Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Object modifiers (or OMODs) are modifications applied to a base item. These include regular weapon and armor mods, such as sturdy or heavy armor piece variants, Legendary armor and weapon effects, and so forth.

Some of these modifiers are attached in-game, such as when a Legendary item is found, or when an armor mod is attached at a armor workbench. However, many of these modifiers can only be added or removed via the console.

A single item can have a variety of slots available. These slots are known as "attachment points". For instance, armor items commonly support a Legendary effect, a material mod, a misc mod and a size variant. However, only one mod can be attached to a given slot, so attaching a new mod to an already occupied slot will replace the current one.

Complete lists[]

The complete list of mods is too large to fit on one page, therefore it is split into four parts, based on the OMOD form types:

Console commands[]

Types of mods[]

In Fallout 4 there are multiple types of mods: "physical", "virtual" and a mix of the two — "legendary". "Physical" mods are objects that can be spawned and then used to modify item through the workbench, like 00186C75, which is a suppressor for a combat shotgun. IDs of "physical" mods can be found from within the game, with help suppressor 4 omod or the like. "Virtual" mods have no physical manifestation (until they are attached to items and become "physical") and most likely are the basis for "physical" mods. The only source of IDs of "virtual" mods are this page for weapons and this page for armor. "Legendary" mods have no physical manifestation in the game and behave like "enchantments" from D&D games, but can be found with help <matchstring> <filter> <form_type>, and complete lists can be found at this page for weapons and this page for armor.

Note that you can't attach mod to a newly spawned non-"standard" armor — first you must spawn "standard" armor and manually make it "sturdy"/"heavy" by attaching "size" mod.

Attaching/removing mods from a targeted item[]

The command attachMod <modID> (or amod <modID> for short) can be used to attach a modifier to an item. To completely remove a modifier, execute the command removeMod <modID> (or rmod <modID>).

The most common way of using those commands is:

  1. Find the item in your inventory and drop it on the ground.
  2. While looking at the item on the ground bring up your console (~ key on PC):
    1. "Target" the item by clicking on it.
    2. Input either amod [modID] or rmod [modID] (e.g., amod 0018400B to turn metal chest plate into "heavy" variant).
  3. Hide console with same key you brought it up.

In case it's impossible to target an item on the ground with a cursor:

  1. Pick the item by holding the action key (E on PC). This is the same thing you would do to drag the item around in-game and place it somewhere else.
  2. Bring up your console (~ key on PC):
    1. Input getPlayerGrabbedRef, to see refID of the item you're holding in the air.
    2. Input either refID.amod [modID] or refID.rmod [modID] (e.g., 000536C4.amod 0018400B to turn metal chest plate into "heavy" variant).
  3. Hide console with same key you brought it up.

Attaching/removing mods to item in inventory[]

The native Papyrus function ObjectReference.AttachModToInventoryItem <BaseID> <modID> allows you to attach a mod to a single item within the inventory of an object (such as the player, an NPC, or a container). This function can be called via the console command refID.CallFunction <function> <parameters> (or refID.cf <function> <parameters>). A complementary function ObjectReference.RemoveModFromInventoryItem <BaseID> <modID> can be used to remove mod from the item in inventory.


cf "ObjectReference.AttachModToInventoryItem" 000536C4 0018400B will attach the mod 0018400B (heavy armor) to the base item 000536C4 (metal chest piece) in the target's inventory. You could use this after addItem 000536C4 1 to guarantee that at least one metal chest piece in the target's inventory will be of the heavy variant.


  • This function will only modify the first instance of an inventory item. So if there are multiple items with the same base ID, such as multiple metal chest pieces, only one will be modified.
  • It is advisable to never apply effects to equipped items. The recommended procedure is to add an item to the inventory, attach the mod, then equip it. The reason is that certain mods impart player perks when equipped, such as legendary armor mods that increase a player stat. For example, 001CF57E will add +2 Luck to Armor when equipped. If the item is already equipped, and you attach +2 Luck, it will not increase Luck. However, when you unequip this item that failed to apply +2 Luck, the unequip event will still permanently apply -2 luck.