistrictExt02 | The Common |
0000E0F7 | BostonCommonExt04 | |
0000E110 | FourLeafFishpackingExt02 | Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant |
0000E111 | FourLeafFishpackingExt03 | Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant |
0000E113 | HestersRoboticsExt | Hester's Consumer Robotics |
0000E115 | DBTechHighschoolExt | D.B. Technical High School |
0000E116 | BackBayCarDealershipExt | |
0000E117 | AtomatoysCorporateHQExt | Wilson Atomatoys Corporate HQ |
0000E12E | GeneralAtomicsFactoryExt | General Atomics Factory |
0000E12F | FourLeafFishpackingExt04 | Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant |
0000E130 | FourLeafFishpackingExt | Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant |
0000E133 | TheaterSE | |
0000E135 | TheaterDistrictS | |
0000E14E | GeneralAtomicsFactoryExt02 | |
0000E150 | SouthBostonExtN | |
0000E155 | BackBayCraterExt | |
0000E169 | TheCastleExt08 | The Castle |
0000E16A | TheCastleExt03 | The Castle |
0000E16B | IvansExt | Sullivan's |
0000E16C | SouthBostonExtE | General Atomics Factory |
0000E16E | GwinnettBreweryExt02 | Gwinnett Brewery |
0000E16F | SouthBostonPDExt | South Boston Police Department |
0000E170 | AndrewStationExt | Andrew Station |
0000E174 | BigJohnsSalvageExt02 | Big John's Salvage |
0000E188 | TheCastleExt02 | The Castle |
0000E189 | TheCastleExt | The Castle |
0000E18A | TheCastleExt04 | The Castle |
0000E18D | GwinnettBreweryExt | Gwinnett Brewery |
0000E18E | SouthBostonExtW | |
0000E190 | POISC10 | |
0000E191 | SouthBostonCheckpointExt | South Boston Military Checkpoint |
0000E193 | BigJohnsSalvageExt | Big John's Salvage |
0000E1A7 | TheCastleExt07 | The Castle |
0000E1A8 | TheCastleExt06 | The Castle |
0000E1A9 | TheCastleExt05 | The Castle |
0000E1AB | SouthBostonExtS | |
0000E1AE | BobbisNewPlaceExt | Bobbi's Place |
0000E1B0 | POISC09 | |
0000E1BF | SpectacleIslandExt04 | Spectacle Island |
0000E1C0 | SpectacleIslandExt03 | Spectacle Island |
0000E1C1 | SpectacleIslandExt02 | Spectacle Island |
0000E1C2 | SpectacleIslandExt | Spectacle Island |
0000E1C7 | SpectacleIslandPOIExt02 | Spectacle Island |
0000E1C8 | SpectacleIslandPOIExt | Spectacle Island |
0000E1CC | UniversityPointExt05 | University Point |
0000E1CD | UniversityPointExt03 | University Point |
0000E1CE | UniversityPointExt | University Point |
0000E1D0 | POISC13 | |
0000E1DE | SpectacleIslandExt08 | Spectacle Island |
0000E1DF | SpectacleIslandExt07 | Spectacle Island |
0000E1E0 | SpectacleIslandExt06 | Spectacle Island |
0000E1E1 | SpectacleIslandExt05 | Spectacle Island |
0000E1EB | UniversityPointExt06 | University Point |
0000E1EC | UniversityPointExt04 | University Point |
0000E1ED | UniversityPointExt02 | University Point |
0000E1EE | JamaicaPlainExt | Jamaica Plain |
0000E1EF | JamaicaPlainExt02 | Jamaica Plain |
0000E1F0 | JamaicaPlainExt03 | Jamaica Plain |
0000E1FD | SpectacleIslandExt11 | Spectacle Island |
0000E1FE | SpectacleIslandExt10 | Spectacle Island |
0000E1FF | SpectacleIslandExt09 | Spectacle Island |
0000E20D | JamaicaPlainExt04 | Jamaica Plain |
0000E20E | JamaicaPlainExt05 | Jamaica Plain |
0000E20F | JamaicaPlainExt06 | Jamaica Plain |
0000E21B | SpectacleIslandExt18 | Spectacle Island |
0000E21C | SpectacleIslandExt14 | Spectacle Island |
0000E21D | SpectacleIslandExt13 | Spectacle Island |
0000E21E | SpectacleIslandExt12 | Spectacle Island |
0000E226 | AtomCatsGarageExt01 | Atom Cats Garage |
0000E228 | POIMilitaryBB01 | Military Checkpoint |
0000E22A | BillysFridge | |
0000E22B | POIMilitaryBB08 | Military Checkpoint |
0000E22C | JamaicaPlainExt07 | Jamaica Plain |
0000E22D | JamaicaPlainExt08 | Jamaica Plain |
0000E22E | JamaicaPlainExt09 | Jamaica Plain |
0000E23B | SpectacleIslandExt17 | Spectacle Island |
0000E23C | SpectacleIslandExt16 | Spectacle Island |
0000E23D | SpectacleIslandExt15 | Spectacle Island |
0000E240 | WarwickHomesteadExt03 | Warwick Homestead |
0000E245 | AtomCatsGarageExt02 | Atom Cats Garage |
0000E246 | AtomCatsGarageExt | Atom Cats Garage |
0000E248 | NeponsetParkext04 | Neponset Park |
0000E249 | NeponsetParkExt | Neponset Park |
0000E24A | NeponsetParkExt03 | Neponset Park |
0000E24C | HydeParkExt03 | Hyde Park |
0000E24D | HydeParkExt04 | Hyde Park |
0000E25E | POISC18 | |
0000E25F | WarwickHomesteadExt | Warwick Homestead |
0000E260 | WarwickHomesteadExt02 | Warwick Homestead |
0000E264 | POISC11 | |
0000E268 | NeponsetParkExt02 | Neponset Park |
0000E26B | HydeParkExt02 | Hyde Park |
0000E26C | HydeParkExt | Hyde Park |
0000E285 | QuincyRuinsExt | Quincy Ruins |
0000E288 | QuincyQuarriesExt05 | Quincy Quarry |
0000E289 | QuincyQuarriesExt03 | Quincy Quarry |
0000E28A | QuincyQuarriesExt04 | Quincy Quarry |
0000E29C | WreckoftheFMSNorthernStarExt02 | Wreck of The FMS Northern Star |
0000E29D | WreckoftheFMSNorthernStarExt01 | Wreck of The FMS Northern Star |
0000E29E | WreckofTheFMSNorthernStarExt | Wreck of The FMS Northern Star |
0000E2A0 | POISC05 | |
0000E2A4 | QuincyRuinsExt03 | Quincy Ruins |
0000E2A5 | QuincyRuinsExt02 | Quincy Ruins |
0000E2A8 | QuincyQuarriesExt02 | Quincy Quarry |
0000E2A9 | QuincyQuarriesExt | Quincy Quarry |
0000E2AA | SuffolkCountyCharterSchoolExt02 | Suffolk County Charter School |
0000E2C0 | PoseidonEnergyExt02 | Poseidon Energy |
0000E2C1 | PoseidonEnergyExt | Poseidon Energy |
0000E2C3 | QuincyRuinsExt05 | Quincy Ruins |
0000E2C4 | QuincyRuinsExt04 | Quincy Ruins |
0000E2C5 | AtomatoysFactoryExt | Wilson Atomatoys Factory |
0000E2C6 | AtomatoysFactoryExt04 | Wilson Atomatoys Factory |
0000E2C8 | POISC12 | |
0000E2DD | POISC07 | |
0000E2DF | PoseidonEnergyExt03 | Poseidon Energy |
0000E2E0 | PoseidonEnergyExt04 | Poseidon Energy |
0000E2E1 | BillysHouseExt | Billy's House |
0000E2E2 | QuincyRuinsExt07 | Quincy Ruins |
0000E2E3 | QuincyRuinsExt06 | Quincy Ruins |
0000E2E4 | AtomatoysFactoryExt02 | Wilson Atomatoys Factory |
0000E2E5 | AtomatoysFactoryExt03 | Wilson Atomatoys Factory |
0000E2FD | POISC01 | |
0000E303 | POISC03 | |
0000E307 | POIBryanB01 | Murkwater construction site |
0000E401 | GreenetechGeneticsExt | Greenetech Genetics |
0000E405 | InstituteExt03 | The Institute |
0000E407 | FraternalPost115Ext | Fraternal Post 115 |
0000E40A | BeantownBreweryExt | Beantown Brewery |
0000E40B | BeantownBreweryExt02 | Beantown Brewery |
0000E421 | CambridgeCampKendallExt | Camp Kendall |
0000E425 | InstituteExt | The Institute |
0000E426 | InstituteExt04 | The Institute |
0000E428 | CambridgePolymerLabsExt | Cambridge Polymer Labs |
0000E430 | WestonWaterTreatmentExt | Weston Water Treatment Plant |
0000E431 | WestonWaterTreatmentExt02 | Weston Water Treatment Plant |
0000E434 | FiddlersGreenExt | Fiddler's Green |
0000E436 | VFTFarBeaconExt | |
0000E43A | FortHagenSatelliteArrayExt | Fort Hagen Satellite Array |
0000E445 | Riverext01 | |
0000E448 | USSRiptideExt02 | |
0000E44C | UFOcrashSite | |
0000E44E | OberlandStation | Oberland Station |
0000E457 | FortHagenExt02 | Fort Hagen |
0000E458 | FortHagenExt | Fort Hagen |
0000E468 | USSRiptideExt | Wreck of the USS Riptide |
0000E470 | RelayTower05Ext | Relay Tower 1DL-109 |
0000E474 | POIJoel04 | |
0000E479 | GreaterMassBloodClinicExt | Greater Mass Blood Clinic |
0000E487 | BackStreetApparelExt | Back Street Apparel |
0000E488 | MS13LatimerAmbush | |
0000E493 | ForestGroveMarshExt03 | Forest Grove Marsh |
0000E494 | ForestGroveMarshExt06 | Forest Grove Marsh |
0000E499 | MQ106TrackingSite05 | |
0000E49A | GreaterMassBloodClinicExt02 | Greater Mass Blood Clinic |
0000E49D | BostonMayoralShelterExt | Boston Mayoral Shelter |
0000E4A5 | TrinityPlazaExt | |
0000E4A8 | FensBankExt | First National Bank |
0000E4AA | FensRaiderCampExt02 | Hangman's Alley |
0000E4AB | FensRaiderCampExt | Hangman's Alley |
0000E4B1 | MQ106TrackingSite03 | |
0000E4B4 | ForestGroveMarshExt02 | Forest Grove Marsh |
0000E4B5 | ForestGroveMarshExt05 | Forest Grove Marsh |
0000E4BB | POIMilitaryMC07 | Military Checkpoint |
0000E4C6 | TrinityTowerExt | Trinity Tower |
0000E4C7 | BostonPublicLibraryExt | Boston Public Library |
0000E4C8 | FensIntersection01 | Fens Intersection |
0000E4CB | FensBrookelineBuildingExt | |
0000E4CD | ChestnutHillockReservoirExt03 | Chestnut Hillock Reservoir |
0000E4CE | ChestnutHillockReservoirExt02 | Chestnut Hillock Reservoir |
0000E4D0 | Vault81Ext | Vault 81 |
0000E4D5 | ForestGroveMarshExt | Forest Grove Marsh |
0000E4D6 | ForestGroveMarshExt04 | Forest Grove Marsh |
0000E4D7 | MQ106TrackingSite04 | |
0000E4E7 | BackBayFence01 | Trinity Tower |
0000E4EC | FensStreetSewerExt | Diamond City |
0000E4ED | FensSquare | Parkview Lounge |
0000E4EE | ChestnutHillockReservoirExt04 | Chestnut Hillock Reservoir |
0000E4EF | ChestnutHillockReservoirExt | Chestnut Hillock Reservoir |
0000E4FA | POIMilitaryMC01 | Military Checkpoint |
0000E4FB | POIMilitaryMC01b | Military Checkpoint |
0000E508 | LaytonTowersExt | Layton Towers |
0000E50B | DiamondCityExt03 | Diamond City |
0000E50C | DiamondCityExt | Diamond City |
0000E50D | DiamondCityExt01 | Diamond City |
0000E50E | FensParkviewApartmentsExt | |
0000E510 | MassPikeTunnelWestExt | Mass Pike Tunnel |
0000E519 | MassPikeInterchangeExt | Mass Pike Interchange |
0000E51A | MassPikeInterchangeExt05 | Mass Pike Interchange |
0000E52B | MassPikeTunnelEastExt | Mass Pike Tunnel |
0000E52D | FensEvansWayCuldeSac | Evans Way Cul-de-Sac |
0000E52F | HardwareTownExt | Hardware Town |
0000E530 | HardwareTownExt02 | Hardware Town |
0000E533 | MQ106TrackingSite02 | |
0000E53A | MassPikeInterchangeExt03 | Mass Pike Interchange |
0000E53B | MassPikeInterchangeExt02 | Mass Pike Interchange |
0000E53F | PoseidonReservoirExt | Poseidon Reservoir |
0000E54C | NHMFreightDepotExt | NH&M Freight Depot |
0000E54E | BostonPoliceRationingSiteExt02 | Boston Police Rationing Site |
0000E54F | BostonPoliceRationingSiteExt | Boston Police Rationing Site |
0000E550 | MQ106TrackingSite01 | |
0000E55B | MassPikeInterchangeExt04 | Mass Pike Interchange |
0000E55C | MassPikeInterchangeExt06 | Mass Pike Interchange |
0000E55E | LakeCochituateExt | Lake Cochituate |
0000E55F | LakeCochituateExt02 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E560 | RoadsidePinesMotelExt | Roadside Pines Motel |
0000E561 | RoadsidePinesMotelExt04 | Roadside Pines Motel |
0000E56B | BigJohnsSalvageExt04 | Big John's Salvage |
0000E56C | POISC15 | |
0000E570 | POISC08 | |
0000E577 | WestingEstateExt | Westing Estate |
0000E57D | LakeCochituateExt05 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E57E | LakeCochituateExt04 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E57F | LakeCochituateExt03 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E581 | RoadsidePinesMotelExt02 | Roadside Pines Motel |
0000E582 | RoadsidePinesMotelExt03 | Roadside Pines Motel |
0000E58C | BigJohnsSalvageExt03 | Big John's Salvage |
0000E58E | RelayTower03Ext | |
0000E58F | POISC21 | |
0000E591 | POISC06 | |
0000E59B | POIJoel08 | |
0000E59E | LakeCochituateExt06 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E59F | LakeCochituateExt07 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E5A0 | LakeCochituateExt08 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E5A1 | NatickBanksExt | Natick Banks |
0000E5A2 | NatickBanksExt02 | Natick Banks |
0000E5B1 | FairlineHillEstatesExt | Fairline Hill Estates |
0000E5B5 | CoastGuardPierExt | Coast Guard Pier |
0000E5B6 | CoastGuardPierExt02 | Coast Guard Pier |
0000E5C0 | LakeCochituateExt09 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E5C1 | LakeCochituateExt10 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E5C6 | NatickPowerPlantExt | |
0000E5C7 | NatickSubstation | |
0000E5CE | POIMilitaryBB02 | Military Checkpoint |
0000E5D4 | POISC20 | |
0000E5D7 | CoastGuardPierExt03 | Coast Guard Pier |
0000E5D8 | WRVRBroadcastCenterExt | WRVR |
0000E5DD | POIJoel06 | |
0000E5DF | MassFusionDisposalExt | Coolant Disposal Site |
0000E5E0 | MassFusionDisposalExt02 | Coolant Disposal Site |
0000E5E1 | LakeCochituateExt12 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E5E2 | LakeCochituateExt11 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E5F1 | MiltonGeneralExt | Milton General Hospital |
0000E5F2 | WestRoxburyStationExt | West Roxbury station |
0000E601 | LakeCochituateExt13 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E603 | LakeCochituateExt16 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E604 | POIMilitaryMC06 | Military Checkpoint |
0000E610 | POISC04 | |
0000E611 | ShawHighSchoolExt | Shaw High School |
0000E612 | WestRoxburyStationExt02 | West Roxbury Station |
0000E613 | FallonsDepartmentStoreExt | Fallon's department store |
0000E614 | FallonsDepartmentStoreExt02 | Fallon's department store |
0000E616 | POISC14 | |
0000E618 | EgretToursMarinaExt | Egret Tours Marina |
0000E619 | EgretToursMarinaExt02 | Egret Tours Marina |
0000E61C | RoboticsPioneerParkExt02 | Robotics Pioneer Park |
0000E622 | LakeCochituateExt14 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E623 | LakeCochituateExt15 | Lake Cochituate |
0000E631 | POISC02 | |
0000E63E | RoboticsPioneerParkExt | Robotics Pioneer Park |
0000E652 | HydeParkExt05 | Hyde Park |
0000E654 | POISC16 | |
0000E658 | CutlerBendExt | Cutler Bend |
0000E659 | CutlerBendExt03 | Cutler Bend |
0000E65D | ScrapPalaceExt | Scrap Palace |
0000E65E | ScrapPalaceExt04 | Scrap Palace |
0000E65F | RoboticsPioneerParkExt03 | Robotics Pioneer Park |
0000E673 | HydeParkExt06 | Hyde Park |
0000E676 | GNNExt | GNN |
0000E677 | GNNExt02 | GNN |
0000E679 | CutlerBendExt07 | Cutler Bend |
0000E67A | CutlerBendExt02 | Cutler Bend |
0000E67B | CutlerBendExt04 | Cutler Bend |
0000E67E | ScrapPalaceExt02 | Scrap Palace |
0000E67F | ScrapPalaceExt03 | Scrap Palace |
0000E68A | GlowingSeaPOIJS01 | |
0000E694 | HydeParkExt07 | Hyde Park |
0000E697 | GNNExt04 | GNN |
0000E698 | GNNExt03 | GNN |
0000E699 | GNNExt06 | GNN |
0000E69C | CutlerBendExt05 | Cutler Bend |
0000E6A2 | GlowingSeaOutpost | |
0000E6B5 | SuffolkCountyCharterSchoolExt | Suffolk County Charter School |
0000E6B6 | POISC19 | |
0000E6B9 | GNNExt05 | GNN |
0000E6BD | CutlerBendExt06 | Cutler Bend |
0000E6CF | FederalSurveillanceCenterExt | Federal Surveillance Center |
0000E6E0 | POIJS037 | |
0000E6E2 | Vault95Ext | Vault 95 |
0000E6E3 | Vault95Ext02 | Vault 95 |
0000E6E9 | GlowingSeaPOIJB01c | |
0000E6EA | GlowingSeaPOIDB05 | |
0000E6F4 | GlowingSeaPOIJB05 | |
0000E6F8 | POIJS038 | |
0000E6FA | POIJoel02 | Fairline Hill Estates |
0000E700 | Farm05Ext | Somerville Place |
0000E70A | GlowingSeaPOIJB01a | |
0000E70B | GlowingSeaPOIJB01b | |
0000E719 | POIMilitaryBB05 | Military Checkpoint |
0000E71E | POIJS036 | |
0000E72A | GlowingSeaPOIDB03 | |
0000E72D | GlowingSeaPOIJB04a | |
0000E72E | GlowingSeaPOIJB04d | |
0000E730 | GlowingSeaPOIJS02 | |
0000E73A | POIJoel03 | |
0000E748 | GlowingSeaPOIDB02 | Hopesmarch Pentecostal Church |
0000E74E | GlowingSeaPOIJB04c | |
0000E74F | GlowingSeaPOIJB04b | |
0000E752 | SWCorner | |
0000E76F | GlowingSeaPOIDB04 | |
0000E78B | GlowingSeaPOIJB06 | |
0000E78E | GlowingSeaPOIDB09 | |
0000E798 | GlowingSeaPOIRJ03 | |
0000E7AA | RelayTower06Ext | |
0000E7B5 | GlowingSeaCrater04 | Atom's Glow |
0000E7CF | GlowingSeaPOIJB02 | Distress Signal Cave |
0000E7D5 | GlowingSeaCrater02 | Atom's Glow |
0000E7D6 | GlowingSeaCrater | |
0000E7D7 | GlowingSeaCrater03 | Atom's Glow |
0000E7DB | GlowingSeaPOIDB08 | |
0000E7F9 | GlowingSeaPOIRJ01 | Decrepit factory |
0000E81F | GlowingSeaPOIDB01 | Skylanes Flight 1665 |
0000E828 | GlowingSeaPOIJB03 | O'Neill Family Manufacturing |
0000E82F | GlowingSeaPOIDB06 | |
0000E832 | GlowingSeaPOIDB07 | |
0000E836 | GlowingSeaPOIRJ02A | |
0000F6B5 | POIMilitaryMC02b | Military Checkpoint |
00013CF0 | GlowingSeaPOIRJ02B | |
00013D13 | VirgilsLabExt | Rocky cave |
00013D2B | GlowingSeaSentinelSiteExt | Sentinel site |
00054BE9 | GoodneighborOrigin | |
00054BEA | GoodneighborAlleys | Goodneighbor |
00054BF0 | GoodneighborInteriorGate | Goodneighbor |
000A8003 | VertibirdAStart | |
000A801D | PrewarSanctuaryExt01 | |
000A801E | PrewarPlayerHouse01 | |
000A8030 | CGPrewarNukeControlMarkerCell | |
000A8031 | PrewarVault111Ext | |
001256F9 | CGPrewarNukeFXLocationCell |
Automatron cells[]
Cell ID | Editor ID | Cell name |
xx0044DF | DLC01FortHagenSatelliteArray01 | Fort Hagen hangar |
xx000000 | DLC01LairExt | |
xx0008A3 | DLC01Lair01 | The Mechanist's lair |
xx0008A2 | DLC01LairHoldingCell | DLC01 Holding Cell |
xx004BBC | PackInDLC01MechDoorGroup01StorageCell | |
xx004BBB | PackInDLC01MechDoorGroup02StorageCell | |
xx004BBA | PackInDLC01MechDoorGroup03StorageCell | |
xx004BB9 | PackInDLC01MechDoorGroup04StorageCell | |
xx004BB8 | PackInDLC01MechDoorGroup05StorageCell | |
xx004BB7 | PackInDLC01MechDoorGroup06StorageCell | |
xx004BB6 | PackInDLC01MechDoorGroup07StorageCell | |
xx000000 | DLC01Caravan | |
xx000F31 | DLC06VaultWorkshop | Vault 88 |
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Far Harbor cells[]
Cell ID | Editor ID | Cell name | |
xx000B81 | AcadiaObservatoryExt | Acadia | |
xx000B80 | AcadiaObservatoryExt02 | ||
xx000B75 | AcadiaObservatoryExt03 | ||
xx000B76 | AcadiaObservatoryExt04 | ||
xx000C96 | AlderseaDaySpaExt | Aldersea Day Spa | |
xx000D63 | AtomsSpringExt | Atom's Spring | |
xx000C07 | BarHarborMuseumExt | Far Harbor | |
xx000BEF | BeaverCreekLanesExt | Beaver Creek Lanes | |
xx000D01 | BrookesHeadLighthouseExt | DLC03BrookesHeadLighthouseLocation | |
xx000D1C | BrookesHeadLighthouseExt02 | Brooke's Head Lighthouse | |
xx000BCD | BrookesHeadLighthouseExt03 | ||
xx000BD0 | BrookesHeadLighthouseExt04 | ||
xx000C30 | CliffsEdgeHotelExt | Cliff's Edge Hotel | |
xx000C2F | CliffsEdgeHotelExt02 | ||
xx000C1E | CliffsEdgeHotelExt03 | ||
xx002211 | DLC03CommonwealthMapMarker | ||
xx000BCA | DLC03CoplandsHideoutExt | Copland's hideout | |
xx000CB0 | DLC03DaltonFarmExt | Dalton farm | |
xx000CCD | DLC03DaltonFarmExt02 | ||
xx000CAF | DLC03DaltonFarmExt03 | ||
xx000CCC | DLC03DaltonFarmExt04 | ||
xx000C43 | DLC03MQ06DigSiteExt | DiMA's cache | |
xx001AF7 | NationalParkVisitorsCenterExt | National Park visitor's center | |
xx000CE2 | VimPopFactoryExt | Vim! Pop factory |
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Nuka-World cells[]
Cell ID | Editor ID | Cell name |
xx0030CA | BottlingPlantExt | Bottling plant (exterior) |
xx01951F | DLC04Nukacade1 | Nuka-Cade Interior |
xx003115 | DLC04ColaCarsExt | Cola-Cars Arena Entrance (exterior) |
xx003215 | DLC04GalacticZoneExt | Galactic Zone (exterior) |
xx003153 | NukaWorldNukaTownUSA07 | Fizztop Grille Restaurant (upper floor exterior) |
xx003005 | DLC04NukaWorldWorkshop | Nuka-World Red Rocket |
xx054389 | NukaTownMarket02 | Nuka-Town Market |
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